The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1607: All the way

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates (588), the first classmates (100), michellewy classmates (100), sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la classmates (100), strange sister classmates (100), cherry blossoms The melody classmates (99) are rewarded!


Looking at Xu Ziyan's money, the monks of the late Xianjun outside the gate are all shy and angry. When the monks of the hidden family are so worthless, a monk at the beginning of Xianjun dare to dare to these hidden families. The late monk's late monk challenge?

A monk was ashamed and angry, his right foot was on the ground, and his body rushed to Xu Ziyan like a sharp arrow. Already angry, he is ready to give Xu Ziyan an unforgettable lesson. He does not release the spell. He wants to bully Xu Ziyan with his own higher than the purple smoke. He has to teach Xu Ziyan with his fist.

He wants to play the face of the purple smoke, to punch a punch on the perfect face!

His behavior shocked Xu Ziyan. How long has it been, no one dares to compete with her for her strength, but now she ran out of a hidden family of disciples to compete with her own strength. really... too unexpected!

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a smile, and a fist punched the fist of the opposite monk. The monk saw the small fist that Xu Ziyan extended, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.


Xu Ziyan's small fist and the other's monk's huge fist hit a place, and there was a "beep" sound in the ear, which was the sound of broken bones. In the incredible eyes of many monks. The large body of the monk was suddenly hit by a beast and flew out toward the back. It was extremely fast and even pulled out the shadow in the air.


His inverted body is too fast. Let the monks who did not prepare for it do not react, and suddenly hit a monk.


The monk spurted a blood out of his head, and his body was forced to fly out and go to power.


The second monk's figure instantly hit the third monk behind him. The figure of the third monk was also hit and flew up, and a spurt of blood spurted. At this time, other monks also reacted. Before the gate, the figures flashed and they evaded.


The three monks fell heavily from the air, crawling up from the ground, and staring at the Xu Ziyan who was slowly coming. Xu Zi’s mouth was faintly smiling, and this was still her screaming, otherwise she had to laugh at the flowers.

What is the realm of her body at this time?

Eight Pinxians late. It is comparable to the late king. I did not expect someone to challenge her long term, this is still her strength, otherwise the punch will kill the other side.

Seeing Xu Ziyan's money, the one hundred or so Xianjun later carefully looked at Xu Ziyan again.

It is the peak of Xianjun! How could a fist hit a three-time monk late monk?

However, everyone's eyesight is still there, and it is possible to tell that Xu Ziyan has never used anything like a fairy. It is entirely based on its own skills. But the clearer you look, the more frightened you are in your heart. I dare not go forward easily, watching Xu Ziyan enter the door.

"When did the peak of Xianjun in the middle galaxies be so powerful?"

A monk couldn't help but ask, no one answered him, because he asked the voices of the people and asked a question without an answer.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the hall, and his eyes swept toward the front hall. He found that Chu Yun and Xu Liang were not in the front hall. Only twelve late monks were sitting in the front hall. Xu Ziyan calculated in his mind that the late monarchs inside and outside the front hall had a total of 120 people, but how many dozens of people went there? It may have been killed by the monks of the late Xianjun.

And it is at this time. The twelve monks in the front hall also looked at Xu Ziyan. At this time, the hearts of these twelve monks were depressed. Just a short time ago, Chu Yundong and Xu Ditian defeated two of them, and the other ten monks saw the strength of Chu Yun and Xu Liang, and wisely did not come forward to challenge. Silently looking at Chu Yun and Xu Liangtian left the front hall and went to the nave.

At this point I saw someone walking into the front hall. Twelve pairs of eyes gaze at the past. However, this time their eyes are not arrogant at first, but full of caution.

No way not to be careful!

Just now they were easily defeated by the other side for two consecutive games, and one game was defeated faster than one. The first scene can also support two moves against Chu Yundong. When the second scene is against Xu Tiantian, it is simply a defeat. This is obviously a stronger than one. Now entering the third person, they can't help but make their hearts tense.

However, their look was a stagnation. They blinked and couldn't believe the situation at hand.

What's wrong? What happened?

How could it be in front of them that it is the peak of Xianjun?

