The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1600: pressure

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Lingbo Fairy snorted: "Ziyan, she is purposefully approaching you, you are just being deceived by her appearance. Hey, how can I say hello, you are too kind, too Innocent. But it is your innocence and kindness that makes me look at you and be willing to be a good sister with you."

Ouyang Xiang in the depths of the lake was once again nervous, and his mind was seen by Lingbo Fairy. How is this good? Purple smoke! Pure purple smoke! Kind purple smoke! You must help your sister! From now on, my sister will treat you as my sister. Without the slightest falsehood.

Silence for a moment on the edge of the lake, only to hear the weak voice of Xu Ziyan: "That... how is my sister prepared to deal with Ouyang?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Ouyang Xiang’s heart seemed to be frozen in an instant, and it felt that the lake became cold and there was a despair in his eyes. In the gods, I heard the cold voice of Lingbo Fairy:

"Do you want to think about this family that wants to play our Yang family? After I go back, I will let the family directly kill them."

The body of Ouyang Xiang in the depths of the lake is a shock, but the voice of Xu Ziyan came from the gods:


There is a slight disappointment in the voice of Lingbo Fairy: "Then I will kill Ouyang Xiang before I return to the hidden world, and I will let go of her family."

Ouyang incense in the depths of the lake bites his lips, and blood oozes from his lips. A trace of fear is constantly magnifying in my heart.

"Don't!" Xu Ziyan once again stopped to say: "Sister, I... I have been in contact with Ouyang sister several times, I... I think Ouyang sister is a trustworthy person. Stop. Sister, don't be embarrassed by Ouyang sister and her. Family, I don’t go to Ouyang’s house to be a guest.”

Ouyang Xiang’s tears burst out and her heart was moved. At this time, Xu Ziyan was the benefactor of their Ouyang family in her heart.

The Lingbo fairy on the edge of the lake indulged in a moment: "Forget it. You will contact the Ouyang family. By the way, help me observe the Ouyang family. If you really believe it, you can trust Ouyang. Make friends at home, and wait for your family to enter the hidden family to help each other!"

Xu Ziyan showed a pure smile on his face: "I know my sister is the best!"

Lingbo fairy touched the hair of Xu Ziyan: "You are too pure!"

Xu Ziyan wrinkled his nose and said: "I also know that I am too pure. But I can't change it, and I don't want to change it."

Lingbo Fairy exchanged through Yuanshen and Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, almost!"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan also used the Yuanshen to pass the message.

"I am leaving!" Lingbo Fairy Road.

"I am sending my sister!"

Xu Ziyan and Lingbo Fairy disappeared into the air. In the depths of the clouds, Lingbo Fairy became a messy look. Xu Ziyan took it back to the purple smoke space and looked back at the direction of the lake. Instantly disappeared into the air.

Xu Ziyan and the chaos have left for a long time, Ouyang Xiang floated up from the bottom of the lake, came to the shore to pass the clothes, and sat on the rock with his hands on his knees.

Xu Ziyan set up a line in the room, and said the agreement reached between him and Ouyang Xiang to Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang. At the same time, he also said his thoughts to three people, and the three people sighed for a long time. I feel that it is still feasible. The most important thing is that these three people are also very clear in their hearts. As long as Xu Ziyan has made up his mind, they can't change.

Xu Ziyan took out a jade slip from the storage ring, which is the name of the material that records the exchange of the hidden family on these days. Xu Ziyan handed this jade to Xu Haotian, and told him that these materials should not be shot outside, waiting for him to enter the hidden world to exchange.

It was not long before Xu Ziyan returned to the house. He felt that someone touched the array, and the knowledge was swept away. When Ouyang Xiang stood outside, he hurriedly got up and ushered in Ouyang Xiang. The guest is seated. After sipping tea, Xu Ziyan asked softly:

"Ouyang sister came, what is it?"

Ouyang Xiang’s face is more sincere and less hypocritical. Especially the eyes are very clear. Whispered:

"Ziyan, I have to go back!"

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan said excitedly: "I am ready to go with my sister."

Ouyang Xiang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Ziyan. This blames me for not telling you clearly last time. If you follow me to the hidden world now, then you are a hidden world, and you can’t represent your family. Bigby than three years later, you have to think clearly."

