The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1677: as you wish

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Chu brother, I know what you mean. You are thinking that after the two alliances ended their work on the hidden family, did the alliance come to an end? Will the situation become us two? Home fighting, are you worried that our family will launch a family war against your Chu family? And with our current strength, if we have a family war, the final victory may be our home."

"Yes! I am very worried!" Chu Yun said sincerely: "But now I am relieved."

"Well? Why?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"Because you just called me a brother of Chu, with my understanding of you, this means that you have no idea of ​​fighting with our Chu family in your heart. Purple smoke, thank you!"

Both of them tacitly changed the name of each other, and the relationship seems to have pulled in a lot. Xu Ziyan smiled lightly:

"Chu brother, you don't have to thank me. This is the situation of the Zhongyuan Galaxy that requires you and I must do this."

"You mean..." Chu Yun moved a little.

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan's look became serious: "The hidden family is always the threat of the Zhongyuan galaxies, the common enemy of the Zhongyuan galaxies. And only one super family of the Zhongyuan galaxies is unhealthy, and this family is fading. Even the signs of extinction.

Because there is only one super family, this super family will lose the competitive mind, without a sense of crisis, there will be no incentive to make progress. Although there must be a firm belief in the pursuit of heaven, but the atmosphere of the entire family will gradually become loose. Therefore, having a strong opponent is an indispensable condition for the development of a super family. just……"

Xu Ziyan looked at Chu Yun seriously, and said: "I hope that both of us will leave a rule from this moment. As a generation of ancestral training, we can compete, can be antagonistic, and can open small family wars. This has benefits for the development of the family without any harm, but it cannot open a large-scale fairy war that will kill the other side. The Chinese galaxies need us to coexist."

"Ziyan, thank you!" Chu Yun said sincerely.

Xu Ziyan lay back in the chair and looked at the long Baiyun Road: "Chu brother. The world is impermanent. Now Xu family is stronger than your Chu family, but who knows in the future? I hope this ancestral training can restrain our two future generations. The patriarch."

"I also hope that!"

The two men went silent again, but the atmosphere between them was much tighter. The seemingly random conversation between the two men on this war castle laid the way for the millions of years of the galaxy.

Suddenly, Chu Yundong broke the silent road: "Ziyan, are we using this opportunity to order all the families of the Zhongyuan Galaxy not to be attached to the hidden family, so that the hidden family has no monks to exploit resources for them in Xinghai? Are they completely forced away?"

Xu Ziyan solemnly shook his head and said: "No. This will completely anger the hidden family, we... after all, not the opponent of the entire hidden family."


The two men’s communication jade screamed at the same time. Two people sat up on the reclining chair and took out the jade jade. Then the faces of both of them showed a smile. Xu Ziyan and Chu Yun looked at each other and smiled. Jane issued a command:

"Take action!"

On the sea, the stars flew out of the dense monks and fairy boats and flew toward the edge of the Xinghai Sea. Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo stood on the high platform of the war castle. Looking at the opposite of the monk's fairy boat, there was a smile on his face.

The opposite monk stopped at a distance of hundreds of meters from the Xu family and the Chu family. A monk came out from the fairy boat and flew to the Xu family and the Chu family. To fly to the front, Xu Qinyang, Xu Tianwo and Chu Yunfei standing on the platforms of the two Xianzhou, Chu Yunhai arched the ceremony:

"The warriors and monks met with the predecessors in the war, we have already received the family's orders, let us quickly leave the Xinghai, and ask the seniors to allow us to leave."

Xu Qinyang said with a smile: "You don't have to return to the family, just retreat to one side. After we talk with the hidden family. You can still exploit resources for them. We will not blame you."

“Really?” The look of the sky is a glimpse.

"Really." Xu Qinyang nodded. "You go back and inform them, first go to a nearby planet to rest!"

"Yes, seniors!"

The battle days flew back, and after a while. The dense monks and fairy boats flew toward a nearby planet, and soon the front of the Xu family and the Chu family alliance was open.

"let us start!"

Xu Qinyang said with a smile. The two wolves on the two war castles. Chu Yunfei and Chu Yunhai both smiled and nodded. The two war castles were pioneers, followed by 200,000 ships and five million monks. There are also two war castles in the middle of the 200,000 fairy boat, carrying Xu Ziyan, Chu Yundong and other monks flying toward the sea night star.

