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"Xu Daoyou, I will also give you a present."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan looked at Chu Yun with interest.

“Oh...” Chu Yun said with a smile: “I made arrangements at the first time I heard you return. I sent 80,000 monks and 30,000 celestial boats, and secretly left in batches. The family, at this time, has been hiding in a hidden place outside the city of Yueji. When you and the super-power alliance battle, our Chu family will definitely give Xu Tiantian an unexpected blow."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan said sincerely, slightly indulged: "This way, the one-third of the planet that was given to the Chu family was changed to half. The Xu family and the Chu family each got half."

"Good!" Chu Yundong was also unceremonious and nodded.

After two hours, Xu Ziyan quietly left, looking back at the Chu family, Xu Ziyan's face showed a smile.

The half-winning planet was given to the Chu family. This is the plan she had set before she came to see Chu Yun. The Xu family wanted the Chu family to send troops, not like Xu Ziyan said in front of Chu Yun. If the Chu family does not send troops, the Xu family alliance and the super-power alliance will die. After the Xu family wins the victory, they will be badly hurt. Not to mention other ranks of monks, the monks of the Xianjun period may have a lot of degeneration.

With the participation of the Chu family, it is completely different, which will greatly reduce the loss of the Xu family. On the other hand. After this fairy war, Xu will win a lot of planets, and Xu's heritage is simply not enough to control so many planets. In particular, after 40 years of war, Xu’s original monks will be reduced. If Xu Jia is going to run these planets. Do the monks of the Xu family still have to cultivate?

It is not handed over to those families who have gone to Xu to go to business, because there are only fifty-six families who have gone to Xu family, and the thousands of real planets won, that is, these families can't cope. and so. It is a wise choice to give half to the Chu family, and only the old family like the Chu family can easily eat so many planets.

Moreover, through the negotiation strategy of Xu Ziyan, he sent out the planet he could not manage, and he got the help of the Chu family. This is the best result.

One and a half months later.

Outside the Yueji City, the Xujia Alliance and the Super Forces Alliance are attacking and defending fiercely. There was a sudden whistle in the sky, and the whistle of the whistle expanded and spread in space. Covered the entire battlefield...

This kind of flute sound makes all the monks outside Yueji City sleepy, and the amount of heaven is shocked.

This is... the soul of the Xu family's sound works to kill the soul!

All the monks stopped, including the Xujia Alliance monks in Yueji City. The eyes of everyone looked at the sky.

Above the sky.

A long white cloud, the thick white clouds suddenly swelled up and separated to the two sides. A woman in a jeweled blue dress stepped on a white cloud and gradually descended from the separated clouds, but it was Xu Ziyan’s foot cloud baby. Playing the ecstasy.

A tail is dissipated in the air. Xu Ziyan took the jade flute in his hand and looked at it from below. The eyes of all the monks below are also looking towards Xu Ziyan.

"The Holy Father is back!"

"Holy ancestors!"

"Holy ancestors!"

There was a warm cheer in the city of Yueji. The whole battle of Jicheng opened in the whole month. Four war castles, hundreds of thousands of fairy boats and more than one million monks emerged from the city of Yueji.

The Super Forces Alliance began to slowly recede backwards and backwards. They have already understood that since Yueji City will completely open the defensive shields, this is to fight with them. This time, it is necessary to stand firm.

For half an hour, the two sides confronted each other in the air. There is a spacious space in the middle. A suffocating atmosphere in the entire space. A dignity that is about to begin in the war.

Xu Ziyan still looked up and looked down at the sky, and did not fall to the Xu family camp. Xu Zitian looked up at Xu Ziyan above the cloud baby, his eyes could not help but flash.

"Xu Ziyan actually broke through to the peak of Xianjun!"

He is pondering the extent to which the current strength of Xu Ziyan will be reached, but he hears the beautiful voice of Xu Ziyan falling from the air:

"The following families listen. The real enemies of our Xu family are only Tianzhu League, Yunjia and Xiangjia. The rest of the first-class families will pay 500 million yuan to the Chinese family after the end of this war. On the second-rate family Paying 300 million yuan of the best, the third-rate family turned over 100 million yuan, and now immediately leaves the super-power alliance, I promise that the purple family will not be rude to you."

The super-power alliance immediately rioted, and Xu Ziyan shouted coldly: "I only give a fragrant time. A family that has not left in the fragrance will become the enemy of Xu family. The brother of Sirius, burns incense!"

On top of a war castle, Xu Tianlang's figure appeared suddenly, lit a scent of incense in the incense burner, and then looked coldly opposite.

