The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1679: Re-entering time and space

Xu Ziyan is still smiling, because she really does not know what to say at this time. Do you directly admit that you are amazing? That is too proud. That modesty? But the fact is that Gong Lingjun did not fight back.

"Ziyan, have a chance to discuss it?" Gong Ming glanced at Xu Ziyan. The dust on the side was also shining, and he was eager to try.

Xu Ziyan does not reject this kind of discussion, and it is not easy to find a competitor with the same strength. It is not easy for both sides to learn from each other. Xu Ziyan immediately nodded and smiled:

"This is to thank the two for the opportunity to learn from Ziyan."

"Good! Happy!" Gong Ming and Hong looked out to Xu Ziyan's eyes are full of appreciation.

"Ziyan!" The relationship between several people seems to be more intimate, and the words of the dust are also casual: "Gong Ming just said that you are not finished yet. I will add that we heard. I heard that you are The all-rounder of the alchemy system?"

On this point, Xu Ziyan knows that it can't be concealed. Xu Family is there, and he has also revealed this talent in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It is not a secret in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. So, immediately nod your head:

"Slightly through one or two."

"Several products?" Hong Dian and Gong Ming's eyes are looking at Xu Ziyan enthusiastically.

Xu Ziyan has already understood at this time, the representative of the hidden world, the reason why the two super-families adopted a reconciliation attitude towards the Xinghai incident, mainly because of their identity as an alchemy system, and the two Zhonghong families have With the inheritance of the refiner, the Gong family has the inheritance of alchemy. When they were in the hidden world, they issued invitations to themselves. It seems that the hidden world also attaches great importance to this inheritance, and it is also very respectful to the masters in this respect.

What is the identity of Xu Ziyan in these four aspects?

In the alchemy, Xu Ziyan itself is the Xiandan division in the early stage of Jiu Pin, and the character is also the late stage of Jiu Pin. Although she can't do it on the refiner. But there is a device and a second, two people can now be nine post-classic instrument division, which is equivalent to Xu Ziyan is a nine-product late fairy instrument. In the case of Xianzheng, the array is the pinnacle of the late stage of the nine products. This is also equivalent to Xu Ziyan is a nine-product late peak Xianshi division.

The realm has reached nine products, that is the real master. It can be said that Xu Ziyan is no doubt the identity of the master in both the alchemy and the fabric. This is absolutely unique in the Zhongyuan Galaxy and the hidden world. However, Xu Ziyan did not specifically elaborate on the realm of these four aspects and the other side, but said vaguely:

"Nine products!"

“It’s all nine products?” Hong Dust and Gong Ming asked in unison.

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan said faintly, as if to say a very ordinary thing.

However, the eyes of Hong Dian and Gong Ming became warm, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan also became respected. A monk who is no less powerful than the two of them. And in the four aspects of the alchemy system, the identity of the master is the master, which makes the two of them feel some inferiority. Honored and said:

"Xu Zongshi, on behalf of the Hong family, I invite you to visit the Hong family. This is the main purpose of my visit. I hope that Xu Zongshi can complete."

Gong Ming also hurriedly said: "Xu Zongshi, on behalf of the Gong family, I invite you to visit the Gong family. This is also the purpose of my visit. I hope that Xu Zongshi can be moved."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and Hong Jia and Gong Jia would definitely visit, but not now. Her original plan was to wait for the Xu family to move into the hidden world and then visit the two super families. I didn't expect the other party to send an invitation to myself. Are they going or not?

Xu Ziyan was there to meditate, and the dust and Gong Ming looked nervously at Xu Ziyan. The Chu Yun mobilization on the side is not an envy problem, but full of fear, full of fear for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan finally decided to act according to his original plan and put the visits to Hong Jia and Gong Jia back, and whispered:

"Two brothers. Ziyan is very grateful to the two invitations. Ziyan will definitely visit the two families. But now there are too many purple smokes, it is better to visit the purple smoke later."

Hong Dust and Gong Ming immediately nodded, Xu Ziyan has promised, this is the purpose of the trip. The two of them never thought about an invitation. Xu Ziyan followed them both. Will it be a guru?

The guru is proud! Xu Ziyan has already given them two faces.

Xu Ziyan did not know the thoughts of the two people at this time, and looked at two people with some embarrassment. I am afraid that two people are unhappy. Xu Ziyan is still too short to come to the fairy world, and he has not fully understood his identity as a master. When I saw two people nodding, this was a secret sigh of relief in my heart.

