The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1589: Capture the first planet of the Mozu

It’s getting hotter and hotter this day!


"Two elders!" A Lijia monk suddenly said to Lieburn: "You were originally the second elder of our family. Now the ancestors, the patriarchs and the elders have already died, you are the patriarch of the Li family."

Speaking of it, I wandered around and said, "Are you right?"


After the monk’s monk was only slightly stunned, he immediately responded, and hopes reappeared on one face and shouted loudly.

Xu Ziyan quietly watched and saw that things were approaching Xu’s plan, and his eyes were faintly smiling.

"See the patriarch!" The monk of the family collapsed and shouted neatly.

Li Ben’s face showed excitement, his hands vainly said: “Let everyone please.”

"Xie patriarch!" The people worshiped again in the air, and then they stood up.

Li Ben’s eyes swept through the people of Lijia, and Hong Sheng said: “Everyone, I decided to bring you to Xu’s family. Can you disagree?”

"No!" The monks of the family did not hesitate, and immediately answered in unison.

Li Ben immediately turned around and fell to the cloud, and bowed to Xu Ziyan: "The Holy Family, the Li family is willing to return to the Xu family, and eternal life."

Xu Ziyan reached out and said: "We were originally a family, and belonged to the Terran. After you attached the Xu family, you will get the same treatment as the handsome."

"Xie Shengzu!" Li Ben worshipped.

"Xie Shengzu!" The monks of the Lijia League also neatly bowed.

The monk of the whole family is a little dumbfounded, and the Li family has already been attached to the Xu family. What should I do? Do not say that the family will retaliate against themselves. It is the Mozu, the four super families and the Tianzhu League will not let go of themselves. The eyes of the people looked around and soon gathered on the five elders.

At this time, the full family died from the four elders, and now the five elders are the oldest monks who are full of qualifications. He saw the eyes of everyone looking at him. With an expectation in his eyes, he also knew that he could not hesitate, and hesitated, waiting for the family to have no way to go.

The five elders immediately made the decision. Get out of the crowd, turn over and stumble in the clouds and talk to Xu Ziyan:

"The slam leads the family to be willing to return to the Xu family. See the Holy Father!"

"Seeing the Holy Father, I am willing to return!" The monks of the whole family also fell in the air.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Let everyone please, Xu family welcomes you."

"Xie Shengzu!" The whole family worshipped in the air and stood up.

Xu Ziyan looked at the surrounding Xinghai Tus, and his heart relaxed. Nowadays, with the help of the Manjiali family war, the majority of the indigenous people of the Xinghai are regained, and only a small part of the indigenous people belonging to the semi-devil and the Mozu. After passing this incident, there will be more dependent demons and semi-magic monks coming to the scene. Recovered the entire Xinghai indigenous. It can be said that it has already taken advantage in the Xinghai.

"Everyone..." The voice of Xu Ziyan became serious, and the Liberal Alliance and the Aboriginal people of the Manchu Alliance were also serious. They don't know Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan's prestige in Xinghai has made them fear, especially nowadays, when they are in a lonely moment, how can they not bow their heads? Xu Ziyan, who looked at the air quietly, had a hint of fear in her eyes. A trace of fear.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of the war between the two sides?"

Do you still think about it? The consequences are now out. If there is no purple smoke, they may become the cannon fodder of the Mozu, or be destroyed by the Mozu. I remembered the relatives and friends who had just died, and the faces of each one showed a sigh of color.

Xu Ziyan’s voice continued to float in the air: “Have you ever thought that if you didn’t have this family battle, would you give the Mozu a chance to force you this time?”

"Yeah!" The monks of the Lijia and Manjia Alliance thought at this moment: "If we don't have a family war, where do we die so many people, where will the Mozu be forced to do so? The patriarch was What do you think? Why is he doing it? Is it because he can become the ally of the Xinghai Tus? For the sake of his own interests, we are desperate for our lives!"

Every monk is dissatisfied with their patriarch, and even breeds resentment. Seeing the change in the look of these monks, Xu Ziyan said sincerely:

"Your Lijia and Manchu were originally allies. And there should be a lot of people between your two communities who were friends of life and death before?"

The two family monks remembered the two former best allies. There are many monks between the two families who have experienced life and death together. It is a life of friendship, but just now they picked up the fairyware toward each other, and some people pierced the fairy into the chest of the original friend.

They looked at each other. There is confusion in the eyes, there are flaws...

"But..." Xu Ziyan's voice became harsh: "Just because of the personal thoughts of your respective patriarchs. The whole tribe was brought to the national war, causing the best friends to become enemies, and dragging other small and medium-sized families attached to you. In this war, the Xinghai indigenous people are killing each other."

