The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1642: Manoko

The devil took the hand and said: "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Samori stood up from the ground and left the hall. At this time, only the devil and Xu Ziyan were left in the hall.

The first head of the devil's handsome two heads and four eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan looked at the past without fear. Suddenly in her heart, she felt the pressure of the sky hit her, and she couldn’t help but walk back a few steps. The eyes were smashed into a line, and the blue strobe in the eyelids, she opened the eyes. Immediately, her eyes widened, and she had no choice but to hide her own eyes. There was only one voice in my heart that kept shouting:

"How is this possible? How is this possible..."

Xu Ziyan’s thinking has been somewhat messy: “How can there be a fairy emperor here? Is the Zhongyuan galaxy not the highest realm, only half a step of the fairy king? How could there be a fairy emperor?”

Xu Ziyan’s heart sinks: “Is it... Isn’t it a Zhongyuan galaxies? It’s a meta-galaxies? Which power has it caught the upper galaxies? But which of the upper galaxies’ powers will pay attention to her little character. I have not offended the big man in the upper galaxy. Besides, is there a chance to offend?"


The magic handsome suddenly flashed a glimmer of four eyes together, and the eyes were all focused on Xu Xiang. Suddenly a big hand grabbed, Xu Xiang’s body flew up in the air and flew toward the top of the devil.

"Do not!"

Xu Ziyan's look changed, his body shape was in the air, and the five-color sword had already come out of the body. Xu Ziyan had one hand and one hand, and instantly took out the golden sword.


The devil handsome snorted. The air blew a sound wave, and the golden sword of Xu Ziyan collapsed instantly. A blood spouted in the air and the figure fell back.

The figure fell to the ground. Can not help but retreat, the last **** fell to sit on the ground, eyes stunned to look at the top of the devil handsome.

At this time, Mo Shuai has grasped Xu Xiang in his hand and carefully looked at it. His eyes sparkled with strange colors. Then Xu Xu was placed on the ground, excited to look up "haha" laugh:

"The Son of the Devil! It turned out to be the Son of the Devil! Hahaha..."

"The Son of the Devil?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the madness of the two heads of the devil, and they were puzzled. However, it seems that Xu Xiang is not in danger, and a heart settles down and quietly looks at the devil.

On the top of the hall, the laughter of "haha" kept ringing, and the two heads had two mouths, making two different sounds. In the hall, the reverberations echoed, and the blood in the body of Xu Ziyan surged. The blood began to seep out between the seven scorpions. When I wanted to escape, I found that my body was squeezed by the sound waves around the hall, and I could not move at all. Minutes.

The sound waves are constantly interlaced and superimposed in space. Impact, Xu Ziyan felt that at this time, not only his own seven scorpions began to lose consciousness, but the whole body had a tear-like feeling. The sweat of the thousands of sweat oozing blood, the body swaying, and the gods began to gradually become unconscious.

"The power of the Emperor is not what I can resist!"

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge only left this thought, and he was sinking. It seemed to be sinking into a bottomless black hole and gradually lost his way.

In Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, he has been stalking the golden spirit of the golden wood, fire, and earth from the great heart of the black space and into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. The **** of the eyes watching Xu Ziyan dimmed. The breath is weakening indefinitely, and it is not a big worry. At this time, I was still able to take care of the black gods. The five spirits made a five-color circle around the purple **** of the purple god, forming a cover. Try to isolate the sound waves that come in from outside.

Lost the trap of the five spirits, then the black gods were awakened by the fierce sound waves of the devil. He immediately felt the weakness of Xu Ziyan and the impact of sound waves outside.

A black mist overflowed from Xu Meiyan's eyebrows and formed a solid figure in the air. The first two horns, carrying seven huge black spurs, the two ribs stretched out two large wings, red eyes, staring tightly at the magic seat on the first seat, a torrent of pressure against the devil The handsome spreads away.

The laughter inside the hall stopped abruptly, and the whole body of the devil began to tremble, staring blankly at the huge figure in the air, but seeing the figure screaming:



With the ejection of these two words, the entire hall was torn out of a space crack, and the space cracks rapidly extended toward the devil's source. With a loud explosion, the body of the devil was flung out and fell heavily on the wall behind him. The hard wall was blasted into a human figure, and the devil was set in it. On the contrary, the body of the ring suddenly burst into a black light, and he was protected inside, but it was still blasted into the wall.

The original solid figure in the air was a light point, but still stretched out two big hands, the arm was extended for a moment, and the wall was caught. The magical handsome and Xu Xiang were caught in the hand and instantly retracted in front of the body. .

