The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1602: Big than started

I am very grateful to Du Jiaxiaobao, eryanu classmates, book friends 120110112114977 classmates, sapporo classmates, ~~檒~~ classmates, mimi0513 classmates, should not be a classmate, Dengshushan! Classmates' pink ticket!


The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared on the purple smoke planet. He was called one, two, Dan Yi, Dan Er, Fu Yi and Yu Yi, and they were asked one by one.

The realm of the first and the second of the instrument has reached the realm of the peak of the Eight Senses in the late stage, and the array has reached the realm of the peak of the Eight Senses. Dan Yi and Dan Er also reached the realm of Xiandan Division in the early eight products, and caught up with Xu Ziyan. Fuyi also reached the realm of the emperor of the eight-character in the early days, and it was more than the seven-character emperor of Xu Ziyan.

The progress of the first and second two is not very helpful for Xu Ziyan. After all, she has the innate fairy treasure five-color sword, and can't use those eight-piece fairy. Dan Yi and Dan Er refining the medicinal herbs can give Xu Ziyan some help, but it is only the help of cultivation, and it does not help the combat power. The help of Array One is also limited. After all, it takes time to lay out a formation. Xu Ziyan is very much looking forward to the fact that Yihe and Fuyi can quickly reach the Jiupian Xianshi and Xianfushi, so that they can start to produce the temperature that has been maintained in chaos. The soul of Yanshan is her refinery.

If the formation is made successfully, she can make a huge set of cards in an instant.

Xu Ziyan finally put his mind on Fu Yi's body. As the early stage of the Eight Characters, it is natural to be able to refine the eight-character fairy, knowing that it is equivalent to the power of the first attack of Xian Wang. Although if the other party has eight ornaments, the body protector. It is not possible to give the other party substantially harm, but if Xu Ziyan uses a bunch of eight Pinxian to go to the other side? Even if the other party has eight bodyguards, there is always a moment of being destroyed.

Xu Ziyan’s heart immediately excited, and after discussing it with Fu Yi. Depressed again.

It turns out that the eight-character fairy is very versatile, and only one can be made in one day. Of course, this is also because Fu Yi has just broken through, and as his realm improves, the speed will gradually come up. But now this speed makes Xu Ziyan feel like scratching his heart. Only after a while, let him immediately refine the eight-character charm, and then took a big peach to leave the purple smoke space, sitting in the cave and venting.

In the depths of the big crack in the sky, a figure flew upwards. It was Xu Ziyan who left Dongfu. Soon she came to Xu Qinyang's Dongfu, and saw that Xu Qinyang's Dongfu was still closed, which means that Xu Qinyang still did not go out. The sleeves are smashed and the figure rises from the sky. Soon after I came to the Dongfu of Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan, they found that the two caves were closed. The body shape just stayed for a moment, and then went to the sky again.

The power of the peak of Xianjun in the early days caused many monks in the cracks of the Tianzhu to evade. Xu Ziyan ignored them. The figure rushed out of the big cracks like a sharp arrow, leaving behind a group of envious eyes.

At this time, Di Saturn has arrived in the summer. The bright sunshine shone down without any cover, so that Xu Ziyan’s mood was sunny.

Xu Ziyan entered Di Tucheng and stayed in a hotel called Ruyi Inn. Before going to the big crack in Tianzhu, she and Xu Qinyang, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan agreed that whoever came out first would wait here.

On the day of entering the inn, Xu Ziyan gave Xiaobai a message, let her send Xu Xiang back to Yueji City, and then rushed here with resources that will enter the hidden world. Xu Ziyan is scheduled to be after the end of the big ratio, I am afraid that Ouyang Xiang will bring himself into the hidden world. So Xu Ziyan made everything in advance.

Xu Ziyan is living in the inn. Every day, Dan Yi and Dan Er refining the eight-character Xiandan cultivation, accumulating Xianyuan force, accumulating strength for the breakthrough of Xianjun.

half year later.

Xiaobai went to Ruyi Inn and asked Xiaobai about the situation of Yueji City and Xinghai. Xu Ziyan will let go of his heart. Today's fairyland has rarely entered an era of extreme peace. Everyone knows that the Xinghai Dabi will soon be carried out. It is also known that after the Xinghai Dabi, the Zhongyuan Galaxy will usher in an unknown situation.

Four super families. Xu Jiahe Tianzhu League because their family wants to participate in the Xinghai Dabi, and the results of the big ratio is unknown, it is likely to get a disastrous ending. And this fiasco is directly a death. Therefore, these families are actively practicing.

