The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1665: Unique retreat

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At the moment when the other side’s hundreds of thousands of fairy boats suddenly came over, the heart suddenly slammed into the heart and realized that it was not good. It was immediately ordered by the jade to the No. 3 War Castle:

"Immediately cover the raft retreat."

The solitary smoke in the third gate of the castle is also a sophisticated man. He has not yet waited for Xu Tianlang to order, he has already made a decision and immediately sent a signal. 20,000 sen boats immediately retraced into the city of Yueji.

However, after all, this is too sudden, and the loss of both sides is inevitable. Two thousand 10,000 boats lost more than 3,000 ships in the blink of an eye, and finally retreated to the back of the war castle and began to withdraw from the city of Yueji. At this time, the hundreds of thousands of celestial boats suddenly rushed toward the sky, and behind them revealed the millions of monks who had been pursued.

Xu Tianwo in Yueji City closed his eyes painfully. However, in an instant, I opened my eyes and shouted loudly:

"All the monks are ready, listen to my orders, and all kill the moon city!"


The cracks in the outer space of Yueji City raged, and the huge powers formed a huge wave of air, bombarding the past with the war castle. Millions of monks joined forces and slammed into the war castle.


The defensive shield of the War Castle insisted on a dozen times of time, and it was blasted. The entire war castle was swept out by a huge power, and it hit the fairy boat behind it. It was only in an instant that the 3,000-plus boat behind him would be destroyed. This is still the other boat that is not good enough to catch up, and it will be smashed by the war castle.

Looking at the tragic appearance outside Yueji City. The war castle still tumbling in the air, Xu Tianwo's face was very ugly, and one hand raised high.

"Sirius!" Xu Haotian cried in surprise: "You have to calm down, and now is not the time to fight the other side."

"No!" Xu Tianwo's face was as cold as ice. The condensate said: "The other side's Xianjun has released two big moves in a row, almost losing the ability to fight again. The rest of the monks have also released a big move. Now is the best time. Our family's loss must be Let the other party repay."

"Sirius!" Xu Haotian is still hesitating.

However, Xu Jia had already appointed Xu Tianlang as the chief commander. At this time, all the monks’ eyes were locked on the arm of Xu Tianwo’s high-lifting. The blood in an individual was boiling, and the war castle was still rolling over the moon. And the fairy boat broken in the other side of the fairy boat rune cannon, stunned.

There are also many monks in the Xu family. Nearly two million, two million murders gathered together, forming a devastating momentum.


Xu Tianwo’s hand waved vigorously.


The defensive mask of Yueji City was scattered in an instant.

"Booming ~~"

The war castle rolled over and flew in.

"Kill ~ ~" Xu Tianlang looked up and screamed, the first one rushed out of Yueji City, one hand and one hand in the air, the autumn off the water gun appeared in the hands, one-handed wave. The power of Xianjun is full.


As the autumn water guns crossed the air, it seemed to open up a space, countless earthen dragons roared out, and the millions of monks across the street shocked the past.

"kill ~~"

At this time, Xu Haotian no longer hesitated, his body shape rushed out of the Yueji City, a whirl in the air, and a golden mangling smashed out of his hand, like a meteor pulling out a golden mantle and instantly reached the other side. On the head of the monk.

"When ~~"

The Jinmang was in the air, and the real body appeared. It is the treasure of the Xujia town. Destroy the soul!

A bell rang. Like the end of the world, the souls of millions of monks are tremble...

"kill ~~"

Xu Jiaxianjun and nearly two million monks flocked out. At the same time, the No. 4 War Castle and all the fairy boats also flew out of Yueji City, and they rushed toward the other side's fairy boat, and the overwhelming rune guns covered the past.

The look of Xianjun, such as Xu Liangtian, changed immediately. At this time, the celestial power in their body was almost consumed, and this time they met the Xu Jun of the Xu family. Then there is only one result, it is death!

No matter what else, these Xianjun monks tried their best to escape to the distance. The monks of the Xianjun period have escaped. Will the monks of other realms have a heart to fight again?

The entire army was defeated, and both the monk and the fairy boat fled wildly, only hating the mother who did not give them a pair of wings.

This is a one-sided pursuit, and the Xu family monks chased after a thousand miles, which was withdrawn.

In the hall of the Chu family's deliberation, Chu Yun sat there in a wrong way. After hearing the news, he did not react for a long time. Xu Jia... was actually chasing the super-power alliance?

This world... is changing too fast? Or have you not adapted to this world?

However, it has not waited until the celebration of Xu's family is over. Only after seven days have passed, the Super Family Alliance has once again gathered outside Yueji City.

