I am very grateful to Kaihuang classmates, forever after the rainy season classmates, eryanu classmates, 15335226216 classmates, ygong classmates, silina0628 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, **** flying classmates, not old butterfly classmates, ancient spirit Phoenix classmates, Pro Spring classmates, the pink ticket of the classmates of the fragrance!


Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart. He just wanted to speak out and saw that he still stood there, frowning and frowning, and he resisted without opening.

Sure enough, the array began to throw the fairy crystal into the water world. As he continually threw the fairy crystal inside, the water world gradually faded, and finally the original appearance...


After a long burst of breath, the tight brow stretched out and a smile appeared on his face. Then he closed his eyes again, and after about two quarters of an hour, he opened his eyes again. Xu Ziyan hurriedly asked:

"Array one, but cracked the fairy squad?"

After a little nod, then he began to lay the fairy squad in front of Xu Ziyan, and explained to Xu Ziyan, and then continued to explain to Xu Ziyan while cracking the fairy tales. This time it took another hour to spend another time.

Within the hall, Xu Ziyan has been sitting there with closed eyes for three hours. However, those monks did not have an anxious. These people are those who have experienced loneliness and cultivation, otherwise they will not cultivate to the peak of Xianjun. Besides, Jiang Bitian cracked the time of three days and three nights, and they did not wait. Now Xu Ziyan is sitting there for a few hours, what is so anxious?

but. When they saw Xu Ziyan's eyes open, the heart was inevitably violently beating. If Xu Ziyan can't break this fairy squad, they will only leave here and miss this rare opportunity. There is such a monument to the eight-pronged array. The treasure behind it must be amazing.

Twelve could not help but stand up from the chair and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, revealing self-confidence in the eyes, and the hearts of the twelve monks were excited.

Hong Dust just wanted to say something. However, Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and walked toward the wall. He immediately closed his mouth and followed Xu Ziyan to the wall. Others were no exception. At this time, they stood behind Xu Ziyan. .

Xu Ziyan turned over and took out a piece of the best fairy crystal, the blue strobe in the eyes, and the method of cracking in the sea. Pressing a piece of fairy crystal on the wall, then the shape of Xu Ziyan swept up in front of the wall, and a piece of fairy crystal was pressed against the wall by Xu Ziyan.

In the eyes of the monks, the piece of fairy crystal seems to have been sucked on the wall, and then slowly sinks in. The water ripples on the whole wall swayed, and the seven pieces of purple smoke were pressed against the wall. The best fairy crystal disappeared completely. The water lines on the walls suddenly swayed fiercely. Gradually the water ripples fade until it disappears, revealing the original appearance of the water ripples, a wall, and a large stone gate in the middle of the wall.

Everyone’s eyes showed surprises, but no one went to push the stone door. Their eyes are all looking at Xu Ziyan. It is not that they respect Xu Ziyan, but they do not know whether there will be any danger on the stone gate.

Xu Ziyan walked forward a few steps, and reached out and pushed the stone door away, then retreated to one side. Looking at the people faintly. The crowd first looked at Shimen. Outside the Shimen is a valley, deep and ignorant. After that, everyone looked at Xu Ziyan again. Xu Ziyan smiled faintly:

"I am just a fairy sergeant, and it depends on you!"

Xu Liangtian’s mouth twitched. But in the end, nothing was said. On the face of Hong Dust and others, there is a natural color. Xu Ziyan is just the peak of Xianjun. In their view, Xu Ziyan gave up the right to enter Shimen first. The dust came out and nodded to Xu Ziyan. Stepping into Shimen, other monks also followed, Xu Tiantian looked at her with deep thoughts as she passed by Xu Ziyan, and then stepped into Shimen. Xu Ziyan smiled and followed.

A group of thirteen people walked out of Shimen, entered the valley, and walked along the small radial. Shortly before the trip, there was a huge cave in front. The front of the dust suddenly suddenly stopped and looked back at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan shrugged and said that he could do nothing.

Hung nodded and nodded, carefully measured the huge cave, slightly thought about it, and stepped into the cave. Others followed closely, and walked for about a quarter of an hour. The dust that had been in the forefront stopped once again, and turned to look at Xu Ziyan again. Xu Ziyan went up a few steps. It turned out that there were three martyrdoms in front of them. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and carefully measured the following:

"This should be a labyrinth. There is no such thing as a fairy tales. The exit of the maze should be the treasure."

