The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1618: Entering the hidden world

I am very grateful to the 6 students (99) for the post-rain season, starting to the future classmates (588), Sky Flying Classmates (200), seaphay classmates (200), rabbits ★ baby classmates 2 (99), flying wings Classmates (100), Mu Lin Fengyu classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (99), Yuexia Huajian classmates (99) reward!


The emptiness of the small world is a little bright, the sky is swaying, and an exit appears. Numerous monks have emerged from hiding and flew toward the small world.

There are a total of 116 monks who have lived out of the small world, and one hundred and sixty people have died. Among the 116 people, the peak of Xianjun accounted for 87 people, and 26 people died in the battle of each other. Among them, Jiang Bitian died in the wall of the fairy, and his jade was also It disappeared.

The rest of the dead were the monks of the late Xianjun. A total of 136 people died, but there are still twenty-nine late monks who survived. These monks have been living by hiding. Among them are Xu Ziyan, Chu Yundong, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong. As a monk in the late Xianjun period, Xu Ditian has an extremely rich experience in the fairy thief. He not only did not hide, but also killed two monks in the late Xianjun. He won two planets from the hidden family.

Hong Shixi and Gong Cheng stood in front of everyone, and their faces were very unsightly. At this time all the monks have come out of the small world, and the small world has been closed. Since they both saw Xu Ziyan, Xu Liangtian, Chu Yun moved. After the clouded leopard and Jiang Zixiong came out safely from the small world, their faces were ugly. They did not think that they would come out safely. With their thoughts, these people should die in the small world. Is it true that more than a hundred hidden families of the late Xianjun still kill six of them?

Spit a heartful depression and restore calm. At this point their hearts have already understood, it must be that these people quickly fled as soon as they entered the small world, and then found a place to hide. Let the hidden family monks not find them.

Forget it! Anyway, they have a jade slip on each person, and the shot did not come out, and they lost five planets in total. Compared with 278 planets, it is insignificant.

"Okay!" Hong Shixi said with a voice: "Now report the jade slips that each of you has, and the family with the most number can give priority to the planet."

Speaking of this, Hong Shixi turned to Xu Ziyan and five people laughed: "Several friends have reported the quantity first, or wait for the number of the hidden family to report it?"

Chu Yundong, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong's eyes are all looking at Xu Ziyan. Their jade slips were bought from Xu Ziyan, so they believed that Xu Ziyan’s body must have the most jade. Seeing the eyes of the three of them focused on themselves. Xu Ziyan is no longer low-key, smiled slightly:

"We have got 60 pieces of jade in our home!"

When the words fall, a hand raises sixty jade and floats in the air.

"This is impossible!"

Under the shock of Hong Shicheng and Gong Cheng, they could not help but blurt out. The gods quickly passed through the body and swept through the sixty jade slips in the air, and the face immediately became very ugly.

"We Chu got twenty pieces of jade!" Chu Yun made a move. Twenty pieces of jade slipped in the air in front of them.

"We have got sixteen jade slips from the cloud house!" The clouded leopard moved, and fifteen jade slips floated in the air in front of him.

"We Jiang got eleven jade slips." Jiang Zixiong moved, and ten jade slips floated in the air in front of him.

Xu Liangtian’s face was ugly, and he thought that he had got two pieces of jade slips to be superior to Xu’s and the four super families. He did not think that he was a joke. He did not know that the Chu family, the Yun family and the Jiang family's jade slips were all sold to them by Xu Ziyan. At this time, his heart could not help but give birth to a trace of fear. Is there any unknown knowledge of the four super families?

However, at this time everyone's eyes were gathered on him, and he took out three jade slips. Silently speaking.

Xu Tiantian is depressed. The hidden family is more depressed than him. How many jade slips are there in total? The Chinese galaxies are almost halfway. And there are only five people in the Zhongyuan Galaxy, and how many people are in the hidden family? Even if it is Hong Dian and Gong Ming, I have not got a few jade Jane!

Xu Ziyan, Chu Yundong, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong have undoubtedly become the top four in Dabi. Xu Ziyan is the first to do whatever it takes. Priority is given to Xinghai Planet.

Much more than the previous parties have made an oath, and although Xu Ziyan got the most planet. But it is not the only one. Chu family, Yunjia and Jiangjia also got a lot of stars, which makes the hidden family unable to repent, otherwise it will be almost all super families, but in Xu, Chu, Yunjia and Under the leadership of the Jiang family, I am afraid that the hidden family will face the resistance of the entire Zhongyuan galaxies. This will only allow the hidden family to swallow the depressed bitter fruit.