The last time chasing and killing, the monarchs of the super-power alliance did not lose anything. They were Xianjun after all, and they fled very quickly. Xianzhou did not lose too much, after all, Xianzhou flew too fast. The biggest loss was the monks who were below the nine-day Xuanxian period, and they died more than 700,000.

However, even so, the Xu family does not have the ability to compete with the regrouping alliance, and the super-power alliance is further convening the various levels of monks from the family.

This time, Xu Tiantian and others also accepted the lesson. They just released a big move, and then they used the Xianzhou and Xu family to fight against each other. Even if the loss of the fairy boat is more than that of the Xu family, they are constantly consuming the Xuzhou’s fairy boat. And Xianjing.

They can afford it, and they can't afford it. They have come over for forty years, and they don't mind being dragging on for a few years. And the family's monks are coming to this side, and the families are refining the fairy boat day and night, and they are constantly sending them here.

This situation has only been carried out for three days, and the weakness of the Xu family has been revealed. No longer impatient, the stabilized super-power alliance forced the Xu family to enter the war of attrition, which is also the most feared by the Xu family, because this way, the Xu family will have the day when the city breaks down.

The attack of the Super Forces Alliance has never stopped for a moment, whether it is day or night, and the four war castles and the hundreds of thousands of fairy boats of the Xu family can only continue to circulate.

The three war castles that have been damaged have been repaired. Although the 3rd War Castle was seriously damaged, after all, the war castle was not shattered. The monks and so on, such as the West Gate, were not injured.

Xu family is not afraid of war castle damage, and is not afraid of the destruction of the fairy boat. Because Xujiasitang can quickly repair the war castle, and it is also constantly making Xianzhou, so that the number of Xuzhou's fairy boats has been guaranteed to be in a stable quantity.

However, Xu Jia is afraid of the loss of Xianjing! This day, the war castle and the boat of the fairy boat slammed, it is just burning the fairy crystal! The fairy crystals in the Xujiaku room are drastically reduced every day. This way, it really lasts for less than a year and a half.

In the hall of the Chu family's deliberation, Chu Yun's face appeared so beautiful, and the heart said: "Is this right? Xu is just a fluke, how can you really defeat the super-power alliance?"

But... so I like it!

The greater the strength of Xu’s consumption of super-power alliances, the greater the profit of our Chu family. ”

At this time, the Xujia’s main hall was dignified. The super-powerful alliance’s tepid consumption war made the Xu family very uncomfortable. The attack could not be attacked, and the defender could not keep it for a long time. Seeing Xu’s direction toward the demilitar Slide.

"Sirius?" Xu Haotian looked at Xu Tianwo.

Xu Tianwo was sitting there with his brows locked, and everyone's eyes in the hall gathered on him. For a long time, he sighed:

"Let's prepare for us, pick out some potential disciples and send them away through our secret transmission."

“There is no other way?”

Xu Tianwo slowly shook his head and said: "No! All strategies are eclipsed in the face of real strength. We are not strong enough."

"That... We lifted the family secretly?" an elder asked softly.

Xu Tianwo resolutely shook his head and said: "This is impossible. At this time, all the planets will block the transmission line and the direction of our home, including the transmission array of the fifty family members who went to our home, so we Xu family now has only one secret transmission array that can be used. It can transfer our monks to the Wukan Mountains in Tianjianxing. This is the only way back for our family.

And even if there are still many transmission channels, if we leave home, it will not be able to keep secrets. After that, we will be in the endless pursuit of all parties. I am afraid that in the end, even the last fire of the family will not be able to stay.

Say it! "The look of Xu Tianlang reveals majesty, a majesty of the superiors, and the majesty of the jade emperor hidden in the body is finally released without any cover-up at this time:

"We can send some young elite disciples to go out and leave some fire for the Xu family, but we can't escape. When we flee, the backbone of Xu's family is broken. Don't say that the result is a dead end, that is, it is also a stagnation. A Xu family without a spine is as normal as it is.

We have to fight with Xu Tiantian, on the one hand to cover the fire of our Xu family, on the other hand to set an example for the fire of our family, the backbone of our family is rather not bent! ”

Xu Haotian raised his hand and grabbed the handrail of the chair: "I will do it according to Sirius. In the past few days, we secretly selected a group of elite disciples. The elders present here will give each person a place!"

Immediately within the hall, there was a low voice, and Xu Qinyang was now locked in a brow and looked at Xu Tianwo’s expectation:

"Sirius, is there really no way?"

“唉~~” Xu Tianwo sighed a bit: “The situation of Xu’s family today is that there is no way for the purple smoke to come back. After all, the strength of one person is limited.”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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