The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1643: Dust history

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (200), gg77167716 classmates (100), and the flying wing classmates (100)!


The devil was silent for a while, and he sighed for a moment: "This is a long story. This thing would have to let you know, and it will catch you... Please come over for the purpose, listen to me slowly. Speak slowly to you."

The devil looks like she is sorting out the dusty memories. Xu Ziyan does not bother her, but her heart is moving, and she feels that a secret history in the long history of history will be unveiled in front of her own.

"I heard that you are flying up from the realm?"


"After you fly up, you should hear that the fairy world is divided into three middle and lower galaxies?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, but it’s a constant look: “Yes.”

The look of the devil is in a memory: "The immortal world was not like this. In ancient times, the immortal world was an extremely vast continent, and there was no end to it. No race knew how big the continent was. What is known is this piece. One in ten thousandth of the mainland, perhaps one in a million, or one in a billion. Who knows?

Later, the Mozu, the Yaozu and the Terran had a big fight. In fact, the Mozu, the Yaozu and the Terran often have a big battle, but they have never been as great as this one. The whole tribe's souls have fallen into a large array. All the places on the mainland where there are creatures are caught in the war, how tragic it is, how terrible..."

There was a panic in the face of the devil, as if he had returned to that era. Xu Ziyan also fell into the imagination, the Lord. The demon Lord, the lord, the countless immortals, the emperor. The emperor, the fairy king collided in space, what kind of scene would it be?

"In that era, there were five masters who were closest to Heaven, and they were the Lord of the Lord. The demon Lord, the lord, the evil Lord, and the Quebec. In that war, countless immortals, Xiandi, Emperor and Emperor were fallen. Not to mention the creatures below the king.

In the end, the evil Lord was sealed on a planet in the world of the world, the devil, the demon Lord. Xianzhu and Kuitian did not know where the melee went. However, the wars of the whole family did not end, but they became more and more fierce. The whole life was gone to the nine, and the whole continent of the fairyland was dyed with blood.

I don't know if the blood of the people has caused the change of the immortal world, or the killing between the people has caused the punishment. In short, on one day, on that day... that day... the end of the fairy world is coming. The entire continent collapsed, and the collapsed continent continually fell to the bottom, and the fallen continent was fragmented into stars.

The center of the continent has not collapsed, it is today's upper galaxies. So, although it is now called the Shangyuan Galaxy, it is actually a continent. The falling continent fragments formed two galaxies, the current meta- and galaxy. ”

Xu Ziyan was stunned, and all the Yanshan souls did not tell her, because when the fairy world collapsed, the Yanshan soul had been sealed in the world.

The atmosphere in the main hall is a little heavy. quite a while. Saduo woke up from the dusty memory and then told me:

"This is the holy place of the Mozu in ancient times. When the fairy world collapsed, the Holy Land of the Mozu did not collapse. It was originally possible to stay in the upper galaxy. At this time, Luo Tianhua and the wind appeared. They two In the surrounding area of ​​the Mozu Holy Land, there was a large array of super-goods. The blood that infiltrated into the mainland of the fairyland was introduced into the big array. Those bloods had the blood of countless immortals, emperors, emperors and immortals, and those **** moments touched them. With the rules of heaven and earth, the Holy Land of the Mozu collapsed and fell from the fairyland."

Speaking of this, Sado stretched out his hand in the space, and there was an image in the center of the main hall. Xu Ziyan looked around and saw a galaxy in the image. Outside the galaxy, there was a dense black hurricane, like a black giant column. Rotating constantly.

"The place shown in this image was formed after the original Devil's Holy Land was broken. Now you are here. Have you seen it? Those black-rotating hurricanes are the superb arrays of Luo Tianhua and Feng Zhuang. I am trapped inside the entire Mozu Holy Land."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and some understood the intention of Sato to catch himself. However, she still has some incomprehensible points and asks:

"Magic handsome, here is the Zhongyuan Galaxy? How come you are the Emperor?"

Sado smiled and said: "This is not a complete meta-galaxy. The collapse of the Mozu Holy Land originated from Luo Tianhua and the wind, but now the position of the Mozu is also derived from them."

Speaking of this, Sado raised his finger at the dense black winds in the image: "It is because of the large array of Luo Tianhua and the wind squad that made the Devil's Holy Land collapse, but it is because this big battle made it collapse. The Mozu Holy Land is in a strange space.