The surrounding Xinghai indigenous people shyly bowed their heads, and the voice of Xu Ziyan eased:

"I said that these are not condemning you, but telling you that all this is not your fault, it is the fault of your patriarch. So, you can't let this mistake continue, if you still hate each other from now on, then Is this continuation of this mistake, is it that the friendship between your family and the family for generations has become an enemy because of the mistake of your generation of patriarchs?"

Hundreds of thousands of Xinghai indigenous people’s emotions are changing. For a long time, Liben and Shuang have looked at each other and prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Sanzu, we are wrong!"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "The mistakes can be changed, the goodness is great. Your respective alliances are dissolved. No matter how large or small the indigenous people are willing to return to the Xu family, they will be treated fairly. Now Xu is fighting the Mozu, you can follow me. ?"

"I am willing to follow the Holy Father!"

In Xing Xinghai, nearly 20,000 Xianzhou followed the baby behind the cloud and headed for Haijinxing.

Xu Ziyan let the cloud baby master the speed, and should not be separated from the Xinghai indigenous Xianzhou. She is not in a hurry to meet with Xu Tiantian and others. At this point everything was going according to plan, and did not deviate from the original direction.

At the moment when the Mozu went to the Sea Speed ​​Star, Xu Haotian and others quickly gathered in the sea Saturn near Haijinxing through the interstellar transmission array.

The sea Saturn is the semi-devil planet occupied by the Xu family, which is closest to the planet Saturn occupied by the Mozu. After the order of Xu Ziyan was issued, Xu Xiu, under the leadership of Xu Juntian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang and other immortals, launched a fierce attack on Haijinxing under the impact of the war castle.

The action of the Xu family gathered 60,000 Xianzhou, this strength has been bombarded for five days, and broke the defense of Haijinxing.

There are more than half of the devils on the sea gold star going to the sea speed star. At this time, the rest of the demons are the opponents of the Xu family monks. There are not many people in the number of people, but there is no one immortal, just in two The time of day was annihilated by Xu.

It takes about fifteen days to return to the sea gold star from the sea speed star. Therefore, after the attack on the sea gold star, the Xu family did not continue to attack the planet occupied by the next demon, but was set up by the Xujia’s refining hall and the system. Defensive big array and interstellar transmission array.

Of course, the ownership of this planet has already been arranged, and it has been a second-rate family Zhu family to become the sea gold star master. Zhu Jia also early handed over the materials and costs of deploying the defensive array and the interplanetary transmission array. At this time, he began to rebuild the sea gold star.

The news that Xu Jia occupied Haijinxing soon spread to the four super families and the Tianzhu League. The four patriarchs and Xu Tiantian were shocked. At this time, they are still attacking the third planet of the Mozu. They suddenly heard that Xu Jia took the sea gold star with the thunder, so that we could not accept it for a while.

Xu Liangtian repeatedly determined several times, and finally decided that after Xu began to fight against the Mozu, he spent a long time and suddenly burst into laughter:

"Xu Haotian! Xu Haotian! You only think of attacking the Mozu planet now? But time is too late, hahaha... Only one month, the Mozu are all withdrawn, you can’t go directly to the occupation. Hahaha..."

Chu Yun moved gently and waved his hand, facing the Chu Yunfeidao: "Yunfei, don't worry. Xu family started late. You imagine, from the sea Venus to the nearest democrat The planet Sun Star also takes about ten days.

Today, there are still twenty-nine days from the end of the big ratio. They can spend five days occupying the sea gold star. That is because the sea gold star is not guarded, and things happen too suddenly. Moreover, most of the Mozu’s forces have gone to the Sea Speed ​​Star, and now the Mozu must return quickly. Therefore, when Xu Jia began to attack Hairi Star, he will definitely suffer a fierce counterattack from the Mozu who came back.

Even if Xu family starts now, they will need ten days to reach Hairi. Even if they are strong enough, they will eventually be able to capture the Sun Star, but it will never be as easy as capturing the Venus, so five days is definitely not enough. As a result, Xu has no time to capture the third planet. . ”

Looking up at the planet that Chu is attacking, he said firmly: "We must capture this planet and attack it. Our Chu family has captured the three planets of the Mozu. This is basically the first In my hand."

The clouded leopard's face was a bit ugly, and spit in the clouds and spit. "So, Xu family is likely to capture two planets at the end of the big game like us? But there is nothing!"

There is a trace of irony on the face of the clouded leopard: "Even if we can't attack the third planet of the Mozu, it will end up as much as the Mozu planet that Xu has captured, but the time we captured will be in front of them, and the Xu family will Ranked last."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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