The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1619: Ouyang family

I am very grateful to Pinying, Tang Tang 8719, Xue Xian 1225, cheeze, plum ~~~ classmate, Taiwan Xiaoyouyou, cher2y classmates pink ticket!


Ouyang Xiang’s face was extremely ugly. He held his cup with his head down and sat down without talking. The room was silent for a while. Xu Ziyan did not ask questions, just silently accompanied her to sit. However, in my heart, I guessed that there might be a serious problem in the family of Ouyang Xiang.

Xu Ziyan guessed that it was correct. Ouyang Xiang passed the news with the family in the past few days, telling the family that they were returning to the family with Xu Ziyan. The Ouyang family is also prepared to show their sincerity and welcome Xu Ziyan. However, just after the family sent him a message, telling her that the family crisis has intensified, it was impossible to implement the plan of Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan.

I am afraid that when Xu Ziyan arrives at the Ouyang family, he will find the crisis of the Ouyang family. Instead of letting Xu Ziyan feel that the Ouyang family is cheating and using her, it is better to tell Xu Ziyan now that if Xu Ziyan does not want to marry this drowning, he will let Ouyang Xiang send Xu Ziyan out of the hidden world.

The reason why the Ouyang family decided to tell Xu Ziyan the truth is because they are afraid of the forces behind Xu Ziyan. Once the mysterious and hidden family behind Xu Ziyan had a bad impression on the Ouyang family, they taught them that the Ouyang family can no longer afford one more. enemy. What's more, this enemy is still very strong, and it is not what they can resist.

Xu Ziyan was quietly waiting. For a quarter of an hour, Ouyang Xiang, who was sitting like a puppet, finally sighed. This long sigh is full of grief and humiliation.


A lingering circle surrounds the space and will not go for a long time.

At this time, Xu Ziyan could not help but open his mouth, so he asked softly: "What happened? But what happened?"

Ouyang Xiang hesitated a moment, she was hesitant not to tell Xu Ziyan things. But all told, or have reservations. In the end, she decided to have some reservations. When she wanted to come, let Xu Ziyan know that she was using her from the beginning. Xu Ziyan will be angry and angry, and will make the family worse. So some of the facts can be said, but their own goals must not be said.

"Ziyan, I don't think you should go to our family. Or I will send you back now, or you will travel around the hidden world, my sister will not accompany you."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and asked softly: "Why?"

Ouyang Xiang also sighed and said: "Ziyan, our family is not doing well today. There are three second-rate families in our family's area. They are our Ouyang family, Shijia and Qianjia, and everyone's strength is quite similar to each other. It was originally a balanced situation.

But three years ago, our family discovered a fairy crystal vein, which is rich in celestial crystals and has a very high quality. Although this vein is the first to be discovered by our Ouyang family. However, the area where the vein is located is somewhat troublesome. Most of it is in the territory of our Ouyang family, but there are also a few parts. About one-fifth of the parts are in the territory of Shijia and Qianjia.

When our family began to explore Xianjing, Shijia and Qianjia naturally discovered this matter and found the door. Our Ouyang family is not doing anything, and it is proposed to divide the one-fifth of this vein into two of them. Who knows that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephants, the two were reddened by this rich vein, and they even joined forces to deal with our Ouyang family.

Although the strength of the two companies has exceeded our Ouyang family, we can't retreat. In two years, our Ouyang family and their two families have had countless ethnic battles. Our Ouyang family lost the opportunity to mine Xianjing. The two of them also did not get the opportunity, and the vein was abandoned for two years.

When our family extended indefinitely because of this family war, they did not expect that Shi Jia and Qian Jia would contact Yin Jia. Yin Jia is a first-class family, although Yin Jia only sent their young patriarchs. And this little patriarch is only a late Xianjun repair, but he represents the Yin family.

Yin Zhihao clearly told us the Ouyang family. Since then, the Xianjing vein has been returned to Shijia and Qianjia. Shijia and Qianjia will get half of the benefits of the veins, while Yinjia gets the other half. ”

Ouyang Xiang noodles like water, sitting there angry and ups and downs, can not speak for a while. Xu Ziyan continued her tea and asked softly:

"and after?"

“How else?” Ouyang Xiang spit out a sigh of relief: “Our Ouyang family is just a second-rate middle-class family. What do you want to do with Yin’s family? Only you promised Yin’s family and gave up the veins. I remembered the time at the time. And with the face of the money house, I can't wait to flatten their faces."

Xu Ziyan is silent. This kind of thing is almost encountered in the history of the growth of every monk or each family, or it is fading or even dying in this situation, or flying over this kind of adversity.