In the following days, the Xu family and the Chu family began to withdraw their troops, and Xinghai returned to normal. Xu Ziyan and Hong Dust, Gong Ming found a star-studded planet and learned it several times.

Everyone does not use the fairy, although Xu Ziyan falls in the wind, but it will not lose. Because her body is too strong, and Hong Chen and Gong Ming also know that her body is strong, and they pay great attention to the distance between Xu Ziyan and her. Even if Xu Ziyan used large shifts, he did not pull in the distance between them. The first masters of the veteran super-family have their own secrets, and they are not lost.

However, after the two sides used the fairy, Xu Ziyan lost with a slight gap. Although the five-color sword in her hand is a congenital fairy, the fairy in the other hand is also a fairy. In the face of the innate Xianbao, Xu Ziyan's body has no advantage.

Of course, both sides are only learning from each other. They are not desperate. Both sides have retained their own cards. When they are really desperate, they don’t know who wins or loses. It’s just that the two sides have been confirmed several times and they are full of respect for each other. And be cautious.

Hong Dust and Gong Ming also finally left the Zhongyuan Galaxy and returned to the hidden world. When they left, they solemnly invited Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan also solemnly accepted it.

After a few years in a hurry, Xu Ziyan has been retreating in the Xu family, accumulating his own fairy power, and gradually approaching the late Xianjun.

This day.

Xu Ziyan is going out to go to the day of Saturn, because the time and space will be opened there. Just when Xu Ziyan was preparing, the disciple came to report that there was a female repair visit.

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, remembering that he had just arrived at the Zhongyuan galaxies and returned to Xu’s family. Ziyi invited himself to go to the time and space, and it must have been the arrival of the purple clothes.

I greeted the purple clothes into my bamboo building and smiled at the purple clothes: "Congratulations, you are already in the early days of Xianjun!"

Purple clothes smiled bitterly: "Ziyan, you should not make fun of me. I thought that when we first went to the time and space in the next meta-galaxies, your cultivation was not as good as me. But now you have already given me away." Going on, and you are not only repairing more than me, or the master of the alchemy system, I really don't know what to say, you want to be so full! And, I can improve the training to In the early days of Xianjun, it was also your light."

"Stain my light?" Xu Ziyan looked at the purple clothes in confusion.

"Because my qualifications were good, the family used me as a key disciple. But I didn't use the power of the family to cultivate me. But as your reputation rises, when the family hears that I am close to you, Still decided to use the power of the family to train me, this allows me to break through the early days of Xianjun in such a short time, do you say that it is your light?"

Xu Ziyan heard some crying and laughing, but in the end he said: "The purple clothes, you should not be arrogant. If your qualifications are not good, the power of the purple family will not be able to upgrade your cultivation."

"Well, too!" Purple clothes smiled softly.

The next day, two people set off, and there were many people who went to time and space with them. Xu Tianwo, Xu Qinyang, Ximen solitary smoke and other Xu family monks, after leaving the Xu family, and merged with some of the purple family's monks, the mighty to go to the sky of Saturn.

After three months, the group finally reached the day of Saturn. Like the original lower galaxies, a town was built here. At this time, a large number of monks have been gathered. In addition to the monks of the Zhongyuan Galaxy, there are a large number of monks of the hidden family. Moreover, some of the hidden family's monks looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes and were not friendly. After all, Xu Ziyan once suffered a loss in the Xinghai family.

Waiting for eleven days here, the sound of the "rumbling" of the beginning of the heavens and the earth came from the void, and a long river ran across the void and rushed away. I can't see its head and can't see its tail.

Xu Ziyan looked up and had a strange feeling that this time and space seemed to be strong again.

The dense monks began to fly to the sky and flew toward the sky. Xu Ziyan and others also flew into the long river of time and space, into the long river of time and space, Xu Ziyan's heart is a hi, she found that her perception of time and space is more clear.

This is also the cultivation of your own growth!

She felt two very different energies, one that was ambiguous and could only be felt, but did not know what energy it was, but she knew that it was definitely not any kind of energy that she realized. And another energy she can clearly feel the energy of space.

This kind of space energy gives her a kind feeling. Xu Ziyan knows that this is because she has already realized the space attribute to the reason of Xiaocheng realm, planted a seed of space attribute. At this time, it came here, naturally it is like returning. At home, there is a kind feeling.

It’s just that I’ve only realized the spatial attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng, and it’s too small.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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