The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1601: The peak of Xianjun

Thank you very much for the 3 (99) and gg77167716 classmates (100) for the rainy season!


Xu Ziyan's current body repair has reached the end of the eight products, presumably should be able to go deep into the cracks of the sky, she hopes to be able to gain further insight there, in three years to understand the soil properties into the realm of Dacheng.

However, Xu Qinyang only realized the metality and water properties to the great perfection, and there was also a lack of understanding of the soil properties. Xu Yantian and Xu Zhenshan were also the same, so the four decided to go to Ditian's Tianzhu crack.

Xu Ziyan is going to go to Di Lu Xing's big crack in Tianzhu, not to return to Yueji City, but with Xu Xiang and very no aspect. Xu Xiang refused to return to Yueji City himself. In the end, Xu Ziyan had no choice but to leave Xiaobai in Xinghai to accompany Xu. Xiao Bai is very happy, the water power here is so rich, it is suitable for Xiao Bai, the water property of the beast cultivation.

Long Aotian and Yang Linglong also resigned with Xu Ziyan, leaving with a lot of resources sent by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan four people bid farewell to Xiaobai and others, riding the transmission array all the way to Di Saturn.

Two and a half months later, a group of four people walked out of the transmission array. After a day of rest in Di Tucheng, they took a baby in the clouds and flew toward the crack in Tianzhu.

At the speed of the cloud baby, it took only three days to reach the big crack in Tianzhu. After the four people paid the fairy crystal, they fell to the depths of the big crack in Tianzhu.

The four people released a huge power that belongs to the immortal period, so that the monks who are also looking for a place of cultivation in the cracks of the sky are drastically changed one by one.

Four people ignored those people. The body shape quickly fell to the depths of the big cracks in the sky, Xu Ziyan is the self-contained space in the body, Xu Qinyang is the five attribute roots, Xu Yuntian and Xu Zhenshan are also the three attribute roots. and so. These four people have more endurance than the average monk.

Xu Ziyan is only the beginning of Xianjun, Xu Qinyang, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan are the peaks of Xianjun. However, Xu Yantian and Xu Zhenshan were the first to squeeze the soil attribute Xianyuan force, and stopped first.

Four people cherish each other's goodbye. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang continued to fall below.

It has been falling to the depth of the peak of Xianjun in the middle of the peak, Xu Qinyang also stopped, shaking his head against Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I can only get here, can you continue to go down?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Qin Yang brother, I have to continue to go down, I wish Qin Yang brother to break through as soon as possible!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed with a firm radiance: “Ziyan, I wish you an early breakthrough!”

Look at the back of Xu Ziyan's continued fall. Xu Qinyang's gaze reveals the color of envy, clenched his fist, and then began to open the cave.

Xu Ziyan came to the cave house where she last avoided the light. She felt a bit of joy on her face. Although the soil attribute Yuanli has begun to give her a lot of pressure, she obviously feels that she can continue to fall for a while. distance.

The figure is moving. The continued fall of Xu Ziyan, the distance of this drop is not far away, about only about a kilometer, it reached the end of her eight-piece fairy. However, this has made Xu Ziyan very happy, took out the five-color sword and began to open a hole in the cliff. A defensive array was also set up and will be sealed in the entire Dongfu.

At a few hours, Xu Ziyan will open Dongfu. Then she began to decorate Dongfu, and also took out a few night pearls embedded in the walls of Dongfu. After that, I crossed the ground and entered the cultivation.

The soil properties of Xu Ziyan were already the realm of the mid-term peak, and only a trace of it could break through Da Dacheng. and so. This time in her and Xu Qinyang. Among the four of Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan, she is the fastest. It took less than a year, and she realized the soil properties into a realm of greatness. The breath of the body suddenly fluctuated. The rich soil attribute Xianyuan Li frantically poured into her body...

After nine days.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and his body was covered with thick lime. A slight movement. Kneeling down. One body repaired to reach the peak of Xianjun. Sigh a sigh, Xu Ziyan has some regrets, this depth can not let her continue to break through.

When the mind is moving, it enters the purple smoke space.

The first thing to do is to go to the Xianhe to take a bath and then take a dry dress and sit under the giant trees by the river, let the peaches cook a meal for themselves.

Peach Blossom and Chun 30 is now the realm of Xianjun, and Gu Teng hopes to break through the middle of Xianjun. After eating the meal, Xu Ziyan sat under the giant tree by the river, while drinking tea, and thinking about the big ratio after more than a year.

