The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1617: End of the big ratio

I am very grateful to Youyou Linglong, classmates, and students. ★ Looking forward to three years ★ classmates, treasure egg mother ~ classmates, zm2003 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, classmates, lonely fleeing classmates, zm2003 classmates, illusion の green grass classmates Pink ticket!


After Xu Ziyan was delighted, he would call one, two, Dan Yi, Dan Er, Fu Yi and Yu Yi, and the six-person storage ring would give them six people to see. They pick some of the materials they need.

Six people looked at these materials and they were so excited that they couldn't stop picking up their storage rings. Xu Ziyan did not stop, she knew that these materials were also her after refining the finished products.

Suddenly, her heart moved, pointing to the device and the second two: "Device one, two, you see if there is any material in the material to make a half-step fairy king, and then let the peach take you to see other materials. Is it possible to make a half-step fairy king?"

"Yes!" The device and the second of the device did not lift the ground, and the spirit was still used on the selection of materials.

Xu Ziyan looked at the device and they were six people. They shook their heads reluctantly. "Peach blossom, let's go get a meal for us. I haven't eaten here for a long time."

"Hey!" Peach Blossom promised, and walked away with joy.

Xu Ziyan looked around and shouted: "Hope, hope..."

A ridge quickly flies, and a slamming sound, a section of ancient vines rushed out from the ground, turned over in the air, turned into a human form and gently fell in front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan rolled out a teacup and smiled for the hope of tea: "Hope. Enjoy a cup of tea with me."

I hope to smile silently, sit down opposite Xu Ziyan and pick up the teacup. Xu Ziyan looked at hope with a smile, his face suddenly changed slightly. Happy way:

"Hope, your cultivation is refined and refined! Xianjun is in the middle!"

I hope to laugh: "How long has the time passed, and in such an environment, how can it not be refined? The patriarch. You see that even the peach blossoms and the spring 30-year-old are now the beginning of Xianjun."

Xu Ziyan stretched out a beautiful waist, then closed his eyes and leaned back on the recliner: "Okay! Your strength is as strong as possible, and you are the power I really trust."

Xu Ziyan fell asleep with her eyes closed. She had not slept for a long time, and almost all of her time was spent on cultivation. I don't know how long I slept, she woke up from her sleep, and this natural rest method made her spirit never full. Open your eyes. When the Discoverer One and the Second Two stood in front of themselves, they sat up from the lounge chair and asked:

"Is the material finished?"

"Well!" The device and the machine nodded.

"How?" There was a urgency in the voice of Xu Ziyan.

The device whispered: "Master, want to make a half-step fairy king, there are still three kinds of materials, one is Wu Yunshi, one is Jin Jing, and there is a **** who needs a half-step fairy king."

"Wu Yunshi and Jin Jing? Well, I will let the Xu family collect. I will collect it after I enter the hidden world. As for the half-step **** of the king, how about this?"

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and the wishful bottle mark of the eyebrows flashed, and spit out an ice cube, which was frozen with the dragon of the dragon.

"This is... Long Yuan... Longquan of the half-step fairy king?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan proudly nodded.

"Of course, of course! Master, we can make a dragon-shaped half-step fairy king, and with this dragon, you can retain its magical power."

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart, and his eyebrows imprinted with a slight movement. He also collected Long Yuan into Ruyi Bottle Road: "This Dragon Yuan is still not available for use. I will erase its consciousness."

When the Dragon Yuan is included in the Ruyi Aquarius. Xu Ziyan saw that there were still five ice cubes inside, which sealed the five Mozu monks who were originally acquired in the Devil Wars. The spirit is a vibrate:

"Device one, two. Making half-step Xianwang material is not enough. So what about making Xianjun period?"

As soon as I thought about it, "There is no shortage of materials for making Xianjun period, except for the Xianjun period gods that are needed. Other materials are available."

Xu Ziyan said with great joy: "Well, I have a Yuanshen in the late Xianjun, a **** in the middle of Xianjun, two gods in the early peaks of Xianjun and a **** in the early days of Xianjun. You two can now I began to refine the fairy princes and waited for us to erase the consciousness of these five gods and give them to them."

"Yes!" The device and the second heart are also very happy. It is also possible to make five hearts of the Xianjun period.

Turning around and seeing hope still sitting on his own opposite side, suddenly remembered that he had not eaten the peach blossoms, he said:

"Hope, what about peaches?"

I hope to laugh: "The patriarch, you slept for three days. The rice made by peach blossoms was eaten by us."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile: "That's it."

"I have already informed the peach flower, she will soon make the meal." I hope to laugh.

When I was talking about it, I saw a peach blossoming with a food box flying towards it. Xu Ziyan laughed and said: "I want to live here for a few more days and enjoy it."

