The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1662: Horrible castle (three more pink)

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Xu Tianwo's face changed, and he quickly stepped forward, pressing a button on top of a button.

From the war castle where Xu Tianwo is located, he suddenly released a colorful light to the top, and he was particularly eye-catching in the high air.


Xu Liangtian sacrificed nine bells.

The nine bells in the air are rapidly zooming in. In a crisp bell, nine bells are rotated in the air to alike like nine giant bells.

"When ~~ when ~~ when ~~"

The giant bell humming, Jiu Ling hovering in the air, connected end to end, is forming a nine bell space.

Xu Tianlang responded to the first time he heard the ringing tone. Xu Tianxun of Xu Tiantian once heard Xu Ziyan say that although Xu Tianwo would like to see the power of Jiuling space, he would never take his own house. The monk's life adventure, so he immediately pressed the signal of retreat, although Xu Haotian they just went out for a quarter of an hour and did not complete the two quarters of the plan, but Xu Tianwo did not hesitate to issue a retreat The command.

As soon as the retreating order came out, the Xu of the Xu family immediately rushed to the bottom, and behind them were four thousand small fairy boats, while releasing the rune guns to cover Xu Jiaxian. I also retreated to the war castle.

It all happened too fast. In just a few moments, Xu Jiaxianjun and 4,000 small fairy boats had already flown back to the war castle, and the defensive shield of the war castle had been closed.

"The war castle gathers for me. All the fairy boats return to the moon city."

When Xu Tianwo’s order came out, hundreds of thousands of Xianzhou quickly rushed out of the defensive formation and quickly withdrew toward Yueji City, retreating without chaos. The four war castles also gathered toward the Yueji City as they gathered together.

The monks of the Super Forces Alliance have not yet reacted, and the Xuzhou’s Xianzhou has quickly approached the War Castle. Yueji City opened a portal, and hundreds of thousands of Xianzhou retreat toward Yueji City, while releasing a fierce rune bombardment, interweaving Yueji City into a light curtain. In this case, let alone the super-power alliance monks did not respond, that is, they reacted and did not dare to pursue.

However, they do not dare to chase does not mean that the monks of the Xianjun period did not dare to pursue. At this time, the amount of days. Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiangmou and other immortals have already reddened their eyes, and their eyes are now locked on the war castle where Xu Tianwo is located. The last colorful beam was sent from the war castle. Xu Tiantian and others were not fools. I immediately concluded that the war castle was the command of the Xu family, and the loss of the Jicheng was so big, if it could destroy a war. The castle is also a compensation for the loss of the league.

"When ~~ when ~~ when ~~"

The nine bell space is rapidly expanding in the air. The war castle facing Xu Tianlang covered the past, and a strange space inside the nine bells gave a huge gravitational force to the war castle of Xu Tianlang, which caused the war castle to lose control and slowly move toward the nine bell space. And go.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

More than a hundred sinisters released the celestial bombardment on the war castle of the Xutian wolf, making the defensive shield of the war castle crumbling.

All the monks in Yueji City looked anxiously at the war castle, and Xu Yutian and others in the war castle were also anxious.

Xu Tianwo’s eyes sparkled with strange light, and his heart could not help but admire: “This Jiu Ling space is really a treasure.”

The war castle of Xu Tianwo resisted the attack of more than one hundred immortals, and the whole method was opened, trying to drag himself to move to the nine bell space, but it only slowed down the speed. The entire war castle is still moving away from the nine bells.

Xu Tiantian’s face once again became pale. Want to control the nine bell space to swallow such a huge war castle, and this castle is still a late stage of the eight-character, he is also very hard.

At this time, Xu Jiaxian had already retired into Yueji City, and the monks of the Super Force Alliance also stopped.

Inside and outside Yueji City. Millions of monks have looked their way to the only battlefield in the air.

There, a nine-bell space in the sky above the high speed is spinning rapidly. A huge war castle below is slowly moving towards the strange space in the nine bells. Around the war castle, there are more than a hundred monarchs. The monks are constantly slamming toward the castle, the defensive light of the war. The cover has become very thin.

In the other three directions, three war castles are flying fast.

The three war castles were crushed like mountains. The more than one hundred sages only fled toward the three war castles while they were dodging, and the hearts became excited.

These three war castles did not take advantage of the opportunity to flee, but they also flew over. These four war castles should have been made by the family for the past 40 years. If the four war castles were destroyed, the Xu family would be vulnerable.

