The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1670: Chu Yun move VS Xu Ziyan

Warm greeting cards, Tongyu students become the best!


Chu family.

Chu Yun moved inside the study, frowning and thinking. Xu Ziyan came back and returned with a tough stance. In a short period of three months, he successively destroyed the tribes of Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Jiangjia.

He is now very glad that he has been neutral, and after Xu Ziyan suddenly appeared to destroy the Tianyu League, he immediately arranged a secret action. He is now waiting for Xu Ziyan to come to him. He firmly believes that Xu Ziyan will come. Looking for him, because he believes that the strength of today's Xu family is not enough to kill the super-power alliance, Xu family must find allies, and Chu family is the best ally.

Just don't know when Xu Ziyan will arrive?

Quietly outside the door, no one reported that Chu Yun said that someone had visited, and the study room of Chu Yun moved alone in a courtyard. There is no guard here, only Chu Yun moves alone.

Here is a place where you need to keep a secret, and Chu Yundong is very confident about his strength and does not need a guard. Imagine that the first master of the whole family could not resist the raid of the other party. What other people would use?

However, there is no guard in his courtyard, but there are many guards around the courtyard. Even if these guards can't stop the raiders, they can at least play a role as a warning, so that Chu Yun can be prepared.

Chu Yundong still sat in the study, slightly locked his brow. Although he decided that Xu Ziyan would come to him, but Xu Ziyan did not appear, but he still had some anxiety, while repeatedly measuring in the heart when facing Xu Ziyan. How to negotiate with Xu Ziyan.

Suddenly knocking at the doorway, Chu Yun was shocked, and the body's power was instantly transported to the peak. The eyes were full of vigilance and fear.

where is this place?

Here is the center of the Chu family. I want to come here. It takes a lot of protection to come to the center of the Chu family, and there are many bright and dark monks guarding the courtyard. The most important thing is how the monks of the late peaks of the Chu Yun move Xianjun may come to the door. Didn't feel the slightest?

This person is definitely not a family member, and he is very familiar with the family. No one will be so advanced that even he can't feel the breath of the other side. And the family will definitely be very respected, and the fare will increase the footsteps and let him know.

Who is this?

“咚~~咚~~咚~~” came a clear and stable knock on the door.

Chu Yun calmed down his own state of mind, and the people outside the door should not be enemies, otherwise the other party would not knock at the door, but directly in. He did not release his own knowledge to explore, this time know who is useless, but he will still be repaired to the peak state. This is a faint saying:

"Please come in!"

The door is open! A sunny smile appeared at the door, and Xu Ziyan, a jeweled blue dress, stood up and looked at him with a smile.

Chu Yun’s mood is tight and loose.

Is it tight that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation is now so advanced? She came to her own door, but she still didn't know? At first glance, the repair of Xu Ziyan is indeed higher than that of 40 years ago. It is already the peak of Xianjun. Chu Yun moved quietly and took a breath. He is very clear about the fighting power of Xu Ziyan. In the small world, Xu Ziyan was only the peak of Xianjun, and he was able to harden the peak of Xianjun’s late stage. Now she has reached the peak of Xianjun, which will be a strength. ?

He doesn't know what strength, but he knows he must beat the purple smoke.

One loose is that he can be sure that Xu Ziyan is not going to kill him, but to join him. Dissipated the body of the body, his face showed a sincere smile, hurriedly stood up from the chair, greeted the door and smiled enthusiastically:

"Xu Daoyou. Did the fairy wind blow you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Is it not the Chu chief who is waiting for me?"

Chu Yun’s face was twitching in a haze. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan did not go to see him again, but looked into the study room faintly:

"Don't ask me to sit in?"

"Oh! It is the old man's rudeness! Xu Daoyou, please."

Xu Ziyan walked into the study and sat down on a chair. Chu Yun moved back to his seat and sat down, and his heart was depressed. I want to have a lot of occasions and ways to meet with Xu Ziyan. I didn't think that Xu Ziyan would appear in such a way that I didn't find it myself, and when I spoke, I spoke sharply and let myself fall into the wind.

I can't go on like this. Now it is Xu Ziyan who is looking for her own alliance. She is not looking for her by herself. She must compete for greater interests for the Chu family.

"Xu Daoyou came here..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and interrupted Chu Yun’s words. His face became serious and he said seriously: “The Chu chief, I sincerely come to form an alliance with you, and we should not be more accommodating between us.”

