The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1594: God knows

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I saw everyone not talking, and the look on the face was hesitating and struggling. However, it is this hesitation and struggle that proves their fear of the hidden family and is likely to agree to this request.

Xu Ziyan could not agree. Once he agreed to this request, he would not say that Xu Jia was almost busy in Xinghai, and he could not get the resources that should belong to him, which hindered the development of Xu. The most important thing is to pay resources to the hidden family every year. This in itself proves that Xu has become a subsidiary of the hidden family from now on.

In the long run, as a subsidiary family, it will lose the heart of the conflict with the hidden family. This is not the result of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan hopes that Xu Jia will become the top family in the fairy world in the future, that is, the hidden family can not override the Xu family. The family became their affiliate.

Another important reason is that once the hidden family is promised, the hidden family will, for their own benefit, be sure to send monks to each family to control the income of each family in Xinghai. This is undoubtedly intertwined with the internals of each family. Transaction. As time goes by, each family will gradually lose its initiative and become a true affiliate of the hidden family.

Thinking quickly in my mind, I thought about everything in an instant. Xu Ziyan had to stand up. The heart sighed, she really did not want to conflict with the hidden family, but the reality forced her to do so. Stand up from the chair and step forward. Towards Wenyang Long Shili Road:

"For the predecessors, we can't accept this request."

Wenyang Long had a gloomy face, and the coldness of the eyes was flashing, but it was a haircut. Said coldly:

"Can't accept?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan replied calmly.

The atmosphere inside the main hall was awkward. The eyes of the four patriarchs and Xu Liangtian were shocked. They did not expect Xu Ziyan to stand up and refuse the request of the hidden family. However, their hearts are also a move, the conditions of the hidden family are too harsh, so harsh they can not accept. Now there are Xu Ziyan standing up against it, and their hearts are also faintly opposed.

Xu Ziyan refused to be very calm, not that she was not afraid of the hidden family, because she felt that she had already understood the psychology of the hidden family. What is the Terran? If the Terran was expelled by the Mozu, their hidden family did not have the slightest benefit. Four super families. Xu Jiahe Tianzhu League is now the line of defense of the hidden family. If this line of defense collapses, then their hidden family must face the Mozu. At that time, they will be completely involved in the battle of the demon, and they will also do Nothing hidden.

Besides, even if they can continue to be their hidden family, can they still freely exchange resources like the Terran as before? Can you appear in front of the Terran again with a high attitude? I am afraid they will come out every time. Will face the pursuit of the Mozu.

They are also unprofitable and early. The reason why they stood up at this time is also the resources of the Xinghai. But they don't want to fall into the trivialities of developing resources in Xinghai, which will delay their practice. So I threw these trivial things to the four great super families, Xu Jia and Tian Yu Meng. So they did not have the slightest effort to get resources, but also delayed the time of the four super families, Xu family and Tianzhu League, so that the gap between these families and the hidden family of Xu family further widened.

Therefore, the hidden family will not immediately devastatingly attack the Xu family because of the rejection of Xu Ziyan. They need families like Xu to serve them.

Xu Ziyan's heart is very calm!

Wen Yanglong’s heart is also very calm. But this does not mean that he does not give Xu Ziyan a downroar. The momentum of the body suddenly broke out. The sacred sensation of the late Xianjun was pressed against Xu Ziyan.

Now Xu Ziyan's cultivating of the gods is the late stage of Xianjun. It feels that Wenyanglong's gods are as shocking as they are, and Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea is madly shocked.

Within the hall, between two people. Two invisible storms suddenly collided. The monks on both sides stood up and fled back toward the rear.

In the space where the power of the two people collided and broke out. Those tables and chairs instantly turned into powder. The monk's face in the hall is a change. I couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan at the same time, and my heart was amazed. Ren did not think that Xu Ziyan could withstand the impact of Wen Yanglong's gods, knowing that the other party is the peak of Xianjun!

Xu Liangtian's face changed again. Other monks could not determine whether Wen Yanglong had made all his efforts because of the relationship. However, Xu Tiantian itself is the peak of Xianjun's later period. He can clearly feel that the storm of the gods released by Wenyanglong is the realm of the peak of Xianjun.

According to common sense, Xu Ziyan at the beginning of Xianjun could not withstand the impact of Wenyanglong's gods, not only could not resist it, but also left a wound in the sea, not a few decades to recover. However, Xu Ziyan not only did not resist, but also released the same miraculous storm and Wenyang Long collided, which could not help Xu Tiantian to be stunned.

