The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1678: Hidden world come

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Gong Lingjun is a look, Xu Ziyan promised too much pain, this is too abnormal. He was also prepared to sneer at the other side when Xu Ziyan refused, and then made a concession and sent a monk with the strength of the other side to play. He knows the situation today and they have to let the stars out of the stars, they just want to leave in a decent way. However, he did not expect that Xu Ziyan would have promised without any conditions.

This is very abnormal.

The hidden family has five peaks in the late Xianjun, and what is the Xujia and Chujia alliances?

Only Chu Yun moved a peak of the late Xianjun, and it was not yet able to beat the peak of the late Xianjun of the hidden family. Xu family is a monk who can overcome the challenges of the order, but it is only able to overcome the challenges, but it does not mean that it can win and win. What does Xu Ziyan rely on?

At this time, Xu Ziyan waved his hand, and the 200,000 boats and five million monks surrounded by the four sides began to slowly retreat, giving up a large space. Xu Ziyan does not want to completely oppose the hidden world. On the one hand, the Zhongyuan galaxies are indeed not the opponents of the hidden world. Although the hidden world is difficult to fight against the Zhongyuan galaxies because of various factors, everything has a degree and it has crossed that degree. Anything can happen.

On the other hand, Xu Ziyan also considered that the Xu family would eventually migrate into the hidden world, if it was completely opposite to the hidden world. That is to find a way out. It is not terrible to be hostile to the family in the hidden world. It is terrible to oppose all the families of the hidden world, and there will be no place for the family to stand.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan chose the second road. Have a test with the hidden family. Also take this opportunity to stand up and let the hidden family no longer look down on the Zhongyuan galaxy, no longer look down on the Xu family.

After the surrounding Xianzhou and the monks retired, Xu Ziyan looked at Gong Lingjun: "You are the five peaks of the late Xianjun?"

Gong Lingjun nodded. Xu Ziyan chuckled: "Who are you in the first battle?"

"I!" Gong Lingjun said with a sigh of relief: "I don't know who you are going to teach?"

"Then let me!" Xu Ziyan took a step forward.

Xu Ziyan’s words are not only a glimpse of the hidden family monks, but also Chu Yun’s movements. He also thought that the first battle would let him play, did not expect Xu Ziyan to directly go out.

"Ziyan!" Chu Yun took a step forward.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped Chu Yun, and said to Gong Lingjun: "Can you start?"

"Always!" Gong Lingjun replied proudly.

His voice was still floating in the air, and Xu Ziyan disappeared into the space with a big move. In an instant, he appeared in front of Gong Lingjun, and a small fist had already arrived in front of him.

Gong Lingjun has a serious lack of understanding of Xu Ziyan. I don’t understand that Xu Ziyan will move a lot, but I don’t understand that the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the late stage of the eight-piece fairy.

Then the tragedy happened.

Gong Lingjun's body was like being hit by a meteor. He slammed out and slammed out. The intensity of the late eight-piece fairy hit him on his head, which made him very uncomfortable, and his consciousness was dizzy.

Xu Ziyan reappeared and moved, and his body appeared in the sky above Gong Lingjun. One foot squatted toward him.


Gong Lingjun's body slammed toward the Xinghai below, and Xu Ziyan's body appeared suddenly under her. He fired a fire and slammed it upwards. Gong Lingjun's body was once again slammed into the air.

"Pong table tennis ~~"

Xu Ziyan's body shape constantly disappeared in the air, and every time he appeared, he gave Gong Lingjun a sharp blow. Poor Gong Lingjun's knowledge at this time has been difficult to concentrate, and the body's strength is constantly being bombarded by Xu Ziyan, unable to run, and can only be passively abused.

In the gaze of the monks and the hidden family monks, like a ball, the purple smoke was hit in the air.

However, a monk at the peak of Xianjun is still very resistant! Xu Ziyan played for half an hour. This will completely confuse Gong Lingjun. Flying a foot will Gong Lingjun smashed out. Gong Lingjun’s body flew in the direction of the hidden family. Hong Tuyang’s hands reached Gong Lingjun, and his face was as dark as dripping water.


It is too shameful!

The late peak of a secluded family of Xianjun was actually peaked in the middle of the Xianjun of a Zhongyuan galaxies, and it was a young mid-peak of the Xianjun who did not fight back. The birthplace was stunned.

This face must be found back, the next game should be the Chu Yun move out, right? I will rule the person with his own way. He is also stunned, otherwise it is not enough to be shameful.

Handing Gong Lingjun to the monk behind him, stepping forward in the void, snorted and shouted: "This is played by me, I don't know which one is going to teach?"

