The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1596: Hidden continent

I am very grateful to Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin, Song Lin Xiaoma, Crystal ~angel, Green Ya 22, susantsh0905, heartbreak 33, peigougou classmates pink ticket!


"Everyone!" Xu Liangtian passed into the secret channel: "The second plan still has space to drill."

The spirit of several people is a revival. Who is the number of days? He is the most famous fairy thief in the fairy world, and the test in the small world is a robbery rule. At this point, the hidden family has no experience of the sky.

"This small world ratio, I suggest that we only have one monk per party. In the face of the strength of the hidden family, we will go more, the goal will become bigger, not conducive to hiding the sneak attack, the ultimate loss will be greater. And if we only have six of the six strongest monks, we can hide them immediately after entering the small world.

We only go to six people, then we have a total of six jade slips on our body. Most of the jade slips will be in the monks of the hidden family. As long as we can hide them in the first time, they will definitely aim at the jade. After all, there are too few jade in our body, and it is too cost-effective to spend time looking for us. Their hidden family will fight each other to compete for jade.

And we can take the opportunity to join the six men to attack the monks of the hidden family, and get the jade. Even if we have been unable to find opportunities, we will always hide them, not be found by them, and eventually we will get a planet. More than the first option, a planet is not getting strong damage. ”

Just an instant. The four patriarchs and Xu Ziyan nodded. This method is already the best solution at the moment. Seeing everyone nod, Xu Tiantian passed into the secret channel:

"We only have me to play in Tianzhu League. I don't know if the ancestors of the four big families can come back after two years. If they come back, we will have one more chance of winning."

The four patriarchs smiled together, and Chu Yun moved slightly and shook his head. "We really don't know! If our four ancestors did not return, we will be personally visited by our four patriarchs."

"The only way is this!" Xu Liangtian turned to look at Xu Ziyan's voice into the secret passage: "Who are you going to let your family go?"

"I go!"

Five people also have no objections. The reputation of Xu Ziyan in Xinghai is not smaller than that of the four patriarchs and Xu Tian. But at this time. Xu Ziyan still keeps his duty as a young man and no longer speaks. The four patriarchs looked at Xu Tiantian and did not speak. After all, Xu Xiu’s cultivation was the most talkative right, and no accident, waiting for two years to enter the small world, six people are also led by Xu Tian. Both his cultivation and his experience have determined his position.

Xu Liangtian is no longer shoving, and stands up directly to Wenyang Long Gongdao: "Wendaoyou, we agree with the small world."

"Good!" Wen Yanglong took a chair railing: "So we will discuss how to expel the Mozu!"


The monks who had negotiated for one day were temporarily returning to the Chu family to arrange accommodation. They waited for the news that the hidden family sent the monks in the depths of the Xinghai, and also waited for the monks sent by the hidden family to arrive.

Xu Ziyan sat on the bed with his knees crossed, and a small array was placed outside the room. She opened her eyes slightly and released her knowledge. She saw Ouyang Xiang standing outside the law. She just touched the formation. Slightly frowned, Xu Ziyan moved a handkerchief. There was a passage in front of Ouyang Xiang. Ouyang Xiang’s look did not change at all, and he stepped in and opened the courtyard door.

Xu Ziyan got up and responded at the door of the room. Far away from Ouyang Xiang, he said: "I have seen Ouyang Daoyou!"

Ouyang Xiang also hurriedly bowed his hand and said: "I have seen Xu Daoyou."

Xu Ziyan ushered Ouyang Xiang into the room. After the guest host was seated, he saw the appearance of Ouyang Xiang’s words and thoughts. He laid a soundproof array between the sleeves, which re-visited Ouyang Xiang.

Ouyang Xiang’s eyes showed a smile and said sincerely: “Xu Daoyou, I am here to tell you about the situation of the hidden family.”

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. She doesn’t understand why Ouyang Xiang did this. But such a good thing is in front of her, she naturally will not refuse. Smiling as a ritual:

“Thank you for Ouyang Daoyou!”

Ouyang Xiang waved his hand. Depressed the voice: "Xu Daoyou, do you know the process of the formation of the hidden family?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head in coordination. Ouyang Xiang continued to lower his voice and said: "According to the legend, at the beginning of the formation of the Zhongyuan galaxies, there is a space that exists alone. This space is not a star. It is just a continent, but this continent is extremely large. And Xianyuan is extremely rich, and the most important thing is that there is a relatively complete inheritance on this continent, which has caused two results. One is that the no one in the Zhongyuan galaxy can find the space where the hidden family exists, and the other It is the monks in this space that are generally higher than the monks of your middle galaxies."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "What do you mean, the monks in that space are the original inhabitants and their descendants that existed at the beginning of the space?"

