The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1671: Chu Yun's gift

I wish my comrades a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


Chu Yun was sitting on the side and listening to Xu Ziyan, and there was an incredible in my heart. Xu Ziyan did not say today, he really did not seriously calculate that in the past 40 years, Xu has done so much?

"This has not counted the millions of monks in the super-power alliance that Xu family has killed directly on the 61 planets in Xinghai and outside the city."

Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"But now, your Xu family is still in a weak position. I believe that Xu Jia's Yue Jicheng is difficult to adhere to for half a year. Under the attack of the super-power alliance, half a year will break!" Chu Yun did not want to lose the initiative to say.

"Your hypothesis is true. But it is only a hypothesis." Xu Ziyan said confidently: "Your hypothesis is based on the fact that I did not return, but now, I am back."

"Oh? The strength of your own person can turn the tide?" Chu Yun was very unconvinced, and the tone also brought a touch of unkindness.

Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "After the Xiang family was destroyed by the Qin Yang brothers, they did not rebuild the family territory, but concentrated all the power on the attack on the Xu family, so they belonged to the family. In addition to the monks in the city of Yueji, there is no reinforcement.

Although Tianzhu League re-established its base camp, after I came back, I wiped it out again, so there was no reinforcement for Tianzhu League. The family of the Yun family was also wiped out by me. In addition to the monks outside the Yueji City, the Yun family also had no reinforcements. It can be said that Tianzhu League, Yunjia, Xiangjia have now lost their roots. It has become a rootless floating duck.

And what about Jiang?

Since then, there has been no family in Jiangzhong in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. That is to say, the original four super powers, now only three, and three super-family lost. ”

Xu Ziyan paused and looked at Chu Yun seriously: "The Chu chief. Although the appearance of the super-power alliance is now, it has already dispersed.

The four raids of Qin Yang’s brother in the past 40 years have already cast a shadow in the hearts of those families in the Super-Power Alliance. The heart of the Super-Power Alliance has made the families who originally attached them feel heart-wrenching, but they are forced to escape. And my return is to put the last straw on the body of the Super Forces.

Those who are attached to the super-power alliance are first class. Second- and third-rate families have to think that since I can easily destroy the Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Jiangjia, if you want to destroy their first-class, second-rate and third-rate families will be difficult?

Now they are still in the super-power alliance, just because I did not give them a promise, if I give them a promise, promise not to pursue their responsibilities. These first-rate, second-rate and third-rate families will immediately withdraw from the super-power alliance. In this way, I have to face only the Tianzhu League, the Yunjia and the Xiangjia, which have been beaten halfway. ”

"Would you be willing to give to those first-rate, second-rate and third-rate families? Will they believe in your promise?" Chu Yun asked.

Xu Ziyan gently nodded: "Those first-rate, second-rate and third-rate families are just vassals, and they will not be in the eyes of our Xu family. I can forgive them. Of course, it is not unconditional forgiveness. As for whether they will believe us The promise, I think, will rely on my three words, they will believe."

Chu Yun moved silently, he has admitted in his heart that Xu Ziyan said it completely makes sense. The first-class, second-rate and third-rate families will no longer pose a threat to Xu in the future, and will be in the face of Xu’s family. The most important thing is that the first-class, second-rate and third-rate families add up too much. If Xu wants a revenge, the energy involved is too big. Not worth it at all. And these families are also needed in the middle galaxies. Otherwise, the Terran of the Zhongyuan Galaxy will be abolished.

And Xu Ziyan is a monk in the middle of the immortal monarch, the ancestor of the Xu family, an alchemist, a master of refining. The identity of the guru and the sect of the sect is determined by what she said, and it is impossible to count. So, those are first class. The second-rate and third-rate families will never believe what Xu Ziyan said.

In this way, the enemies that Xu’s family will face are indeed the three super-disabled forces of Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Xiangjia. Chu Yun gradually felt that his control of this negotiation was getting lower and lower, and he still wanted to seek the inheritance of Xu family. Now it seems that he is idiotic and dreams. However, after planning for such a long time, he still refuses to say:

"Xu Daoyou, as you said, the enemy you are facing now is only Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Xiangjia. But their strength is not low, especially the amount of heaven..."

Xu Ziyan swayed his hand and said softly: "Only facing the Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Xiangjia, in fact, the Xujia League in terms of strength has been almost like them, and the number has far exceeded them. The Chu chiefs have considered It’s just that amount of money, but I want to tell you that this time I will definitely kill the scorpion outside the city.


