The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1598: Deportation

I am very grateful to wuyunxujiant classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Deng Shushan! Classmates, lost his lost heart, classmates, treasure egg mother ~ classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan was grateful and said: "Thank you, my sister, Ziyan will not forget my sister's kindness."

Ouyang Xiang waved his hand in a big way: "There is nothing, and the precious things are things, and can't compare with the friendship between us."

Xu Ziyan’s face was even more grateful, and after some gratitude, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Ouyang sister, since it is costly to enter and exit a hidden continent, why do the monks of the hidden family come out from time to time?"

Ouyang Xiang smiled and said: "The monks who came out are all carrying out tasks. You must know that there are many materials that you don't have here in the hidden world, and you have a lot of materials that we don't have here.

It is often very common in the hidden world that the materials are very precious to you, and the things that are unusual here are very precious to us. So, we exchange some of the things we have very ordinary for something that is very precious to us. This came out naturally and it was a huge harvest, far exceeding the cost of entering and leaving the hidden continent. ”

"Oh, since it is not too expensive to enter and exit the hidden world, if you bring in a lot of resources, can you add back the loss?"

Ouyang Xiang smiled and shook his head: "Where is what you said is so easy, the actual situation is that the number of monks from the hidden world is getting less and less. Because the material that opens the transmission array is more and more difficult to find, its The value is constantly rising, and then going on. There will be no monks coming out later. Hey, you will know when you enter."

Xu Ziyan nodded silently, Ouyang Xiang looked at Xu Ziyan and said sincerely: "Ziyan. My sister is really and you feel that you have a relationship. After you come to the hidden world, you will live with your sister. You cultivate the resources of our Ouyang family. Will also fully support."

“Thank you, my sister!” Xu Ziyan said with a hand: “It’s just that my sister brought me into the hidden world. It has helped me a lot. The cultivation resources after entering the hidden world are still my own.”


Xu Ziyan said softly: "Sister, if I encounter a problem that I can't solve, I will definitely ask my sister!"

"Okay!" Ouyang Xiang nodded. She also knew that she could not give her the big favor. Too big favors often could not maintain the friendship between the two sides, but it was easier to become enemies.

"Ziyan!" Ouyang Xiang’s face showed a dilemma, and hesitated there.

Xu Ziyan asked very interestingly: "What is the embarrassment of my sister? I want to listen to the purple smoke, maybe the purple smoke can help."

"Ziyan!" Ouyang Xiang’s face showed a stern way: "If you can see Lingbo Fairy or Yangqin next time. I hope to explain to my sister?"

“Explain what?” Xu Ziyan pretended to be incomprehensible.

"This is the case!" Ouyang Xiang swallowed a hard slobber: "At the Wanxian Conference, I had a conflict with Lingbo Fairy and the Mr. Yangqin. I hope that you can do something for me and them... ..."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan made a sudden realization: "I have heard of this incident. I also asked her when the last Lingbo fairy came. It was my sister who was in conflict with her!"

Ouyang Xiang smiled and said: "At that time... I don't know them..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "It's okay, my sister. My relationship with Lingbo Fairy is very good. I will tell her, she won't mind."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan also deliberately showed a sense of relaxation, giving people a feeling of letting go of their minds. A person is favored by others for no reason, and it is said that there is nothing to offer and to be diligent. If Xu Ziyan shows that she believes in Ouyang Xiang, it is only because of a fate to help her so much, that is, Ouyang Xiang’s heart will be uneasy.

This is why Ouyang Xiang would ask Xu Ziyan to tell Lingbo Fairy for her own feelings, so Xu Ziyan would not doubt her ulterior motives. And Xu Ziyan also showed his ease as just right, as if Ouyang Xiang had made a request. She is relieved.

Xu Ziyan’s performance has made Ouyang Xiang feel down. Putting down the mind, the two people chatted happily. Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered a thought, and asked:

"Ouyang sister, since the hidden world is so mysterious. After three years, the big ratio will not be held in the hidden world?"

Ouyang Xiang chuckled: "I haven't decided yet, but I don't think it will be held in the hidden world. The monks in the hidden world will not let you know the specific location of the hidden world. So I think the time is hidden. Looking for a small world in the Zhongyuan galaxy. Finding a small world may be difficult for you, but it will not be too difficult for the hidden family, especially those big families."

Three days later.