Xu Ziyan lived in the purple smoke space for seven days and then left. Going back to the maze, I removed the fairy tales and flew away from the maze.

Standing on the top of a mountain, Xu Ziyan took out the communication between Yu Jian and Chu Yundong. Afterwards, Xu Ziyan moved to a cliff with a big move, and opened the dense vines, which revealed a small cave entrance. Xu Ziyan got into the shape and got into it. Soon after, the channel widened. It took about a quarter of an hour to see a cave with a radius of several tens of meters. Chu Yunzheng was sitting in the middle and saw Xu Ziyan coming in. He stood up from the ground and shook hands:

"Xu Daoyou!"

Xu Ziyan also hurriedly handed his hand to the ceremony: "Chu Daoyou."

After the two men gave gifts, they sat opposite each other. Chu Yun looked at Xu Ziyan and whispered: "Xu Daoyou said in a jade that there is a big business to talk to me. I don't know what kind of big business?"

Xu Ziyan chuckled: "Chu Daoyou, don't know how many jade slips you have now?"

Chu Yun’s look was awkward, and then he smiled bitterly: “I’m not robbed, it’s not bad. Today’s body is only the one that entered the small world.”

“Which Chudao friends can deliberately get some jade?”

Chu Yun’s eyes are bright, and he is staring at Xu Zi’s flue: “Hou Daoyou got jade?”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"That... why don't you keep it yourself?" Chu Yun's look is somewhat doubtful.

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and licked his long hair and smiled: "That... I got a bit more, so..."

Chu Yun’s look is a bit of a glimpse. When I think about it, I understand that Xu Ziyan is really getting a lot of jade slips. As a result, they will get a lot of Xinghai planets, and they will also face the hidden world. The family is under tremendous pressure. Xu Ziyan assigned the planet to his family. This is to urge Chu and Xu to fight against the pressure from the hidden family.

This is a huge interest, and fighting against the hidden family is something that Chu family must do. Otherwise, with the actions of the hidden family, I am afraid that after a hundred years, there will be no Chu family in the super family, and it will be emerging. The family is completely replaced, which is the result that Chu Yundong is absolutely unacceptable.

In fact, Chu Yundong has not thought of a reason why Xu Ziyan sells the planet. That is to say, the current strength of Xu’s current control of 60 planets has reached the limit. If there is more control, Xu will not have that strength and energy.

“How much do you have?” Chu Yun asked with some excitement.

"How much do you want?" Xu Ziyan's heart is also very excited.

Chu Yun frowned and fell into thoughts. After a long time, he extended **** and said: "Twenty, do you have it?"


Xu Ziyan nodded immediately. Then I took out twenty pieces of jade and put them in front of Chu Yun. The eyes of Chu Yun’s movements were bright. I took a piece of jade in my hand and confirmed that it was a jade slip of Dabi, and then put it on the ground. Then two people began bargaining.

The final price was very satisfactory to both parties, but Xu Ziyan did not get Xianjing for the time being, but only got the owe of Chu Yun to her. It was a jade slip, which recorded the thinking of the resources of Xu Ziyan under the input of Chu Yun. And sealed his saga as proof.

Xu Ziyan was in a good mood when he left the place where Chu Yun moved. One hundred and five jade Jane, she prepared to leave her own sixty and sold forty-five. Twenty have been sold today, and the remaining twenty-five have to go to the buyer. After taking out the jade brief, Xu Ziyan contacted the cloud leopard. The big move is unfolding and goes to the place where the clouded leopard hides.

After some bargaining, Xu Ziyan sold it to the cloud leopard for fifteen planets. Later, he contacted Jiang Zixiong and sold the last ten planets in her hand. Xu Ziyan left with satisfaction and found a place to hide, just waiting for the end of the ratio.

She did not sell to Xu Tiantian a piece of jade, she could not support a person destined to be an enemy of Xu. In this way, Tianyi League will only be able to own a planet in Xinghai, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Tianzhu League, which has made great efforts in Xinghai. And the loss of Xinghai interests, the development of Tianzhu League will also lag.

Xu Ziyan sighed a little, I am afraid that in the future, the four super families of the Zhongyuan Galaxy will be replaced by Xu, Chu, Yun and Jiang.

Because of the death of the patriarch, and the loss of the interests of Xinghai, the Xiangjiahui will be slowly smashed in the future. Today's Tianzhu League is actually relying on Xu Tiantian. If Xu Tiantian breaks through the Xianwang and left the Zhongyuan Galaxy to go to the Shangyuan Galaxy, or Xu Tianshou Yuan runs out of death, the Tianzhu League is simply unbearable. hit.

Xu Ziyan sold out jade and found a place to hide. Time flies, and it is the last moment of the three-month ratio. All the monks in the small world began to gather toward the small world. Of course, some monks who were low-educated were still looking for a closer place to hide, waiting for the small world to open.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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