The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1606: Temple

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, peigougou classmates, large flying pig classmates, Yu Xiaokai classmates, Long Ying classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, and the pink ticket from Xianben classmates!


On this day, the news that a otter came back made Xu Ziyan feel excited.

The news is that a few historical sites have been discovered in the late peaks of Xianjun. This monument seems to be a relic of a certain sect of the door that was passed down from ancient times. There are countless monks going there.

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to stay here without taking risks. However, she sent out dozens of otters near the ruins to investigate.

In the next few days, a message was sent back, and the rushing monks got some treasures in the ruins. Those treasures have immortal cheats, emperors, and fairy charms...

However, although these things are precious, Xu Ziyan does not feel too attractive. However, the subsequent message made Xu Ziyan's heart move again. The monks found a large hall at the end of the ruins. The walls of the main hall were painted with several murals. The contents of the murals clearly tell you that there is a dense land behind the main hall, where there is a true ancient heritage.

Xu Ziyan interrupted cultivation and seriously thought about it. Such a place with extremely strong prohibition, will the inheritance of its seal be low-level? Do you want to go now?

The opportunity has already appeared, how can it be easily abandoned?

Xu Ziyan finally stood up from the branch. First, he took out a stack of eight-character charms and hid them in his body. This opened the wing of the wind behind him. Encourage the wind to fly away from the distance.

The road was far away, flying at the speed of Xu Ziyan for more than a day, and flew to the twilight of the next day. Xu Ziyan saw a group of buildings far away.

The two mountains spread to both sides. Those buildings were built on the mountain, spreading from the foot of the mountain to the mountains. At this time, there were no traces on the mountains on both sides. Xu Ziyan knew that this was because the monks of the hidden family had already searched the families. At this time, they gathered at the main hall in front of the two peaks.

Xu Ziyan fell to the ground, took off the wind wing behind him, and walked slowly toward the opposite side, while walking, while finishing the message from the opposite water. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s body shape flew away from the opposite side, but only appeared in front of the main hall opposite the opposite. Quietly parked under a tree and looked forward.


There was a roar in the center of the front. A hidden family monk was smashed out, and Chu Yun’s body shape was stunned, standing in the air and shouting to the surroundings:

“Who else advises?”

Xu Ziyan's gaze swept away quickly around him. He saw that in addition to Chu Yun, he was standing in the middle, and Xu Tiantian stood by, but Yunbao. Jiang Zixiong is not here, presumably they are still healing. Opposite her is the door to the main hall, but there are about a hundred monks in front of the gate that are blocking the gate. In this hundred monks, there are many purple smokers who know each other because they are all Xu Ziyan robbed, but they did not know Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan once again looked at the opposite monk and found that there wasn't a peak in the late Xianjun. Her eyes couldn't help but look at the gate.

“Did the peaks of the late Xianjun have entered the hall. Or entered the valley behind?”

Gather your heart. From the message back from the otter that lurked in the main hall, the hall was divided into the front hall, the middle hall and the apse. Those who sit in the front hall are the strongest in the late Xianjun, and those who are warlike are not qualified to enter the hall. Only stand outside the gate. Chu Yundong was thinking about entering the hall, so he was challenged by these Xianjun later.

but. What is the repair of Chu Yundong?

It is the peak of Xianjun in the late period, and it is also an eight-piece fairy in the hand. How could it be defeated by these monks in the late period? So after he won several games in a row, no monks came up to challenge.

Chu Yun asked, and no one continued to come out, gently relieved, landed from the air, and slowly walked toward the door of the main hall. Before the closure of the gates, those monks in the late Xianjun flashed to the sides, letting Chu Yun move to the front door.

Chu Yun moved in front of the gate and took a deep breath. His heart was also very contradictory and even feared. He does not know what the consequences of his foot into the hall? He doesn't even know what monks are sitting in the hall? Will they chase themselves as they have just entered the small world?

In fact, his fears are superfluous. If the hidden family wants to kill him, the one-hundred-year-old Xianjun will kill him later, instead of arranging him one by one. Since the ancient ruins came out, everyone has been on the side of the battle for jade. After all, even if you grab more jade, you don’t have to be yourself, you have to hand it over to the family. However, what you get in this ancient ruins is your own. Who cares about them at this time?