This space is between the upper and lower galaxies. Therefore, the Yuanli here is also between the upper and lower galaxies. It is not surprising that I cultivated to the realm of the Emperor. But... this is also the highest state I can cultivate here..."

"Magic handsome, since you have cultivated to the realm of the Emperor, why not go to the meta-galaxies?"

Sado smiled bitterly: "There is this big trouble, how to go?"

Xu Ziyan said inexplicably: "You can all send monks to leave here and go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. You can of course leave here and enter the Shangyuan Galaxy through the passage!"

Sado was silent for a while: "This thing is temporarily put down, and I will explain it to you later. Do you have anything to ask?"

"When the Mozu Holy Land collapsed and fell, there is no immortal?"

Sado shook his head and said: "Most of the monks above the Emperor in the Mozu Holy Land went out to fight. And the few remaining monks above the Emperor, including the four immortals, defended against the Mozu Holy Land. Tianhua and Fengfeng’s big battles are all dead. But it is because of their protection that we have survived these demons, and weakened this big battle, plus the strangulation of the original law of heaven and earth, now this big array It is no longer a superb, but only the grade of nine products."

“Oh!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “So, now you are the highest monk here?”

"Not bad!"

Xu Ziyan was silent for a while: "Who is Luo Tianhua and the wind?"

Sado’s face was shocked: “You don’t know?”

Xu Ziyan shook his head in a blank voice: "I don't know."

"You really don't know?"

"Why should I know?"

There was a disappointment on Sado's face, but she explained to her: "Lotte is the lord of Dan Fuzong, and the wind is the lord of the sect."

Although Xu Ziyan has already guessed in his heart that one of the two people in Luo Tianhua and Feng Zhe is probably the lord of Dan Fuzong, but now he heard Sado say it out, but he still feels heartbeat, but still tries to maintain the calm of the surface. Continue to ask:

"What about Luo Tianhua and the wind? Is Dan Fuzong and the ancestor still in the upper galaxies?"

Sato snorted and said: "The two men died under the law of strangulation. As for whether Dan Fuzong and the ancestors are in the upper galaxies, I don't know. If you are not in the upper galaxies, and you are in it. The Yuan Galaxy and the Lower Yuan Galaxy have not heard of Dan Fuzong and the ancestors, that is, they have also collapsed and fallen. As for the extent of the collapse, I don’t know where to fall."

Xu Ziyan nodded and cocked a finger and said softly: "The last question, what happened to the devil's son?"

Sato looked at Xu, who was still in a coma: "The son of the devil is born in the heavens and the earth, and it is the fusion of the heavens and the earth. He is the magic master of the future."

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked at Xu’s eyes around her. Her heart was a little heavy. She didn’t know at the moment what the relationship between her and Xu Xiang would go in the future.

"Are you finished?" Sado looked at Xu Ziyan and said.

The Xu Ziyan in the middle of the scream suddenly woke up and quickly calmed his mood. She knows that her test has come. Although she has the savvy eyes of the devil, if she really answers the wrong question, she will probably die. Even if Sado cares about the deity of the devil, he will not want to leave here for a lifetime. So he nodded toward Sado and whispered:

"I have finished asking, you should ask."

"You really don't know Luo Tianhua?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head firmly: "I don't know."

"I don't know Dan Fuzong?"

"I have never heard of it."

"But your symbol is very powerful, and it is very similar to the inheritance of Luo Tianhua."

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "I am very talented in the Fu and the Fa, all of which I realized."

Saduo was silent for a while: "Well, I also heard that your fairy tales are very powerful. You can't get the inheritance of Dan Fuzong and get the inheritance of the ancestor. So, you are in Fuxi. And the fairy tales are really talented. However, it is said that your alchemy is also very powerful. Seriously think of you, you are really a disciple who is jointly taught by Luo Tianhua and Feng Zhuang."

Xu Ziyan’s body immediately stunned a cold sweat, but he heard Sado slowly and said: “If I didn’t see Luo Tianhua and the wind dying, I really doubt that you are the two of them.”

Xu Ziyan’s mouth screamed and said with a smile: “The devil is joking.”

"Haha..." Sado laughed two loudly: "What is the realm of what you are doing now?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not dare to have the slightest falsehood. He immediately said: "I am a seven-character fairy and a nine-characterist."

The eyes of Sado are a bright light: "Very good! I am arresting this time... Please come here to let you break this big battle that traps our holy land."

Xu Ziyan’s look became dignified: “Magic Shuai, I can’t do it with my current realm. You just said that it’s a superb...”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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