Four hours later, the huge fleet landed on the sea night star, standing alone on the sky night star with sixty-five Xianjun period monks. The five peaks of the late Xianjun monks were full of red faces, and they saw that the army surrounded them in one place, but there was no fear. It is not that they still have the grasp of winning, not only, but also that the 200,000 Xianzhou fires together, and their sixty-five celestial princes will instantly become gray.

However, they are not afraid, they do not believe that Xu Jia and Chu Jia dare to do so. If Xu Jia and Chu Jia are really crazy to this point, then wait for the opening of the Zhongyuan Galaxy and the hidden world.

However, their actions were undoubtedly defeated, and they were very miserable. They had lost only 65 of them without going to war. They did not have the power to fight back.

I thought that they had thrown the messengers of the Xu family and the Chu family out of the Xinghai. This time, I am afraid they will be thrown out of the Xinghai one by one. Although they think that Xu Jia and Chu Jia did not dare to kill them like this, but who can be sure that the other party will not be crazy to that extent? Especially the Xu Ziyan who frantically killed several super families in a row, who knows what crazy things she will do?

I heard that she is very young, very young, only a hundred years old. Young people are impulsive. Sometimes they don’t consider the consequences at all. They have to fight against such young people and have to worry about these old guys.

However, they were not able to accept such humiliation, and they were thrown out by the monks of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It is to retreat, but also to retreat with glory in the righteousness.

Gong Lingjun, one of the five peaks of the late Xianjun, took a step forward and shouted: "Please ask Ziyan, Chu Yun to speak out."

The sky is flashing, Xu Ziyan and Chu Yun move in the encirclement, looking at each other with a smile.

Gong Lingjun’s face is like a waterway: “Xu Ziyan, Chu Yundong, you are not afraid to attract the wrath of the hidden continent? Do you really think that the alliance between the two of you can withstand the wrath of the hidden world?”

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "You still can't represent the hidden world? Even you can't even represent the Gong family. If it is Gong Ming, maybe I will consider it."

Gong Lingjun’s eyes narrowed: “Do you know Gong elders?”

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at him behind him. He said: “I not only know Gong Ming, but also know Hong’s dust. After this incident, I will choose a time to visit them.”

The faces of Gong Lingjun and Hong Tuyang have changed. Gong Ming and Hong Dust are the first masters of the two families except the ancestors. They are the ancestors of the family in the future, but they can be seen from the relaxed tone of Xu Ziyan. She is definitely not talking big. Their look became hesitant, but in the end they still had a bite, but the tone became much more polite:

"Xu Daoyou, we have two ways to choose from you."

"Talk about it!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

Gong Lingjun took a breath and said in a deep voice: "One road is that you immediately use these 200,000 yuan boats to kill us sixty-five people. We will stand here and will not wait for you to blast."

Xu Ziyan smiled and smiled a bit ridiculously: "Do you threaten us with this? We threaten us to use your death in exchange for the fairy war between the Chinese Yuan and the hidden world. You are betting that we dare not kill you. ""

The monk's face of the hidden family became awkward, and Gong Lingjun just wanted to refute, but he saw Xu Ziyan waving his hand gently:

"You can't afford to see yourself. If you don't listen, you are a monk who breaks through hopelessness in each family. It is a disciple who has been abandoned by the family. You think that your life can make your family make peace. Does the Yuan Galaxy decide to open the fairy war? Your age is not too small, how can it be so naive, so... not reliable?"

Sixty-five seclusion kings suddenly rose their faces, but they did not wait for them to counterattack, and Xu Ziyan faintly opened:

"Well, the monks of our Zhongyuan Galaxy are not the Mozu, but also the compassionate heart. If you have no last resort, you will not take your life. Continue, talk about the second road you are ready for."

Gong Lingjun hated and swallowed a spit and said, but the tone is not so confident:

"If you have adopted the method just now, although you have obtained these Xinghai planets for a while, I firmly believe that our family will not let you go."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan has a spring breeze: "Speaking something reliable."

"You..." Gong Lingjun's chest violently undulating, and finally suppressed the evil air in his chest: "There is still a way we can temporarily withdraw from these planets, but we can't guarantee that we will not wait for you after the family comes. Revenge."

I glanced at Xu Ziyan and found that Xu Ziyan didn't have a look of fear. The heart couldn't help but feel depressed.

"We have a trial between the two sides. The two sides sent five monks, three wins in three battles. The winner can temporarily own these planets."

"As you wish!" Xu Ziyan said unchanged.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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