The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1604: Where are you coming from?

Thank you very much for eryanu classmates, treasure egg mom ~ classmates' pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan was a little embarrassed, slightly frowning and thinking about it, his eyebrows were lightly picked, and his mouth flicked a smile. Quietly took out a piece of the first eight-character emperor for its refining, and released it.

What is the concept of the eight-character fairy? That is the power of the early stage of the immortal king. This fairy symbol was released from the body of Xu Ziyan, and immediately spread the power of the fairy king.

This kind of power has just been exuded, and it was immediately felt by the late monk who was hiding in the tree hole. He has never seen the fairy king, let alone see, just feel the atmosphere of the fairy king has not passed. But he knew that there was a super master on his head, a master who made him fear from the bottom of his heart. The back is a stiff, not even dare to carry it, not moving, but just pleading:

"Predecessors, this is jade, please spare your next life!"

Xu Ziyan is also very anxious, and the eight-character charm of Fu Yi refining can only maintain the time of ten-note, and immediately whispered:

"Throw it up!"

The monk did not dare to stop, and immediately raised his hand and threw the jade slip. Xu Ziyan grabbed the jade slip and took it into the storage ring. He sealed the eight-character charm, and a teleport disappeared.


The monk in the tree hole felt the momentum on his body disappeared and spit out a long breath. But he still didn't dare to move at all. After a while, he cautiously called:


No one responded, his heart was slightly relaxed, and the voice was raised:


There is still no sound. He finally let go of his heart, carefully looking up and looking up, where there are still people.


He couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, only to find that his clothes were soaked. The figure is oriented upwards. Standing on the branches outside the tree hole, I looked nervously around, saw no human traces, and my body was floating. I fled to the distance and fled in my heart and thought:

"It's too unsafe here, go find a safe place."

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already flew in the other direction, and there was some heartache while flying. Although the jade that was obtained from the hidden family monk was very fast, it also consumed the time of the eight-character fairy, and that there were only more than one hundred and eighty in Xu Ziyan’s body. She is ready to use it at the crisis.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan looked up and took a look at his forehead. In the heart, he said: "I am stupid. Just now, I can use the Ruyi Aquarius to attack it. Why do you want to use the eight-character charm!"

From the news of those flying waters, they chose to hide in the hidden direction of a hidden family monk, and laughed while flying. She did not expect that there would be so many monks in the late Xianjun who chose to hide, and among the monks who were hiding, there were eight monks who chose to hide in the hollow tree hole. However, from this point, we can also see the cruelty of the hidden continent.

Xu Ziyan, who opened the convergence symbol, landed silently on the branches of an old tree. Looking down at the bottom, it really has a hollow tree hole, and you can see a monk in a vague way.

The purple bottle of the purple eye of Xu Ziyan flashed, and turned out a bottle of mouth.


“嗖”, the monk hiding in the tree hole was taken into the bottle of Ruyi. Xu Ziyan will glimpse into the Ruyi Aquarius, the monk has been frozen into an ice cube, Xu Ziyan heart fretting, his left hand is rapidly melting, Xu Ziyan unceremoniously put the storage ring on his finger Take it down, and the gods swept inside. I can't help but feel great. There is not only a big jade in it. There are still many resources.

Uncertainly, the storage ring was closed, and Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows flickered. An ice cube was poured out from the inside and fell into the tree hole below. The shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared on the branches. As long as one hour later, the ice will naturally merge. It will not damage the life of the monk. However, a shock is naturally inevitable.

Xu Ziyan was extremely fast. It was only half a day that all the storage rings of the eight monks hiding in the tree hole were robbed, and they were not allowed to discover her trace.

Xu Ziyan began to sort out the news from the flying water, and found that nineteen monks hid in the cave. Xu Ziyan shook his head regretfully. When these monks hid in the cave, they would certainly block the cave. It would not be possible to use the Ruyibao bottle to sneak up. If you want to think about it, you can only use the eight-character charm. People.

