The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1649: Fairy war

I am very grateful to the classmates in the water (588), and the rewards of the students in the post-rain season (200)!


On the ridiculous planet, all Xu disciples, including Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang, were pale at the time, but the mourning in the big array was slowly decreasing, and the power to attack the big array was slow. Slowly weakened.

This time, the family and more than five second-rate family coalition forces, each family has dispatched 10,000 elite monks, together a total of more than 500,000 monks, can be described as a huge momentum, is determined to win. But at this time, there are only less than 100,000 monks left in this big array, and the number is still decreasing.

Heavy clouds have been broken, and the teams of Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Jiangjia have joined together, and the planet is getting tighter and tighter. The murderousness of hundreds of thousands of monks is almost in vain.

The plots within the big squad have begun to despair, although the 20 singers of their family have not yet died, but now the number of monks within the squad has been less than 30,000, and this action has been defeated. He knows that as time goes by, the monks of their family will eventually die in this big array.

His eyes are already mad, and they continue to release their strongest sorcerer.

Outside the big array, Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang's face changed at the same time, and their eyes looked in the same direction. Seeing the dense monks as a cloud of sky is floating towards them.

"They are finally here!"

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang looked at the big array unwillingly, Xu Tiantian shouted:



The Qiankun ball, which has been hovering in the air, suddenly released a thousand rays of light. The ray of thousands of lights illuminate the body of a family with the rapid rotation of the Qiankun ball.


As soon as the Xu family was photographed by the light beam, the figure disappeared immediately. Was sucked into the circle of Qiankun. Wan Dao's speed of light is only in the blink of an eye. In addition to Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang, all the other Xu family monks in the ball into the ball.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang three people rushed from the ground to the air, and the three flags narrowed sharply. The big battle broke down. The three-faced flag scorpion was reclaimed by Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang.

The conspirators in the big array waited for the monk to stay, and did not know what happened. However, they soon discovered the Tianzhu League. The team of Yunjia and Jiangjia. The project was overwhelmed by the heart, and the anger of revenge rose suddenly in his heart. Looking up at Xu Xiaotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang, three people violently screamed:



In the distance, Xu Yuntian and Yun Zixiong also saw everything that happened in the Xu family. The eyes of the Qiankun ball in the air were full of greed, and the only three people in the air had killed the past.

They are unprepared, and there are only three monks in front of them. And they have a hundred sages, that is, one person and one finger will also kill each other.

At this time, their eyes were not even Xu Tiantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang's body, but greedily stared at the ball in the air.

Suddenly, their gaze was a stay, and a fairy boat flew out of the sacred ball. The fairy boat was sharply enlarged in the air. Covering the square, it is the fierce war castle of Xu.


The Qiankun ball quickly shrinks and is hidden in the body of Xu Qinyang.


Xu Xiaotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang's body shape disappeared into the war castle.

The huge war castle rushed toward the Tianzhu League, the Yun family and the Jiang family, and the hull rotated, and a row of dense runes on the hull broke out.


The huge war castle rushed into the ranks of Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Jiangjia, all the way crushed the past, and countless monks were only smashed by the war castle in an instant.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Ten thousand runes were fired at the same time. Ten thousand to a large beam illuminates the entire sky. Countless monks have not had time to mourn and they have been bombarded by Rune. There are also these few immortals.

"Boom ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~" War Castle kept spraying the flames, surrounded by the sound of mourning.

In the Tianyu League, the Yun family and the Jiang family monks were in a panic, the war castle killed a pair. Violence crushed the past and rushed out of the encirclement. Flying toward the nearest planet, the Haiwen Star, belonging to the Xu family in the Xinghai.

"Give me a fairy boat and blow me down the war castle."

Xu Liangtian, Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong red eyes violently shouted. This time, although they did not use the Xinghai Fleet of their respective families, because this is a battle between the elites of various families, the role of Xianzhou is not great. But even so, the three families together have sacrificed more than 10,000 boats, and all the monks have entered the fairy boat and chased the war castle. At the same time, they released a cannon gun and madly bombarded the war castle. .

The speed of the war castle is its short board. Soon it was caught up by more than 10,000 centuries and was submerged in the artillery. The defensive shield above the war castle kept shaking and violently bombarded. And the war castle is too big and can easily be hit.

However, the war castle does not escape at all, and its rune cannons have more power and shoot than those of the fairy boat. Therefore, its lethality to the more than 10,000 ships is also huge.

The Xu family is going to enter the Haiwenxing before the war castle is completely destroyed, and the Tianyu League and other fairy boats are to be destroyed before the war castle enters the Haiwenxing.

