The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1675: tough

Zhang Baiwei's four Xianjun mid-peak peaks looked at Xu Qinyang's four people and found that Chu Yunfei and Chu Yunhai were both the masters of the mid-Jianjun peak. Xu Qinyang was the mid-Sinjun, and Xu Tianwo was the peak of Xianjun. However, the four people are faintly headed by Xu Tianmao who is the lowest.

"Please!" Zhang Baiwei asked for help.

"Please!" Xu Tianwo is also polite.

"Ha ha ha ... peers, peers!"

Zhang Baiwei stretched out his hand and grabbed it against Xu Tianwo’s arm, as if he were going to arm. Xu Tianlu smiled faintly, letting the other person hold his arm, Zhang Baiwei’s eyes flashed, and the power of Xianjun’s mid-peak peak hit the body of Xu Tianwo. He wants to give Xu Tianlang a horsepower and take advantage of the negotiation for a while.


He seemed to hear a humming sound. This humming sound seemed to be the sound of the beginning of the heavens and the earth, as if a space was shaking, only feeling that another force in the Xutian wolf rushed toward his own strength. Instantly broke his internal force and rushed into his body. Looking down, the colorful colors appearing on the back of Xu Tianwo's hand are slamming into his arm.

Immediately mobilized the strength of the whole body to attack the other side, but forced to retreat that colorful color, the strength of both sides actually stagnated between the hands.

It was not far from the center of Yuntai. When he walked to the center of Yuntai and Xu Tianwo took the initiative to recover Yuanli, Zhang Baiwei also hurriedly recovered his own strength, and his heart was shocked:

"All said that Xu Qinyang is the root of the five attributes, can be more difficult to challenge, how can this Xu Tianwo be able to challenge more and more? What is the faint five-color plaque? Is the Xu family so strong?"

Both sides are seated in the center of Yuntai. A few words of enthusiasm, Zhang Baiwei opened the door and said:

"The stars of Xinghai are occupied by our hidden family. They originally had nothing to do with your Xu family and Chu family. They are all cloud families who have already destroyed the family. The original planet of Jiang, Xiangjia and Tianzhu League is the original The planet belonging to your Xu family is also taken from the super-power alliances of the Yun family and the Jiang family. Therefore, there is no reason for our hidden family to hand over the Xinghai planet to your Xu family and Chu family."

Xu Tianwo shook his head and smiled: "Zhang Daoyou. I really want to know why you can say this? Whether it is Yunjia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhu League, or our Xu family was once taken away by the super-power alliance. Xinghai Planet, these are not related to their hidden family. This is the fairy war between our two alliances. Now we have won the family. These planets are naturally the spoils of our family. Is it the hidden family to take away? Are we the spoils of our family?"

Zhang Baiwei smiled and said: "Xu Daoyou, things can not be said. Xinghai is the Xinghai, the mainstream Xiuxian is the mainstream of the immortal world. Our hidden family did not interfere with the mainstream of the Zhongyuan galaxy, this Xinghai family has spent It is an indisputable fact that human and material resources have been taken down."

Chu Yunfei said coldly: "But they don't belong to you."

Zhang Baiwei said with dissatisfaction: "Chu Daoyou, unfortunately, sometimes it is strength to decide everything. Our hidden family has occupied three years."

Xu Qinyang said faintly: "So, we are here."

Dongfang Wu saw that both sides were arrogant, and the seats were filled with gunpowder. They hurriedly said: "You, we are talking about this matter, it is better to say slowly."

The Xu family and the Chu family were all sitting there with a cold face, but they stopped their mouths and looked at the Oriental Wu.

The heavy rain hit the top of the shroud and slanted down, causing some distortion of the outside scenery. Dongfang Wu said softly:

"The weather in Xinghai is really bad. It is not a good place to start the fairy war. Our hidden family is not too good. You can make a little concession, lest you have some damage after just experienced the fairy war. I think we I hope that there is a peaceful environment to cultivate, instead of consuming energy in the fairy war."

Dongfang Wu Shen said with a sigh: "Xinghai has occupied us for three years and has been operating for three years. This is beyond doubt. It belongs to our hidden family. We can make some concessions. But we can't make too much. If You agree that our hidden family can give you one-tenth of the planet occupied in these three years. But the rest of the planet will always belong to us."

"Not bad!" Zhang Baiwei also nodded and said: "This is already the biggest concession we can make. If you disagree, you will only be able to usher in the battle."

Four people, such as Xu Tianwo, looked at each other and they felt a little surprised. Before they came, they all expected that the hidden family would strongly reject the Xu family and the Chu family, or put forward very harsh conditions to exchange Xinghai planet.