Those first-rate and second-rate families also believed that in the heart of the time, Xu Ziyan, Xu Tiantian, Chu Yundong, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Lue died. How can you face a lot of hidden families to come back alive? The death of these six people, coupled with the hidden family will train some first-rate and second-rate families as their spokespersons, the meta-galaxies are bound to enter the turbulent era, so these families have also retired into the cultivation.

The super-family, the first-class family and the second-rate family all entered the cultivation. The families below the third-rate were even more nervous and fearful. They also closed their doors and practiced. The monks who did not practice retreat became cautious and created a rare peacetime. .

After learning everything, Xu Ziyan took Xiaobai into the purple smoke space and then resumed cultivation.

Another half year.

Xu Qinyang, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan came back one after another. Xu Qinyang, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan have all successfully broken through the middle of Xianjun. After the four people celebrated, they left Di Saturn and went to the Chu family the next day. Because the distance and the hidden family are very close to each other, everyone discussed it at the beginning, and they all gathered in the Chu family, waiting for the hidden family.

After more than two months, four people walked out of the transmission array and stepped into the empty city.

Xu Ziyan was carefully arranged in the green building where Xu Ziyan was used to live in Lingbo Fairy. At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing in a gazebo, which is located in the middle of a small lake in the green building. . The lotus leaves on the lake, such as jasper, the water droplets occasionally roll, falling with the wind, dripping in the lake, swaying out of a circle. Let Xu Ziyan intoxicated in this landscape.

Xu Qinyang’s figure flew far away, and the clothes fell into the gazebo, and the voice said:

"Ziyan, the hidden family has sent people, and now within the Chu family hall, the Chu chief asked us to go."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “Would you like to start?”

The two figures flew from the gazebo, crossed the air and flew toward the Chu Family House.

Soon, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang landed outside the hall of the Chu family, and they stepped into the hall. The eyes swept around, Chu Yun was sitting on the main position, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong, Xiang Lu and Xu Tiantian had arrived, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang went to the side of Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan, and looked down at this time. Looking at the Wenyang Dragon sitting there.

Wenyang Longyan opened his eyes and said faintly: "Our hidden family has found a small world in Tianxingxing. You are ready, we will leave here tomorrow and go to Tianxingxing."

A month later.

The four super families, Xu Jiahe and Tianzhu League, as well as many first-class families, second-rate families, even third-rate families and some scattered repairs are gathered in a mountain range of Tianqixing. In addition to the four super families, Xu Jia and Tian Hao Meng, the other families are long-sighted. After all, I have never seen so many hidden families, let alone the monks of the Zhongyuan Galaxy and the hidden family to participate in the big ratio. How can this lively not be seen?

The hidden family has also come to many people, in addition to participating in the Dabie disciples, as well as family leaders or elders. The patriarchs of these hidden families were not prepared to participate in this big ratio, but sent family disciples to attend. However, most of these family disciples are the first masters of the family except the patriarchs, and some are even better than their patriarchs, and they are the first masters of the family.

At this time, the two monks stood in the heights. These two monks were the masters of the late peaks of Xianjun. One was called Gong Cheng and the other was called Hongshixi. These two people are the patriarchs of the two super-family of the hidden family. Of course, the two of them are not the highest monks in their family, because there are one and a half-step kings in the two families, but these two and a half Step Xian Wang is always retreating and practicing, and he has not come.

Gong Cheng’s eyes swept sharply through the crowd: “There are a total of 278 planets in Xinghai. There are also 278 jade slips in this big match. Each family can only get a piece of jade.

After a while, I will join hands with Hong Xiong to open this small world. After you enter, this small world will be closed. Three months later, we and Hong Xiong will once again join hands to open the entrance to the small world. So far, the ratio is over. ”

Hong Shixi went on to say: "This time the big brother started in the moment of entering the small world. If you want to get more jade, you can only grab other people's jade. The rule of this small world is no rule. I hope that every monk who enters the small world must be mentally prepared.

Also, the grudges in the small world are not allowed to come out, and all grievances end in the small world. If any family dares to pursue the grievances in the small world, the family of the world will discuss it together. And once the ratio is over, the distribution of Xinghai Planet is determined by the number of jade slips obtained by the monks. The family with the largest number of jade figures can give priority to Xinghai Planet. Let us swear in the name of their respective families, and if anyone does not follow this rule, their family must die. ”

Every family patriarch who participated in Dabi raised his hand and sweared, and the sound was long.

Hong Shixi turned to the first throw, and 278 pieces of jade slipped accurately to the 278 participating families. Xu Ziyan reached out and caught a jade slip into the storage ring. After that, he stepped out of the family, and Chu Yundong, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong, Xiang Lu and Xu Liangtian stood together.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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