"Magic handsome!"

Countless demons outside the gate will rush in, seeing the magic handsome caught in the hands of the giant figure, one by one, and rushed into the hall.

The huge figure turned around and screamed at the countless devils: "Roll!"

"Booming ~~"

Just like playing a giant thunder in midair, those demons will be hit by heavy objects in an instant, and they will fly back faster than the speed. The moment at the gate is empty.

The huge figure turned his head again, looking at the magical handsome and Xu Xiang between his hands, and suddenly looked awkward and blurted out:

"The Son of the Devil?"

The huge wind spurted out from his mouth with the words "the son of the devil", and the muscles on the face of the devil and Xu Xiang were extremely deformed. After the wind rang, the magician shouted with enthusiasm:

"Magic Lord! Lord of the Lord! You are still alive!"

The gaze of the huge figure turned from Xu Xiang to the devil, and there was a trace of confusion in his gaze. In a moment, there was a hint of clarity. He said:

"You are... the son of Saron... Sato?"

"Devil Lord, you recognize me, great, you recognize me..." Saduo cried.

The demon master's hands were loose, and Sado and Xu Xiang fell from the air. Two people stood in the air and stood on the ground. Sado slammed into the ground and burst into tears. And Xu Xiang also felt a natural closeness from the body of the demon, and could not help but admire the ground.

The devil's big sleeves waved, and a strong wind lifted the devil handsome and Xu Xiang, and his eyes fell on Xu Xiang's body again. His face showed a happy color:

"It turned out to be the Son of the Devil! It is only bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and I will untie it for you."

When the words fall, the devil's hands constantly form a demon, forming a small dragon, one by one, drilling into the body of Xu Xiang.


Xu Xiang’s body suddenly floated from the ground and screamed in pain. From his body, a layer of criss-crossing nets emerged, releasing a purple glow.

Suddenly, the hands of the demon Lord moved toward the sky.


Thousands of tiny dragons are thrown out of Xu’s body and look up.


Thousands of tiny dragons and the purple layer of the dense mesh were bursting at the same time. Xu’s body fell heavily from the air and stunned.

The body of the demon Lord has become extremely light, turning into a black gas and drilling into the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was already awake at the time when Jin Mushui’s fire and earth five spirits blocked the magical handsome laughter. At this time, when he saw the magic master and turned into a glimpse of his knowledge, he hurried to the golden wood. Wu Ling issued instructions:

"Fast! Stuck him."

The Five Spirits quickly turned into a five-color space, shrouded the demon gods who had fallen into a deep sleep, and printed them in the consciousness of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan has a splitting headache. Although she is completely awake at this time, she has already been shocked by the laughter of the devil. Trying to stay calm and look at the devil who is lying on the ground.

When the devil saw the demon master, he disappeared into the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan. He stood up from the ground and looked at the hesitation between Xu Ziyan. Half-sounding, first of all, Xu Xuan was hugged from the ground and placed on a chair by the side. Then I sat back to the top and waved to Xu Ziyan:

"Please sit!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and walked to a chair next to Xu Xiang and sat down. Xiaobai stood behind Xu Ziyan.

The devil looked at Xu Ziyan and his eyes flickered. He finally asked: "Who are you? What is the relationship with the devil?"

Xu Ziyan quickly measured it in his heart. The other party did not know his true situation at this time. In particular, after seeing the magic master hiding in his own knowledge of the sea, he obviously had scruples about himself. So you can't be weak, otherwise the opponent's card will be completely suppressed by the other party, and you can only let the other side pinch. So Xu Ziyan said with a faint look:

"Why should I tell you?"

The look of the devil handsome stagnation, and then sneered: "You have not figured out your situation? Here is my site, I can crush you with one finger."

"Let me know the magical gods in the sea and die together?" There was a hint of sarcasm between the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

The look of the devil's handsome is a change. There is a hint of fear in the embarrassment, and there is also a sigh of anger, and Shen Sheng said:

"What do you want?"

"We are fairer. You ask me a question. I ask you a question. The other person can't answer, but as long as the answer is true."

Mo Shuai waved impatiently: "You don't have to be so troublesome, you can ask first. When you are finished, I will ask you again."

Xu Ziyan looked awkward. She didn't think that the devil was so good to talk. She didn't say that she knew it in an instant. It was because the other party didn't put her in her eyes, but she only showed some respect to her when she looked at the devil. He was not afraid of playing tricks at all, and wanted to understand everything. Xu Ziyan immediately asked:

"where is this place?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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