The sky is full of excitement in the eyes of the sky, the Tianzhu League is very low-key, it is because the foundation of the Tianzhu League is really too bad, can not be compared with the old super family of Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia. However, if you put these four war castles into the space of the nine bells, and become the fairy of the Tianzhu League, with the repair of the peaks of the late Xianjun, plus these four war castles, you will not have to keep a low profile in the future.

"What?" Xu Tian, ​​who was excited, was shocked and couldn’t control the space of the nine bells.

"What?" More than a hundred of the Union's monarchy monks changed dramatically, completely unbelievable.

"What?" All the league's monks are a dull look.

"What?" is the ordinary monk of the Xujia League in Yueji City. It is also a dull, completely unbelievable.

In the air, the three war castles quickly caught up with the war castle of Xu Tianwo. In a dull gaze. The four castles are actually merging together.

"Booming ~~"

In the huge roar, the four war castles docked and became a huge war castle covering a radius of nearly five hundred miles. The barrel of the dragonfly quickly adjusted its direction. Aligned with the nine bells in the air.

At the moment when the four war castles were successfully docked, Xu Tiantian was snorted. Suddenly the weight of the three war castles was increased, and the amount of the sky was somewhat unbearable. The light on the nine bells began to become unstable.

"Let!" Xu Tianwo suddenly sighed.

"Booming ~~~"

The light curtain released by the 80,000 three-dimensional rune can drown the nine bell space.


Xu Liangtian squirted a blood. The space of the nine bells was shattered, and nine bells were turned into the body of Xu Tiantian.

The huge war castle that received a place flew toward Yueji City. All the monks of the Super Force Alliance, from the time of Xianjun, stared at the huge war castle and flew over the moon, and then decomposed again. Shrinking...

The defensive shield above Yueji City opened, and the narrowed war castle slowly descended into Yueji City, and thunderous cheers were heard from the open defensive shield. This thunderous cheer made all the monks in the Super Power League look very ugly.

The first battle of the Xu family alliance and the super-power alliance was over, and the result was completely different from what the super-power alliance originally imagined.

In this battle, the Super-Power Alliance seriously underestimated the Xujia League and suffered heavy losses. Only the Xianjun period monks died 76 people, the remaining monks suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, and the loss of the fairy boat reached more than 40,000. The morale of the entire league began to fall, and from this battle they really saw the strength of Xu.

At this time, within the temporary handsome account, the monks of the monarchs gathered together. The atmosphere in the big account was extremely depressed. No one spoke. Every monk was remembering the appearance of Xu Jia’s shock.

"Cough..." Xu Tiantian coughed softly and attracted everyone's attention. At this time, Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia once again highly respected Xu Liangtian. They saw the true strength of Xu Tiantian today, and the horror is terrible, especially his nine-bell space is daunting.

Xu Liangtian saw the eyes of everyone, and he was afraid of it, and his heart floated with smugness. Lost confidence has once again increased. The eyes slowly swept through the crowd. The condensate said:

"Everyone, today's Xu family surprised us. But we seriously think about it. Our heavy losses seem to have little to do with the strength of Xu's family, but because of ourselves. Our own preparation is very inadequate. The strength of the family is seriously underestimated."

All the monks within the big account were immersed in meditation, and the hearts of the original low gradually came to life. If you are not too contemptuous of Xu. If it wasn't for your careless preparation, how could it be a mess? How could it be caught by Xu Jia? How can it be so huge?

"And..." Xu Tiantian’s voice rang again: "The four war castles of Xu’s family are not indestructible, otherwise the Xu family will not let the monarchs come out of the war castle and drag us to prevent them from fighting the war castle. Attacked, and later fled back to Yueji City."

"Yeah!" The eyes of the monks were bright again.

The atmosphere in the mainland of the big account was active and a voice of discussion was heard. Finally, Yunbao asked:

"Xu Mengzhu, even if this is the case, if we attack the next time, Xu Jia will fight back like this, our losses are still not small, and it is difficult to attack Yueji City. What are the strategies of Xu Mengren?"

“First!” Xu Liangtian said with a sigh: “It’s impossible for such a big fairy to be dead. What we have to do is to reduce the loss to a minimum.”

"Is it going to be out?"

Xu Liangtian said with a sigh of relief: "We now want to make a slap in the face and it is impossible to attack the Xu family. The storm can only make us lose a lot. Therefore, we can only take a war of attrition."


*(To be continued~^~)

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