The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1648: Every family is shocked.

Ask for a pink ticket!


The three-faced flag slammed into the sky and flew in the wind.

Within the big array.

All the monks either open the defensive hood, or open the defensive genius, or release the defensive charm, and the time is one by one, the body releases the light of various colors, resisting the shooting of a beam of light.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The defensive hood that was repaired by the low monk was instantly broken by the light beam. A ray of light shot countless blood holes in the bodies of monks.


The whole body was shot into a horse's nest in an instant, like a blood sac was pierced by countless holes, and blood was ejected.

The monks who did not have enough grades of monks and sorcerers that were not enough grades were also broken by the light beam in the instant. The body of the monks was instantly broken by numerous beams.

Only those monks with higher grades, or higher grades of fairy and fairy, are struggling in the big battles. One monk is rapidly falling, and the number of hundreds of thousands of monks is rapidly decreasing. For a time, hundreds of thousands of monks were shrouded in a miserable atmosphere.

Xiangmou felt the approximation of death, and snorted: "All the people listen to my command and bombard a place. The power of all of us is attacked in one direction, and the cultivation of all of us can certainly be carried out." Boom a gap."

When the words fell, Xiangmou took the lead in throwing a sword at a point in the big battle. Under his leadership, those monks who could spare the power to attack made a fierce attack on the point of the project. The roar of the whole array was heard.

Xu Haotian’s mouth fluttered a trace of sarcasm, and he shouted: “Three rounds!”

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang suddenly increased their speed with their hands. The index finger trembles, inciting complex and cumbersome fingers, and with their movements, they each have an extremely mysterious pattern in front of them.

At the same time, the three people simultaneously put the three patterns into the flagpole in front of them.


The entire ray mask actually emits a light like the essence. The perception is no longer a mask, but a solid, like an extremely large golden bell that buckles on the ground.

In the distant clouds, countless shocked eyes looked at the battlefield.

Concerned about the family and the second-rate alliance is not only the Xu family. The entire Zhongyuan galaxy is concerned. Hidden family, super family, first class family...

At this time, these people were shocked by the grand scene. They were shocked by Xu’s family and they dared to take the initiative. They were shocked by Xu’s ability to completely defeat the family and the second-rate family alliance. They were shocked by Xu’s family. The device will make a quiet silence on the coffers of the Xiangjia and the second-rate family alliance.

In the past, no one in the entire meta-galaxies discovered the clues of Xu’s actions. They shocked Xu’s big hand. For the sake of confidentiality, Xu’s action did not use any family monks who went to them, all of whom were true Xu disciples. Seventy-five sages and 50,000 monks are almost all of the elites of Xu. If this action fails, it will definitely be a devastating blow to Xu, which has to let these monks praise the determination of Xu. I admire Xu’s guts and admire Xu’s masterpiece.

Appreciation and praise, their original mission was to explore the results of the action of the Xiang family and the second-rate family alliance. I did not expect Xu to give them a big surprise. As a result, these people have taken out the jade, and they will report everything that happened here to their family in detail.

A piece of news spread to a family, one family could not help but be shocked. However, after the shock, many families are ecstatic. Especially the Tianzhu League, Chujia, Yunjia and Jiangjia.

The biggest difficulty in attacking Xu's family is the large family of Xu family. They don't have the level of the singer. If you want to break the battle, you can only rely on violence to break through.

It is not impossible to break the violence. It is to spend more time to gather all the monarchs of the family and join forces to attack the big battle. It is more than a month to break the big battle. but. Xu Jiahui honestly watched them violently break?

Xu family is also a fairy, and quite a lot. Xu’s Xianjun does not have to come out and fight with them. As long as they come out from time to time to interfere with them, they will not be allowed to continue bombardment. As long as their attacks are interrupted for a while, the big array will automatically recover. Therefore, violent smashing is only theoretically feasible and in fact not feasible. Therefore, the attitudes of Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Chujia and Jiangjia have been rampant and no action has been taken against Xu. Unless all the super-powers of all the immortals are dispatched, they will jointly attack the Xu family's guardian squad, so they will quickly break through the Xu family.

But it is different now.

Xu’s almost all the elites have come out. If they can eliminate the elites of Xu’s family and lose their elite Xu family, they will become an empty shell. They can unscrupulously go to Xujia’s violence, because Xu Jia will No longer have the ability to interfere with their breaks.

The heart is moving!

Really heart!

At this time, they have a voice in their hearts crying: "The Xu family is looking for death this time, Xu family is too rash!"

The Tianzhu League responded first, and Xu Tiantian personally took the lead and led the eight sages and the 50,000 monks to fly toward the ridiculously ridiculous planet.