That Wenyang Long was also a shock in his heart. He used to listen to Ouyang Xiang. The Xu family’s monk named Xu Ziyan had a relationship with a mysterious and hidden family. From the mouth of Ouyang’s mouth, it was known that the mysterious hidden family seemed very Very powerful, but after he did not find the mysterious family after investigation, he was no longer treated as a child. Today, when he saw Xu Ziyan’s strength, he could not help but remind him of Ouyang Xiang’s words.

"Is there really a mysterious family that I don't know? Is this the rumor that Xu Ziyan has a relationship with the mysterious family? Did she practice the mysterious family of the mysterious family? Otherwise how could it be The repair of an early Xianjun is to resist the mystery of the peak of the late Xianjun? Hey! Let me try your limit?"

Wen Yanglong’s gods continued to collide with Xu Ziyan, and the two storms in the air continually collided. However, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan's consciousness is only after the late Xianjun, and it is lower than Wenyanglong. The consciousness of slowly releasing the purple smoke began to be somewhat unstoppable, and gradually retreated toward the rear.

Wen Yanglong’s face showed a smile, and the storm of consciousness still forced the past to Xu Ziyan. At this time, the monks within the hall also saw the situation of both sides.

Xu Ziyan wants to lose, just a matter of time. This is the idea of ​​every monk in the hall, and even the Xu family is no exception. It is because they think so, Xu Yantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang are full of anxiety.

Gradually, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan was forced back to the sea. The knowledge of Wen Yanglong took the opportunity to rush into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan!

"It's over! This purple smoke is ruined! I don't want to recover for decades!"

There was a glimpse of all the monks in the hall, and the amount of heaven was no exception. A monk was not easy to cultivate, but was destroyed by the hidden family, and the monks were regressed. The monks in the hall could not help but appear in the heart of the dead foxes.

Wen Yanglong’s original delightful eyes suddenly changed. He thought that his god’s knowledge would rush into the other side’s knowledge of the sea, and he would surely destroy the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan’s knowledge, but he found himself in the original river. After seeing the sea of ​​purple smoke, it seems that it was immediately diverted by countless rivers, and the surging tide was instantly disintegrated.

In fact, Xu Ziyan is also uncomfortable. Although she knows the sea, she constructs a labyrinth that can quickly divert the knowledge that Wenyang Long rushed into, but it is also a little painful.

The intensity of Wen Yanglong's knowledge is only a little higher than that of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, although Xu Ziyan has some painful swelling, the maze in the sea has not collapsed. Moreover, Xu Ziyan also concentrated his own knowledge in the maze of the gods to cut off the knowledge of Wen Yanglong, and then collected them. After waiting for this, they will refine them to enhance their strength.

Wen Yanglong only feels that his own knowledge is diverted, and he feels wrong in his heart. It didn't take long before I immediately felt that my gods were divided into countless cockroaches, and there were actually several smashes that were cut off in a short time. His knowledge of the gods is a pain. He did not expect to use the gods to attack the other side, but instead caused his own knowledge to be hurt.

This did not help him to be cautious, the gods retreat like a tide, looking at the opposite Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan sneaked a sigh of relief, and his heart could not help but be awkward. It seems that she is still too young, and the psychological estimation of these hidden family is not enough. They have no scruples and directly want to reinvent their own knowledge, and come to a majestic to shake other monks.

However, at this time, it has already come up, it is impossible to retreat. This retreat will completely hand over the Xu family and become a subsidiary of the hidden family. Xu Ziyan left his hands behind him and put a handcuff in the haze. Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang saw it, and immediately the heart was tight, silently adjusting the cultivation to the peak, ready to kill from the hall.

Xu Ziyan's inner nervous appearance looked calmly at the first Wenyang Dragon, Wen Yanglong also looked at her, and the two men's eyes collided in the middle.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is uneasy, and Wen Yanglong’s side is also ups and downs. The four super-families within the hall and Xu Tiantian did not dare to speak out. Instead, this Xu Ziyan dared to stand still. Where did she come from? And her practice of cultivation is indeed doubtful. Is she really having an unclear relationship with a mysterious family? Thinking of this, he calmed down his emotions and said faintly:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said with respect.

Wen Yanglong’s eyelids pulled down and said: “Are you rejecting the requirements of our hidden family? Does it mean that you Xu Jia also refused to cooperate with our hidden family?”


In the heat, it is wet and ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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