"Yes!" Ouyang Xiang nodded.

Xu Ziyan’s face is inexplicable and asks: “Ouyang Daoyou, can you tell me why you want to tell us this? I think this thing should be extremely hidden.”

Ouyang Xiang’s look became solemn: “Xu Daoyou, forgive me for being fluent, I want to ask you a question, I hope you can tell me the truth.”

Xu Ziyan also solemnly nodded: "You ask."

"Have you been to the hidden continent? Oh, that is the space where the hidden family that I just told you, we call it the hidden world."

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head immediately. This matter can't be lie. If you lie, as long as Ouyang Xiang casually asks a few questions about the hidden continent, she will fall.

"That... you have something to do with one of the hidden family?" Ouyang Xiang asked cautiously.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded immediately. She had already vaguely felt the heart of Ouyang Xiang, so she could not deny that she had a relationship with the hidden family, but also blew it.

Ouyang Xiang’s sly glimpse showed a surprise: “Can you tell me about the hidden family? Don’t worry, our Ouyang family will never be ill-treated.”

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "There is nothing that can't be said. They didn't keep me secret, but I don't know much."

Xu Ziyan made a thought, and he began to think about how to make up and said: "When I was traveling outside, I met an old man. He was called Yang Deyi. Later I realized that he was the owner of the Yang family in the hidden family. .

His cultivation is very high, and he is also very skilled in the refining of the alchemy. He doesn't know why he likes me very much. I can feel the heart of him. At that time, there was a man and a woman next to him. The man was called the dulcimer and the woman was called the Lingbo fairy.

After that, I traveled with them for a long time. They eventually told me that they were from the hidden family, but they refused to tell me more about the hidden family. However, Yang’s predecessors, the old man, still pointed me to some of the alchemy, and I was greatly benefited. ”

Although Ouyang Xiang was psychologically prepared, he was shocked when he heard Xu Ziyan’s words. Although the hidden family has a relatively complete inheritance, each family only has one kind of inheritance, that is, the top family in the hidden family is just two kinds of inheritance. Now, listening to Xu Ziyan, the Yang family seems to have four heritages.

How can this be?

But now Xu family is very good in the alchemy system, and it is blunt to say that it has surpassed too many hidden families. With this situation, it must have a fairly complete inheritance.

Will Xu family have it?

Of course, the Xu family will not have it. If the Xu family has such a complete inheritance, it has long been a super family. How can it be a second-rate family of millions of years? Until recently, I became a super family?

The truth can only have one.

That is, Xu Ziyan got a complete inheritance from the mysterious family!

Reasoning to this, Ouyang Xiang's look has changed. A family with four complete inheritances will pass on the inheritance to Xu Ziyan and allow her to pass on to the family. What does this mean?

This means that the mysterious family is very valued!

Is it that the mysterious family is ready to train Xu as their spokesperson? Let Xu Jia collect all kinds of resources for them so that they can seclusion and concentrate on cultivation.

Ouyang Xiang was immersed in meditation. There are such families in the hidden world. They live in a simple way and are not born at all. They only occasionally come out and practice. Their strength is very strong, no one knows where they live, and no one knows how many such families there are. But according to speculation it seems that there are not many.

Ouyang Xiang’s family is only a second-rate family in the hidden world, and it is not ranked high. Recently, it has been suppressed by several families and is in a storm.

She came to Xinghai this time with a family mission. Since the last time I returned to the family from the Wanxian Conference, after the incident happened to the patriarch, the patriarch Ouyang Ling put the matter in her heart.

The Lingbo Fairy mastered the alchemy system and made Ouyang Ling very shocked, but she did not know such a family. This made her think of the mysterious family, and she could not help but have the desire to meet the family. If you can get to know the mysterious family, the difficulties of their Ouyang family will solve everything.

However, it seems that Lingbo Fairy and Yangqin have never disappeared in general, which makes Ouyang Ling very anxious. Suddenly she thought of Ouyang Xiang and she said that Xu Zi’s Xu Ziyan seems to be liked by the mysterious family. So she immediately sent a family monk out of the hidden world to collect all the information of the Xu family.


Collect pink tickets!


*(To be continued~^~)

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