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The monks in the Xinghai family are also uneasy in the anger of the Xinghai. After all, the families in the hidden world have not given them the order to fight the Zhongyuan galaxies. If they start the war, they will take responsibility for provoke the fairy war. . If they are able to defeat the Xu family and the Chu family with the power of Xinghai, if they fail, they will drag the hidden world into the fairy war, what will be waiting for their ending?

The hidden family in Xinghai immediately held a meeting and a short meeting made a decision. The hidden family cannot absolutely compromise the Zhongyuan galaxies, and it is absolutely impossible to lower the noble head. Otherwise, the hidden family will no longer exist in the high position of the middle galaxies. If this result appears because of them, they are ready to meet the anger of the families of the hidden world.

And they also calculated that although there are very few monks in the Xinghai family, there are only sixty-six people. However, these sixty-six people are Xianjun period, and there are five peaks of the late Xianjun, which completely overwhelm the Xu family and the Chu family alliance at the top level.

There are also the third-rate families and countless influential families that they have recruited over the past few decades. Now there are nearly two million monks in Xinghai. Their cultivation is low, but these families can make up 80,000 canals. These forces add up. It is not necessarily lost to the Xu family and the Chu family.

The most important two aspects can be decided to finally win the hidden family. One is that they have five peaks of the late Xianjun, as long as they look for opportunities to continually kill the Xianjun monks in the Xu family and the Chu family. Xu Jiahe Chu family will be afraid, they will fear.

The other is that once the fairy war is opened, the Xu family and the Chu family will inevitably kill the monks from the third-rate and non-influenza families attached to the hidden family. This will lead to death. In this way, they can let them summon monks from the family, knowing that the sum of the monks in these families has exceeded 10 million, which is for the Xu family and the Chu family. Definitely a disaster.

Therefore, the hidden family in the Xinghai decided to fight in the first battle, and at the same time began to gather the power of the Xinghai, and sent people back to the hidden world, and reported everything here to the families in the hidden world.

However, what makes them strange is that the Xu family and the Chu family alliance are silent. There is no attack like the hidden family, but they have not retreated, so they are quietly stationed on the edge of the Xinghai.

The Xu family and the Chu family did not move, and the hidden family could not move. Because the situation here is not known to the mainland, they also want to be dragged to the hidden world to send people, and they do not want to shoulder such a big responsibility. The two spaces cannot be contacted by the communication jade, only the people are sent back.

The distance between the two spaces, combined with the sheer size of the hidden continent, will take at least eight months to go. The hidden family wants Xu and Chu to drag on, and it is best to drag for eight months.

At the same time, they were very suspicious and uneasy about the Xujia and Chu family's immobility, and sent a monk to inquire. Did not find out the slightest news. The Xujia and Chujia alliances are silently stationed on the edge of the Xinghai. Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong and others are just drinking and drinking, as if they are here for sightseeing.

However, Xu Jia and Chu Jiayue are so calm, the more the hidden family feels uneasy, the time passes by, the two and a half months have passed, and the Xu family and the Chu family still have no movement.


Sea night star.

Sixty-five Xianjun monks of the hidden family, 80,000 Xianzhou and nearly two million three-stream and non-influx families suddenly rioted.

The reason for the riots was simple, two and a half months ago. After Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong and the hidden family talked about collapse. Xu Ziyan and Chu Yun moved back to the family. Immediately began to send a lot of monks through the transmission line secret. The purpose of these monks is to go straight to the three-stream and non-influous family of families that are attached to the hidden family.

The Xujia and Chujia alliances did not send a large army, but each family sent a monk to bring these monks to the patriarchs attached to the hidden family:

"I will immediately retreat from the hidden family and will recall the monks in Xinghai. Otherwise, they will destroy their ethnic groups. Let these families stay in Xinghai to be a native of Xinghai, and never want to return to the mainstream to cultivate the world."

For which families belong to the hidden family. The Chu family is very familiar with it. After all, the Chu family still has a planet in the Xinghai. These decades have also been concerned about the hidden family.

In order to cause a sensational effect, Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong, in order to cause the turmoil of Xinghai’s nearly two million adherents to the hidden family monks, and increase the pressure on them, the two men have been negotiated, so that those who go to the secluded world The family's third-rate and non-influous family monks did not visit the family after they arrived, but stayed.

Because of the huge size of the Zhongyuan galaxies, the places where these families lived were far and near. After two and a half months, all the monks sent by the news came back through the news of the jade. After the report was in place, Xu Ziyan and Chu Yun moved. Orders to let them act in unison.

