The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1609: Wall fairy

I am very grateful to Guling Phoenix students (50000), forever after the rainy season 6 (99), wqiy2003 classmates (588), the first door to the classmates (100), michellewy classmates (100), sea ~\\ (≧▽≦ ) / ~ Lala classmates (100), strange sister classmates (100), cherry blossom melody classmates (99) reward!


At this time, the twelve monks and Xu Tiantian stood in front of a wall and seemed to be studying something. There is a layer of water-like light on the wall that makes people look down.

Hearing the sound of the door, the thirteen people standing in front of the wall turned their heads, and the thirteen pairs of eyes immediately focused on Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body shape can not help but a meal, looking to the opposite 13 monks.

Thirteen monks looked a glimpse, and Xu Tiantian was silent, and his eyes were shocked. The other twelve people were also puzzled. One of the burly monks frowned and shouted:

"How did you get in?"

Before Xu Ziyan had been in the middle of the nave, he had already handed over the monks of the late Xianjun in the hidden family. He knew that if they didn’t use the fairy, they wouldn’t be the opponents of these monks, so she didn’t want to fight with them and watch the watery wall. Face, move in the heart, lift your finger to the wall:

"I am a fairy teacher!"

The 13 monks, including Xu Tiantian, are all in the heart. They are all highly educated people, but they are not masters of the fairy tales. There is only one monk in this area who is a master of the fairy tales, but it is only a seven-character singer. He has been studying here for a long time. But still did not crack this fairy.

At this time, I heard that Xu Ziyan said that she was a fairy singer, and her heart was a move. But they also know that Xu Ziyan is not a hidden family. It is doubtful whether she is just a fairy talist of four products and five products. If that is the case, there is no use at all. Still the burly monk shouted:

"How many are you a singer?"

One of the arrays is the eight-character peak. Xu Ziyan is naturally not polite. At this time, he has a sigh of relief in his heart, and he looks faintly:

"eight products!"

Thirteen monks were overjoyed, but moments of suspicion appeared on their faces. However, at this time they are also ill and ill. What I want in my heart is that since Xu Ziyan said that she is an eight-pronged singer, let her come over and crack this fairy squad. If I can crack it, I don’t mind letting her follow her own and enter the ancient ruins. Anyway, since she can crack the fairy tales, she proves that she is a genuine eight-pronged singer, and she can study the fairy squad to such a degree. It takes more effort to spend on the fairy tales. The repairs themselves must be very rubbish, and they will not pose a threat to them.

If she can't crack this fairy squad, then she will teach her some time and let her know the consequences of deceiving herself. There is only a small amount of eyes in the sky, he is deeply touched by the strength of Xu Ziyan. He has no doubt that Xu Ziyan has come here all the way, definitely not by the identity of the immortal.

"Then come over and see. If you can crack this fairy squad, let you go in with us." A monk looked at Xu Ziyan and said faintly.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the monk and knew that he was a disciple of the hidden family of the Hong family. He nodded gently and walked toward the wall.

The hidden family monk who had been cracking the fairy tales looked at Xu Ziyan, and snorted, his body shape did not move, still standing there, squinting at Xu Ziyan, he turned his head and continued to think about cracking the wall. The law.

As a seven-character singer. He knows how hard it is to be a fairy sergeant. How could he possibly believe that a monk who is not in the hidden world will be an eight-piece sect? I also have some blame for my companions in my heart, blaming them for thinking so easily about a little girl? After a while they found that they were deceived by the little girl, and where did their faces go? In the end, it depends on him Jiang Bitian.

Xu Ziyan saw that Jiang Bitian refused to give up the place, but he did not care. After all, this wall is very large and there are a lot of empty locations. The monks of the hidden family saw Jiang Bitian's attitude. I don't mind. To be honest, they are not very convinced of Xu Ziyan in their hearts. In the end, I am afraid I still have to rely on Jiang Bitian to break the battle. So everyone just gave up the place for Xu Ziyan, but no one blamed Jiang Bitian. Instead, they voted for Jiang Bitian. Eyes.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the wall, opened the eyes of Yan Peng, carefully scanned the fairy squad on the wall, and passed the results of the scan to the first one. The array was thrown one by one in the purple smoke space. Xianjing, studying this wall fairy squad.

Xu Ziyan used the time of half an hour to scan the entire wall array. After that, he closed his eyes and thought about the method of breaking the line. In fact, he was waiting for the first one.

When the monks saw Xu Ziyan closing his eyes, he also had enough patience. No one spoke, and no one showed impatience on the look. He just kept his eyes glanced back and forth from Xu Ziyan and Jiang Bitian.

