The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1664: Embarrassed

Warm greeting card, Tongyu classmates become the best elders!


Xu Tianwo told the Xu family warriors in detail, and finally they all understood that Xu Tianwo focused his attention on the defensive shield and calculated how long the defensive shield could last. The four war castles and the 80,000 ships were also ready to prepare for the round. The remaining Xianzhou are also ready for the bench. At the same time, there are four monks in the Xu family who are ready to repair the war castle and the fairy boat.

The violent rune gun continued for three days and three nights, and the defensive power of Yueji City's defensive shield has dropped by half. Xu Tianwo looked coldly at the super-power alliance outside the defensive shield, raised his hand and gently swayed.

The monks who have been paying attention to Xu Tianwo immediately acted. The Xujia Alliance monks flashed open on both sides, and a war castle and 20,000 ships were vacated.

The defensive shield opened a portal, and the outside rune gun immediately poured into the city of Yueji, where the light beam passed, and destroyed everything straight.


The war castle was completely raised, blocking the light beam, and quickly drove out of Yueji City, followed by 20,000 ships in the back.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The war castle released a rune gun, its power and range are far better than the other's rune guns, and instantly shot down hundreds of fairy boats.

On the second floor, more than a hundred Xianjun immediately began to condense their most powerful fairy, their hands slowly moving, spitting out several oyster bytes from time to time, and a huge power gradually released.

Within the city of Yueji.

All the monks were watching nervously at the war castle that was facing each other. Pray that it will stand up to the other side of the monarchy. If it can't resist it, the 20,000 boats behind it will also be destroyed.

Time flies in the war castle and the opposite of the fairy boat, a full quarter of an hour, the opposite of the more than one hundred monarchy monks at the same time. Suddenly there was a dense space crack in the sky, the space was extremely unstable, and huge powers bombarded the war castle.

I can't hear the sound, because the huge roar is deaf.

The entire war castle trembled violently. The defensive shield is consumed sharply.


Finally, they could not withstand the joint efforts of more than a hundred monarchs. The defensive shield of the war castle shattered, and more than a hundred of the powers of the Xianjun period fell on the war castle that lost the defensive shield.

The heart of every monk in Yueji City suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, as if he would jump out of his mouth...

The smashing of more than one hundred sinjuns fell on the war castle that lost the defensive mask, but there was no power. The defensive mask of the War Castle offset most of the opponent's power, but was slightly hurt. This is also because the war castle has the reason for the late peak grade of the Eight Pinxians even without the defensive shield.

The war castle began to recede into the city of Yueji. The 20,000-year-old boat behind it came out of the two wings of the war castle, and the rumbling rune gun was released to the opposite side. Formed a light curtain.

Yue Jicheng’s defensive shroud opened two portals at the same time. The No. 1 War Castle and the 20,000 canyons began to retreat from the lower channel. The No. 2 War Castle and the 20,000 canyons from above Fly out.

The upper and lower layers of the war castle and the fairy boat were interlaced, and the No. 2 war castle flew out of the moon, and the fierce rune guns poured toward the opposite side. In the meantime, hundreds of ships were destroyed by the war castle.

Xu Liangtian and other people's faces began to look ugly. They understood the Xu family's plan at this time. This is to let their four war castles take turns to interfere with their offense. But the war castle has really had a great destructive effect on them.

However, they are not able to retreat in this regard. It seems that the original plan has already had a response. While admiring the Xu family and capable people in their hearts, they also have to admit that this fairy war is really caught in the war of attrition.

It’s not just what they planned before, but the family is consuming, but both are consuming and at the same time dying. Only this round of confrontation, both sides have been destroyed by the fairy boat.

Since it is decided to consume the strength of the other party, Xu Tiantian and others will not be able to retain their own cultivation, and only once again begin to condense big moves.

Xu Liangtian is the moment when others gather big tricks. The eyeball turns in the eyelids. Suddenly raised his hand and threw out the nine bells. In the air, a clear ringing tone sounded, and Jiu Ling flew high into the air, then zoomed in and out in the air. One by one, one by one, gradually forming a circle. Inside the circle is a piece of 朦朦宝光, showing a space of nine bells.

Xu Liangtian intends to be very good, that is to use his own nine bell space to drag the opposite war castle, and then let the rest of the immortal's big move bombard the war castle. In this way, while the war castle is broken by the bombardment of the defensive shield, he may be able to take the opportunity to put it into the nine bell space.

