The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1615: Scramble

I am very grateful to the first classmate of Menmen, cathyankawai classmates, week 123456 classmates, Nuo Xinyan classmates, jj Xiaojin adults classmates, cheeze classmates, Zi Mo fluttering classmates, zm2003 classmates, soily students in the water pink ticket!


Eventually, the dust turned and turned to look at everyone. The monks saw Hong’s dust and immediately focused their attention on him. The dust blew out and said:

"Everyone, there are only nine lotus flowers here, and we still don't know if we can get the inheritance of the lotus. But if I say let me try it first, I am afraid you will not agree."

There was a low laugh in the cave, but everyone's face was not as relaxed as their laughter, but revealed tension.

Hong said a little faintly: "I have a method here, that is, we are here to compare the previous one, and select nine people. How do you see it?"

Everyone looks at each other, but the world is respected by the strong. If you disagree with the opinions of the flood, there will be a chaos. Those who are low in the chaos will be even more insecure, and at that time everyone will be involved in the chaos. Unlike the method proposed by Hong Chen, the monk who is a low monk can give up the test and at the very least. So, just a moment later, the big furniture is nodding.

“Good!” Hong said with a sigh of relief: “If anyone suddenly sneaked into the lotus heritage in the trial, he would become the public enemy of all of us, and we will definitely join forces to kill it here.”

"Yes! Whoever dares to violate the rules we have set, we will kill him here." The monks answered in unison.

"So we will retreat. Let the space here."

When the words fall, the dust is the first to go outside, and everyone is going back to the outside, until the distance is nine meters away from the lotus. Everyone stopped.

At this time, the dust came out and went up one step at a time: "I want to occupy a lotus flower, and those who disagree can come up and try."

The cave was silent for a moment, and everyone’s eyes were gathered on a dozen people. In fact, the rain has just come up with the suggestion. Most monks know that they are not playing. Before that, everyone has already tried it, otherwise it will not be divided into the door, the front hall, the nave, the apse of the four waves of monks. The monks who entered the apse at the beginning were the strongest, and only they were qualified to compete for the nine lotuses.

The two monks of the hidden super family and the monks of nine first-class families should have a hidden family monk Jiang Bitian. However, he died when he cracked the wall. However, there were Xu Tiantian and Xu Ziyan who later entered.

However, those monks and naturally excluded Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan once killed Xiaolong, they thought that it was Xu Ziyan who had a big bargain. The dragon has been half-dead by their joint efforts. In this case, Xu Ziyan killed the dragon and could not prove the strength of Xu Ziyan. The strength of a Xianjun's early peak strength can barely reach the peak of Xianjun's late peak is already the limit, can it still compete with Hongfeng and other people?

Therefore, the eyes of the monks were concentrated on the twelve bodies in the back hall, and their eyes flickered. They don't have no idea in their hearts.

There are only nine lotus flowers. There are twelve people. So, are these people always going to fight hard? If these people lose both sides during the fight, they will have a chance. I believe that with their strength, I can still defeat any of the twelve men who have been seriously injured.

Gong Ming stepped forward in the eyes of the people and stood up and said: "I want a lotus flower."

Xu Liangtian also stepped forward: "I want a lotus flower."

The strength of these three people has been reflected in the killing of the dragon, and for these three people to occupy three lotus, everyone did not say anything. So there are nine people left, but these nine people have to compete for six lotuses. The eyes that look at each other become cautious and dignified. Xu Ziyan stood on the side and did not go forward. She must have a flower in the lotus, but she felt that it was not the time to go out. At the very least, after the nine people have passed, Xu Ziyan can also have an intuitive feeling about their strength.

The remaining nine monks are nine of the top ten hidden families, and they are very familiar with each other. Whose strength is stronger. The strength between who and who is between. and so. Soon after, six monks caught the battle and the remaining three monks were among the nine of them. No one looked for them, and they naturally occupied a lotus flower.

Xu Ziyan carefully watched the battle between the three pairs of monks. It took two hours to get a pair of winners and losers. After half an hour. The other two pairs have also been separated. Not to mention that the losing party was seriously injured, that is, the winner is also not hurt.