Chu Yundong just wanted to move, but he saw Xu Ziyan waving his sleeves. A green-haired old man appeared suddenly beside her, but it was the hope of Gu Teng. Xu Ziyan said with a smile:

"This game is up to him to fight against you!"

The words fell, Xu Ziyan's body shape has already retreated back, Hong Tuyang looked to the opposite hope, the heart is a surprise, the opposite of this green old man turned out to be the peak of Xianjun, he is not surprised by the sudden appearance of hope Xu Qinyang has a celestial ball space fairy, and Xu Ziyan has another space fairy.

Hong Tuyang and the hope battle together, Xu Ziyan also called Xiaobai from the purple smoke space, Xiaobai at this time a girl's appearance stood next to Xu Ziyan, looking toward the battlefield in the air.

The hope at this time has begun to suppress Hongyangyang. The two monks have the same realm, but the main body of hope is stronger than Hongtianyang. The ten fingers turned into ten strong ancient vines, making Hong Tuyang very uncomfortable.

Later, I hoped that it would be turned into a piece of ancient vine forest, which covered the Hongtuyang. The dense ancient vines swarmed and wrapped the Hongtuyang tightly. It was only a moment that the gongs would entangle the Hongyangyang as a blind man. The bullets are divided.


A piece of rattan flutters in the space, hoping to restore the appearance of a green old man, and smiles very kindly and returns to the side of Xu Ziyan.

Some of the monks in the hidden family have been in a daze, and they have lost two games, and Gong Lingjun and Hong Tuyang are the strongest monks in the five peaks of their late Xianjun. Even they lost. If they lose another game, there is no need to compare them. Only when they leave here, it is in a sense that they are more shameful than being thrown out by the Xu family and the Chu family.

However, they are still shameful. Xiaobai’s combat power is stronger than hope, while the other’s monks are not as good as Gong Lingjun and Hong Tuyang. Failure is inevitable. In the end, the hidden family left behind, and the Xu family and the Chu family began to occupy the Star Planet.

The hidden family retired very cleanly, not only returned the planets that belonged to Yunjia, Jiangjia, Xiangjia, Tianzhumeng and Xujia, but even the five planets that the Super Family Alliance gave them. .

The Xu Jiahe Chu family's coalition forces did not withdraw from the Xinghai. At the beginning, Gong Lingjun made it very clear that they had sent monks to return to the hidden world. These planets were only temporarily returned to Xujia and Chu, and everything was waiting for the hidden family to send people again. Come.

Xu Jia and Chu Jia began to organize Xinghai's own planet, and both of them began to send their own family monks to station on each planet. Xu family redistributed some planets to the fifty-six who have been following them. The family and the Xinghai indigenous people, and reduced the original 30% profit brake to 20%.

Time flies fast, and soon after seven months, Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong feel that the hidden world should send monks to come. But still did not see the monks of the hidden family come, did the hidden family give up like this?

This idea has not yet surfaced for a few days, and the hidden family has come.

After Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong greeted them, they discovered that the two monks who came to the hidden family knew them. They were the masters of two hidden world super-families who participated in the small world than the big ones.

The hearts of Xu Ziyan and Chu Yundong are both sinking. The hidden family sent two such great monks. This proves that the hidden world is very valued for Xinghai. If it is not handled properly, it will attract An irreparable disaster.

Two people were politely invited to the main hall of the House of Representatives. Hong Dust and Gong Ming did not delay the time, but opened the door and said:

"Ziyan, Xinghai is just that."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. She did not think that the hidden family would speak so well, but she did not expect to return, but politeness is still necessary. So Xu Ziyan arched:

"Thank you!"

Hung laughed and laughed: "Ziyan, we are far away, not only guests, but also old friends, you will not marry your kind of bar?"

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, but I also know that Hong Dust and Gong Ming are not all for their own scent, but a harmonious atmosphere, I am afraid that at the banquet will tell the true intention of their coming. And Xu Ziyan has always been confusing the other party's true intentions, naturally happy.

Chu Yundong on the side looked hot, and he did not expect Xu Ziyan to be so familiar with the masters of the two super families in the hidden world.

Xu Ziyan immediately clap his hands and put a feast. Everyone entered the banquet. Xu Ziyan took out the scent and enthusiastically hosted Hong Dust and Gong Ming.

The wine was half-smoothed, and the dust came out casually and asked: "Ziyan, I am coming to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, your name can be as good as it is!"

Xu Ziyan smiled.

Gong Ming smiled and said: "I heard that, purple smoke, you are a versatile. Not only in the early age of one hundred years old, but also cultivated to the peak of Xianjun, and the real combat power is completely suppressed. The late peak of the monarch. Gong Lingjun of our family was beaten by you without any help."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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