Chu Yun’s expression also became serious and serious. However, in my heart, there was a surge of joy, and Xu Ziyan came forward to propose an alliance, and he could finally knock on it. In addition to competing for resource benefits, we must try our best to get some ancient inheritance from Xu. As a result, his look became stagnant, and he looked at Xu Ziyan faintly, no longer speaking. Waiting for Xu Ziyan to open, at this time who will open the mouth first, whoever said more, who is at a disadvantage.

Xu Ziyan did not let him wait at all. Without Chu Yun’s vision, Xu Ziyan will certainly hold on for a while, to see who can rely on who. However, Xu Ziyan did not stop at all without any pause.

"Chu chief, first of all, on behalf of Xu, I thank you for being able to remain neutral! I am here to return this person."

Chu Yun moved to nod. Xu Ziyan’s look is calm, but the tone is full of confidence:

"The situation today is very clear. When I am back, the super-power alliance will collapse like a chicken."

The look of Chu Yun’s movement is a slight change. Listening to the tone and words of Xu Ziyan is not to ask the Chu family to send troops to help them to promote the super-power alliance. What happened to her and the Chu family alliance? Chu Yundong couldn’t help it anymore, because Xu’s need to come out of the Chu family directly involved the issue of whether to maximize the benefits, so Chu Yundong finally couldn’t help but say:

"Xu Daoyou, the strength of the super-power alliance can not be underestimated! Although the Jiang family is completely destroyed by you, but they also have three super forces, Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Jiangjia, that Xu Tian is the first person in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Even the monks in the hidden family are very jealous of him. And they have two first-class families, dozens of second-rate families and hundreds of third-rate families, millions of monks, you are sure that they are just in front of you. Chicken dog?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. "Thank you, the Chu chief reminded me that I didn't take them down. In fact, the super-power alliance has already shown its defeat."

"Oh? The old man is listening."

Chu Yun moved with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. At this time, his heart has already determined that Xu Ziyan is making a mystery, nothing more than trying to increase the price of the Xu family and Chu family negotiations. Therefore, he was very calm, calm and ridiculous, and his mind had already made up his mind. He said that Ziyan said that he would be apologetic. As long as she did not ask her family to send troops, she would not take the initiative to ask how long she could hold. As long as Xu Ziyan asks for it, it is the moment of ruining himself.

Xu Ziyan seems to have not heard the sarcasm in Chu Yun’s tone of voice, still calmly with a very self-channel:

"Chu chief, the super-power alliance had four super powers, three first-class families, dozens of second-rate families and hundreds of third-rate families.

But now? Since they have destroyed the first-class family Zhou, they have already begun to fail. Zhou Jiayi went and left two of the three first-class families, which has already caused a serious injury to the super-power alliance. Zhou Jiake is not a dispensable family. The first-class family is the first family that is only under the super family. The strength is not trivial.

The Super Power Alliance says that if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. This is undoubtedly a broken arm. Moreover, when the Zhou family was killed, the Chu family also participated. I must know that in the battle of the fairy, the Zhou family was annihilated, but the super-power alliance will not lose without it. This is a double injury, and the strength of the Super Forces Alliance has been declining from that moment. ”

Chu Yun’s face changed slightly, and he couldn’t help but admit that Xu Ziyan made sense. The super-power alliance to eliminate Zhou Jia not only lost Zhou Jia’s strong family, but also suffered damage to himself. When he thought about it, the super-power alliance really hurt his strength, although this energy is not enough to move. But it is indeed a damage.

“This is a first-class family, and what has the super-power alliance done?” Xu Ziyan’s tone sneered with a faint sarcasm: “After Xu Qinyang’s elimination of dozens of third-rate families, hundreds of third-rate families began to flee. Super Power Alliance The smothering of dozens of third-rate families has curbed the trend of the escape of the Lord.

However, the number of third-rate families that Xu Qinyang smashed and the third-rate family that the super-powers themselves smothered is close to one hundred, once again weakening the strength of the super-power alliance. Chu chief, I did not say wrong? ”

Chu Yun moved a little difficult and nodded. Xu Ziyan chuckled: "After that, Qin Yang's brother has eliminated six second-rate families, which is another blow to the super-power alliance. However, this is not comparable to Qin Yang's brother who has successively The tribes were destroyed, and their ethnic monks were killed, and the treasures of their tribes were robbed.

The Chu chief, let's take a look. Before I came back, Xu had done a great job. At the level of the super-powers, the Tianyi League and the Xiangjia’s ethnic groups were eliminated. At the level of the first-class family, the super-power alliances themselves destroyed the Zhou family. At the level of the second-rate family, the Xu family destroyed six. At the level of the third-rate family, Xu Jia and the super-power alliance have joined forces to eliminate nearly 100, oh..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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