Xu Ziyan quickly came to the front of a cave and couldn't help but nod. The monk was afraid that the fluctuations of the formation caused the attention of the monks in the past. He did not arrange the formation at the hole, but instead used a stupid way to disguise the hole. It was really hard to find. If it weren’t for the exploration of a flying otter, she couldn’t find it. This is also the 18 monks who were found flying in the water before they hid in the cave. If they waited for them to hide, the flying otters could not be found. Xu Ziyan is sure that there must be a monk who has hid in the cave in advance and was not found by flying water.

Xu Ziyan transported the light attribute, and immediately released a dazzling light from the body of Xu Ziyan, shrouded Xu Ziyan inside, and could not see the appearance of Xu Ziyan from the outside.

She just released the light attribute outside, and the inside of the fairy was felt in the late stage. The heart was shocked. Just wanted to feel what the other person was doing, and he felt that he could not resist the power through the block. The walls of the cave came in, and even after the "bang" came, the hole was broken, and a shadow shrouded in the glare was standing outside the hole.

"Hand over the storage ring!" Xu Ziyan shouted coldly.

The monk did not dare to resist at all, quickly removed the storage ring from his finger and threw it at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan caught the storage ring, and the gods swept in the inside. There was a hint of joy in his eyes, and his body shape flashed and disappeared into the air.


The drenched monk sighed with a long sigh of relief, and suddenly jumped out of the hole and fled...

This time, Xu Ziyan spent three days, spending a total of seven eight-character charms, and robbing nineteen monks hiding in the cave, so that she had the jade slip she had, she already had twenty-eight Zhi Yu Jian.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in a bamboo forest, and the green leaves of bamboo leaves were carved like jasper, and the breeze swept through and rustled. The fairy power in the small world is very rich, and the clear air is blowing in the face, which makes people feel refreshed.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and arranged the message sent by the flying otter. In these messages, there was no news of the hidden family. The monks were not hidden by the flying otters because they were hidden early. The rest of the monks are carefully exploring what they are, picking up some precious herbs from time to time.

These people have their own actions, but also team to explore. Xu Ziyan soon understood that these people did not want to **** the jade of other monks, and they did not have that strength.

But they also don't want to hide. After all, this small world is the sacred family that the occult family has found in this big horoscope. It is still a virgin land that may not have been discovered. Places like this have been passed down from ancient times. Not to mention that there are abundant resources, maybe there will be any shocking inheritance, so they decided to explore it.

Xu Ziyan chuckled and seemed to have to continue to rob the master. It’s just that it’s going to consume eight products, and this time it’s faster than before. It turned out that the eight-character charm was released after being quietly close, because the monks were hiding in the tree hole or within the cave. Nowadays, these monks are walking in the wilderness, the mountains, and they can see their own body shape from a long distance. Therefore, Xu Ziyan must open the eight-character fairy in the distance. Xu Ziyan calculated it. I am afraid that it would be a waste to rob a monk. An eight-character fairy.

It’s not that Xu Ziyan can’t bear the eight-character fairy charm, and how the eight-character fairy charm is so precious, and the value of a planet is far away. What Xu Ziyan is worried about is that these eight Pins are consumed too much, and when they are in danger, there is no eight-pin charm.

However, Xinghai Planet must be obtained. After the previous robbery, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also high. She is going to get 60 planets in this big ratio. She can’t be too greedy, even before entering the small world. Everyone swears, but if Xu Ziyan wins too many planets, he is also afraid of causing a fierce reaction from the hidden family.

As the figure rises, Xu Ziyan begins another robbery trip. This time, Xu Ziyan released the light attribute in the vicinity of a hidden family monk who was acting alone. He shrouded himself in a group of light, and then opened the eight-character fairy, whistling away toward the monk.

The monk who was walking cautiously felt that there was a huge power behind him, and he hurriedly turned around. He saw a figure shrouded in a group of shining lights, and the pressure made him feel good. Fear.

"Hand over the storage ring!" Xu Ziyan shouted coldly.

Xu Ziyan’s words were exported, but the monk was relieved. From the other side's words, he can feel that the other party just grabs his storage ring and does not mean to kill him. If you want to kill him, why bother to ask for his storage ring?

I didn't dare to hesitate. I hurriedly took the storage ring from my own hand and threw it at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan reached out and caught the storage ring. The gods swept inside and immediately teleported away.

The monk behind him looked at the space where Xu Ziyan disappeared, muttering to himself: "Where is such a master?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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