The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1614: inherited

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A nine-piece fairy 乾 圈 圈 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急It was only in the moment when Xiaolong’s head roared and he was on the body of Xiaolong.

Xu Ziyan instantly opened the eyes of Yan Peng, looking toward the dragon, and accurately found the Yuan Dan in the body of the dragon. The Qiankun circle was precisely hung in the area of ​​Yuandan, tightening inward, tightening inward...

At the same time, Xu Ziyan's body suddenly rushed to the dragon, and in the middle of the air has already revealed the congenital Xianbao five-color sword, rushed toward the dragon body area tightly hung in the circle.

Xu Ziyan has been waiting for an opportunity, that is, a chance for the dragon to be weak to the extreme. Originally, it was not the time when Xu Ziyan thought that Xiaolong was the weakest, but Xu Tiantian, Hong Dust and Gong Ming’s collapse made her unable to wait any longer. Although it was still a little early, the dragon was also very weak.

With Xu Ziyan’s current Xianjun’s initial peak, the immortality really does not cause too much damage to the dragon. At most, it is to contribute to the attack on the dragon.

However, if Xu Ziyan is close to attacking Xiaolong, the result will be very different. The body repair of Xu Ziyan has reached the late stage of eight products, which is equivalent to the late stage of Xianwang, far beyond the dragon, and the hand holds the five-color sword of the innate Xianbao, which can definitely give the dragon a fatal blow.

She has been waiting for a chance to be close to the dragon. If the dragon is not weak enough, it will release the magical power of it. Xu Ziyan simply has no way to get close to Xiaolong.

At this time, the dragon also saw Xu Ziyan moving forward with it, and clearly saw the repair of Xu Ziyan, and it was inevitable that he would be contemptuous. Did not release its sacred magical power, purple flame. Instead, he put a huge head in his head and opened his mouth to bite the purple smoke.

The body of the cloud is unfolding, and the figure of Xu Ziyan floats smoothly across the air through a bright arc to escape the big mouth of the dragon. The figure steadily fell on the Qiankun circle, holding the five-color sword in both hands, and transporting the sword gas to the peak. The five-color sword instantly burst into a dazzling sword.

Xu Ziyan fell to the bottom with both hands...


The five-color sword was deeply inserted into the dragon body.


The violent pain caused the huge body of the dragon to roll in the air. At this time, it could no longer care for its extreme weakness, and the last potential was erupted. The purple flame broke out from its body. When the dragon was weak, it could not release the purple flame in the whole body. Just released a purple flame and spurred toward the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan held the handle of the five-color sword in both hands and suddenly turned a circle around the body of the dragon. While avoiding the purple flame released by the dragon, he also cut the dragon's body with a five-color sword.


The body of Xiaolong burst into a blood, and the shape of Xu Ziyan rushed to the sky, avoiding the fierce attack of the dragon. At the same time, the mind is fretting, and the circle of hoops hooping on the body of the dragon has shrunk sharply toward the inside, squeezing out more dragon blood.


Xiaolong screamed in anger and anger. But it has been a little powerless. Although it is still spurting a flame from the mouth and spurting it toward the purple smoke, the more it is ejected from its mouth is the blood.

All the monks felt despair in the depths of their hearts at the moment when Xu Yuantian, Hong Dust and Gong Ming collapsed. However, Xu Ziyan, who did not expect to suddenly come out, gave the dragon a fatal blow, leaving Xiaolong on the verge of sudden death. At the same time as the reaction came over, the monks inspired all their potential and sent their final attack to the dragon.


The whole dragon flew into the air, and the part cut by Xu Ziyan suddenly burst, and the dragon's body was broken. A head-sized Yuan Dan fell out of the dragon's body and instantly became a small dragon. Leading the way. I want to find directions to escape.

Xu Ziyan's figure is a teleport in the air. Instantly approached Xiaolong Yuandan, and the tattoo of the wishful bottle of the eyebrows shone with light, and turned it out of the bottle, and slammed it. The dragon of the dragon was sucked into the Ruyi Aquarius. Ruyibao bottle returned to its original state and Guanghua disappeared. The huge dragon in the air fell heavily on the ground.

All the monks were relieved with a long sigh of relief. One by one, the body swayed and landed from the air, sitting on the knees without saying a word, swallowing the drug to restore his cultivation.