The monks of the hidden family came to Hai Qiaoxing. There were not many monks who came to them. There were only 13 monks, but they were all peaks in the late Xianjun. They released a huge power and let the four families, Tianzhu League and Xu The home monk was terrified, and even the heart of Xu Ziyan raised a trace of fear.

It was only a short quarter of an hour to unify the opinions and decided that the Mozu reinforcements had not yet arrived, and launched a comprehensive attack on the Xinghai Mozu.

However, the time is too short, only to capture a magical planet, the Devil's reinforcements have arrived, and the entire Xinghai has become a chaotic battlefield. The depths of the void are the peaks of the late emperors of the Mozu and the hidden family, and the episodes of the Terrans and the Monks are above the interstellar.

After three months of war, the Terran all-round victory not only completely expelled the Mozu, but also destroyed most of the semi-Devils. Only a small part of the semi-devils withdrew from the Mozu across the Xinghai territory.

The entire Xinghai is close to the Terran, and there are a total of 278 planets that can have a living environment. Although the four major families, Tianzhu League and Xujia temporarily occupy these planets. But strictly speaking, at this time, these planets are all without the main planet, and everything is waiting for the ratio of three years later to determine the ownership of these planets.

The hidden family seems to have no intention of competing with them for less than three years of use. How many resources can they get in less than three years? In their hearts, these planets were their hidden family three years later.

However, these hidden families did not immediately return to the hidden continent, but were doing two things. One thing is to exchange resources with everyone, but the other thing is to let go of the conversation with those of the second-rate family. They didn’t do anything about it, that is, after waiting for the sovereignty of Xinghai Planet three years later, let these first-rate families serve them and hand over the seven layers of resources they received to the hidden family. They are giving these two second-rate families 30% of the Xinghai resources as well as protection and support.

These first-rate families are different from the four super-families, Xu Jia and Tian Hao. The four super families, Xu Jiahe and Tianzhu League have a lot of dependent families. The resources they got in Xinghai were originally to be distributed to those families who depend on them. Otherwise, where will the family depend on them?

Therefore, under such conditions, let alone paying 70% of the hidden family, which is the original 50% of resources, they have no resources left. But those second-rate families are different. The resources they get in Xinghai are not only paid to the 70% of the hidden family, but the remaining three achievements belong to them completely.

Moreover, it is not only the 30-year-old Xinghai resources, but also the protection and support of the hidden family by relying on the hidden family. It is conceivable that after a few years, maybe the four super families, the Tianzhu League and the Xu family will be replaced by these growing second-rate families.

This is also the plan of those hidden families. Are your four super families, Tianzhu League and Xu Family not disagreeing with the hidden family? Then the hidden family will suppress you, let you gradually lose control of the Chinese galaxies, and cultivate a new super family, belonging to the super family controlled by their hidden family.

I got this news, and the four super families, Tianzhu League and Xu family were a little flustered. They saw the hardships of the future, and they were forced to unite completely by the hidden family.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Ditian, Chu Yundong, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiangyang, after several discussions, decided to retreat in these three years and strive to make a breakthrough in three years. Then the six people united in the big match and strived to win more stars in Xinghai. If this is not possible, the six will also decide to give up the grievances and unite against the hidden family.

Hai Qiaoxing.

Everyone lives here these days and exchanges resources. Now Xu Ziyan knows the secrets of the hidden family exchange resources through Ouyang Xiang, and naturally he will not be stupidly exchanged with each other. Xu Ziyan also thought that he would bring these resources into the hidden world to exchange personally, so he only exchanged a small amount of symbolic and hidden family, and repeatedly explained that the Xu family's heritage is still shallow, than the old family.

This interpretation of Xu Jia did not cause the suspicions of the monks, including the hidden family, knowing that the Xu family has only recently emerged, and the foundation is very normal. However, although Xu Ziyan does not exchange resources, it does not mean that she does not participate in the fair. She is embarrassed to ask Ouyangxiang which material is high in the hidden world, but she can watch what the hidden family monks exchanged! So she looked at it carefully and tried to remember the materials.

Hai Qiaoxing.

Within the mountains, there is an unmanned lake.

A figure was drawn from the air, and a figure stood by the lake, but it was Ouyang Xiang.

“It’s good! I didn’t think there was such a wonderful place in the depths of the mountains.”

Ouyang Xiang spread the knowledge and quickly recovered it. There was no trace within a hundred miles, and her face showed a smile.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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