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and had not waited for her to ask for an exit. Ouyang Xiang explained:

"Ziyan, from ancient times to now, all monks who enter the hidden world must appear as hidden continents. This is the rule of the hidden continent. It cannot be violated. Otherwise, it will cause punishment for the entire hidden continent. ""

"That... what do you mean?"

"If you want to participate in the big purple three years later, you can't enter the hidden world with me now. Only after three years, I will lead you into the hidden world."

Xu Ziyan was silent for a while: "Sister, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"After three years, what level of monks will be produced by the hidden family?"

Ouyang Xiang’s face is a bit hesitant. After all, Xu Ziyan is not a monk on the hidden continent. It is not appropriate to tell Xu Ziyan about the hidden things in the mainland. But when she thought of the dialogue between Xu Ziyan and Lingbo Fairy, she finally made up her mind:

"Ziyan, the hidden world is also like the super family, the first-class family, the second-rate family and the third-rate family. Of course, these levels do not include the unborn family like Yang. The super family is a half-step fairy king. Today, there are only two super families in the hidden world, each with a half-step fairy king.

The first-class family and the second-rate family are all held in the late Xianjun monarchs, but they have different numbers. The third-rate family did not have a monk in the late Xianjun, but also had a monk in the late Xianjun.

There are strict rules for the division of power in the hidden world. There are only two super families, only ten first-class families, and only one hundred second-class families. There are two hundred families in the third-rate family, and the rest are families that do not enter the stream. And each family wants to upgrade the level of the family, it must pass a hundred years of big ratio.

If the challenged family wins, their family will be upgraded, and the losing family will be eliminated from his original level. For example, if he is the last of the first-class family and then challenged by the second-rate family, he becomes a second-rate family. So, no matter how it changes, the overall number will not change.

I am afraid that you will not send too many monks after three years. ”

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded: “Yunjia, Chujia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhu League and our Xu family each sent one.”

Ouyang Xiang nodded: "So you only occupy six jade slips, and there are a total of 278 jade slips, and you have six of them. The hidden family will have 272 pieces. No accident. In this case, two super families, ten first-class families and one hundred second-rate families will each get one piece. The remaining one hundred and sixty pieces of jade will let the third-rate family compete, but each third-rate family can only compete for one piece at most. ”

Xu Ziyan looked at Ouyang Xiang inexplicably and asked: "Since the super family is so powerful, why don't they take some jade slips and send more monks out to compare them?"

"This is also the rule of the hidden world. Every time the family compares, each family can only send one monk. So each time they send their strongest monks than each family. Of course, the two half-steps of the super family. Wang is not going to participate in Daby."

Ouyang Xiang took a serious look at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, you have to be careful. It is certain that the super family, the first-class family and the second-rate family must be the monks of Xianjun. That is to say, there will be one hundred and one. Twelve of the late peaks of the Xianjun appeared in the big world.

After these Xianjun entered the small world in the late stage, they will tacitly remove the monks from you and the third-rate families, and then kill them. I think if you six people enter the small world, it is best to find a place to hide immediately, and always hide to the end of the big, so not only saved their lives, but also got six planets. Don't be stupid, you have to think about it, not only will you lose the jade in your hands, but you will also lose your life. ”

Xu Ziyan's brow was deeply wrinkled. She thought that the hidden family was strong, but she did not expect it to be so strong. There are so many families who have the monarchs of the late Xianjun, and the two super families even have a half-step fairy king.

Let them six people face the 112 peaks of the late Xianjun?

Seeking truth from facts, this is no different from finding death! Even if there is a lot of days, there will be experience of fairy thieves!

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan was a little discouraged. After Ouyang Xiang was sent out, he sat in the room with a sullen mood.

The next day, the people sent away the monks in the hidden family. When they left, the hidden family also determined that only six jade slips were needed on the side of the Zhongyuan galaxy. They all left with sarcasm in one eye.

Looking at the ironic eyes in the eyes of the hidden family monks, whether it is the four super families, or the Xu family and the Tianzhu League are very angry. These monks no longer have the mind to stay in Xinghai, and they are thinking about how to improve their own skills in less than three years.

The four super-families and the Tianzhu League handed over their respective planets to their families to return to the family to practice, and Xu Ziyan and others are also prepared to do so. At this time, the number of Xinghai planets occupied by Xujia is the most. After some arrangements, Xu Ziyan and others are preparing to leave Xinghai. However, Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan are not prepared to return to Yueji City, but are prepared to go to Ditian's Tianzhu big crack to comprehend the soil properties.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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