However, the appearance of the Ouyang family seems to be fading, or even dying. Just look at Ouyang Xiang's current look and know that the Ouyang family has had another serious incident. Sure enough, Ouyang Xiang continued to sigh for a while and continued:

"I thought it would be over to let the Xianjing veins go out, but I didn't think that Shijia and Qianjia saw that we were shrinking in the veins. It turned out to be getting worse. From time to time, we began to harass our family disciples and force our family. The other veins, the family war has continued to the present.

In fact, there is nothing here. As long as the Yin family is no longer involved in this time, although the Ouyang family is in a weak position, they may not be afraid of them. However, just a few days ago, Yin Zhiyun, who did not appear in the past year, appeared again. She actually asked our family to give Ning Zhifeng to her as a practice palace. ”

“Ning Zhifeng?”

“Yeah!” Ouyang Xiang nodded. “Ningzhifeng is the place where our family buried the remains of their ancestors. How can we let Yin Zhiyun?”

"What then?"

"Our family naturally refuses to promise to be with her, but this thing is probably not good. So, the family will inform me not to let you get involved in this matter, let me send you out of the hidden world."

Xu Ziyan did not answer Ouyang Xiang’s question, but asked a little frowning: “Why did Yin Zhiyun look at your family’s Ning Zhifeng?”

Ouyang Xiang said angrily: "It must be that Shijia and Qianjia want to completely destroy our Ouyang family, and invite Yin Zhiyun again to help. That Yin Zhiyun just casually finds an excuse to anger our Ouyang family, so Yinjia is good. There is reason to attack our family."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "It won't be that simple."

Ouyang Xiang’s heart is moving: “What do you mean?”

"Go to your family and have a look!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"You...and go to our family?" Ouyang Xiang asked in surprise, revealing a hint of surprise on his face.

"Why don't you go?" Xu Ziyan turned into a crescent moon and asked with a smile.

The fairy boat speeded up the flight and flew for more than a month. Several peaks appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, from the mountain peak to the foot of the mountain, and there were houses or trees in the hills.

Looking out from the air, Xu Ziyan’s heart is a move. These houses are patchwork. They are built according to the nodes of a fairy squad. As long as the Ouyang family activates the array, it will be shrouded in a moment. However, the big array did not open, and Xu Ziyan did not see that it was a few goodies.

Ouyang Xiang’s fairy boat fell toward the mountain gate, and two figures came out of the fairy boat. Ouyang Xiang took the fairy boat and took it to the mountain gate.

"See the elders of the incense!" Some disciples in front of the mountain gate gave a gift to Ouyang Xiang. Ouyang Xiang gently "hmm" and sneaked away. After walking for a while, I saw that the family is still the original appearance, which proves that the family has not changed greatly. This is a sigh of relief, and there is a smile on his face:

"Ziyan, I will take you to see my grandmother!"


"Well, my grandmother Ouyang Ling is the patriarch of our family. At this time she must practice in the Cuiyun Pavilion. Let's go!"

Ouyang Xiang’s face is filled with a happy smile. At first glance, she knows that her relationship with Ouyang Ling is excellent. Two people went to the sky and a few flickers came to Cuiyunge.

Two people fell from the sky and walked forward along the bamboo forest. When you walk out of the trail, you will see a simple bamboo building. Although simple, there is a feeling of blending with nature, which makes Xu Ziyan's eyes shine.

"Sweet?" A voice rang from the left.

Two people looked around and saw an old woman getting out of the bamboo forest. Ouyang Xiang hurriedly said:

"Jiang Po, my grandma?"

Jiang’s mother’s face showed a trace of anxiety: “The patriarch went to the hall and heard that Yin Zhiyun came again.”

Ouyang Xiang’s look is a change. He turned and said to Xu Ziyan: “Ziyan, you should rest here first, I will go to the hall to see.”

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "I will go see it with you."

Ouyang Xiang just nodded in an instant and nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

Two people rushed out of the bamboo forest, skyrocketing, and flew away toward the family hall. The figure flashed a few flashes in the space, and two people landed in the air and stood in front of the main hall of the parliament.

The door to the main hall of the House of Representatives was closed. Two people erected their ears and listened, but did not hear any sound. Ouyang Xiang was hesitant to push the door, and suddenly the footsteps sounded inside the hall. Ouyang Xiang hurriedly pulled Xu Ziyan and flashed to the side of the gate.

The door rumbling opened, a woman walked out of the gate, looking forward to the wind, and the eyes were full of pride. Looking at the Ouyang Xiang and Xu Ziyan who stood outside the gate with their squinting eyes, they no longer took care of the two of them, and they kept walking towards the outside.

"Grandma!" Ouyang Xiang went down and shouted.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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