The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1605: mission accomplished

Thank you very much for the 3 days after the rainy season (99), the little candy classmates (100), the dream butterfly Baoyu classmates (100) pink ticket!


With the looting of Xu Ziyan, her reputation gradually spread out in the small world. Many monks know that there is a master in the small world. He is very mysterious. Every time he appears, it is shrouded in a dazzling light group. Have a great power. However, he only robbed the monk's storage ring, but never hurt the monk's life.

At this time, it has been nine days since entering the small world. Xu Ziyan has obtained forty-six jade slips, only fourteen from the sixty jade slips. However, at this time, those flying waters came back to the news, and a large number of monks in the late Xianjun period began to appear. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shock. It seems that those monks in the late Xianjun have completed the pursuit of the four patriarchs and Xu Tiantian, that is, they do not know the final result.

However, at this time, she did not have time to pay attention to them. She had to win the last fourteen jade slips before the monks in the late Xianjun began to mass-kill those monks in the late Xianjun.

However, it is too late to want to rob one of the lone monks in this way. Only to rob the late monks of the group.

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and decided to take a risk. If it fails, he will not be able to escape. She believes that even if she can't beat a group of Xianjun later, but wants to escape, they can't catch up at their own speed. But this kind of adventure is good once, and the number of times is too high, and it is inevitable that the gutter will turn over. And those monks in the late Xianjun have begun to target those monks in the late Xianjun. There is not much time left for her.

Through the thoughts that came back from thousands of flying water, Xu Ziyan finally determined a team with fifteen junjuns. The reason for choosing this team is because the number of the team is similar to what you want, and because the team is far from the monks who are at the peak of the late Xianjun.

Within a valley. Fifteen late monarchs were excited to pick herbs, and suddenly they came down from the air with a great power. When Horan looked up, he saw a light falling from the sky.

"Bright eyes!"

Several people exclaimed, their name was to make Xu Ziyan a glimpse. But she doesn't have time to think about it. Immediately shouted:

"Hand over your storage rings."

The fifteen monks looked like a change. When they saw Xu Ziyan, they knew that she was coming to rob their storage ring. But they are not lone walkers, but there are fifteen people, and they have an idea in their hearts. Looking at each other, they said by a seemingly captain’s monk:


Xu Ziyan's eight-character fairy can only persist in the ten-day time, where there is time to waste them. I haven't waited until the monk finished talking and thought. Then summoned the confusion. Before the confusion was summoned, the chaos released the light attribute. The two gods figured out, and the chaos naturally understood the light attribute, and at the same time let the chaos release an eight-character fairy.

In the vision of the fifteen monks, there was suddenly a monk shrouded in the light group, and the body also released a great power. I saw that the monk in the light group appeared, and the figure flashed to the captain's head. A big slap in the face of his face, directly fanned him out.

The monk made a parabola in the air, spewing a blood, and fell heavily on the ground. The words of the "divided body" were immediately thought of in the minds of these fifteen monks.

A filigree monk and 15 of them were not sure that they would be able to win. At this time, there was another avatar with the same power, and their fighting spirit suddenly collapsed. Immediately flustered to remove the storage ring and threw it to Xu Ziyan, the captain also endured the painful removal of the storage ring and still gave Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan quickly swept the fifteen storage rings with his gods. His face showed a happy color, no longer staying in the slightest, and the chaos retracted the purple smoke space. Direct use of a large shift. It disappeared instantly without a trace.

His move made the fifteen monks feel shocked. They naturally recognized that it was a big move, and that there are not a few monks in the hidden world who practiced this practice. Who?

They were surprised to guess there. In a void, Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly appeared. At this time, the light group on her body has disappeared, and the eight-character fairy symbol opened on her body has also exhausted the power. The virtual standing in the air has long sighed with relief, and my heart secretly:

"Good risk! Almost a little bit of it!"


There was a loud noise under her, and Xu Ziyan looked down and saw the four monarchs in the late Xianjun who were chasing the five monks of the late Xianjun. The spatial fluctuation caused by Xu Ziyan caused both sides in the fierce battle to be sensed. Looking up in the direction of Xu Ziyan, several people could not help but blurt out:

"Xu Ziyan!"