These patriarchs attached to the third-rate and non-influenza families of the hidden family received the wanted of the Xu family and the Chu family, and they were immediately stupid. Their roots are in the mainstream of the Chinese galaxies, not in the Xinghai. Xinghai is just a place to get resources, let them throw away the family and follow the hidden family in the Xinghai. How is this possible?

And is it that they want to go to Xinghai?

At this time, the Xujia and Chujia alliances have blocked the edge of the Xinghai Sea. I am afraid that when they reach the edge of the Xinghai Sea, they will be killed by the Xujia and Chujia alliances.

Therefore, these families immediately made a decision, and they contacted the heads of the Xinghai family to communicate with the jade, so that they immediately left the Xinghai family with the family monks.

No family dares to resist.

Xu Jiahe and Chu family have put too much pressure on them. Although the hidden family is high, they are not the true masters of the Zhongyuan galaxies. The patriarchs of these families are not stupid. The hidden family is only sixty people in Xinghai. The family and the Chu family have already dispatched five million monks at this time. Even if the hidden family has five peaks of the late Xianjun, can it really withstand the siege of five million monks?

And there is no doubt that the disciples of these families who remain in Xinghai will become the cannon fodder of the hidden family. These disciples are **** for the hidden family, but they are all elites for their small family! Therefore, the patriarchs of these families did not hesitate, and a message was sent to Xinghai by jade.

This is the reason for the sea night star riots.

On the platform above the height of the war castle, Xu Ziyan’s mouth was hung with a light smile on a recliner, and the layout that had been dragged for so long finally began.

A figure flashed through the air, and Chu Yun moved down on the platform. He walked down to another lounge chair next to Xu Ziyan, and put his hands behind his head and said leisurely:

"You don't worry at all?"

“What are you worried about?” Xu Ziyan chuckled: “The hidden family is not the original super-power alliance. Their power here is still too small, only sixty people, even if they are Xianjun.

Therefore, they did not dare to kill a few fierce families like the super-power alliance to force the monks in the Xinghai to fight with us. So they completely offended all the monks of the Zhongyuan galaxy. After this war, they went there to recruit monks to exploit resources in Xinghai for them.

You know, even if we take back the planet that should belong to us, their hidden family still has more than 100 planets in Xinghai. Do you have a monk to mine resources for them? Otherwise, they are just empty planets and cannot get resources. You don't think that the hidden family will send a large number of monks from the hidden world to the Xinghai mining resources. ”

"Ha ha ha..." Chu Yun laughed happily.

Xu Ziyan unfolded his arms and lazily stretched out a lazy waist and said softly: "And those monks in Xinghai are not threatened by the hidden family. Whether it is a big family or a small family, it can continue, It is because of the family spirit that this spirit allows each monk to sacrifice himself and protect the family.

Because he has his parents, children, relatives and friends in the family. Therefore, once the hidden family made a persecution, those monks in the Xinghai would rather be jade. After all, it is not the hidden family that controls their family's life and death, but the two alliances between you and me, because their ethnic groups are in the mainstream to cultivate the immortal world, not in the Xinghai. ”

Chu Yun moved to his face and looked at Xu Ziyan. He said sincerely: "Xu Daoyou, the most correct decision I made in my life is that when you are not there, you are not enemies with Xu."

Xu Ziyan also looked across the face and looked at the Chu Yun movement in silence. For a long time, said faintly:

"Chu Daoyou, have you really had no idea for 40 years?"

Chu Yun was silent, and his eyes flashed in hesitation. In the end, I sighed: "I thought about it, and I am actively preparing. In my imagination, no matter who wins or loses both of you, the winner will win the tragic, the strength will go to the nine, and the Chu family can take the thunder. Less than the slap in the face, the winner will be defeated. From then on, there will be only one super family in Chu.

Self-deprecating smiled and said: "I didn't think that you really didn't have an accident. Although I once speculated that you won't have an accident, but you haven't appeared for forty years, Xu has reached the last moment of being destroyed. You still don't appear. This can't Let me not change my original thoughts. However, you finally appear, and it is a strong appearance, so that all my plans are lost. Xu Daoyou, I have the idea that you will not blame me?"

“How come?” Xu Ziyan shook his head gently and said sincerely: “That is an opportunity. A family is in front of such an opportunity. If you don’t grasp it, then the family’s decline will not be far away. I will not Blame you, and this thing has not happened after all, are we two now not alliances?"

"Xu Daoyou..." Chu Yun’s face showed a worrying color.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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