The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1653: I'm not afraid

I came to the area of ​​the 60-mile boundary pillar. The monks who learned the heavens here are obviously less. The repairs are all between Luo Tianshang and Da Luo Jinxian. But at first glance, I can't see how many Demon monks there are, but I feel that I have lost a lot.

Then proceed to the area of ​​the 50-mile boundary pillar. The monks here are between Da Luo Jinxian and Jiu Tian Xuan Xian. When they have passed the boundary pillar, they are all the demon monks of the nine-day Xuan Xian period. The cultivation of the Mozu monks who comprehended the heavens gradually changed from the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, the mid-ninth Xuanzang mid-term, the nine-day Xuanxian mid-peak, the nine-day Xuanxian late, the nine-day Xuanxian late peak, in the eyes of Xu Ziyan There is a "Forty Miles" boundary pillar.

Xu Ziyan took a soft breath and looked into the depths. The black mist here became richer and the Mozu monks were much less, but they still couldn’t see the head, but the gap between them changed. It’s getting bigger, let Xu Ziyan know that there are fewer monks comprehended here than before.

Passing through this stone monument is the area of ​​the Xianjun period. Stepping towards the depths, while walking, paying attention to the cultivation of the demon monks who are being learned, and gradually let the purple smokers sing the demon monks in the early days of Xianjun. Behind him, he entered the area where the peak of Xianjun was at the beginning, and gradually entered the area of ​​the middle of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan stopped his footsteps and looked up at the horrible black whirlwind in front. In his heart, there are still more than 30 miles from the black whirlwind. I don’t know what the ultimate understanding area will be.

Shaking his head, smashing these unrealistic thoughts and sitting down on his knees. Closed his eyes, released the gods, and melted between the heavens and the earth, feeling the dark nature of heaven. The two kings also sat on the floor with their knees. The dark attribute of Heaven here does not help the two of them. The two people simply cultivate here and accumulate the power.

However, the two of them have just begun to practice hard. Then I saw Xu Ziyan standing up from the ground and going to the depths. The two men almost lost their luck and rushed to get their work. They stood up from the ground and followed behind Xu Ziyan. This time, the two people are no longer squinting, but inexplicably looking at the back of Xu Ziyan.

"What is this hoe?"

"She is a mid-June, this is the place that suits her best. What else does she go forward? Can she stand the pressure of the front?"

Xu Ziyan just sat on the ground and released the knowledge into the heavens. It was only in an instant that the heavens here were too shallow for him. I think her understanding of the dark attribute has now reached the realm of Dacheng, far beyond her own cultivation, and the heavens here cannot naturally satisfy her. Therefore, Xu Ziyan had no choice but to go back to the depths.

And at this time, in front of her, a Mozu monk stood up from the ground. It was a monk in the middle of the immortal. It seemed that I felt that the heavens here were not enough for him to comprehend and went to the front.

The huge whirlwind is slowly turning, and the power is coming. The Mozu monk struggled forward, and Xu Ziyan slowed down and slowly followed the Demon monk.

The Demon monk went slower and slower, his body gradually became paralyzed, and gradually his body began to tremble slightly. Finally, his figure swayed and fell to the ground. Try to sit cross-legged. Still understand the heavens here.


A blood spouted from the head, and the body of the Mozu monk fell to his back. Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. She passed a figure on her side and was one of the two kings who followed her. Grab the monk monk in the middle of the immortal, and his figure quickly receded. Then put the Mozu monk on the ground and sneaked:

"Don't be reluctant to repair it, even if you barely walk forward, the heavenly power there is not something you can afford."

Speaking of this, the fairy king looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan, his eyes clearly revealed a meaning, that is, these words are also for you to listen to.

The Mozu monk bowed weakly to the fairy king and thanked him: "Thank you for your predecessors!"

The fairy king snorted coldly and turned and left toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan saw the miserable appearance of the Mozu monk, and his heart was also a little shocked, slightly frowning and thinking. She found that she did not work as hard as the Mozu monk, and that the heavens here did not really help her. If you comprehend Heaven here, it is a waste of time and experience.

Slightly thought about it, my heart is a bit blank. Was it possible to be able to dive deeper than other monks in the cracks of the Tianzhu? This is because the body of her own body is very strong, and the body of the late eight-piece fairy is repaired so that she can ignore the power of the face.

