The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1637: Return to Yue Jicheng

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"Sister, are you a beast or am I a beast?"

"Oh, of course you are a beast." Xu Ziyan smiled and stroked the white head.

At this point, Xiaobai no longer went out to find the violent beast battle in the sea, but with the Xu Ziyan on the island. In a hurry, it was two years. Suddenly, Ziyan and Xiaobai stopped at the same time and looked up into the air. They saw the colorful fairy hood in the sky starting to ripple like a lake...

"The array is broken!"

Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai both looked at each other and immediately flew in the direction of the first one. They heard a happy laughter from afar:

"Ha ha ha... I finally became a nine-character singer, hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan’s face was filled with joy, and his body shape quickly fell on the side of the line: “Yes, you really became the nine-star sect?”

"Well, master!"

"That... this natural big break is broken?"

"Well! I can make full use of this big squad now. This big squad is really amazing..."

At this time, Xu Ziyan was not there to listen to the shackles, but the thoughts drifted back to Yueji City.

"Fifteen years! Fifteen years! I have been here for almost fifteen years. I don't know how the family is going? It's time to go back..."

Xu Ziyan will take back the purple smoke space, let the one in the purple smoke space to master the essence of this natural array, and she chose a mountain group. Here is the family clan selected by Xu Ziyan in these years of travel. In a hidden valley, Xu Ziyan began to deploy a transmission array. It took three days to set up a transmission array, and another array of methods in the valley was used to The valley is covered. This and Xiaobai left the island and flew to the mainland.

A year later, on a small island in the neighboring mainland, Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai’s figure fell. Xu Ziyan looked around this island. Whispered:

“It’s less than a thousand miles from the mainland, and it’s a safe place.”

Xiaobai also looked around: "But this island is really not big. Sister, is it really safe to build a transmission here?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I didn't want to build the transmission array on this island."

"Where is that built?" Xiaobai asked inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan said to the sea: "It is built under the sea!"

"Under the sea?"

"Yes! Xiaobai, let's go see!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan's body shape jumped vertically in the sea. At the moment of jumping into the sea, her body burst into a ray of light, forming a hood that shrouded Xu Ziyan inside. Xiaobai also has a kind of learning, releasing a hood, followed by Xu Ziyan jumping into the sea.

Xu Ziyan casts a sluice to the depths of the sea. This small island is not big from the top, only a few miles away, but the part hidden under the sea is dozens of times the exposed part.

Xu Ziyan has been diving for dozens of miles, almost to the bottom of the hidden island. Then he began to explore around the island. There were many caves on the island. Xu Ziyan explored the caves one by one. Some caves were only a few meters deep, and some caves were several miles deep. Finally, Xu Ziyan chose the deepest cave, and then A water shelter was placed deep in the cave, and the cave inside was enlarged to form a space of several hundred meters.

The water shelter blocked the sea water outside, and Xu Ziyan took out a night pearl inlaid on the top of the cave. The light of the night pearl reflects the water ripples in the water. The space of a few hundred meters in a square is clear. After that, Xu Ziyan began to deploy a transmission array here.

It took three days to complete the transmission array, and placed eight of the best crystals on the eight corners of the transmission array, and then stood on the transmission array with Xiaobai.

The transmission array released a light curtain, and the space was distorted. Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai on the transmission array disappeared. When the purple smoke and white were once again appearing, they were already on the transmission array in the valley of the colorful island.

"Sister. Success!" Xiaobai was happy to jump in the valley.

Xu Ziyan also happily said: "With this transmission array, we will not be separated from the mainstream Xiuxian on the mainland in the future. We can go to the mainland to try and exchange at any time. Xiaobai, let's go."

The transmission array in the valley releases light, and the space is instantly distorted. The shape of Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai disappears in the transmission array, but it takes only a few moments to appear in the transmission array inside the cave.

From the transmission array, Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai separated the water from the cave and swept away. When they came outside the cave, Xu Ziyan summoned out the array, and let one arrange a nine-in-a-year fairy tales outside the cave. With such a nine-industry early stage, Xu Ziyan no longer worried about being discovered by others.

Only a few hours of time, the array will be set up, Xu Ziyan will be put into the purple smoke space, and then hovering hands to play a slumber.

Above the surface of the sea, a whirlpool appeared suddenly, and then a huge wave sprang from the sea like a fountain, standing on the top of the waves with purple smoke and white...


