The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1632: Chasing

Buy a pink ticket at the end!


Xu Ziyan pulled Ouyang out of the cloud and came out of the cloud baby. He thought that the baby would be taken into the purple smoke space, and his eyes swept around. He saw Yin Zhiyun with ten princes in the late stage and the monk was facing her and Ouyang. The clouds chased over, and behind them there were three peaks of the late Qianjun of the Qiao family. The three of the Qiao family were not killed by Ouyang Xiang’s self-explosion, but only two of them were slightly injured.


Ouyang went out of the cloud and pushed Xu Ziyan, and Yin Zhiyun, who was approaching the fast, rushed over.

"Do not!"

Xu Ziyan seems to have realized what happened. The eleven Yinjia monks on the opposite side saw Ouyang’s hand-held fairy rushing toward them, and they each attacked the fairy, and the air was beautiful.

Ouyang's body shape twisted and shimmered in the air, flashing across the opposite attack, but slammed into the crowd of eleven people across the slightest injury. The light on the body flashed sharply, and the "bang" blew himself...

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes painfully, and the two lines of tears flowed down. Suddenly opened his eyes, and seeing Yin Zhiyun and Qiao Yi in the blurred vision of tears, they rushed to their teeth.

This is the time that Ouyang Yuyun used her life to win for her. Xu Ziyan turned and her body shape disappeared in a moment.

"Great move!" Qiao Yi caught up with the eyes.

"Want to run?"

A figure appeared in the air, a black robe shrouded the whole body from head to toe, and took out a wheel with one hand and a pointer in the middle of the wheel.

"Director?" Qiao Yi was surprised again.

The directional disk instantly confirmed the direction of Xu Ziyan, and the black robe was in shape. The teleportary chased toward Xu Ziyan.


Qiao Yi and Yin Zhiyun and others also launched a teleport immediately behind the black robe. Ouyang’s self-explosion killed two monks from the Yin family, and now there are only nine left in the Yin family. This made Yin Zhiyun irritated in his heart and vowed to catch up with Xu Ziyan and kill him.

The black robe man turned to look back at the Joe family and the Yin family. Deaf-mute voice:

"I want five stones."

Qiao Yi replied: "I want the Pearl of Light."

Yin Zhiyun said: "I want her to die."

In a few words, these people reached an agreement and then chased them forward in silence.

Xu Ziyan stopped in the clouds and looked back. Two lines of tears ran down the cheek again, muttering to himself:

"Ouyang is out of the cloud, Ouyang Xiang, I will revenge for you. Qiao Yi, Yin Zhiyun, I will not let you go."

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyelids jumped, and the space in front of him swayed. The figure of a dozen people appeared leisurely. Xu Ziyan was shocked and stunned. He immediately turned around and moved to move away from the distance.

After several major moves, Xu Ziyan stopped again and looked back and forth. It was just less than five minutes, and the group appeared again in her not far away.

Xu Ziyan was shocked by the abnormality. She did not expect anyone to be able to track the big move. It seems that this hidden world is really capable of people, not to be underestimated.

The eyes swept away. Then immediately turned around and moved again. While constantly moving around and thinking about it quickly, the other party has thirteen people, 12 of which are the peaks of Xianjun's later period, and the late Xianjun is not completely resistant to oneself. As long as you are surrounded by these people, I am afraid that you will die in a very short period of time. At the same time, she also recognized the origins and purposes of these people. The black robe monk is no different from the Wu Yunshi. Qiao Yi is coming to the Pearl of Light. As for Yin Zhiyun, I am afraid that it is directed at his own life.

Xu Ziyan constantly moved and moved in one direction. She did not believe that the magical powers that had been greatly displaced by her own would not be able to shed the tails behind them.

However, the facts made Xu Ziyan shocked. As long as she pauses for a while. The followers will arrive later. And when they reappeared, they were already riding a fairy boat. It’s faster to chase yourself than before.

The cloud baby has been injured. Xu Ziyan has taken the time to escape and put it in the chaotic gas, but at this time he lost the tool of rapid transportation. There is still a small white in the purple smoke space, but the speed of her at this time is not as fast as the purple smoke. After all, it is no longer a comparison between Xu Ziyan’s current revision and the full version of the large movement.

Even so. Xu Ziyan did not get rid of the pursuit of the pursuit of soldiers, no matter how many times she moved, the pursuit of soldiers can always appear behind her.

In this way, it has been continuously moved over a period of more than 20 days, and Xu Ziyan has taken countless immortals to support it. However, the pursuit of the soldiers is to catch up in the fairy boat, in contrast, Xu Ziyan wolf a lot.