Both sides have smothered their eyes at this time, and they simply cannot take care of their own injuries. They just fled with all their strength, and they chased the bombardment with all their strength. The two sides were all the beams of the cannon bombardment, and the water vapor between the stars and the sea was evaporated. .

Three days later.

The war castle has become ragged, the defensive shield has been shattered, and the Xu family monks on the war castle are hiding inside the hull, and the entire war castle has gone out on the verge of collapse.

Xu Qinyang stood in the control room of the war castle and looked at the war castle with resilience. In the end, I bite my teeth, and my eyes and tears reached the order.

Four hundred small fairy boats suddenly flew out of the war castle and made bright white lines in the air. Flying toward Haiwenxing.


The war castle that was detonated by the self-explosive device exploded, and the self-destructive power raised a huge mushroom cloud, and the fragments of the war-torn war castle instantly shattered more than a thousand chasing fairy boats. The huge mushroom cloud isolated the chase, forcing the chasing soldiers to bypass the huge mushroom cloud in two ways.

but. When they bypassed the mushroom cloud, Xu’s 400 small fairy boats had already disappeared. The 400-year-old fairy boat was originally known for its speed. At this time, it was approaching Haiwenxing quickly.

In the air.

Xu Liangtian, Yunbao. Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Mou gathered together, and the four people decided the plan only with a slight negotiation. Because at this time, Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia had already started to work with Xu, and they had to guard against the arrow. It is impossible for the Xu family to stop.

According to the direction of Xu’s escape, they have already decided to go to the nearest Haiwen star. The four men immediately began to summon the monks of their respective families through the communication of Yujian, and then they led the existing monks to fly toward Haiwenxing.

After two hours, they came to Haiwenxing. However, there was no immediate attack on Hai Wenxing. Just put up a battle, and then more than a hundred Xianjun sit in the air and use the fairy to turn the white clouds into a cloud table. Take out the jug of the jug and talk about the light drink. However, the monks were sent to turn to the Xu family.

They are sure that Xu will not dare to send monks to fight, because they have a lot of days here, Xu family does not have any monks is the opponent of the amount of heaven. Group warfare is even less fearful. The Xianjun here is far more than the number of Xujiaxianjun.

They are not worried about the exquisite withdrawal of the Xu family. If the Xu family flees in a situation of their army, the monks on the Haiwenxing will lose confidence in the Xu family. At that time, I am afraid that they will not be attacked. The families on the Haiwenxing who have gone to the Xu family will surrender. .

In the hall of Hai Wenxing’s proceedings.

Xu Jiagao was sitting there heavily, and the family flower family who controlled Hai Wenxing was sitting in the lower part of the main hall. At this time, he looked worriedly at Xu Tiantian. He is very afraid of Xu's elite to withdraw, so how do you spend the family to resist the attacks of the super family?


The flowers are always reluctant to surrender. Over the years, her family has been very happy in the Xu family and has made huge profits. Once surrendered. She will never get such a lucrative profit today. I am definitely not as happy as I am now.

Xu Xiaotian saw the worries between Hualian and Miaoyu, and said with a sigh: "The flower patriarch, you have to be prepared. This is a very important thing for your flower family. I don't say confession to Xu Jiaming. Put everything on the table.

Today, the Tianzhu League outside, Yunjia. Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia did not start the attack, but just called outside. But that doesn't mean they will never attack. The reason why they have not started to attack is that they are waiting for the monks of their family to come.

The situation today is irreparable, and the battle between Xu Jia and Tian Yu Meng, Yun Jia, Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia is inevitable. When the four of their monks arrived, they would launch a general attack on Hai Wenxing. And this is just the beginning of the big war. This war does not know how long it will last. The end result is not that our family is dead or that they are four families.

However, this Haiwen star must be unstoppable. Our Xu family can't fight hard with the four super powers here. The plan in my heart is to consume the opponent's certain strength. When it can't keep it, it will withdraw to the next planet. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Haotian’s eyes flashed a sigh of color: “I will let the family that besieged us Xu family die half after the Xu family completely lost the sixty stars of the Xinghai. So...”

Xu Haotian’s look became serious and he said seriously to the flowers: “So, you have to make a choice, and you still stand with our Xu family. In this case, you will immediately move the family, all Moving to Yueji City, the elite monks of the family will fight with our family. If we return to the day of ruin, your flower home will also perish. If you want to leave Xu, we will not It will be difficult for you. Your flower family immediately withdraws from Haiwenxing, and we have nothing to do with it since then."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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