Over the sky of the Yin family, Xu Ziyan quietly looked at the door of the Yin family, whispering:

"Yin Zhiyun, I will not let you go!"

A month later.

Xu Ziyan appeared again in the sky above the Joe family, silently stayed for a while, moved away.

Two months later.

The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared in the sky above the Ouyang family, and stood for a long time, finally whispered:

"Ouyang is out of the cloud, Ouyang Xiang, you can rest assured that Yin Jia and Qiao Jia will not let go, I must avenge you."


half year later.


Yue Jicheng.

Xu Ziyan came out from the transmission array, and the monk who guarded the transmission array looked at Xu Ziyan and thundered with excitement.

"You... is the Holy Father... The Holy Father is back..."

"The Holy Father is back..."

"The Holy Father is back..."


The cheers quickly spread out from the hall of the transmission array. Xu Ziyan nodded to the monk and smiled. The figure was swiftly moved away. The monk hurriedly took out the communication jade and reported it to the above...

Xu Ziyan just entered the ethnic land, and he saw Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang and others rushed in the air and greeted themselves.

"Ziyan, you are back!"

"The patriarch, Uncle Zhenshan, Qinyang brother!" Xu Ziyan's face revealed a happy smile, not meeting for more than ten years, but also let her miss the family.

"Ziyan, you have been here for more than ten years. It’s cool to travel in the hidden world, throwing a lot of family things to us. Hurry, what gift is there for me?"

Xu Qinyang rushed forward with excitement, grabbed the arm of Xu Ziyan, and the color of joy overflowed with words. However, his smile suddenly changed into a surprise, looking up and down Xu Ziyan, and finally said:

"Ziyan, are you in the middle of the immortal?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan also looked up and down Xu Qinyang, and then proudly said: "Qin Yang brother, you have not made any progress in the past ten years, or in the middle of Xianjun, you have been caught up by me."

"Cut, my brother, this is a thick and thin hair, and I am in the stage of thick accumulation."

Xu Ziyan covered his mouth and smiled. His eyes looked at Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan. When he saw two people, he reached the peak of Xianjun’s mid-peak and smiled at two people:

“Congratulations to the patriarch and uncle for improvement.”

Xu Haotian waved: "This is an improvement, but it is a little more accumulation. Come, purple smoke, we go to the Holy Land."

Xu Ziyan and other elders of the pulse saw the ceremony, while Xu Yutian and others flew toward the holy land. After entering the Holy Land, the dense disciples of the Holy Land neatly prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"See the Holy Father!"

Xu Ziyan’s big sleeves swayed, and a breeze blew, and all the disciples were raised. He smiled and said, “You are free!”

When the words fell, they flew to the main hall with Xu Tiantian and others, leaving thousands of disciples to look at the back of Xu Ziyan.

Sitting on the main hall, Xu Ziyan looked at it. At this time, the 128-year-old pulse arrived at the 96th place. Among them, there were already seventeen immortals. This is not a purple smoke, Xu Weitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang. Counting them four, there are already twenty ones in the hall. The rest of the pulse masters also reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period.

Xu Ziyan said with joy to Xu Xiaotian: "The patriarch, we have developed very fast in the past ten years, and there are so many sages."

Xu Xiaotian said with a red light: "There have been a steady stream of resources in the Xinghai for more than a decade, and our four schools of Xujia alchemy are also developing rapidly. The realm of family monks is naturally improved very quickly. But Chu Home, Yunjia, Jiangjia, these old super-families still have a certain distance. Their original number of Xianjun is also 20 or 30. Now, in the past ten years, they have also been helped by Xinghai resources. Now they have the number of Xianjun. It has also reached about 50, and it is more than the quality of our home.

Purple smoke, you also saw, our Xu family now, besides you, I, Zhenshan and Qin Yang are outside the mid-Sinjun period, and the rest are the early days of Xianjun. But the three are in the middle of Xianjun, the mid-peak of Xianjun, the late Xianjun, and even Chu Yundong is the peak of Xianjun. Seriously speaking, our Xu family has a big gap with them in terms of top strength and comprehensive strength. ”

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but frown. She thought that as long as she took out the fruit and recreated dozens of Xianjun, she would be able to surpass those old family. Now it seems that Xu has more than dozens of Xianjun. And the three old super families are still there. Think about it, how many years has Xu Jiacai developed? How many years have people developed? Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart calmed down and said to Xu Tiantian:

"The patriarch, what is the family and the Tianzhu League?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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