The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1590: Great layout

I wish my comrades a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


I am very grateful to the book friends 080910205917581 classmates, Ying Lei classmates, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


"What?" Jiang Zixiong's face changed, and he asked with amazement: "Xu Ziyan also went to the sea speed star, and Xu family captured the sea gold star, just to take the Mozu from the sea speed star, save the Xinghai indigenous? Now Xu Ziyan has Regaining the Xinghai Tus, is behind the Mozu, going to the sea Venus?"

"So, after Xu’s occupation of Haijinxing, there is no movement. After the Mozu is aware that Haijinxing has completely lost his hand, he is now stationed in Hairixing?” The project frowned slightly and asked to stand in front of him. a monk.

"Yes! The six lords of the Mozu are at the sea star at this time, and the Xu family does not have the slightest movement. And Xu Ziyan leads the Xinghai Tussages on a planet closest to the sea star, the planet. It turned out to be a semi-devil, called Haiyuexing, which was attacked by Xu.

The project stood up from the chair and walked back and forth on the ground, suddenly stopped the footsteps: "So, the next goal of Xu family is Haiyuexing?"

Sea moon star.

A few people flashed a few times, then penetrated the defensive array and stood in front of a Mozu monk.

The monk who penetrated the defensive war was Xu Ziyan. At this time, it was to cover all other attributes. It only released the dark attributes of the realm of Dacheng, and it was like a demon monk.

The Mozu monk standing opposite Xu Ziyan was Pierre, and he was softly saying: "Pierre meets the master."

"Okay! Xu Ziyan swayed and said softly: "Nothing changes? ”

“No!” Pierre whispered: “This time, by first going to the sea speed star, the Xinghai Tujia will gather the five immortals. And by the loss of Haijinxing, they will all concentrate on the sea star, everything. All went well."

"Good! Let's go!"

Two quarters later, Xu Ziyan stood in Pierre's room. Take out the cloud baby and put the inside of Xu Tiantian. Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang were released.

Three people came out of the cloud baby, only slightly looked at the surrounding situation, they looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan nodded slightly toward them, and the three people immediately took out the seven-character flag. Each guarded a position of three talents, holding one hand in one hand and one finger in the other, just a few breaths of time, and the room was rippling. Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang disappeared with the three flags and the original appearance.

Xu Ziyan and Pierre sit opposite each other, and Pierre screams: "Come on!"

The door is open. A Mozu monk walked in from outside the door and said to him: "See the Seven Princes."

"When you go to Luo Fei Xianjun, I said that I asked him to come here to have important things to do."


The Mozu monk exited the door, gently covered the door, and then gently left. Soon, footsteps came from outside the door, and then the door knocked on the door and gently knocked on the door.

The door opened. The seven princes smiled and stood at the door to Luo Feidao: "Luo Xianjun, please come in."

Luo Fei stood at the door and glanced at the inside. Although he saw a monk in the house, he could know that the other person was a demon from the body, so he didn't mind, and he entered with Pierre. Said the room:

"Seven princes, is this Xianjun?"

Pierre smiled and said: "This is a monk who has just crossed the Xinghai from our Mozu area. Come on! Luo Xianjun, let's sit first, then talk slowly."

Xu Ziyan placed his left palm on his right chest and leaned over to give a gift. Luo Fei also hurriedly put his left hand on the right chest and leaned over to return. but. Before he got up straight, the space in the room suddenly appeared three flags and he was fixed there, and he could not move. Xu Ziyan, who had stood up straight in front of him, smiled slightly, and her eyebrows swayed. A bottle-shaped tattoo was inverted at the eyebrows, and the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Luo Fei, who was fixed in shape.


Luo Feihua made a stream of light. I was taken in by Ruyibao.

The three flags of the space disappeared again. Pierre looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes and showed a trace of fear. Xu Ziyan reached out and patted him on the shoulder. His eyes showed a helpless voice, and the voice shouted to the outside:

"Go and bring me the Pooh Sentence."

In this way, the time of one hour, the five demon sages were all taken into the wishful bottle by Xu Ziyan. The space was rippling, Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang appeared, and the flag in their hands had already been collected.

Xu Ziyan called out the cloud baby, and Xu Xuantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang collected it, and then collected the baby, and turned to Pierre and said:

"Pierre, you are ready to take your people back to the sea star."