Xu Ziyan’s figure appeared again out of thin air, and the roar of the riots sounded in his ear. Looking around, his face could not help but show a bitter smile, and he moved into a battlefield. Looking at the clothes of both sides, it seems that the two families are fighting in the family.

The hidden world is also very chaotic!

Xu Ziyan no longer stayed. When several monks around Xu Ziyan did not know how Xu Ziyan suddenly appeared, Xu Ziyan suddenly disappeared. Several people stunned and continued to fight each other.

However, in a few moments, an eight-character boat appeared in the air. The fairy boat flew very fast, it seems that the warring monks in the air blocked their way. "Boom", the rune of the top of the fairy boat suddenly slammed out, and the eight-character rune gun was so powerful. The front of the fairy boat was empty, and the monk on the road ahead of it turned into a powder, and the fairy boat disappeared without a trace, leaving only the monks on both sides standing in the air... ...

Xu Ziyan is still in the process of rapid displacement. She has already guessed that there must be something in the hands of the pursuers in the back that can guide the pursuit of the direction, so that no matter how big the move can not get rid of the pursuit.

However, Xu Ziyan had no choice but to know what to do under such circumstances. He only continued to swallow the elixir and kept moving.

Xu Ziyan was very depressed, but Qiao Yi was very depressed in their hearts. They knew that Xu Ziyan was a big move, but no one thought that Xu Ziyan would show a big shift for 20 days. This is too surprising.

Yin Zhiyun’s eyes flashed and he hated and said: “Xu Ziyan must be taking Xiandan!”

Qiao Yi also nodded: "Not bad! Otherwise she could not hold on for so long."

The black robe monk said: "Look at how many elixir she has. I will chase her for one year after she flees for a year. I will chase her for ten years after I flee for ten years. I will not give her any rest time."

There is no mistake in the plan of the black robe monk. Even if there are more elixirs in Xu Ziyan, there will be a day of consuming light, not to mention the large shift in the consumption of Xianyuan, so the consumption of Xiandan is several times higher than usual. As long as Xu Ziyan runs out of Xiandan, it is the moment when Xu Ziyan is caught up and killed.

After another month, Xu Ziyan did not know how to fly hundreds of thousands of miles, and gradually felt a damp gas coming to the face. After several major moves, Xu Ziyan’s figure appeared on the shore of the sea.

Xu Ziyan did not stop, and moved to the depths of the sea. After counting the numbers, there appeared Qiao Yi and others on the shore of the sea. They looked at the sea and their eyes were hesitant, but they finally rushed in. The sea, chasing away to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not know that the sea area she broke into was called the violent sea. This piece of sea was boundless. No one knows how big it is, because no one has completely explored the storm.

When it is quiet, it is like a beautiful fairy country, which is desirable and quiet. When the storm is in chaos, the continuous waves of the sky can directly kill the peak of the late Xianjun. And there are a lot of fierce and unusual monsters in the violent sea. In the air, there are high-order monsters flying over the air, so the violent sea is an extremely dangerous place for the Terran. The more you fly to the depths, the more you fly. It is dangerous.

Moreover, it is not only these things that are deteriorating, but also one aspect is that the sinister forces in the turbulent seas are very violent, which is also the origin of the name of the cryptosphere in the hidden world, like the star of the Chinese galaxies. It’s just more violent than the Xinghai’s fairy power.

And the crueler fact is that even 60% of the islands in the turbulent seas are in the midst of the violent storms, not to mention cultivation there, that is, ordinary life has become difficult. However, there are still 30% of the islands without the violent storms. It is because there is no celestial power on them. They can live on them, but they don’t want to practice.

Only a 10% of the islands have a fairy power, and it is not a violent force, but a stable, eternal force that can be cultivated. But this is only a 10% island, and the thickness of the fairy power is completely different. Some are very thin, just a little stronger than the Fanjie, and some are very rich. It is no longer comparable to the so-called cultivation holy places on the hidden world. It is like returning to ancient times, and the fairy power is extremely rich. Almost liquefied.

However, all such islands are extremely violent, and it is extremely difficult to find. Most of the monks who are going to the violent seas and looking for a holy place to live in the sea are all on the way to search, and very few monks are in chance. Under the search for the cultivation of holy places, but often in these cultivation holy places have high-grade monsters occupied, these monks are not killed by the monsters, or sneaked back. And on the way back, there were more than half of the monks who died in the storm.

Gradually, no one went to the violent sea to find a sanctuary, which became a forbidden place for human beings.

Xu Ziyan didn't know this, but she continued to use the big move to move forward, but she soon felt different because her body's fairy power was consumed more quickly. She found that it was fundamentally above the sea. I can't rely on the slightest power of Xianyuan. The fairy power here is too violent and can only be moved by the power of the fairy in my body. As a result, the consumption of elixir is even faster.


*(To be continued~^~)

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