To be honest, the four of them came here just to take a form and didn't want to give the hidden family a handle that was not declared. I didn't expect the other party to make a concession. Although the concession was very small and humiliating, the other party gave in.

At this time, Xu Tianwo and others have some trends that do not know how to talk about it. If you start bargaining with the hidden family, it is to inherit the sovereignty of the family in Xinghai. It is certainly impossible to get all the planets back. And if you immediately reject the other party, this means starting the fairy war.

There was nothing to open the fairy war. Originally Xu and Chu were preparing to start the fairy war, but now people have made concessions and come up with a gesture of talking with you. At this time, Xu Jia and Chu Jia put on a gesture to open the fairy war. This requires Xu Jia and Chu Jia to have great determination and great strength.

Big determination is there, but this strength?

Compared with the hidden family, the Xu family and the Chu family are really not strong enough.

At this time, I couldn’t just open it. Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo, Chu Yunfei and Chu Yunhai communicated in secret.

Chu Yunhaidao: "Everyone, I don't think we can open this thing casually. Is it better for us to report to the family?"

Xu Tianwo showed his hesitant color, and Xu Qinyang also showed meditation. Chu Yunfei thought for a moment:

"Everyone, the strength of the hidden family is not something we can resist. They have made concessions now, and then we refused at this time. Will it make the whole hidden family angry? If the hidden family is sent from the hidden world. A lot of masters..."

Xu Tianwo slightly frowned, Xu Jia and Chu family are only alliance relations, Chu Yunfei is not a Xu family monk, otherwise Xu Tianwo will directly blame him. And Xu Tianwo's heart is very clear, Xu Ziyan is not trying to come back to the hidden family with a few planets, but to return all the stars, including the five super-power alliances that were given to the hidden family.

It is obvious that the hidden family is trying to throw a little bit of sweetness, and then show their strong strength, so that the Xu family and the Chu family alliance will retreat.

Xu Qinyang seems to have finally made up his mind: "Everyone, we can't promise, we have to get back what we belong to. What is this? Is it the charity of the hidden family?"

Xu Tianwo’s look has also become firm, but at this time Xu’s family has a purple smoke, and he can’t make a decision. Then the condensate said:

"Dear friends, our Xu family and Chu family are also peace-loving, but this matter is here, I think it is not that you and us can decide. Our family's ancestors and Chu family patriarchs at this time In the war castles on the edge of the Xinghai Sea, do you also let the people who can really be the masters come out, are the two sides continuing to negotiate here, or are they going to talk to us?"

Zhang Baiwei and other four people also talked about it and raised his head and said: "Well, we are now inviting both of us to come here to discuss."

"Good!" Xu Tianlang took out the communication jade.

"Slow!" Zhang Baiwei reached out and stopped Xu Tianwo: "We don't want you to send another war castle. We are just talking about not going to war."

"Good!" Xu Tianlang nodded happily.

In less than a quarter of an hour, both sides put down the jade briefing. At this time, there was nothing on the two sides of the talks, and the atmosphere between the seats was warm. Everyone talked about each other and exchanged ideas about cultivation.

Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong received a message from Xu Tianwo and Chu Yunfei respectively. The two men gathered together to exchange ideas, and then they took the baby to the Xinghai.

The rainstorm in Xinghai does not know when it has stopped. The entire Xinghai is characterized by its rich water and its colorful light.

Xu Ziyan and Chu Yun moved into the cloud baby, looking through the transparent window in front of the negotiating place.

The main characters of both sides finally sat face to face, and the negotiations began with a relaxed atmosphere, but ended with a tense atmosphere. The opinions of the two sides cannot be unified at all.

The Hidden Family adheres to Xinghai as their sovereignty, and at most gives way to the one-third planet originally belonging to Yunjia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhumeng and Xujia. Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong insisted that all the planets originally belonging to Yunjia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhumeng and Xujia must be returned to Xujia and Chujia. As for their occupation for three years, they have been exploiting resources for three years. No, it was given to the hidden family.

The hidden family cannot agree to the conditions of the Xu family and the Chu family. Similarly, the Xu family and the Chu family cannot agree to the conditions of the hidden family.

The two sides are not happy!

Moreover, the shame and uneasiness of the hidden family is that the Xu family and the Chu family did not ask for the time and place of the next negotiation, which means that the Xu family and the Chu family alliance will fight against the hidden family.

When did the family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy dare to be so tyrannical to the hidden family?

No! there has never been!

In the past, the Clan family sent a disciple. The family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy was very respectful, but now they have taken the initiative to express their desire to fight the hidden family. This cannot help the family of the hidden world to be ashamed.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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