I want to understand everything, and Xu Ziyan’s face has returned to a confident look and walked towards the depths. The two fairy kings behind her are just a change, but the two people have no words, but their faces are slightly ugly to follow, ready to rescue Xu Ziyan at any time.

Xu Ziyan gradually approached the area where Xianjun’s mid-level monk understood the heavens. Xu Ziyan still added caution. His own body strength can support himself to come here, but the Mozu monk was obviously unable to withstand the impact of the heavens and collapsed. If the impact of Tiandao is too large, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea will also be hurt.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan finally stopped, sitting on the ground with his knees, releasing the knowledge and beginning to melt between the heavens and the earth. The two immortals saw that Xu Ziyan had always been a cloud-like appearance, and did not have a hard performance. The heart was a little worried when he was surprised. Worried that Xu Ziyan does not continue to move forward, even if she can resist the power of the black cyclone, it may not be able to withstand the impact of the heavens.

Fortunately, they finally saw Xu Ziyan stopped. The two men looked at each other and saw a trace of relaxation from the other's eyes. Both of them sat on the ground, but the two of them just sat on the ground, but they saw Xu Ziyan. Standing up again, the two men suddenly picked up from the ground and passed a voice at the same time:

"No? She still wants to go inside?"

This thought has not dissipated, Xu Ziyan has already taken a big step toward the inside, and the two havetened to keep up, but the eyes of two people are full of contempt:

"This girl is too self-sufficient!"

Xu Ziyan finally came to the area where the monks in the late Xianjun comprehend the heavens, and once again sat down on the ground. But this time the two kings were smart, they no longer sat on the ground, but their eyes fixed tightly on Xu Ziyan. But what shocked them was that Xu Ziyan just sat on the ground for a few moments, and then stood up from the ground and went to the front.

At this time, the two immortals still didn't know what to say, but they saw that Xu Ziyan didn't have the strength to look at it, and only silently followed him.

Soon, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the "Thirty Miles" boundary monument, here is the junction of Xianjun's late peak and Xianwang. On the side of the boundary pillar is the peak of the late Xianjun, and the side of the boundary pillar is the early stage of the Xianwang. The two Mozu monks who followed the Xu Ziyan were the early days of Xian Wang.

The Mozu monks here are obviously a lot less. Xu Ziyan stood at the boundary pillar and finally carefully did not move forward. Instead, he sat in the peak area of ​​Xianjun later and integrated his knowledge into the heavens and the earth.

It was only a matter of time that Xu Ziyan took back the gods in disappointment, stood up from the ground, and stepped through the boundary pillar. The two kings are a glimpse. Going forward is the area of ​​understanding of the king. Xu Ziyan is only a mid-Jianjun. It is already a miracle when I come here. How can she still dare to go inside?

Is she not going to die?

At the moment, the two kings began to get nervous. Xu Ziyan was the key to breaking the battle. It was impossible to make a mistake. The two men walked a few steps, followed by Xu Ziyan, and were always ready to take Xu Ziyan away.

Xu Ziyan felt the power of the black whirlwind and felt that there was a slight hindrance in his travel. But it does not affect their normal actions.

Gradually, the shape of Xu Ziyan was close to the peak of the early peak of Xian Wang. The two immortals behind her began to get nervous. Because they were only the early days of the immortal king, they walked here, and the two of them began to feel a little difficult. But looking at the back of Xu Ziyan seems to be no different from before.

"What is this person?"

Two people were depressed behind Xu Ziyan, but the two people's physique has begun to tremble. At this time, they have reached the area where the early peaks of Xian Wang were realized. The two of them have already been unable to move.


The two kings were relieved at the same time, because Xu Ziyan stopped at this time and sat down on the floor. This time, the two kings did not dare to sit down, but looked nervously at the back of Xu Ziyan, for fear that she would stand up again from the ground.


The two immortals sighed, because they found that Xu Ziyan stood up again.

"Xu Zongshi!" The two Xian Wang's tone was very polite: "You can't go inside again."

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and turned to look at the two fairy kings: "Why?"

"Inside... dangerous!" said the two kings.

“Dangerous?” Xu Ziyan looked back and turned his head and asked: “Why are there so many monks in the real world?”

The two king's throats squirmed a few times, and the tone became more difficult: "They are all monks in the middle of the immortal king, and you...just...the mid-June..."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "I am not afraid!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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