However, this is, after all, a world dominated by strength.

If you don't have the heart to grab your jade, it doesn't mean that you can easily enter a piece of ancient ruins. If you want to come in, you have to rely on the ability. Therefore, those who are outside the door only challenged Chu Yundong in the late period. They did not know that Chu Yundong was the peak of Xianjun, but the monks in the hidden family had already taken a high look and formed a habit. At the end of the peak, Chu Yundong did not look at them. They always felt that these people were lower than the monks of their hidden family.

It is said that these monks standing outside the gate are also the lowest in the hidden world family. Otherwise, they will not even enter the hall. They can only stand outside the main hall and wait for the hall. After the monks enter the real ruins, they are qualified to enter. This is the gap in the level of cultivation. Everything must be based on strength. Your position depends on your own strength.

Not to mention that Chu Yun moved into the hall, and in the outside, Xu Jian’s body shape disappeared into the hall, and the eyes of the monks before the gate looked toward him, and the corner of his mouth could not help but plunder. After a sneer. He is the peak of the late Xianjun and Chu Yun, the peak of the late Xianjun is different.

Chu Yundong has just broken through to the peak of Xianjun, and Xu Tiantian is a veteran of the old Xianjun. Is his strength comparable to that of Chu Yun? Moreover, his character is much more than Chu Yun, and his life has created his heart-wrenching personality.

The eyes glanced grimly at the monks before the gate, and Xu Tiantian lifted his feet and approached the door slowly.


From the gate, a figure flew out, forming a slash to fly into the air, imagining on the head of Xu Tiantian, arrogantly looking at the amount of heaven on the ground below, said coldly:

"Let's come up, let me test your strength."

At that time, the monk floated in the air, and Xu Tiantian stood on the ground. The distance between the two was more than 100 meters. However, Xu Tiantian did not look up to see the monk in the air, just a little footsteps, and suddenly sighed coldly:

"Give me down!"

Then there was a big hand in the air, grabbed the monk's legs, and then slammed him down from the air and fell to the ground.


The monk was stunned by the large hands that had been condensed in the sky, and he was unable to move at all. He was thrown into the ground.

Not bad!

It is the ground.

The hard ground was smashed into a deep pit, and the depth of the bottom of the pit was the monk of the hidden family who was still in the air.

There was silence outside the entire gate, leaving only a few days of slow and regular footsteps.

No one went to stop the tens of thousands of days, and they flew to the sides, giving Xu Tiantian a passage. When Xu Tiantian came to the gate, he did not hesitate at all and stepped into the hall.

The monks at the gate saw that Xu Ditian’s figure disappeared into the door, and they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, one by one whispered:

"The monks of these middle galaxies were not chased by the monks of the late Xianjun when they entered the small world? I heard that they fled for many days in a row, and they did not dare to fight back. They ran like dogs, and now they How come you dare to come here?"

A monk said faintly: "You said, they have not returned. It does not mean that they have no power to fight back, but there are too many monks in our hidden family, so they have scruples. If they really Fighting for a war, will our hidden family monks not be harmless?"

"You may be right, but they are not afraid that our hidden family monks will unite again and kill them?"

Another monk snorted and said: "At this time, everyone's heart is remembering the ancient ruins and joining hands to deal with them? It is okay to kill them. If they let them escape, then they will find a chance to run back and mess, so let the ruins What changes have happened so that everyone will return empty-handed, isn't it going to cry?

It’s better to let them get involved, maybe they’re in danger, and they can do their part. As for the last thing you want to get a treasure, it depends on your personal strength. ”

"Not bad!" Another monk agreed: "Without the treasures, those super, first- and second-rate families can join hands. Now that they have treasures, their minds are different, and they want them to join hands again. I am afraid it is very difficult. Maybe they are still looking forward to other people to deal with the Chu Yun and Xu Tian, ​​who can kill one, they will lose one competitor."

"Someone is coming!"

Suddenly a monk heard the footsteps behind him, and the monks outside the gate looked up and looked forward. Seeing Xu Ziyan, a gemstone blue dress, came towards them.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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