The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1654: Xu family counterattack

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"We are afraid!"

The two emperors blurted out in unison, and then they said with a red face: "Xu Zongshi, we are both limited to repair, we can't go any further."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded again: "The two of you are here to practice, I go to see myself."

"Xu Zongshi..."

The two kings reached out with helplessness, but they watched Xu Ziyan go to the front. The two kings looked at each other and one of them said helplessly:

"Should she be fine?"

Another fairy king also hesitated and said: "Looking at her looks like something, her master-level character will not take risks. Since she dares to go inside, she proves that she is sure."

"Yes, she is also cautious in this way, and she will not have an accident. But... how could she be so strong?"

"How do I know!" Another fairy king said with helplessness.

"what should we do?"

"What else can we do? We are both here to practice and wait for Xu Zongshi."

"Yes, I haven't cultivated here for a long time, and this opportunity can't be let go."

Not to mention that the two immortals were practicing here, Xu Ziyan tried all the way carefully, and finally stopped in the late Xianwang area. At this time, it was not far from the twenty-mile boundary pillar. Xu Ziyan sat on the ground with his knees. When I released the time of my knowledge, I frowned slightly. The dark property here is already very rich, but it seems to be a little worse.

Open your eyes and stand up from the ground. Looking at the depths of the bite, and finally Xu Ziyan stepped forward. Xu Ziyan feels that he is walking in the water, becomes difficult, and it is getting harder and harder. It seems that the water is getting thicker and thicker.

Finally, Xu Ziyan did not move. At this time, she just stepped into the periphery of the peak area of ​​the late Xian Wang, sat down on the ground, released the gods and melted between the heavens and the earth. I feel that the dark nature of the darkness is coming...


Five years have passed in the war.

Xu Jia has lost 19 planets in Xinghai. At this time, a grand banquet was held in the hall of Haiqixing to celebrate the success of winning the 19th planet of Xu.

Ten years of fairy fighting, Tianyi League. The Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia coalition forces step by step, step by step to eat the Xu family in Xinghai's planet, and yesterday just won the 19th planet of the Xu family.

At this time, the atmosphere inside the hall was very warm. Everyone was eagerly looking forward to destroying the prospects of the Xu family, and tried to mock the Chu family's ignorance of the current affairs.

The first-class family Zhou Zhou, a long-time family, sat in a corner and took a sip of wine. Gently put the glass on the table and whispered to the first-class family Lu family, Lu Shengying:

"A ridiculous banquet, a ridiculous celebration! Four super powers, three first-class families, forty-eight second-rate families, hundreds of third-rate families, millions of monks besieged Xu Jia for ten years, only got nineteen stars, However, nearly two million monks were lost, not to mention other families. That is, our Zhou family directly lost one-third of the strength. And Xu Jia? Just lost 19 stars, and their monks had almost no casualties. ”

Lu Yuying leaned sideways and lowered his voice and said: "Don't complain, how can people not bow when they are under the roof? Now it is the fairyland Tianzhu League. The world of Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia. I have not seen Chu. Can the family live in seclusion? The people who cultivate the immortal are paying attention to the situation. After all, the Xu family is the end of a genocide, and we are still alive when we are alive."

"I really miss the days of the past. Since the super powers have changed the Xu family and the Tianzhu League, this world has changed! If there is no such thing as how good they are."

"Xu Tiantian wants to speak!" Zhou Wei said softly.

Xu Liangtian stood up from the chair and smiled confidently on his face: "You friends, we have achieved brilliant results in the past ten years and successfully won 19 planets from the hands of Xu."

Xu Liangtian was in a purple robe, and his domineering was released without any disguise. The scent of Xianjun’s late peaks was looming.

"Dear friends, today's banquet is to celebrate our victory, and there is one thing that needs to be discussed with everyone."

His eyes swept through the people in the hall, and the decade of the fairy warfare made these monks in the hall have a breath of reincarnation, and the body loomed releasing murderous.

The banquet was placed outside the main hall from the main hall. The banquet was not simple because of the ongoing war, but it was very rich.

Although Xu Tiantian’s voice is very light, it is clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk inside and outside the hall:

"Now the momentum of the Xu family has been completely suppressed. What we have to do now is to continue the pressure on the Xu family until the collapse of the Xu family..."


Cape star.

In the hall of the House of Representatives, Xu Haotian was the first to sit on the top, silently sitting there, Xu Zhenshan was silent, dozens of Xianjun and the patriarchs who went to Xu family were silent, time passed silently...