"Peace ~~"

The back of Xu Ziyan unfolds the wing of the wind.


The shape of Xu Ziyan crossed the sky and disappeared without a trace. The few monks below looked helplessly at the direction of the disappearance of Xu Ziyan, knowing that Xu Ziyan could not be caught at this time. Looking back at the five centuries later, they rushed to the past.

This time, Xu Ziyan did not use the big shift, because her big shift was still the original level, and she did not cultivate to the directional shift. I don’t know where this move will fly. So this time she used the wing of the wind. The message from the thousands of flying otters in the gods escaped several humanities and eventually landed on an uninhabited mountain, sitting cross-legged on an old tree. Between the dense branches.

Sitting on the knees between the branches, once again confirmed that there was no trace around, Xu Ziyan went out of the storage ring that was robbed these days, first took out the jade in each storage ring, a total of six Eleven jade slips were collected by him in a storage ring.

Xu Ziyan was originally prepared to have sixty jade slips. Even if he completed the task of setting himself up for himself, he did not expect to have completed the task too much now. Now in the next two months, what he has to do is Keeping these 61 jade Jane is fine.

The storage ring was closed, and Xu Ziyan began to sort out the looted storage rings. These hidden family monks were rich in family. Moreover, these monks who can represent Daebi in each family are almost the first masters of the family. Their status can be imagined in the family, so it is conceivable that such a rich family.

Not to mention all kinds of rare resources, the total number of celestial crystals has totaled more than 5 billion, and Xu Ziyan has found several extremely rare alchemy symbols in these resources. Although the number of materials in the refiner array is rare, It is a precious anomaly.

What makes Xu Ziyan strange is that she also found the gas of life found in the three ancient relics of the Cangwu mainland in these storage rings. And in every storage ring, there are only one life ring in the storage ring, but some are two, but at most two are, it is precious.

Xu Ziyan collected these gas of life, a total of seventy-six. When the mind was moved, Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space. She remembered that she had a life of 3,228 lives, and she was placed on a planet full of suffocation.

At this time, the figure of Xu Ziyan stood on the planet full of suffocating suffocation. The gods covered the whole planet, and they never saw a glimpse of life, but they saw countless beasts on the planet. Pentium.

Xu Ziyan is the master of this planet, but only a thought is very familiar with the beasts on this planet. Sure enough, as she blocked the imagination, the 3,228 sigh of life is like a seed. Today, there are 5,364 animals in the planet that contain life. It is only the size of life contained in the gas.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and threw the seventy-six-year-old gas of life that he had just got out to the ground.


Thousands of beasts screamed in unison, the earth rushed, and countless beasts robbed the seventy-six pieces of life. Only in an instant, the seventy-six pieces of life are swallowed into the body by seventy-six powerful beasts. The gas of life is swallowed into the body by the beasts. It is obvious that their breath is powerful in an instant.

Xu Ziyan smiled slightly, and the heart flickered out of the purple smoke space and returned to the branches. After collecting these fairy crystals and materials, they were collected one by one.

After finishing everything, Xu Ziyan took out the communication Yujian and began to move one by one with Chu Yun, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong, Xiang Lu and Xu Liangtian. The result of the contact made Xu Ziyan's face extremely ugly. She had never been connected to the project, so there was only one result, that is, the project had already died.

Clouded leopard and Jiang Zixiong were in contact. The two of them were seriously injured. At this time, they were hiding in a cave, and after three months, the injury would not be fully recovered. Chu Yundong also received a minor injury. The best situation is that Xu Tiantian is not a genius. He did not suffer any harm and escaped the pursuit of the hidden family.

However, in this case, the affairs of the six alliances have collapsed. Everyone has to cherish each other and cut off the connection. Xu Ziyan also got sixty-one jade slips and completed the task of Dabi, so she did not want to go out to risk again. She decided to practice on this tree and waited until more than two months later.

Of course, her thousands of flying otters are still released outside, monitoring the situation in all directions, which can make him more safe.

Xu Ziyan cultivated in the foothills, and from time to time sorted out the various messages sent back by the flying otters. The news was nothing more than a robbery of the hidden family monks, or what resources were found. So twenty days have passed...


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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