The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1595: Difficult choice

I am very grateful to the 3 students (99) who are forever in the rainy season, 99 students (99), and Linna linna (99)!


Wenyang Long’s voice fell, and the four super families and the Tianzhu League’s look were all changed. If the hidden family withdraws, regardless of the demon battle, they are certainly not the opponents of the Mozu. It is necessary to know that the Mozu has come to the six monarchs of the late Xianjun. It is not what they can resist.

Xu Ziyan is very calm, although she was attacked by Wen Yanglong, but she still affirmed that the hidden family could not participate in the Xinghai fairy magic war. This is not just a matter of interest, but a matter of security in the future of their hidden family. Besides, she feels that the defensive array that is now deployed on the Star Sea, although it can't be compared with the Demon's late monarchs in the offensive. But the defense is not so easy to be broken, even if the other party is the peak of Xianjun.

And Xu Jia and the four major families, Tianzhu League is different. Xu Jiake has an interplanetary transmission array on every planet. If the four super-families and the Tianzhu League are defeated by the Devils, they can only fight with the Mozu to escape. Unlike the Xu family, you can take the interstellar transmission array at the last moment and there will be no damage at all. Therefore, Xu Ziyan still calmly said:

"The predecessors of the text, Xu family is naturally willing to cooperate with the hidden family. However, your request can not be accepted."

Not waiting for Wen Yanglong to open, Xu Ziyan went on to say: "First of all, we can't agree with the condition that the hidden family divides half of the resources. Our Xu family can only give up 20%."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan looked firmly at Wenyang Long’s voice and said: “The predecessors of the text, our Xu family is giving up 20%. Instead of turning in, this is our second proposal of our family, that is to say we Xu family is not the resources that are handed over to the hidden family every year, but after the end of the fairy magic war. One-time give up 20% of the planet to the hidden family."

Once again, the hall was quiet. At this time, the four super families and the Tianzhu League also reacted, which gave up the difference between the two. Giving out the planet means that they have made a deal with the hidden family, and they are still they, and the hidden family is still a hidden family. And turned in two resources. That means they become affiliates of the hidden family.

At this point they are looking forward to Xu Ziyan's eyes full of admiration. Since Xu Ziyan can make this suggestion first, it proves that she has already seen this point. Only this moment, the four super families and the Tianzhu League made a decision and stood on the side of the Xu family. No matter what kind of grievances they had before, they put aside and united.

Not united, no! Only by uniting can it be possible to compete with the hidden family, or it will become a subsidiary of the hidden family. This makes them completely unacceptable.

The four patriarchs and Xu Tiantian's look Wenyang Long also saw it very clearly. He suddenly laughed. The four patriarchs, Xu Liangtian and Xu Ziyan were a glimpse. They didn't understand why Wenyang Long suddenly laughed. The eyes could not help but look at other hidden family monks, and they all revealed a hint of joy on their faces. The heart of Xu Ziyan immediately showed a slight flaw. It seems that I have fallen into the trap of the other side. At this time, the faces of the four patriarchs and Xu Liangtian were also very difficult to see. They also felt that they had a set of hidden family, but what kind of plan the other party was, they could not imagine it.

Wen Yanglong smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, you have to know that the world is a strong world, everything is to rely on strength to speak. I say so, can you agree?"

Xu Ziyan only has a head. At this point, she has no way to force fairness. Fairness belongs to the strength.

"Hey!" Wenyang Long beats the clapping: "Our hidden family is more than your family in strength, but we have to give you fairness this time."

Xu Ziyan’s words are a glimpse. Looking at Wenyang Long without understanding. I saw the look of Xu Ziyan and others. Wen Yanglong’s eyes revealed a trace of irony:

"The requirements we have previously proposed can be abolished. We will solve this problem according to the tradition of the fairy world. Let's put aside the things that divide the interests of the Xinghai, we will first force the Mozu to be expelled. The method is the same as I have just proposed. The Mozu monks of the late Xianjun were handed over to our hidden family. The monks below Xianjun were handed over to you. Can you agree with this?"

"Agree!" Xu Ziyan, the four patriarchs and Xu Tiantian.

"As for the division of Xinghai's interests, I think you should think about it now?" Wen Yanglong said with a faint smile.

Xu Ziyan looked back at Xu Haotian with some sorrow. After all, she came to the fairyland for a short time, and she really didn't know what the fairyland tradition was. However, the faces of the four patriarchs and Xu Liangtian have changed. They know what the immortal tradition means.