"Yes, master."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and walked out of Pierre's room and disappeared instantly. Pierre also immediately left his room, and began to summon his own hands to quickly leave the sea star, flying toward his sea star. The Mozu monks on the sea star did not know why Pierre suddenly left, and could not find his own star. There was some sorrow in the moment. When they woke up from the stun, Pierre took him. The fleet has disappeared into the Xinghai Sea.


With the departure of Pierre, Sea Star ushered in a fierce attack by Xu. On the 5th, the defensive squad of the sea star was opened. The war castle plus the power of more than 80,000 ships in the fairy boat is not a defense of the six-product defense.

No four super-families and the Tianzhu League speculated as hard, Xu family soon occupied the sea star. This is because there is no Xianjun on the sea star.

The four super families and the Tianzhu League soon received the news that Xu Jia occupied the second Mozu planet, and they all quieted down. At the same time, the third planet attack against the Mozu was also more violent.

Now Xu has been catching up. The four super families, Tianzhu League and Xujia have captured two Mozu planets and stood on the same starting line. Although the time for Xu Ziyan to capture the Mozu planet is the latest, the ranking will be ranked last, but at this time there are still 18 days after the end of the big distance. Who knows if Xu will conquer a demon planet?

So the four super-families and the Tianzhu League made it all to attack the third planet of the Mozu, but when they attacked the first two families of the Mozu planet, the four super families and the Tianzhu League had lost a lot of power. Now, under the storm, although there is progress, it is not easy to capture the third planet of the Mozu.

The main reason is that the number of Xianzhou at this time has not been more than the number of homes, but there is no powerful war castle. It is very difficult to break the defense of the Mozu.

On the third day after Xu’s occupation of Haijinxing, there was news that the Xu family fleet appeared on the third planet of the Mozu and began a full-scale attack against the Mozu.

This news made the four super families stunned!

How can this be?

How could Xu Jia arrive at Haishuxing from Hairi Star within two days? It takes at least ten days from Haijixing to reach Haiyanxing to ride Xianzhou. How could Xu family arrive in two days?


Unless Xu Jia has an interstellar transmission array in Xinghai!

be cheated!

The Xu family was in the layout from the very beginning, and they made a gesture of attacking only the semi-devils, so that the Xinghai indigenous people who had always had a good sense of their homes did not stop them. The Mozu also became very cautious at the moment of the Terran's aggressive attack. They dared not easily engage with the Xu family. They only hoped that the goal of the Xu family would be the semi-devils rather than their devils.

However, they did not expect that the Xu family attacked the semi-devil planet only in order to attack the demon planet layout. Xu Jia captured the semi-devil planet closest to the Mozu planet, and secretly built the interstellar transmission array there, and only In this way, it is possible to quickly and secretly assemble a large number of monks and give the Mozu a surprise blow.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Xu family is attacking the semi-devils. In order to attack the layout of the demon, it also successfully conquered the Xinghai indigenous people.

Today's four super families are not as proud as they were in the Xinghai. They also recognize the importance of the Xinghai indigenous people, but the relationship with the Xinghai indigenous people can no longer be repaired. Nowadays, it was accepted by Xu Jia. The news of several days has passed, making the hearts of the four super families and Tianzhu League very unsatisfactory.

In less than half a year, the Xu family has captured five and a half devil planets, six original pirate planets, two demon planets, and Xinghai indigenous people attached to Xujia, followed by many planets. Xu Jia, now Xu has already had 57 planets in Xinghai, more than any planet in the Tianjia League and any of the four super families. From the comprehensive strength, it has become undisputed. The first force of the Xinghai.

Xu Jia is doing a big layout. He did not regard this super-big ratio as a single ratio. It can be said that Xu Jia just used this big ratio to realize their plan. In this plan, The four super-families and the Tianzhu League have become part of the Xu family. Their fierce attacks on the Mozu have involved most of the Mozu and the Semi-Devils in the Xu family, so that Xu Ziyan can calmly lay out As for the success of today.

The four super families and the Tianzhu League were made a chess piece by the Xu family! Although they are not willing to admit it, the truth is that.

The four super-families and the Tianzhu League have become embarrassed. Since the layout of the Xu family has reached the end, and he wakes up late, he will only go wrong and hope to capture the third planet and suppress the Xu family in the rankings. Go on. Because according to the time, Xu may be able to rush to the fourth planet of the Mozu, but want to attack the sea comet before the end of the big ratio, time is not allowed.


Comrades, let us set up the color bridge with the pink ticket, let Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul meet!


*(To be continued~^~)

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