The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1636: Returning from Xiaobai

I haven't waited until the Mozu Sinjun is completely awake, and Xu Ziyan will kill him, and then grab his god. Now Xu Ziyan's state of mind is already in the early days of Xianwang, and he wants to erase the consciousness of the late Xianjun. It has become very easy. It was only a matter of time that he erased his gods, and then planted instructions for guarding Xu's family within his god, which handed the **** to the instrument.

The device and the second two immediately began to merge the gods for the 傀儡, Xu Ziyan sat on the side watching, the process is very cumbersome, two people are busy for five hours, only the full integration of the gods and scorpions. The one moved a little, looked around and looked around, and walked to the side of Xu Ziyan’s body and said:

"See the host!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and he came to an open space and smashed it with a slap. What shocked Xu Ziyan was that the strength of this cockroach had exceeded the late Xianjun and was close to the peak of Xianjun. Xu Ziyan knows a little bit, and this is because the materials used in both the device and the device are of high quality, which makes his defenses reach an astonishing level.

Xu Ziyan simply dumped the other four demons in the Ruyi Aquarius, and erased the gods in their gods. They then handed them to the instrument and the second, let them make four puppet. The idea of ​​Xu Ziyan is that the two peaks of the early Xianjun and the beginning of a Xianjun can be placed in the Xinghai to protect the Xu family, and the two princes of the late Xianjun and the middle of the Xianjun will be placed in the guardian Xu family.

However, I thought about the speed of the refining of the first and second rectifications. I couldn’t help but sigh: "It takes 40 years to refine these four gongs!"

When the device and the device were heard, they immediately replied: "Master. It doesn't take so much time."

“Well? Why?” Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

Yihe and Erji said with excitement: "Because our two repairs have been improved, now we are both nine days of Xuanxian late."

Xu Ziyan only noticed that the two people had improved to the late nine-day Xuan Xian, and could not help but ask:

"How long does it take for you to refine a Xianjun period?"

"Master, this decade we are not only repairing and improving. The refining technique has also improved. Although we still have not reached the realm of the nine refiners, it is infinitely close. So, now refining a fairy The period of the period only takes five years."

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows picked it up: “Does it mean that they only need 50 years to refine a half-step fairy king?”

"Yes! Maybe it can be shortened for a few more years."

"Good! Good! Good!" Xu Ziyan made another three sounds: "You must refine these Xianjun 先 first. After waiting for the proficiency, you will begin to refine the half-step fairy king. Jin Jing, Wu Yunshi and I have already prepared for you the half-step **** of the king."


One and two jumped from the ground, and the two of them were more excited than the purple smoke. In the realm of their two refiners today, if they can successfully refine a half-step fairy king, it is possible to break through to Jiu Pinxian.

Xu Ziyan left here, and went to look at Fuyi, and Fu Yi’s technique has reached the middle of eight products through ten years of hard work. Dan Yi and Dan Er also reached the eight-term mid-term Xiandan division.

Xu Ziyan went to see her own medicine garden and suddenly remembered the herbs on the outer islands. The herbs were very cherished and they were long-lasting.

Xu Ziyan immediately let the peach blossom and the spring thirty-nature take a purple smoke space left by the tree demon, and go to the island to pick a variety of herbs transplanted into the purple smoke space.

However, this island will give the family as a tribe in the future, so Xu Ziyan, Peach Blossom and other Yaozu don't pick it up, but only 10 strains of each herb are transplanted into the purple smoke space as a parent drug. Then it is breeding.

After thinking about it and fearing that there are other monsters on the island that threaten the peaches, they will also send out the hopes and chaos of the ancient vines to protect them. And she herself continues to wander in the purple smoke space.

When I came to the dark planet, there were more than seven dark attribute tree demon on the planet, and it has grown to hundreds. Herbs such as immortal grass above the planet are growing vigorously.

When I came to the planet of the land of different bears, Xu Ziyan was shocked. Some of the earth's different bears turned into red color. With the identity of Xu Ziyan Xiandan, they immediately felt the grade of these holy fruits improved. I did not hesitate to take off a holy fruit, opened the eyes of Kuang Peng and analyzed it carefully. There was a nine-point in my heart that confirmed the grade of the fruit.

The original fruit is to be able to upgrade a monk below Xianjun to a level. However, it is impossible to raise the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late stage to the level of Xianjun. But now Xu Ziyan feels that he can raise the peak of Jiu Tian Xuan Xian to the early stage of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and reached out to pick up a holy fruit. After a flash of his body, he returned to the purple smoke planet, grabbed a tree demon and handed a holy fruit to her hand:

"Take it!"