Are the monks outside not there? How could it be possible for a Xianjun peak to come in unscathed?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also looking at the twelve monks in front of him. The monk's fighting power in the same realm is not the same. Xu Ziyan is sure that the twelve monks in the front hall should be the strongest in the late period of Xianjun. of. She is also considering how she can beat each other.

Xu Ziyan was thinking about it. A monk sat on a chair proudly. He didn't stand up at all. With one hand and one hand, the air quickly condensed a big hand and grabbed it toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's sensational attack power may not reach the peak of Xianjun's later period, but its defense power is far better than the peak of Xianjun. Therefore, she did not pay attention to the big hand that the air was catching him quickly, but the same one-handed grip.

Xu Ziyan did not make use of the metal, water and fire attributes that have already realized the great perfection, but it has brought out the soil properties that have realized the realm of Dacheng. Because in this case, the soil attribute is the most sudden.

Sure enough, the twelve masters who saw the late monk in the air were less than a foot away from Xu Ziyan’s head, but Xu Ziyan did not react at all. Although they also saw Xu Ziyan with one hand and one hand, but did not find any defensive sensation, the heart naturally thought that Xu Ziyan was scared by the huge power, and each face showed a proud smile.

At this time, with Xu Ziyan's one-handed grip, the land under the monk's chair attacking Xu Ziyan suddenly broke a big hole, and the monk fell into the hole with a chair "bang".


The cracked ground quickly merged, smooth and without a trace of cracks, as if there had never been a chair there, and no monk had ever stayed.


The big hand in the air also grabbed the body of Xu Ziyan, but the big hand collapsed. In the dust, Xu Ziyan’s figure came out, and the footsteps kept the original speed toward the front hall. Go back to the back door.

The monks saw the ground cracking open a hole without any warning to swallow the monk who attacked Xu Ziyan. It was a surprise, and it was a surprise when Xu Ziyan safely and unscrupulously emerged from the broken big hand. Just as they were shocked twice, Xu Ziyan’s body shape has disappeared into the front hall and walked out of the back door of the front hall.


The ground suddenly burst open, and a figure rushed out from the ground, covered in dust, and looked violently:

"Xu Ziyan, I will kill you!"

The figure floated in the air, his eyes glanced around, but he did not find traces of Xu Ziyan. His face was changed, and he hurriedly asked:

"What about Xu Ziyan?"

Several monks reached out and pointed their fingers at the back door. The monk’s face changed back and forth several times like a dyeing house. Eventually, he fell from the sky with hatred, and a face was on an empty chair. Sit down, the silence inside the hall.


Xu Ziyan, who walked out of the back door, spit out a sigh of relief, and pulled the handcuffs to release a cleansing technique. Just because the big hand that the monk condensed smashed and caused the dust on the body to disappear instantly, he looked up and looked up.

There is a long corridor in front, and the darkness is not known.

The front should be the place where the monks of the late Xianjun gathered, and Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and walked toward the front.

The corridor was quiet and I could clearly hear the footsteps of Xu Ziyan echoing in the space. Xu Ziyan did not worry, but still walked slowly. It took about two quarters of an hour, and a closed door appeared in front.

Xu Ziyan walked to the gate, did not stop to lift the palm of his hand and put it on the door, the door was pushed away by Xu Ziyan. The figure crossed into the middle of the nave, and the backhand closed the door, and the eyes swept away inside the nave.

There are one hundred and one monks in the nave, one hundred of whom are from the hidden family, and one monk is Chu Yun. Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. It seems that the second-rate family disciples who entered the hidden world in the small world are now in the middle hall, but where is the amount of heaven?

Looking at the front, I saw that the front is still like a porch, and there is a gateway. Xu Ziyan understands that he must go to the apse. However, why is Chu Yun moving in the middle hall? Has he been defeated by the monks in the apse?

At this time, the monks within the nave also looked at Xu Ziyan, and they all frowned slightly. The peak of an early Xianjun could actually enter the nave. Did the late monks in the front hall leave the monks?

Chu Yun moved to see Xu Ziyan, his face could not help but show the color of surprise. The shock is that Xu Ziyan can actually come here, which shows that the true strength of Xu Ziyan is absolutely no less than him. He is happy that he has an ally on his side and he is somewhat safer.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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