The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1599: Double spring

Thank you very much for the 3 days after the rainy season (99), the small candy classmates (99), and the ------ 艹 classmates (99)!


Ouyang Xiang quickly took off his clothes and placed it behind a hidden rock. Then walked into the lake, his face was filled with a happy smile.

Ouyang Xiang's family is only a middle-class second-rate family in the hidden world. She has few resources, so she quickly exchanged resources with the four families. If you have nothing to do, you can take a tour around Haiqiaoxing to see if you can get any chance and get some precious resources.

Not to mention that she really got a few precious resources these days. Today she is looking for opportunities in the mountains, but found this nameless small lake.

Xinghai was originally a place with abundant water resources. The lakes gathered in such places are naturally richer and the water quality is clear. Ouyang Xiang enters the lake water comfortably and almost screams.

Suddenly, Ouyang Xiang looked awkward, and with her keen ear power, she naturally heard the sound of the clothes swaying in the air. Looking forward, I saw two figures flying towards here.

It was too late to see who was flying. Ouyang Xiang immediately sank into the bottom of the lake, but it revealed a glimpse of the gods and quietly extended above the lake.

Two figures fell to the lake, a man and a woman. The man has a white robe and the woman has a gemstone blue dress. It is Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, this lake was discovered yesterday. There is a very delicious fish here. You are waiting at the lake, seeing my brother catching you a few. Let's go back and eat."

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly: "Qin Yang brother, you are very leisurely in Hai Qiaoxing these days!"

Ouyang Xiang, who sinks at the bottom of the lake, can't help but smile. If there is only a purple smoke, everyone is a woman. There is nothing to be seen. But there is still a Xu Qin Yang! And he still has to catch the fish! What should I do?

On the edge of the lake, Xu Qinyang grinned and said: "I don't have anything to do with me anyway. I will look around. You will not let me exchange resources with the hidden family. It is very boring. Just like this. Purple smoke. Why don't you let Xu and the hidden family exchange resources?"

Xu Ziyan slightly indulged: "Qin Yang brother, this thing I originally thought about to tell you later. I have already made an appointment with Ouyang Xiang in the hidden family, when she returns to the hidden family. Take me to them, I will be there to exchange."

"Ouyang Xiang? Is that Ouyang incense that participated in the Wanxian Conference?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

“No!” Xu Qinyang hurriedly shook his head. “Who knows what kind of heart Ouyang Xiang is pressing, if she enters their territory, how can it be against you?”

"Qin Yang brother..."

"No! Don't catch the fish, you and I will go back quickly. You can't count on this matter. You must agree with your father and Uncle Zhenshan."

The words fell, not waiting for the purple smoke reaction, grabbed Xu Ziyan's arm, dragged her and flew into the air. Xu Ziyan shook her head helplessly, but as soon as she flew into the air, she saw a dress on the back of a rock. The dress is very familiar. She remembered instantly that it was Ouyang Xiang's dress.

Looked at the look, the heart is electric, is it that Ouyang Xiang bathed in the lake, is being disturbed by himself and Qin Yang brother, hiding in the depths of the lake?

Xu Ziyan immediately gave Xu Qinyang a voice, and the two people's body shape slowed down in the air. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan was quickly released, shrouded over the lake, and then swarmed toward the bottom of the lake.

The intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is the peak of Xianjun’s later period. Naturally, she is not afraid of Ouyang Xiang’s perception. Only in an instant she saw the red-naked* Ouyang Xiang lying on the bottom of the lake, and also explored the sacred knowledge that Ouyang Xiang released above the lake.

The eyeballs turned around in the eyelids. I remembered what Xu Qinyang had said to her at the lake. Although she felt that Ouyang Xiang would not have any unpredictable feelings for her. But waiting for myself to enter the hidden world, anything can happen, who knows if she will change her mind? Besides, even if she doesn't know how she is, what about her family? If you want Ouyang Xiang and her family to treat themselves seriously. I have to come up with strength.

Of course, the backing behind is also one of the strengths. And still very important strength.

Does Xu Ziyan have this strength?

Have! Naturally! Although it is virtual, Ouyang Xiang does not know!

"Qin Yang brother, you immediately go to the patriarch and Uncle Zhenshan. You are waiting for me at the patriarch. I suddenly remembered one thing, and I will go to you later."

Xu Qinyang saw Xu Ziyan's look serious, and he did not doubt him, he immediately nodded and promised, an acceleration, and rushed away.

Xu Ziyan's body shape flew into the clouds, and spread the knowledge of the gods. When there was no trace of people around him, the mind was moved and the confusion was summoned. She and the chaotic gods figured out, but in a moment of confusion, they understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. They nodded toward Xu Ziyan, and their body changed into a touch of Lingbo fairy who was originally made by Xu Ziyan.