This is an opportunity, a chance to completely annihilate the Xu family, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Because the Xu family's elite must control the big battle, it is completely a passive beating situation.

If the Xu family wants to fight back against the Tianzhu League, it will surely disperse the big battle. The hundreds of thousands of such a large array will counterattack the Xu family and form a situation of internal and external attack with the Tianzhu League. Although the Scorpio is rare, but Xu Tian is the peak of Xianjun, and the number exceeds Xu. The most important thing is that Xu Tianxin believes that Chu, Yun and Jiang will not miss this opportunity. By that time, whether in the overall number or in the number of Xianjun, Xu will be completely at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, as Xu Tiantian expected, the Yun family was dispatched. Xu Jia raised too fast. For the old super family like Yunjia has already formed an impact, Yunbao can not watch the impact of Xu family eventually become a threat to them.

In the past, Xu family had Xu Ziyan, who could not understand them. Now Xu Ziyan is dead. And Xu family has committed suicide, how can his cloud leopard give up the opportunity to annihilate the threat in the bud?

then. He was dispatched with fifty Xianjun and 50,000 monks.

Jiang Jia was also dispatched, and Jiang Zixiong personally led 50 Xianjun and 50,000 monks to be dispatched.

Chu family.

Inside the hall of the council.

More than one hundred sages gathered together, and at this time they all looked at the patriarch Chu Yun, waiting for Chu Yun to send orders.

Chu Yun moved to the top and locked his brow. His eyes are full of hesitation.

"The patriarch, order it!" said an elder excitedly.

"Yeah! The patriarch, this is a rare opportunity. Yunjia, Jiangjia, Tianzhu League have been dispatched, plus the project that is fighting with Xu family at this time, all the super forces have been dispatched. Xujia The destruction of the inevitable has been inevitable. Xu Jia is a very fat meat, and we Chu can not give up."

"The patriarch. Order it!"


Chu Yundong still sat firmly in the chair and thought, the hidden family disciples behind Xu Ziyan, Mr. Yangqin and Lingbo Fairy, he personally saw it. He is convinced of the support of the hidden family behind Xu Ziyan. .

His thinking is different from other people.

Others felt that after Xu Ziyan died, he did not see the hidden family, and he did not even see the hidden family's search for Xu Ziyan. Therefore, their rumors that Xu Ziyan has a relationship with the hidden family are a rumor. However, Chu Yun did not think so, his thinking was reversed. He believes that the hidden family did not appear. That is because Xu Ziyan may not die at all.

Xu Ziyan disappeared for five years. I have to know that Xu Ziyan has disappeared for fifteen years before, and then does it not appear again? Moreover, it was the revision of the mid-Sinjun.

The reason why she thinks that Xu Ziyan is not dead, but also because she is jealous of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan is too enchanting, and his performance in the small world ratio shocked him. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan was the peak of Xianjun in the early stage of Xianjun. Now she is already in the middle of Xianjun. Will she die so easily?

If Xu Ziyan did not die, Xu Jia was smashed by himself and other super families, and waited for Xu Ziyan to come back. What kind of ending would it be?

Xu Ziyan, who has no family drag, will be even more terrible. She has no scruples at all, who can still resist the revenge of Xu Ziyan?

If... Xu Ziyan returns again, the repair is raised again, reaching the late Xianjun. Who else will be her opponent in this meta-galaxies?


Our Chu family can't fall into this quagmire. Chu Yun’s heart finally made a decision, and his eyes narrowed. Said faintly:

"What should I do?"

"The patriarch..."

The elders still want to argue, Chu Yun moves in a double eye, and the momentum of the late peak of Xianjun broke out. Eye-catching:

"Stop, you remember to me, Xu Ziyan sold half of the first half to give us twenty stars on the planet, this friendship, we Chu can not say throwing and throwing, in the Xu family dangerous situation, let me Chu Yun move When I fell into the grave, I couldn’t do it, and I didn’t allow any of the disciples of Xu’s family to do this. If anyone dares to yin and violate the yang, the family rules of the Chu family are not for you to see. Let me go!”

A group of fairy princes unwillingly left the hall of the proceedings, Chu Yunfei stayed, and after everyone left, he whispered:

"Big brother..."

Chu Yun looked at him and also lowered his voice and asked: "Yunfei, you honestly, do you think Xu Ziyan is really dead?"

Chu Yunfei looked a glimpse, then gently shook his head: "I don't believe she is dead."

"That's it!" Chu Yun closed his eyes with exhaustion.


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Author: moon light shine

Book number: 2132875,

Brief introduction: Xiu Xian all the way to the wind and rain, Yi Ling is not afraid! (Warm and sweet, such as a cup of tea, not thick, light, like, come see!)


*(To be continued~^~)

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