"Everyone! Everyone!" Xu Liangtian, Yunbao and Xiangmou are in a hurry: "Don't listen to the lie of Xu Ziyan, Xu family will not let you go. We can only destroy the Xu family, it is the real safety of the family."

"The disciple of Lujia listened to the order and immediately left here and returned to the family."

Xu Liangtian, Yunbao and Xiangmou’s voices have not yet fallen, and Lu Yuying made the first decision to leave here. When Zhou Wei and his family were extinguished by superpowers, they had already chilled Lu Xinying’s heart. Only Zhou’s family was destroyed, and she did not dare to make a move away from the super-power alliance. What's more, the Chu family and the hidden family have already announced that they will not accept the family of the super-power alliance to come and go, blocking her way.

But it is different now. Xu Ziyan promised not to be arrogant, she believed Xu Ziyan. Therefore, she immediately made a decision and took the family disciples to the periphery.

"Lu Yuying!" Xiang Mou screamed and screamed, and a large hand condensed a large hand to the reeds.

"The patriarch!"

The monk of Lujia was shocked. Lu Yingying wants to dodge, but finds that she has been bound by the giant hand in the air. I think she may be a rival of the mid-ninth peak of the Xianjun. In the face of Xiang Mou, she simply did not have the slightest effort to fight back.

The big hand that looks at the air is going to be photographed on Lu Yuying’s head. The eyes of the family’s monks in the super-power alliance show the sorrowful eyes of rabbits.


Suddenly, the air condensed a big hand and rushed over the big hand of Xiangmou, but it was Xu Ziyan’s shot.


Xiangmou’s battle power in the mid-term of the Xianjun and Xu Ziyan’s battle in the mid-term of the Xianjun’s peak was too far apart, and the big hand broke down into a storm, and the big hand that Xu Ziyan condensed remained. I shot the past toward Xiangmou.

Xiangmou can't hide, how to say that he is also a mid-peak of Xianjun, the strength is the same as Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan is dodging under the crowd, how can he mix in the future?

So he fought a fist and slammed the palm of the hand against the sky. With his fist, a huge fist imaginary figure flew out and slammed into the big palm of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Liangtian whispered a sigh, and suddenly slammed a fist to the big palm of Xu Ziyan in the air. At this time, the large palm that Xu Ziyan condensed had collided with the boxing force released by Xiangmou. Without any pause, he smashed the virtual image of the fist and slammed the past toward Xiangmou’s head.

At this time, Xiangmou realized that he and Xu Ziyan were in a gap. When they wanted to dodge, they found that they could not dodge, and they were bound by Xu Ziyan. The eyes looked at the sharp palms, and the hair was blown sharply backwards by the palm of the hand. Even the muscles on the face were deformed, and the eyes were desperate.


In the oblique thorn, a shot of the sky was bombarded, and there was a riot in the sky. The cracks in the small space were everywhere, and it took a quarter of an hour to restore calm. Xu Mou’s trepidation looked at Xu Ziyan in the high air. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was looking at Xu Tiantian. At the same time, Xu’s gaze was also coming over, and the two people’s eyes collided in the air.

Lu Shengying glanced at Xu Ziyan in the high air, his lips squirming, and finally did not say anything, leading the family disciples to quickly leave.


There is a model of the first-class family Lu Yuying, and Xu Ziyan just shot to save Lu Yuying, which proves that Xu Ziyan must speak. All the dependent families, even if they used to be Tianzhumeng, the family of the irons and the family's hard-core family also quickly left.

It was only two quarters of an hour. On the opposite side of the Xujia League, there were only three families of the Tianzhu League, the Yunjia and the Xiangjia.

Xu Ziyan, who has been locked with Xu Tiantian, slowly rises toward the sky and shouts at the same time:

"Xu Tiantian, can you dare to fight with me?"

"as you wish!"

This kind of public warfare, Xu Tiantian can not refuse. And there is an idea in his mind that as long as Xu Ziyan is killed, Xu will no longer be a threat. And he still has confidence in himself, although Xu Ziyan is very strong, but it should be stronger.

Xu Ziyan above the sky quickly slammed the sleeves, and his body shape accelerated to think of flying at high altitude. Under her body, the sky was followed by a sharp arrow.

The shape of the two men quickly disappeared, rushing out of the atmosphere and rushing into the void...

Outside the city of Yueji.

The Xujia League and the three-and-a-half families have not moved. They seem to be waiting for the result of the engagement between Zi Zi and Xu Tian, ​​and they seem to have scruples about each other and maintain a subtle calm.

However, this calm was broken by a big laugh: "Ha ha ha..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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