However, they did not get what they did. After all, they got the majority of the stars, but they didn't have as much as they had hoped. And at this time, Hong Dust and other people also told the patriarchs of their respective families through the voices of Xu Ziyan in ancient ruins, which made them look at Xu Ziyan and pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, in their minds, it must be said that Xu Ziyan returned to the ancient ruins after the monks left the ancient ruins in the small world, and the jade of the monks who died in the maze was smashed, so their hatred of Xu Ziyan It also disappeared. After all, Xu Ziyan did not kill the jade slips obtained by their hidden family monks, so he ended the big ratio in peace.

Every hidden family left a person to go to Xinghai to manage the planet they got, and the rest of the monks returned to the hidden world.

Ouyang Xiang naturally stayed, and their family also got a planet, but at this time the Ouyang family did not seem to have the spare power to run Xinghai Planet, but sold the planet to another hidden family, Ouyang Xiang It was left to attract Xu Ziyan into the hidden world.

Xu Ziyan and others first returned to Xinghai. The people first celebrated at Haikui Xingda, and then Xu Ziyan handed over everything to the patriarch Xu Haotian, and then left with Ouyang Xiang.

Xu Ziyan flew for a few months in the Xiangzhou alley of Ouyang Xiang, and a nebula appeared in front of them. Through the porthole, Xu Ziyan looked at the huge infinite nebula, and immediately saw her huge nebula as a complex and mysterious formation formed by her eyes.

Ouyang Xiang carefully drove the fairy boat in the nebula and whispered softly: "Ziyan, this nebula is naturally formed, mysterious and complex, so far our hidden family has not completely cracked, just looking for an entry and exit aisle."

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng and carefully remembered the changes of the big array and the position of the passage. After flying for three days, I rushed out of the heavy nebula.

Xu Ziyan came out from the fairy boat with Ouyang Xiang and looked around. Seen that there is no nebula within 100 meters of the square, it is covered by a heavy nebula within a hundred meters.

In the middle of the 100-meter radius, there was a cloud platform, and Ouyang Xiang took Xu Ziyan to the Yuntai. On the top of the gimbal, Xu Ziyan saw eight independent and complex pictures carved on the gimbal. Ouyang Xiang stood on top of a picture and let Xu Ziyan stand on top of a picture, then explained to her:

"Ziyan, this transmission array can transmit up to eight people at a time. One pattern can transmit one person, and the transmission does not rely on Xianjing, relying on the gas of life."

"The gas of life?"

Xu Ziyan is a glimpse of the heart, and suddenly understand why the gas of life is found in the storage ring of the hidden family monks. After understanding it, Xu Ziyan’s heart was put down, and she was not lacking in the gas of life. Originally, she only had more than 3,000 lives, but she put the gas of life on the comet above the purple smoke planet as an introduction. Over the years, she has formed countless beasts and created new life. It is also countless.

At this time, Ouyang Xiang took out a jade bottle, first dripped a sigh of life on the pattern at the foot of Xu Ziyan, and dropped a glimpse of life on the pattern under his feet, and saw the gas of life. Beginning to spread along the grooves on the pattern, it quickly turns into a continuous thread that runs through the pattern.


The entire transmission array released a dazzling light, and then Xu Ziyan felt that he entered a dark passage. Just a moment of rest, the eyes will shine again. Xu Ziyan blinked and looked around. I saw that she and Ouyang Xiang were in the middle of a forest, breathing deeply, and an extremely powerful fairy scent.

Sure enough, the fairy power here is several times stronger than the outer meta-galaxies!

Xu Ziyan’s face revealed a happy color. On the side of Ouyang Xiang smiled: "Ziyan, to the sister's site, my sister took you to my family."

Xu Ziyan nodded. Since Ouyang Xiang was introduced here, it is natural to visit Ouyang Xiang’s family. Ouyang Xiang once again released the fairy boat, carrying Xu Ziyan to the Ouyang family.

Looking down from the fairy boat, the hidden world is really boundless, Ouyang Xiang did not stop in the middle, all the way to the Ouyang family.

In the first few days, Ouyang Xiang also pointed out the mainland underneath through the porthole of Xianzhou to explain the customs and customs to Xu Ziyan. After that, both of them slowly lost their interest, and each chose a room in the fairy boat to cultivate.

This day.

Xu Ziyan was practicing in the room and heard the soft knock on the door. After the immortal force in the body was incorporated into Dantian, he opened his eyes and stood up. He came to the front door and opened the door. He saw Ouyang Xiang standing in the door with grief and indignation. Xu Ziyan did not know what happened. Ouyang Xiang was invited to come in, and the guest was seated, and she was teaked for her, and then she looked at her quietly.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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