The Yaozu has a special feeling for the fairy fruit. Looking at the holy fruit in his hand, the saliva falls like a waterfall. Open the mouth and swallow the fruit. Immediately the breath of her body was boiling. The momentum continued to climb. After two hours, the tree demon of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period broke through to the early stage of Xianjun. The robbery cloud in the sky was forming. Xu Ziyan looked at the excited tree demon and smiled:

"Don't you find a place to rob?"

The tree enchanted on the ground gave Xu Ziyan a head, then flew up and flew away. Xu Ziyan turned to see that Peach Blossom was holding a bunch of herbs in, and then waved to her, handing another fruit in her hand to her:

"Eat, give it a try."

Peach blossom put down the herbs in his hand and immediately swallowed the fruit in his hand, but the result was that Xu Ziyan and Peach Blossom were very disappointed. Peach blossom did not break from the peak of Xianjun to the middle of Xianjun. It seems that the strongest effect of this quality-enhancing fruit is to raise the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian to the early stage of Xianjun.

However, Xu Ziyan was only disappointed for a moment, and the mood was happy. Today, the land bears have been breeding nearly a thousand, and half of them have mutated, and there are about two hundred or so earth-like bears in these mutated earth bears. The two hundred or so holy fruits have been Dozens of them have reached maturity, which can make dozens of Xianjun in the early days of Xujia. It will make Xujia become the most powerful family of Zhongyuan Galaxy, and become a metaphysical galaxy. The first super family.

Of course, Xu Ziyan also has a clear understanding, that is, Xu family is also strong in the Zhongyuan galaxies, or can not be compared with the family in the hidden world, the Ouyang family has a family of more than 30 cents. In the late period of the monarchy, the monk was not even a monk in the late Xianjun period. At this point, the Xu family was not as good as the Tianzhu League. This will become the weakness of the Xu family, but in any case, if the Xu family has dozens of Xianjun early, it has the roots of the super family, and the problem is slowly developing.

Under the good mood, Xu Ziyan came to the edge of the purple smoke space. First, the cloud baby was taken out and found that the cloud baby's injury has been completely restored, and the grade has been upgraded to six products under the ten years of chaotic gas. Late peaks. The pen was taken out again, and the pen was also reached the peak of the late seven products.

Finally, Xu Ziyan took the array and carefully looked at it. The entire array of Xu Ziyan has never been used, has been warm in the chaos of gas, its grade has improved the fastest, and now it is the grade of the early eight products. Xu Ziyan looked at the nine black spots in the battle. The nine black spots were nine human figures. It was the original nine gods and the gods and the battle of the gods and the formation of the battle. Nine cockroaches.

At this time, the nine gods under the warmth of decades of chaotic gas, the speed of promotion is extremely fast, beyond the many of them, and now the cultivation has reached the peak of Xianjun. But if you think about it for a moment, you can understand that they are only practicing in the purple smoke space, and these gods are warming up in the chaotic gas. If they fall behind the device, they should doubt the chaos. The effect of the gas and the refining of the Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan stuffed the market back again. She had to wait for her own array to reach the nine-character squad and to reach the nine-character singer, and then cooperate with the formation to make this array achieve the strongest effect.

Xu Ziyan stayed in the purple smoke space for half a year. In addition to eating peaches and drinking tea, he occasionally gave himself some food. He lived happily and relaxed himself.

Six months later, they finally completed the transplant work of Xiancao. Xu Ziyan also left the purple smoke space, and went to see it again. He saw that he was still there, and Xiaobai did not come back, and he started on the island. Travel around on the top.

In a hurry, half a year later, Xu Ziyan, who was spreading on a plain, turned to the front and saw a huge shadow flying towards him. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile, and the smile on his face gradually expanded. The white beckon that quickly flies near:

"Xiaobai, have you broken through to the late Xianjun?"


Xiaobai screamed proudly, and a giant claw in the air slammed fiercely toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smirked and punched out.


A loud bang, a hurricane, the ground of the entire plain has been smashed for dozens of miles, the cultivation of the late Xianjun, the body is equivalent to the early body of the fairy king, the small body of the white body was actually bombarded by Xu Ziyan . Xiaobai’s huge body turned over in the air, and instantly turned into a girl who landed in the air, and said with a small mouth and frustration:

"Sister, are you a beast or am I a beast?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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