It is difficult for Xu Liangtian to break through to the half-step Xianwang. It is a big hurdle. It is not realistic to want to break through this hurdle in less than three years. Chu Yun is very likely to break through to the peak of Xianjun. Clouded leopard, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Lu are also very likely to break through the late Xianjun.

As a result, the six monks on his own side were two peaks in the late Xianjun period, three in the late Xianjun and one in the early days of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan also has great regrets in his heart. He has some very strong cards that can't be moved now. Xiaotu, Xiaowudao will not say it. If you can cooperate with small finances, you can definitely do it after your own cultivation. To reach the peak of the peak of Xianjun, if you will defend the water of your palms on your own body, then there will be a fire-fighting child who has already deformed the phoenix, not to mention that it is invincible in the late peak of Xianjun, but some people want to kill themselves. Absolutely difficult. However, now these cards are in the sea of ​​their own to guard the dark space of a glimpse of the gods.

"唉~~" sighed a sigh of relief, and Xu Ziyan’s gods revealed a glimpse of it, and entered the sea of ​​knowledge to call for a palm of water:

"Small water."

"the host!"

"Small water, then there is no change in the gods?" Xu Ziyan asked cautiously.


"That's good!" Xu Ziyan put down his heart and thought a little. He asked with hope in his tone: "Is there a way to eliminate it?"

"No!" The sound of the water of the palm of the hand came weakly.

Xu Ziyan took back his disappointment in disappointment and shook his head in a depressed mood. Without these cards, Xu Ziyan really did not know how to survive in the big ratio.

I seriously thought about my current strength, and my feelings should be able to reach the strength of Xianjun later, but there is still a distance from the strength of Xianjun.

Ok! If you add a five-color sword, you should be very close to the peak of Xianjun, and the combination of Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius should be equivalent to the peak of Xianjun.

However, Xu Ziyan was not faced with a peak of the late Xianjun at the time of the big ratio, but a lot. After the six of them entered the small world, once exposed, the peak of the late Xianjun will be a group, so the fighting power is not enough to protect themselves. But now she can't think of any cards she has.

Don't say that the spring thirty mothers, peach blossoms and ancient vines hope that the cultivation is not enough, that is, they have reached the peak of the late Xianjun and can not be easily revealed in the small world. If they are found, even if the monks do not doubt their own body space. I also suspect that I have a high-quality space fairy, in which case she will be more and more chased by the monks in the hidden family. Therefore, they can bring into the small world, but they can't be used in less than a last minute.

Yes, I will bring in the little white at that time. The realm of Xiaobai is now in the middle of Xianjun, but his combat power should be able to reach the late stage of Xianjun, and it will be a good helper at a dangerous moment.

But these are not revealed in normal times. Xu Ziyan's brows are tightly locked together, and suddenly she feels a move, she thinks of the leeches. This otter can be used at any time! Because as long as there is a storage bag, you can raise such a living thing, which will not make others doubt.

"They should have improved again!"

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he came to the water property planet. Sure enough, those leeches have changed, making Xu Ziyan happy.

The entire otter group has a realm of improvement. The original scorpion of the Xianjun has reached the peak of Xianjun, and Xu Ziyan is pleased that there is another otter in the early days of Xianjun. The nine-day Xuanxian late peaks have more water. With the existence of these leeches, Xu Ziyan finally felt that he had some self-protection ability. If there were not many hidden family monks, he should be able to escape.


Xu Ziyan jumped into the heart and instantly came to the chaotic planet and saw the chaos of the dark creatures still in the refinery.

Looking at the chaos, I can't help but make Xu Zi a heart-wrenching. If you look at the chaos, you don't have to cultivate at all. It is just there that refining the dark creatures in the Nether, and that cultivation is growing on the side. Today's chaos is already the peak of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan also gave a glimpse of the gods into the gloom. The last time she used the phantom, she had completely consumed the chaotic refining dark creatures. At this time, some dark creatures in the phantom were reorganized by chaos.

The knowledge of God was swept away in the gloom, and Xu Ziyan could not help but be surprised. She discovered that the dark creatures have been consuming each other for so many years and have evolved over the years. Now there are two peaks in the late Xianjun, three in the late Xianjun, five in the middle of the Xianjun, and eight in the early days of Xianjun. It’s just that the chaos is just controlling the dark creatures of the early Xianjun and the 5,000-day Xuanxian period.

However, this has made Xu Ziyan very happy. With this dark creature, he has a protective body.

What else can improve my combat power?

Xu Ziyan thought hard!

Fairy! Correct! Fairy!

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. I don’t know what level of Fuyi has reached today.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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