However, what he did not expect was that his nine bells had just been released into the air, and the war castle opposite the city immediately retired to the city of Yueji. The 20,000-year-old boat behind it has quickly returned to Yueji City. Only the No. 2 War Castle stopped at the entrance of the passage, and it kept pouring its gunfire toward the opposite fairy boat.

The power and range of the War Castle's three-dimensional rune cannon is much higher than that of the Super Forces Alliance's Rune Cannon, and its defense is amazing. The fairy boat that caused the super-power alliance was completely a passive beating situation. And the war castle also put up a pair of nine bells space as long as you can measure the sky, I will return to Yueji City. You are not here, I am here to release the rune gun.

The attitude of the war castle made Xu Tianxin very helpless, and hated to collect the nine bells. He closed up the nine bells, and the war castle slammed into the direction of their full speed. The channel behind them also swarmed out of 20,000 cents, and the air was so bright that it turned white.

However, during the time when the war castle and the tens of days of entanglement, those Xianjun have also formed a big move.

There was a loud explosion, and all kinds of smashed hoods turned to the war castle. With the experience of the No. 1 War Castle, this No. 2 War Castle has no fluster. The defensive shield of the war castle was finally smashed, with a slight damage to the city of Yueji. The 20,000-year-old boat behind it came out with two dragons, and the rumbling rune was bombarded to the opposite side. War castle. At the same time, the No. 3 War Castle flew out of Yueji City with 20,000 ships.

When the No. 3 War Castle and the 20,000 ships were flying out, the Rune Cannon was fully opened. Xu Liangtian and other immortals face each other and sigh, they have no spare capacity to make a big move, and look back at the third layer of millions of monks who have gathered together the fairy, and ordered the first and second layers to retreat. .

More than one hundred celestial princes and hundreds of thousands of celestial boats began to rise above the heights, retreating from the heads of millions of monks toward the rear. There are millions of monks who are waiting to be seen. Just waiting for the Xu family's war castle and the 20,000-class boat to come close, giving a devastating blow.

The No. 3 War Castle and the 20,000-class fairy boat released the Rune Gun and advanced forward.


It is necessary to enter the scope of the Xianxu bombardment. Each monk is nervously looking at the opposite war castle and 20,000 ships. Just waiting for the war castle of the Xu family and the 20,000-class boat to get closer, they can release the brew. A long-awaited big move.

Suddenly, the war castle and the 20,000-small boat stopped in the air, and the 20,000-class boat was extended on both sides of the war castle, forming a long-snake array, and then it was violently run by a rune.

Those monks who stood in the first row of the squad were smashed and smashed. Even if these monks were to release the big moves, they were limited by cultivation, and might have power, but the distance was not enough. As long as Xu’s war castle and 20,000 celestial boats are closer, and nearly one mile, they can give a devastating blow to the Xujia War Castle and the 20,000-class boat.

However, it is a distance that is so small that they are very uncomfortable.

It’s awkward!

The fairy scorpion that has the greatest power of its own power has been brewed, and it is waiting to be released. However, because the distance is not enough, it can only be squatting. How difficult is it to say that?

Just keep on squatting, and the other's rune guns are constantly being released. They are not enough to release the big move, but the rune guns are enough!

This is simply a live target!

They drifted in the air, trying to open the distance and avoid being bombarded by the war castles of the Xu family and the 20,000-meter boat, but as soon as they retired, the war castles of the Xu family and the 20,000-class boat marched forward, always keeping them Uncomfortable distance.

As soon as they gritted their teeth, they rushed forward and rushed toward the front. They wanted to be close to Xu’s war castle and 20,000 celestial boats in an instant, and then released their own big moves. However, the Xu family's war castle and the 20,000-year-old boat, as soon as they saw them moving forward, immediately withdrew, and did not give them a chance.

A fairy who has its best potential can't always be so stretched, there is always a time when it can't be stretched. Xu Liangtian and others also showed an anxious color on their faces.

Xu Liangtian, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiangmou quickly summed up the order and gave orders to the hundreds of thousands of people who had already returned.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of sensation boats hit the past at the maximum speed toward Xu Jiaxian and the war castle. Although the quality of the hundreds of thousands of runes is not as good as the home, it is worse than the number. In an instant, it covered the Xujia War Castle and the 20,000-cent boat. The two sides of the fairy boat are constantly being destroyed by the other side.

However, this is not a crisis. After more than a hundred thousand miles, the millions of monks suddenly accelerated to the war castle and the 20,000-class boat drifted over.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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