"Which road do we choose?" asked the dust. Other people's eyes are also looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and then said helplessly: "This is not a fairy tales, just a labyrinth. I can't use my skills. Just pick a road and go. I don't think it will take any longer. There are three ramps."

Everyone nodded, saying that these people have also had the experience of exploring the maze, but with the purple smoke in front of them, they still choose to believe Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan turned to look at the twelve monks, and they all saw that they were waiting for Xu Ziyan to make a choice. The look couldn’t help but they chose a martyrdom and walked in. And the people who shed dust and dust did not hesitate to follow Xu Ziyan.

After entering the maze, Xu Ziyan and others did not hesitate to release the knowledge. Although they followed Xu Ziyan into the maze, it was only for more insurance. To be honest, they didn't do too much for the maze. Because as long as they spread the knowledge, they will soon find the exit of the maze.

However, when they released their knowledge, they changed their faces neatly. Inside the maze, the gods were isolated, and the gods lost their role here. Without the exploration of the gods, it is very difficult to get out of this maze. Even if it is trapped here for thousands of years, it is completely normal. As a result, everyone could not help but feel a little flustered, and they all stopped their steps and looked at Xu Ziyan.


Suddenly, heavy footsteps were heard from the road ahead, and a horrible breath rushed from the opposite side like the tide. Xu Ziyan immediately discerned that the opposite breath was definitely the strongest of Xianjun's late peak to the extreme. Only a trace of it would enter the half-step Xianwang, and Weiwei would definitely surpass any of these thirteen people.

Before the dust came out, he stepped Xu Ziyan behind him: "You return, let us be here, and you have to find a way out of this maze."

Xu Ziyan immediately went from good to good, and his body flew back. At the same time, other monks rushed to the front and greeted a golden lion who was rushing out from the opposite side. The golden lion, immune to all celestial techniques, and is as strong as King Kong. When the twelve monks were seen, the look was changed. At this time, they all knew that the strength of any one of them was not the opponent of this golden lion. They no longer retained their strength, and they took out the fairy one by one and joined forces with King Kong. The lion rushed over.

Xu Ziyan stood behind and watched for a while. He felt that the golden lion was powerful, but it was not the opponent of the twelve monks who joined the late monks. They put down their minds and used their thoughts on how to get out of the maze.

Just a matter of time, Xu Ziyan thought about the feasible way. Once the gods lost their function, the best way was to fly the water.

Taking advantage of the twelve monks who were excited about the Golden Lion, Xu Ziyan released thousands of flying water rafts. These otters sneaked into the maze silently and disappeared in the vision of Xu Ziyan.

After about half an hour or so, a footstep sound came from behind Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked back and saw dozens of Xianjun’s peaks behind her. It was the monks in the middle hall. The disappearance of the wall of the fairy squad caused the whole hall to change, so that they also knew, and they all came in. I am afraid that it will not last long. Those monks in the front hall will also come over.


The golden lion in front was finally killed by the twelve peaks of the late Xianjun. The dust came out and stood in front of the golden lion and looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, as long as you can take us out of the maze, the body of the beast that was killed on this road belongs to you."

The other eleven monks heard a glimpse and then nodded. At this time, they all know that if Xu Ziyan can't take them out, I am afraid they really don't know how long they have been trapped here, maybe they will die here. Therefore, one by one looks at the hope of Xu Ziyan. Other monks who came from the nave had no say.

Xu Ziyan is also not polite. If you don't understand the situation outside the maze, and there are such powerful beasts in the maze, Xu Ziyan is likely to leave these hidden family monks here, no matter now, take them out and collect them. The body of the beast that was killed is also very normal. Therefore, Xu Ziyan went to the front of the golden lion in the first few steps, and waved it into the purple smoke space, and then sank into a glimpse of the gods, let the peach blossoms and the spring thirty maidens disassemble the golden lions. stand up.

Seeing Xu Ziyan took the Golden Lions up, and the people who were out of the dust also breathed a sigh of relief. Since Xu Ziyan dared to accept the Golden Lion, it proved that she had a certain degree of certainty in getting out of the maze. Hong asked out politely:

"Xu Daoyou, which way do we go next?"

"Let's study while walking!"

Xu Ziyan naturally wouldn’t say that waiting for the flying otter to send her a message back, let’s go first. Anyway, there are so many peaks in the late Xianjun, there will be no danger.


Third, I will ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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