The three winning monks rushed to swallow an elixir and then swept his eyes to the surrounding monks. There was a commotion in the surrounding monks. They didn't want to let go of this opportunity, but they all wanted to let other monks go first, and then they would be cheaper.

Xu Ziyan shook her head and she felt that she would not have to wait any longer. If you wait any longer, you will win in the future and you will be laughed at. Not to mention those hidden family monks, that Xu Tian is watching next to her, the last thing she wants is to be laughed at by Xu Tiantian. Therefore, Xu Ziyan walked toward the circle.

Her movement shocked all the monks. These people just remembered that there was Xu Ziyan in the back hall. Xu Ziyan chose a monk casually, standing in front of him, arching:

"excuse me!"

The monk smiled faintly: "There is nothing to offend, you will not come up, there will always be people coming up."

Sure enough, his voice just fell, and there were two monks in the late Xianjun who came up and stood in front of the other two monks who had just won.

The three pairs of monks no longer talk nonsense, and immediately caught up and killed them. Xu Ziyan considers that even if he wins the other party, I am afraid that there will be constant monks coming up to challenge himself. If those monks constantly challenge themselves, they will consume her. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan started a war, he directly sacrificed the gloom.

The glory of the monk is a sacrifice, and the look of the monks is a glimpse. That is, the dust and Gong Ming are also the dignity of the face, and the amount of heaven is constantly changing.

The gloom of the gloom was lingering, and the opposite monk just wanted to fly up, but suddenly stunned his body shape, and looked at Xu Ziyan with vigilance, making a defensive posture.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and his mind was moved. "Hula La", the two dark creatures of the early Xianjun and the dark creatures of the five thousand and nine days of Xuanxian period rushed out from the gloom, as a black torrent rushed out. The lord facing the opposite side rushed over.

The opposite monk's look was first shocked and then relaxed. After all, the highest strength of the dark creatures that emerged from the gloom is the early stage of Xianjun, and there are only two. Let him feel that there is a fight. However, his face was full of bitterness, and Xu Ziyan did not want to entangle with him at all. The dark creatures did not release any fairy magic, and rushed directly to him, and then they blew themselves.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

After dozens of nine-day Xuan Xian period dark creatures blew themselves, the injury to the opposite monk deepened again. At this point his heart has understood that he has lost the qualification to compete for the lotus. These dark creatures simply did not fight with him, and Xu Ziyan directly let them blew themselves to destroy him.

The only way to solve this situation is to kill Xu Ziyan, but look around Xu Ziyan, surrounded by dark creatures, if he wants to approach Xu Ziyan, it is bound to fall into the whirlpool of dark creatures. And most importantly, he can't afford to attack now, and all his energy is devoted to dealing with the blast of dark creatures.

In a flash, more than a hundred dark creatures blew around him. He was already swaying like a small boat in the ocean, and his injury increased again.

His cultivation is higher than a single dark creature, but the number of dark creatures is large. It is like an ordinary person can easily kill a mouse. But what if you face more than 5,000 mice? Then there is only the fate of being eaten by rats.

So the monk made a very decisive decision, and the body figure flew back and shouted:

"I surrender!"

Xu Ziyan took a trick in his hand, and the dark creatures retreated back, layering around Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away to the monks around, and said coldly:

"I want a lotus flower, who is not convinced?"

The surrounding monks' faces are very ugly. The glimpse is a eight-piece fairy. Although there are eight ornaments on the body, some people even have nine ornaments, but no one. There is a kind of fairy that is like the phantom in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

The Nether is able to release dark creatures continuously, and their fairy can't. Therefore, their fairy weapon is even more powerful, and it is also a person dealing with thousands of dark creatures. If these dark creatures are not controlled, they are not afraid. You can slowly kill these dark creatures while dodging. However, these dark creatures have now been controlled by Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan has done a very good job, directly let these dark creatures blew themselves close to them, which makes them fight? Only depressed accepting the result of Xu Ziyan occupying a lotus flower.

Seeing that the monks were silent, Xu Ziyan took the dark creatures into the Nether, and then collected the Nether, and his body flashed, standing beside the dust and others.

Hung out of the dust and looked at Xu Ziyan's soft voice: "Xu Daoyou, this flag is really a good means!"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I am at the end of the family! If these dark creatures are blew, this flagpole will have no effect."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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