"Oh..." Wen Yanglong looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "It seems that you are still unclear about the tradition of the fairy world. Then you should consult your patriarch now."

Xu Ziyan cast a questioning eye to Xu Haotian, Xu Xiaotian sighed and said with a blank face:

"Ziyan, the tradition of the fairy world is to speak with strength. After the battle of the fairy, all the stars will become the planet of no-ownership, even the one we are now occupying. Then we will win the planet through the test."

Xu Haotian’s look hesitated: “If there is no participation in the hidden family, I am afraid that after ten days, we will not be able to keep the occupied planet, and the birth of the hidden family will help us to expel the Mozu. From this point, according to the fairy world Tradition to divide interests is fair."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is immediately depressed, and the hidden family has won the ownership of the planet. Is this fair? However, Xu Haotian also made sense, and the hidden family's move out of the fairyland tradition also made her unable to oppose. However, compared with the hidden family, then... is there a chance to win the planet? I am afraid that even a planet will not win.

"Of course..." Wen Yanglong said faintly: "You can also choose to pay 50% of the resources to the hidden family."

Within the hall, it was quiet, and the four major families, Xu Jia and Tianzhu League were caught in thought. I agree to divide the planet according to the tradition of the fairy world. The final result is likely that one planet will not be available, and there may be several casualties in the trial. Agree to hand over 50% of the benefits, it becomes a subsidiary of the hidden family, no matter which method, they seem to be busy in Xinghai.

Xu Ziyan looked at Wenyang Long and said slowly: "Where the predecessors, you would not want to think of a planet through a test of the planet. If this is the case, it will take too long. On the other hand, we don't have so many singers to fight for it. Is this...somewhat...unfair?"

The sarcasm in Wenyang Longyan is even worse. Hehe smiled and said: "We can give you two methods."

He put out a finger: "The first method, that is, what you just said, we are fighting for a planet between a planet and a duel between monks."

He extended a second finger: "The second method is that when we happen to be a hidden family in three years, we will take this opportunity to divide the interests of Xinghai. At that time, all the families who want to compete for Xinghai Planet All entered a small world, we marked all the stars in Xinghai with numbers, and carved each number on a jade slip.

For example, the first planet, the second planet, and so on. At that time, every monk who entered the small world carried a jade slip, then closed the small world, and opened the small world three months later. The jade slips obtained by each monk were the number of stars they got. You can now discuss what method you choose? ”

The four super-families, the Xu family and the monks of the Tianzhu League, were silent and immersed in contemplation. Xu Ziyan also retreated back to Xu Yutian at this time. Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang negotiated through the secret. Around a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan turned to look at the four patriarchs and Xu Liangtian. When they saw them, they all looked over. Xu Ziyan walked toward them, and they also walked toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Ditian, Chu Yundong, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang shot came together, and circled in the middle of the main hall, and negotiated through the secret.

The eyes of several people first looked at Xu Liangtian. After all, his cultivation is the highest here, and everyone wants to hear his opinions. Xu Liangtian also understands this truth and immediately passes the voice into the secret passage:

"We can't accept the method of turning in 50% of the benefits. Not saying that the result will make us have no gains at all, but we will become a subsidiary of the hidden family. I think you are four super The family will not make a decision to face the ancestral ancestors without a face."

The four patriarchs are nodding, and Chu Yun moves into the secret channel: "I think the occult family has long expected that we will not accept this method. The reason why they first proposed this method is to force us to agree to the second method. ""

“Not bad!” Yunbao said in the secret channel: “We have decided to choose the second method now, but the second method also has two comparison schemes. Which one do we choose?”

Jiang Zixiong passed into the secret road: "The first plan is not desirable, one-on-one duel, not to say that we are, that is, the Xu Meng master is not sure, and it is necessary to know how many Xianjun families have peaks in the late stage. We simply don't I know that when a planet doesn't get it, but a few more casualties, it will be a big loss."

"There is only a second solution!" The eyes of the project showed bitterness.

The eyes of several people looked at Xu Ziyan again. Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "We can't always give Xinghai unconditionally to the hidden family?"

"Of course not!" Several people shook their heads together: "We lost a lot in Xinghai. How could we let it out?"

"Everyone!" Xu Liangtian passed into the secret channel: "The second plan still has space to drill."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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