The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1631: Volatility

I am very grateful to the bookmates 130428234013951 (588), forever 3 students (99) in the post-rain season, the remnant of Feiyang Feixing (100), and the anna1978 classmates (99)!


"Xu Zongshi, if your Xianjing is not enough, we can help each other." Hong said with a soft voice.

"Yeah!" Gong Yi also said: "You have already spent 500 million yuan of fine crystals. I guess this piece of stone contains at least 2 billion yuan of fine crystals. If Xianjing is not enough, we Gong family can also contribute to help."

Xu Ziyan smiled and thanked, and at this time the auctioneer has begun to say the reserve price:

"Everyone, the starting price of this five-stone auction is 100 million yuan, and now it is starting to bid."

The entire auction hall was quiet, and the monks sitting in the hall looked at the boxes upstairs. Like the five implication stones, only the big guys in the box can afford it, but what surprised them is that the boxes above are also silent, especially the two super families in the first and second boxes, how are they? Will there be no more?

But it was just a silence for a while, and someone started to quote. Xu Ziyan has no quotation. Since Gong Yu has already said that this piece of five stones is worth at least two billion yuan, the previous quotations are all paddling, there is no need to bid at this time.

Sure enough, the quotation is rapidly rising, but it has only climbed a billion yuan in the quarter of a big marriage, and quickly climbed to the billions of the best, and the bidding monks began to lose.

Xu Ziyan felt that the fire was almost the same. Immediately enter a figure of 2.5 billion. This figure came out, and the atmosphere of the entire auction site was obviously stagnation. However, in the last box, a quote of 2.6 billion was quoted, followed by a quote of 2.7 billion in the box on the 7th and a quote of 2.8 billion in the box on the 12th.

Xu Ziyan immediately raised the offer to 3 billion yuan. The No. 7 box was quiet, and the No. 5 box reported a total of 3.1 billion, and then the 12th box reported a total of 3.2 billion. Xu Ziyan calmly reported a total of 3.5 billion. This move made the Hongyu machine and Gong Yu in the box look shocked. They did not expect Xu Ziyan's net worth to be so rich.

The 12th box was quiet, but the No. 5 box still quoted a 3.6 billion offer. Xu Ziyan did not stop, and immediately quoted a price of four billion.

The fifth box finally sank, and the auctioneer exclaimed excitedly: "The number one box bids for four billion yuan, and there is no bid?"

The entire auction site was silent.

"Four billions!"

"Four billions twice!"

"4.1 billion!" A voice rang from the hall.

The people at the entire auction site were shocked. They were shocked not to have another offer, but the person who quoted it was not from the box, but from the hall. The eyes of the people could not help but look for their voices. I saw a monk sitting in a corner, wrapped in a black robe, and even his face was in a layer of black yarn. Moreover, his black robe and black crepe are clearly equipped with a ban on the exploration of the gods.

Xu Ziyan looked at Hong Yuji and Gong Yu, and the color of the inquiry was revealed. Hong Yuji and Gong Yu carefully observed it, and they all shook their heads and said they could not recognize who the man was. Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and the man below came out to bid at this time, obviously it was necessary. It seems that there is still a fight for it. Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated and immediately exported a figure of 4.5 billion.

"Five billion!" The man's hoarse voice rang at the auction house, but the tone was full of momentum.

Xu Ziyan immediately entered 1.5 billion, and the person immediately reported 6 billion. Xu Ziyan just wanted to quote, but was stopped by the flooding machine. He stood up and pushed open the window of the box, and said to the auctioneer below:

"I suspect that the person is malicious and confused. Is the auction supposed to verify his purchasing power?"

The black robe monk looked up and glanced at the flooding machine in the box and said sarcastically: "How do I know if you can take out the five-billion-dollar fairy crystal?"

The Hong machine faintly glanced at him and said: "No one can doubt that I am out of the machine, but it is doubtful that you are such a talented person."


"This friend!" A monk walked in from the side door and went straight to the black-faced monk and said politely:

"Daoyou. We need to verify your purchasing power. Or you can explain your identity."

The black robe masked man indulged, took out a few storage rings and handed it to the other party. The monk of the auction house swiftly passed the verification and nodded to him. Then raised the voice:

"This friend has the qualification to bid."

"Boom ~ ~" The entire auction site was in turmoil.

"Who is this person?"

“Is there so many great crystals?”

"Accordingly, shouldn't it be an obscure person?"

"Cut, of course he will not be obscured. Otherwise, why should you cover your face?"