Jiang Bitian did not close his eyes, but squinted his eyes and frowned. He did not reach out and painted the lines on the wall of the fairy tales, but the fairy squad was still strong, and the water ripples were not even a trace. pause.

It was another quarter of an hour, and the message of the first one was transmitted.

"Master, this is a fairy tales in the mid-eighth!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, and immediately passed the message: “Just one, can you crack it?”

"Can!" said firmly in a tone: "However, it takes a little time."

"how long it takes?"

"I don't know, this array is not simple, master, I am as soon as possible."

"Okay! I won't bother you, just let me know when I crack it."

"Yes, master." The sound of the first one was silent.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. The monks saw Xu Ziyan's eyes open, his eyes were not bright, and they all focused on her. Xu Ziyan saw everyone's gaze and reluctantly closed his eyes. When the dust came out, Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and could not help but frown. Coldly asked:

"Xu Daoyou, have you cracked this battle?"

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and said faintly: "At present, I just see that this fairy squad is an eight-product mid-term squad. If you want to crack it, it will take some time."

"Eight mid-term fairy tales?"

There was a desperate look on the faces of monks such as Hong Dust, and they knew that they did not pin their hopes on Xu Ziyan’s body, but placed them on Jiang Bitian’s body. If this wall fairy squad is the eight-product mid-term tactic, and Jiang Bitian is just a seven-character sect. Doesn't that mean that others and others are finally blocked from the ancient ruins?

Hung out of the dust, Huo Ran looked up at Xu Ziyan: "Are you not an eight-pronged singer?"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "This fairy squad is not simple, I need time."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan looked back and walked toward a chair and simply sat down on the chair and closed his eyes. A dozen monks looked at each other and showed helplessness in their eyes. Jiang Bitian was busy there for a long time, but there was no result. Although they don't understand Xu Ziyan, it is also a hope. In desperation, these monks also each found a chair to sit down and wait quietly.

Silence and silence in the hall, suddenly flooding the dust and looking at Xu Tiantian. Whispered:

"Xu Mengzhu, can you understand Xu Ziyan?"

Xu Liangtian sighed a little and whispered back: "I don't know very well. But I know that she should be the most advanced person in the celestial galaxy."

Hung’s dusty look was awkward. He really didn’t think that Xu Tian’s evaluation of Xu Ziyan was so high, so his heart was raised with a glimmer of hope.

Suddenly, everyone turned around, and the wall released a blue light of light, and the entire apse seemed to be reflected in a water world. That Jiang Bitian’s fingers are just above the wall. The entire wall is rippling, like a water world above the wall.

I don't know if Jiang Bitian ignited the point in the wall of the fairy squad. I saw a circle circled around his hand. His finger seemed to be trapped in that circle and could not extricate himself. The circle of laps began to spin and turned more and more. It was only a moment that formed a whirlpool.


Jiang Bitian's figure was sucked into the wall of the fairy.


The monks in the hall were smashed from the chair. Between the staggered bodies, one by one stood before the wall of the fairy squad, Xu Ziyan also opened his eyes, his body flashed. Standing in front of the wall, looking towards the fairy tales.

Jiang Bitian, who was inhaled in the fairy tales, was reduced by a dozen times. At this time, he was like a villain in an active mural. In the midst of a vast ocean, he fluttered in the misty water world. Although his figure was reduced, his face was clearly visible.

Full of fear, full of despair...

Suddenly, in the murals of the activity, there was a huge wave in the vast ocean. The huge waves rushed into the air and turned into a dragon to go to Jiang Bitian. In the whole mural world, it seems to be in a day of destruction, darkness, tyranny, terror...

Just a few moments, Jiang Bitian’s body was torn and shattered by countless dragons. His gods were panicking and didn’t know where to flee, volleying a huge dragon mouth to drown it...

Thirteen people in the main hall only felt cold and face-to-face, and the twelve eyes were gathered on Xu Ziyan's body. Xu Ziyan sighed softly and said softly:

"Give me some time."

Everyone was sullenly nodding, and Xu Ziyan returned to the chair and sat down, closing his eyes. Everyone also returned to the chair silently, and looked at Xu Ziyan from time to time, but no one made a sound, for fear of disturbing her.

Xu Ziyan sank into the purple smoke space, and saw that some of the fairy crystals in front of him were moving from time to time. Xu Ziyan did not disturb him, just watching it.

Time passed quickly, and the time of one hour passed. In front of the array, those fairy crystals gradually faded and disappeared...

A water world appeared in front of the first one...


The second is more, ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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