Everyone’s face showed a hint of tension.

Suddenly, there was a vibrating humming sound inside the hall. That is the communication jade that Xu Haotian took in his hands. Xu Haotian immediately opened the communication jade, listening to the report inside, and gradually smiled on his face. Finally, there was a glimmer of light in the eyes:

"Action now!"

Putting down the communication jade, Xu Haotian said with a smile: "Qin Yang has secretly arrived at the family's family, and will soon give the family a painful lesson."

"Great!" All the monks in the hall were slamming their fists.

What happened? Will the Xu family who are completely defensive in such a way that they have lost 19 consecutive planets so excited?

It turned out that the Xu family began to fight back. Xu Qinyang took the monk of the 100,000-day Xuanxian period that was drawn from each family, and the fifty immortals of the Xu family began a fierce counterattack.

After the decade of the fairy war. Xu family has been defensively and steadily, and has continuously lost the planet of Xinghai, which makes Tianzhu League, Yunjia. Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia slowly became arrogant and put their focus into the offensive. They did not consider that Xu Jia would counterattack and attack their ethnic areas. And because of the constant consumption of this decade's fairy war. They constantly mobilize monks from within the family. It can be said that they have now transferred most of the family's strength to the Xinghai, and their ethnic groups are completely in a state of weakness.

However, they did not have the slightest concern.

Do they need to worry?

No need!

Today's fairyland is divided into three camps, one is the alliance headed by Xu family, and the other is the alliance of Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia. One is to maintain a neutral alliance with the Chu family. In addition to the small forces left in these three alliances, these small forces are insignificant in the fairy world, and no one cares about them.

Today's Xujia Alliance is in the mad attack of Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia Alliance. How can Xu family pour out energy to counterattack? Does Xu family have this strength?

If there is this strength? Xu Jiahui was continuously attacked in ten years, and lost the star planet in a row without any action? and so. Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia Alliance did not have any precautions against Xu.

Chu family?

If the Chu family dares to attack easily, it will usher in the mad revenge of Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia. Chu family will not be so irrational. So they have something to worry about, not only don't worry, but they continue to draw monks from the family. Nowadays, the number of monks in each family is less than one-third of the total, and it is not as good as in the Xinghai. Family monk in combat.

Xu Jia took the advice of Xu Tianwo. It took ten years to show weakness. To ensure that their own strength is not weakened, and constantly retreat to let the Star Ocean planet completely paralyzed each other's alliance.

In ten years, Xu Tianwo has achieved his goal. Tianzhu League, Yunjia. Jiang Jiahe and Xiang Jia completely ignored the fact that Xu Jia actually had a fierce counterattack ability. In the past ten years, Xu has lost the planet constantly. However, the Xu family has a large array of defenses, with a transmission array transmission, and Xu has almost no casualties.

However, Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia were immersed in the constant victory, indulged in the enormous resources brought to them by the captured planet, completely neglecting the strength of Xu.

It was in this kind of atmosphere that Xu Tianlang deliberately created, Xu made a decision to counterattack. They chose the family, on the one hand because the project family was the first super-family to attack the Xu family, and on the other hand today the project is also the weakest among the four super forces.

Therefore, Xu Qinyang took fifty Xianjun, the monk of the Hundred and a Thousand Days of Xuanxian Period into the ball, and left the Xu family on a night of transmission, and then secretly disappeared into the night.

Although the Xu family has gone to fifty monarchs and the monks of the 100,000-day Xuanxian period, they can't see it at all. Because there is a large array of defenses, and Xu family only needs to release Qiankun Lei when defending, or to release the rune cannon behind the big array, this does not have much requirements for the monk's repair. Therefore, after Xu Qinyang and others left, Xu’s defense was still strong, and people could not see the slightest change.

Family family.

Outside the gate, he came to a person, he is Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang used his metamorphosis to change his appearance and took the teleform to the outside of the main entrance. At this time, his white robe set off his long body, carrying his hands, long hair fluttering in the breeze, and the sun was reflected in him. The body seems to be coated with a layer of golden light, showing the family's tolerance.

The big battle of the family is open, but the door is open. On both sides of the gate stood thirty-six Ronaldinho monks guarding the family gate.


Recommend a friend a book, the first two chapters are very attractive, you can go and see:

Title: "The End of the World"

Author: cooks fifth yellow

Book number: 2978073

Introduction: The truth about the end of the world is the broken interface barrier and the invasion of aliens. Chugo, rises in the last days! (To be continued~^~)

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