Xu Ziyan’s face showed a strong self-channel: “If I am alone, it may not be difficult to overcome the amount of money, but it is not easy to kill him. After all, if he wants to escape after the peak of Xianjun, I I can't stop him. However, the 鲲 神 神 小 小 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白 白And now both of them are already the peak of Xianjun."


The face of Chu Yun’s movement finally changed dramatically. The power of Xiao Bai and Hope was famous in the Xinghai and Mozu battles. The metamorphosis was absolutely frightening. Nowadays, they all reached the peak of Xianjun's later period. The amount of the day is definitely not white. I hope that the opponent of any of the three people of Xu Ziyan will face three sieges now. It is difficult to die.

Chu Yun’s heart suddenly saw a glimpse. Since Xu Ziyan had already grasped the super-power alliance, what did she come here? When I think of it, I can't help but look at the eyes of the inquiries.

The look of Xu Ziyan began to dignified and solemnly said: "The battle between the Chu chiefs, the Xu family alliance and the super-power alliance will soon pass. However, with the battle of our two alliances, the Zhongyuan Galaxy The crisis is really coming."

Chu Yun’s look was a glimpse, and then he thought about it. The more he thought about the look, the more dignified he was. Xu Ziyan saw that Chu Yun’s look was dignified, and this continued:

"After the end of the battle between the Xujia Alliance and the Super Forces Alliance, the entire Zhongyuan Galaxy faced a big panic and a big reshuffle. In this case, we cannot help but guard against the hidden family. If the hidden family is here The opportunity to begin to annex the planets is the disaster of the Central Galaxy."

Chu Yun moved his eyes to the opposite Xu Zi flue: "How is Xu Daoyou prepared?"

Xu Ziyan said sincerely: "The Chu chief, first of all, I don't want to erupt between the two of you and me. I said, I came here with the sincerity of thanking you for being neutral for 40 years.

The fairy war between the Xu family alliance and the super-power alliance was undoubtedly won by the Xu family alliance. It is reasonable to say that everything that the super-power alliance now has will belong to the Xu family. Whether it is the planet in the mainstream fairy world of the Zhongyuan Galaxy or the planet in the Xinghai, it should be the spoils of our Xujia Alliance. ”

Xu Ziyan’s words sounded, and his eyes stared at the opposite Chu Yun. There was a bitter bitterness on Chu Yun’s face. What can he say?

Xu Ziyan said that there is no mistake at all. All this is won by the Xujia Alliance. If the Chu family wants to possess it, it must launch a fairy war with the Xu family.

If this was before, Chu Yundong would not hesitate to launch the fairy war, and even destroy the Xu family. He thought so before, but now, does Chu have this strength? And once I think of it, even if the Chu family will eventually destroy the Xu family, but it will face another hidden family of the giants, he immediately shudders. Poorly, I still planned this way, so I planned to put a confident look in front of my younger brother Chu Yunfei. However, now that Xu Ziyan came back, he revealed the strength of Xiaobai and hope, and everything he imagined became a bubble.

Seeing the bitterness of Chu Yun’s face, Xu Ziyan knows that the purpose of coming here today should be reached, and the mood is slightly relaxed, whispered:

"Chu chief, I decided to give the family of the family to the Chu family, and the family of Jiang and Yun family will leave us. As for the base camp of Tianzhu League, it is not a good place. It is not important. In addition, one-third of the stars of the Star Alliance and the mainstream fairy world owned by the Super Forces Alliance are given to you Chu, and we have two-thirds of the family. If the Chu chief has no objections, we will divide it now."

Chu Yun moved deeply and took a deep breath. He knew that Chu and Xu’s alliance had become imperative. This is not the desire of the Xu family, but the needs of both sides. The Chu family and the Xu family must form an alliance, and then unite the Zhongyuan galaxies against the hidden family.

What is the inheritance of the Xu family, what knocks the bamboo bar of the Xu family, and Chu Yundong at this time no longer has such an idea. The price of the negotiation depends on the strength of both parties. Now the Chu family does not have the slightest advantage in front of the Xu family. What can Chu Yunyun say? Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to send out one-third of the spoils. This one-third of the spoils is not a small number, and the Chu family can get it without any effort. What can Chu Yunyun say at this time?

Slightly sinking a bit, Chu Yun feels that Xu Ziyan is so good at Chu, so he can't go any further. And from this moment on, the two are already in alliance, and in order to strengthen the friendship between the two sides, the Chu family must also make something. More crucially, the Chu family has already made preparations. If it is not cited, it will waste human and material resources. Therefore, Chu Yundong only slightly indulged, and then showed up:

"Xu Daoyou, I will also give you a present."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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