The two men turned and flew toward the lake that had just left.

At this time, Ouyang Xiang had just returned to the shore, thinking about the conversation between Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan. I can’t help but worry about it. Will the purple smoke not go to the hidden continent? If she does not go, how can the family hand over to her?

Ouyang Xiang slightly frowned, does Xu Ziyan have any relationship with the hidden mysterious family? What is the relationship? Although Xu's various phenomena can be inferred that the mysterious hidden family is very valued by Ziyan, but this is only speculation. Although Xu Ziyan personally admitted that this is only her unilaterally said, is it true?

Ouyang Xiang can't help but contradict, if Xu Ziyan and the mysterious hidden family have no deep relationship at all...

The look changed, and the head did not return to the lake and jumped into the depths of the lake. She heard the sound of the air from the air. I have been sneaking to the bottom of the lake, and then I have exposed a glimpse of God on the surface of the lake. I saw two figures falling on the lake.

There was a shock in my heart, and I almost exclaimed. The two figures were actually Xu Ziyan who went back and returned, and the other was the Lingbo fairy who she always wanted to see.

Holding your breath, carefully stabilizing the glimpse of the lake, listening to the dialogue between Xu Ziyan and Lingbo Fairy.

"Lingbo sister! It is very hidden here, we can talk with confidence."

"Yeah!" Lingbo Fairy nodded gently.

"Lingbo sister, how come you?"

Lingbo Fairy whispered: "I have been in the Xinghai these days, but you have not found me. There is such a big thing in Xinghai, our family can't care."

“Oh!” Xu Ziyan nodded like a sigh: “So, is this the sister’s return to the hidden world?”

"Not bad!" Lingbo Fairy said: "I came to see you before returning to the hidden world. I want to tell you. The family has promised that as long as you are dedicated to serving our Yang family, ten years later, the family will The first batch of monks from the Xu family entered the hidden world and helped you to establish a family in the hidden world."

In the depths of the lake, Ouyang Xiang’s heart “砰砰” jumped straight, and the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the mysterious hidden family was not shallow. The mysterious family has promised to help Xu family build power in the hidden world.

"Sister!" Xu Ziyan on the edge of the lake showed a hint of hesitation.

"Hmmm?" Lingbo fairy looked at Xu Ziyan and smiled: "What? What can you say?" What else can we say?"

Xu Ziyan gratefully glanced at Lingbo Fairy Road: "Sister, the family in the hidden world also knows that we are Xujia. If we Xujia enters the hidden world, even with the support of the sister family, but..."

Lingbo fairy smiled: "Ziyan, are you worried that our Yang family's strength is not enough to protect you?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a sly color. Lingbo Fairy smiled unconsciously: “You don’t need to worry about this thing. Our Yang family just doesn’t want to be born. If we say that Yang’s family is in the hidden world. The second strength, no family dare to say first. Today may wish to give you a bottom, Yang family has several half-step fairy king."

Ouyang Xiang’s nerves in the depths of the lake were tight, and he almost took a sip of water. A voice in my heart is shouting:

"It's made, this time it's really made! Half-step fairy king! And still a few! If you can rely on such a family, what are you afraid of then?"

"Sister... there is one more thing..." Xu Ziyan said cautiously: "Ouyang Xiang in the hidden world invited me to go to their family..."

“Well?” Lingbo fairy frowned slightly: “But the Ouyang incense that had conflicted with me at the Wanxian Conference?”

Ouyang Xiang in the depths of the lake immediately became nervous. She was really afraid that Lingbo Fairy still remembered her hatred and listened more seriously.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan whispered: "You said at the Wanxian Conference that your relationship with me is very good. I think she wants to ask for your forgiveness through me."

“嗤~~” Lingbo Fairy smiled a bit: “Ziyan, you are still too simple. Things are not as simple as you think. The Ouyang family is now very difficult in the hidden world, they have a big trouble. They hope that by pleading you to reach the goal of contacting our Yang family, we hope to rely on our Yang family and seek the protection of the Yang family."


At the bottom of the lake, Ouyang Xiang has already determined that the Yang family must be from the hidden world. Otherwise, how would she know that the Ouyang family had a big trouble? Where does she know that Xu Ziyan only deceives her with a vague term based on her own speculation?

"Sister, I think Ouyang Xiang’s sister is very kind. The conflict with you was just a misunderstanding. You will forgive her." Xu Ziyan said.

At the bottom of the lake, Ouyang Xiang’s heart was warm and heartfelt.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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