The rushing machine in the first box sat back on the chair thoughtfully, frowning slightly. Xu Ziyan immediately reported a price of 6.5 billion. Then turned to look at the flooding machine and asked softly:


The Hong machine said softly: "There is a familiar feeling. I seem to know that person, but I don't remember who it is!"

At this time, the black robe masked man reported a price of seven billion. Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to report the price of 7.5 billion. The black robe masked man stood up from the chair and glanced deeply into the No. 1 box, then turned to the auction house.

The situation was very clear, and the black robe masked man gave up. Xu Ziyan photographed Wu Yunshi at the price of 7.5 billion yuan of fine crystals. Together with the 500 million best crystals of the Pearl of Light, Xu Ziyan spent eight billions of fine crystals in one day. The best of the crystal is less than three billion.

However, this is enough to shock Hongfeng and Gong Yu and others. That is, they can't get so many best crystals on their bodies. The family has this financial power, but it doesn't mean they can carry so much with them. This can not help but make their evaluation of Xu Ziyan a higher level, financial strength is also a manifestation of strength.

When leaving the box, Hong Yuji and Gong Yu once again sent an invitation to Xu Ziyan, hoping that Xu Ziyan could go to their family to be a guest, Xu Ziyan refused again. I said that I will definitely visit Hongjia and Gongjia in the future. I just left the family for a long time and decided to go back and have a look.

Hong Yuji and Gong Yu can only express regret. The two people broke up at the entrance of the auction house and went to their own inn. Hung out of the dust:

"I really didn't think of it. Xu Ziyan actually had so many net worth, and even photographed Wu Yunshi independently."

"Oh..." Hung-out also said with a chuckle: "This Xu Ziyan is really mysterious. Her background is probably not as simple as the Zhongyuan Galaxy Xu."

Gong Hao also nodded beside him, and he was deeply impressed. They did not find a gentleman behind them, but his face covered with a hat. Hearing the conversation of people like Hong Dust and others, his body shape was slightly shocked, he immediately slowed down and turned to a path. How his back looks like the black robe masked man in the auction house.

After a day of rest, Xu Ziyan, Ouyang Yuyun and Ouyang Xiang left Juxian City. Xu Ziyan really wants to leave the hidden world, first returning to the family to hand over the materials he does not need to the family, and then secretly come to the hidden continent, one person to travel alone.

Three people left Juxiang City and rode to the Ouyang family in the fairy boat of Ouyang. After half a day, it has already flown thousands of miles, and suddenly the sky flew through the golden light. A golden wheel continued to rotate in the air and smashed into the boat of Ouyang. That speed made Ouyang out of the cloud and couldn’t react at all. It was just a blink of an eye, and the golden wheel was on the fairy boat.


The fairy boat was instantly split into two halves.


The three figures rushed out from the two half of the fairy boat, standing in the clouds and looking in the direction of the golden rim.

I saw the white clouds in front of the two sides fluttering away from the two sides, flying out of the three monks from the inside, are the cultivation of the peak of the late Xianjun. Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed, and she immediately recognized who the monk stood in the middle of the opposite, and it was Qiao Yi who was glory with her own.

At this time, Qiao Yi pointed out a little in the air. The golden wheel crossed a bright arc in the air and smashed toward the purple.

Xu Ziyan has not moved yet, Ouyang went out of the cloud and took out a sword, while slamming into the golden wheel of the air, while calling Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, you are running away."

"Want to escape?"

Qiao Yi snorted, and his body shape forced Ouyang out of the clouds, while the two monarchs around him were forced to persuade Xu Ziyan.

Ouyang Xiang’s look changed, and Xu Ziyan, who was pushing around, shouted: “Xu Zongshi flies!”

The words fell, and the figure ushered in the two monks of the late Xianjun in the Qiao family. Her figure was extremely fast, and her body flashed with the light.

"Ouyang sister..."

Xu Ziyan’s face changed dramatically and he exclaimed.


A loud noise, I felt that the three of them could not withstand the Ouyang incense of the three of the Qiao family. In order to win the escape of Xu Ziyan, they chose to blew themselves.


Ouyang came out of the cloud and spurted a blood, Xu Ziyan’s heart was awkward, but at this time he could not care about it. He didn’t know if there was an ambush monk in the other side, and he thought that the cloud baby would be summoned and the Ouyang cloud would come out instantly. Into the cloud baby, flying towards the distance.


There was a riot in the space, and the attack of the eleventh celestial eruption caused the extremely fast cloud baby to hide in the past half, but still had two attacks on it. The whole cloud baby lost its balance, rolling in the air, and the breath of the cloud baby was rapidly declining.


This month, like this, ask for the next month's guaranteed pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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