The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1663: Confront

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (400), gleaming glitt classmates (100), Qingjiang Moliu classmates (100), Hulu 777 classmates (100), Susu children (100), wandering classmates (100) reward!


"Consumption war?"

"Not bad!" Xu Liangzhong Limang flashed: "Whether it is the Xuzhou's fairy boat or the four war castles, every time there is consumption, especially the four war castles, their consumption must be greater.

Today's Xu family has been surrounded by us, they can only be trapped in Yueji City, they have no new source of resources, only consume their accumulation.

We can do this by concentrating all our monks on one side and giving up the other three faces of Yueji City. In the forefront is the fairy boat of all our alliances. After Xianzhou, we are the monks of our Xianjun period, and finally the millions of monks in our alliance.

The first attack was initiated by Xianzhou. If Yueji City did not counterattack, we would rely on these fairy boats to smash the defensive shield of Yueji City in a few days. If they still open the portal inside the shield as before, use the rune cannon to fight back like us, then we will slowly consume it with Xu.

Xu Jia’s dozens of runes and guns and our alliance’s more than ten thousand runes were opened at the same time. The surrounding forces were simply taken away in an instant, and the rune behind was completely maintained by Xianjing. To see if it is the Xu Jing of the Xu family, or the Xianjing of our alliance!

Under such huge consumption, I would like to ask the cloud chief, the **** chief. With the foundation of your two families, how long can you sustain if you want to maintain the rune of the rune of more than ten thousand cans? ”

The face of Yunbao and Jiang Zixiong showed a happy color. The clouded leopard said with a chuckle: "This is simply throwing Xianjing. It is our cloud family that can't last for a year."

“Not bad!” Xu Liangtian smiled happily: “If Xu Jiaxian is exhausted, then we will only have to attack at that time. Because they have no Xianjing to let their Xianzhou fight back, even if they want to interfere with our offensive, They also had to send monks out of Yueji City. Then they are not a living target? Hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..." Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was a lot warmer.

"But..." Jiang Zixiong asked in a deep voice: "If Xu did not take such measures, but still attack like this today?"

"To tell the truth!" Xu Liang said with a smile: "I think Xu is absolutely impossible, as we said before, just trapped in the Luji City with a rune gun and we are against the bomb. Xu is not a fool, so do As a result, Xu family only perished. Therefore, they will certainly rush out of Yueji City as they are today to interfere with our offensive. Therefore, I put Xianzhou on the front line.

This time we have prepared. As soon as Yueji City's defensive shields are opened, we, the Xianjun who stood behind the fairy boat, began to brew our strongest fairy, and the fairy boat in front of us was trying to delay the time. I think this is not difficult to do.

Because the speed of the war castle is slow, and the ordinary cedars are in front of us. When we are prepared, we can definitely brew the biggest fairy when they rush to our fairy boat. carry out. By the time. Even if the other party ran to the war castle, it would have to be destroyed under our joint attack.

After the joint efforts of our Xianjun monks, we and the Xianzhou immediately retreated quickly, revealing the millions of monks in the third position. Presumably at this time, millions of monks have also brewed their most powerful fairy. If the Xu family's monks, fairy boats, or war castles still dare to chase them, let them welcome the anger of millions of monks. Oh, millions of monks are able to join forces with the biggest fairy. I am afraid that we may not be able to withstand it? ”

Silenced inside the big account for a while. Suddenly burst into the sky, the sound of laughter.

"Good! Second! Hahaha..."

When the laughter was over, the project condensed and asked: "If the Xu family is just harassing, not chasing us?"

Xu Liang said with a smile: "No matter what the Xu family is, they must rush out from the city of Yueji. As long as they rush out, they have to accept the joint attack of our Xianjun period. So their loss is inevitable. We are 100 Duo Xianjun joined forces with the most powerful immortal attack. I think it would be possible to destroy at least a thousand thousands of lucky boats at a time.

Coupled with the loss of the fairy boat in the process of our squad, their fairy boat insisted on less than a month, that is, their war castle came out, I am afraid that it will last for less than a few months. Speaking of it, Xu Jia really only shrinks in the old town of Yueji City and we consume the longest time! Hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..." All the monks laughed happily.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Jia’s parliamentary hall is also a joyful laugh.

This time, the battle with the super-power alliance was a positive battle, letting the Xu family spit out in the heart for forty years of depression. In this positive battle, Xu Jia lost six Xianjun, more than 15,000 Xianzhou, which is a complete victory for the Super Forces Alliance.

Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang and other monks enthusiastically discussed that the mood is high. On the other side, Xu Tianlang locked his brow and thought about it.

Xu Tianwo’s status in Xu’s home is now very high, and he can see it from his position. There is a position in the middle of the upper head, which is the position of Xu Ziyan. On the left side of Xu Ziyan's position is the patriarch Xu Yantian, and on the right is the holy person Xu Zhenshan. In the first position of Xu Xiaotian's first position, the young patriarch Xu Qinyang was seated. In the first position of Xu Zhenshan, Xu Tianlang was seated. Now he is positioned by the Xu family to be less saints.

The position where he was seated determined that he was bound to receive attention. The people soon noticed that the dignity of Xu Tianlang was a look, and the laughter of the people gradually became scarce and eventually became unspeakable. Xu Haotian’s look gradually became dignified, and looked at Xu Tianlang’s voice and asked:

"Sirius, but what is wrong?"

Xu Tianlang gently nodded and said: "Our success on this day is based on the strength of our Xu family, but the bigger one is to build on the opposite side of preparation, they are too contemptuous of us. I think that the battle of tomorrow will be a time when our family lost a lot."

The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of Xu Tianwo, Xu Yantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang's face showed the color of thinking, but there are still a few monks on the face of the dissatisfied color.

"We can deduct it!" Xu Tianlang whispered: "If tomorrow's attacking formation of the Super Forces Alliance is like this, they put the top ten thousand celestial boats in the forefront, then the monarchy monks in the second floor, the first The third floor is millions of monks. They are no longer surrounded by Yueji City, but face the side of Yueji City. How about us?"

The monks who can cultivate to the Xianjun period are not stupid, they are only limited by their horizons. Nowadays, it was mentioned by Xu Tianlang, only a slight thought, and immediately realized the seriousness of Yueji City. The joyful atmosphere within the hall disappeared, and it was a dignity.

For a long time, Xu Haotian asked: "What should we do?"

"Tow!" Xu Tianwo said helplessly: "When they started attacking tomorrow, we couldn't keep it. When the guardian family couldn't support it, we only sent a war castle to attack and send another 20,000 cents. The boat followed the war castle.

In this way, the top of the war castle is in front, with its powerful defensive power to resist the canon gun of the other side of the boat, and to fight back. The defensive shield of the war castle should be able to withstand the attack of the other monarchs. When the other monk is released, the war castle will return to Yueji City with this gap, and the 20,000-year-old boat in the back. It is necessary to rush to the front to cover the retreat of the war castle. After the war castle and 20,000 ships have returned, they will immediately send a second war castle and 20,000 boats.

I estimate that the war castles and the fairy boats that we sent out are not far from Yueji City. Even if the immortals issued by the other monarchs are strong, as long as we withstand this attack, we can quickly Returning to Yue Jicheng, there will be no big loss.

And according to my estimation, a monk, no matter what realm he is, wants to release the biggest fairy for him, but it can be released at most twice. In this way, our third and fourth war castles have a chance to rush forward and entangle with each other for a long time to recover the attacked array.

In this way, we can persist in the time. The patriarch, do not know how long our accumulation of support can support us for how long? ”

Xu Haotian has been indulging for a long time, and his heart is calculating. He finally sighed a bit:

"If we can go out and exchange resources for Xianjing, it will be no problem for a few decades. But we are now stuck here. The family's Xianjing can only support a little more than a year and a half."

Within the hall, once again, it was silent.


Suddenly there was a huge roar in the outside of the city, and the monks in the hall stood up with a loud bang. Xu Haotian’s face is tight:

"They started attacking this?"


The monks in the main hall flew away from the outside, and soon stood in the east of Yueji City. Clearly seeing each other's formation through the defensive shield, as Xu Tianwo said, on the first floor is a hundred thousand tens of thousands of boats. At this time, the rune cannon was violently released, and a beam of light was bombarded on the defensive shield, causing the defensive shield to tremble.

Behind the hundreds of thousands of fairy boats, there are more than one hundred monarchy monks, and in the third layer are millions of monks, and what Xu Tianlang said is not bad.

Xu Tianlang immediately shouted: "The No. 1 War Castle is ready, the first and second teams are ready for the fairy boat. Wait for the defensive shield to open..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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