Xu Ziyan floated in the air and looked at the huge dragon on the ground, and I wanted to put it into the purple smoke space. However, considering that everyone just saw that she had collected Long Yuan, if the dragon body was collected again at this time, it was that others did not say it, and she felt that she was too unwilling to go. And will those monks not say?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan also descended from the air, sitting on the ground and swallowing an elixir to restore his cultivation. Although the time of the battle was extremely short, it was the potential of Xu Ziyan, and her consumption was very powerful.

There was silence all around, only the blood in the dragon body was flowing...

Four hours passed and some people stood up from the ground. Xu Ziyan is the least expensive monk here. In fact, she has already woke up, but she still sits there with a slight gaze.

Hong Dust and Gong Ming and others stood at the side of the dragon's body at this time and looked at the huge dragon corpse. They looked back and looked at Xu Ziyan. The two people exchanged each other for a while. Then the two went to the front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan naturally knew that two people had walked to their own front, and they opened their eyes and looked at Hong Dust and Gong Ming.

Hong Dust’s hand whispered to the ceremony: “Xu Daoyou, the dragon is yours, and the rest is ours.”

Xu Ziyan nodded immediately. After she got the dragon yuan, she didn't want anything else. Even if he finally killed the dragon, if he got the dragon, he would greedy the other, I am afraid that it would cause public anger and attract the murder.

When Xu Ziyan agreed, the two men nodded and left Xu Ziyan to discuss with other monks how to divide the dragon.

The huge dragon corpses cost the monks a lot of time. After two hours, the monks stood at the entrance of the cave. At this time, the dragon in the cave had disappeared, but the inside was still dark.

Standing at the forefront of the dust and Gong Ming walked into the cave, the rest of the monks followed, Xu Ziyan is still in the end.

The cave was long, and everyone flew for about two quarters of an hour, and there was light in front. The spirit of everyone has been accelerated and the speed has been accelerated.


Everyone flew out of the cave, and shocked the scene for a while, that is, Xu Ziyan was also blurred.

Here is another huge cave, the light shining in the cave. In the middle of the huge cave, there are nine huge lotuses, and nine lotuses form a circle, slowly turning.

In addition to the nine lotuses in the cave, there are countless light clusters floating in the caves. There is a hidden jade in the light group.

The dust came out and the hand was caught, and one hand was inserted into the light group.


The light group dissipated, and there was a jade slip in the hands of the dust. The dust came out and projected the knowledge into the jade. The face was a joy, and it was caught in the other light group.


With a soft bang, his hand was bounced back by the light group. At this time, other monks saw a dust from a group of light and got a jade slip, and their eyes were shining, one by one, and flew toward a group of light. Xu Ziyan also flew to a light group that was very close to himself. She reached out and inserted the light group. The light group dispersed, and there was a jade slip in her hand.

Putting jade in front of him, God knows what is coming in. The jade is recorded in a soil attribute, and Xu Ziyan has swept it over and feels that it does not help him. However, this is also a top grade fairy, which is good for the family. Turning over the jade, the jade was collected. At this time, the sound of snoring came from the ear. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that the hands of the monks were being bounced out by a group of light.

Xu Ziyan sank a bit and grabbed a hand to a light group.


Sure enough, her hand was bounced off by the light group. At this time, the cave was still quiet. Everyone thought a little and then they all understood that this place should be the inheritance of this ancient ruins. With its laws, everyone can only take a jade.

I want to understand everything, and everyone's eyes can't help but look at the nine lotuses in the middle. The nine lotuses are not covered with light, but each lotus is much larger than the floating light around it, and it can sit on one person.

Is it that people sit on it?

Here is the inheritance of ancient ruins, and the nine lotuses float in the middle. What does this mean? This means that the inheritance of the nine lotuses must be very advanced.

When I think of it, everyone is also worried when they are jealous. The nine lotuses will not teach their inheritance because they have already taken a jade. If so, it is really a big loss.

With this idea, the people did not fight because there were only nine lotuses, and they looked at each other and walked one by one toward the nine lotuses.

Soon everyone stood before the lotus, but the monks had scruples in their hearts. In this case, everyone wants to get the inheritance in the lotus. If anyone is close, it is likely to get the siege of everyone. So everyone stood very tacitly at the distance of three meters from the lotus, no one stepped forward.

Xu Ziyan also stood there, staring at the nine lotus flowers. There is no doubt that the inheritance of these nine lotuses should be very advanced, and Xu Ziyan also wants to get it. Only in this situation, Xu Ziyan also stood there cautiously, and did not dare to have irrational actions.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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