The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1684: Encounter

Thank you very much for the reward of Susannah123 (100)!


Xu Ziyan began to peel off the metality, and she wanted to try out whether she could release the metallicity alone. Soon, a metallic world was released from the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and released one by one. After the nine attributes were released, Xu Ziyan’s heart was full of excitement. She finally found a way to use the power of space, and her eyes suddenly opened up.

In a hurry of a year, Xu Ziyan began to search for the journey, and then caught some different grades of gas. In general, he captured 12,218,000 heavenly fairy tales, five thousand seven hundred Thirty-six 缕 大罗金仙气, two thousand and one hundred and twelve and ninety-nine days of mysterious temperament, one hundred and sixty-nine 缕 君 君 君, three 缕 缕 王 王 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This is because Xu Ziyan is only able to integrate his own knowledge into a part of time and space, and can manipulate hundreds of thousands of miles.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped sharply, and a gas broke into her consciousness. That turned out to be a sacred esteem. Xu Ziyan immediately locked the sacred sage, and the body shape swept away toward the celestial sage.

Suddenly, her figure stopped and her face showed a stunned color. She turned and fled, and never dared to approach the fairy. The reason is that she discovered that there is a monk who is chasing the celestial sage, and that the monk's cultivation is a fairy emperor.

Xu Ziyan began to flee wildly, but the more she escaped her heart, the colder it was. It seems that Xu Ziyan just locked in the sacred spirit of the gods because of the fusion of time and space. Even gave the immortal feeling of the celestial scent, and the celestial celestial spirit chased Xu Ziyan tightly. No matter how Xu Ziyan changed his direction, then the sacred sages followed closely behind.

This is why Xu Ziyan has a great transfer of magical powers, and she has been constantly using the great transfer of magical powers. Even the gap between this and a fairy emperor is too obvious, and the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles is rapidly drawing.

Xu Zi was anxious, and his mind was thinking fast. It is not a way to escape this way. Sooner or later, it will be caught up by the later Emperor. Your own strength in front of a fairy emperor is an ant.

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile at this time. How did a monk in the middle galaxies encounter such a powerful power as the upper galaxies?

However, things are already in front of us, and if they can't be solved, they can only die.

Xu Ziyan constantly showed a big shift while looking around. Suddenly, if you can't escape, you can only fight.

If this is outside the long time, Xu Ziyan has only one dead end. However, here is the long river of time and space. And Xu Ziyan was able to control a small part of the time and space, which compared with the Xiandi, Xu Ziyan is the home game. Have their own unique advantages.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape immediately stopped, and the gods began to control some vortices to move closer to each other, and surrounded her in layers. The innermost layer is the invisible vortex, the outer time and space vortex. There are hundreds of large and small feet, and Xu Ziyan is completely surrounded by the middle.

In Xu Ziyan, it is not simply to put these vortex around themselves. Instead, they use a vortex to arrange a matrix method. At the moment of formation of hundreds of vortices, the space becomes distorted, time becomes fluid, and the shape of the purple smoke in the middle becomes blurred. It is the smell of the body that has become obscure.

Then Xu Ziyan went through the consideration and chose the perfect metality, which released the metality and spread hundreds of vortexes and spread it. Cover all circles around the square in your own boundaries.

Just after everything was laid out. The celestial scent rushed into the realm of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was not polite at this time. After the celestial scent entered the world, she immediately took the sacred sage into the purple smoke space. .

Just an instant. The Emperor who has been tracking the fairy scent has felt that he has lost the scent of the sage, and he has a glimpse of it. Then he was furious. At this time, he had already felt the atmosphere of the boundary in a place not far from him. Without knowing it, he knew that the sage of the fairy was captured by the owner of the front. As soon as the figure was swept, he flew over to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan saw that the Emperor was flying toward himself, and took a deep breath by resisting the fear in his heart, and snorted:

"Dao You, are you challenging me?"

The opposite of the Emperor looked like a glimpse. He didn't think that the tone of the other party was so strong. He was angry before, and dared to swear the purple smoke. It was because he felt the weakness of Xu Ziyan, and he would definitely be shocked in his own world. Crash under.

However, the tone of Xu Ziyan is so strong now, what does this mean?

In the upper meta-galaxies, it is extremely high-level. If you can talk to him in such a tone, you can only be a master of the Emperor or not. How can she talk to herself in such a tone?

The fairy emperor quickly thought about it in his mind, thinking that the other party would be the emperor. He had just obtained the metality of the other side from a little contact, and narrowed the scope to the monks within the metallic emperor.

The scope has shrunk within a dozen people, but it is still not certain. Looking up to the opposite side, but seeing the opposite of the monk's body shape is extremely vague, the atmosphere is extremely embarrassing, can not see who the other party is, can not feel what the other side is.

It’s just that this world is really weak.

Who is this monk in front of him? Which fairy is it?

The inertia of thinking made him never consider the monks below Xiandi. On the one hand, because of the strong tone of Xu Ziyan, on the other hand, it is more important because this area is not the area where the emperor can come in. The emperor will not be another level. Even if his imagination is so rich, he will never think that he is only facing a mid-peak peak.

Carefully looking towards the opposite side, my eyes are drifting.

Although it is certain that the other party is a fairy emperor, the temptation of the celestial scent is so great that he cannot give up. He searched here for nearly a thousand years, only found such a glimpse, which makes him willing to give up?

"This friend, who are you?"

Xu Ziyan heard that the other party also called himself "you", and his heart was slightly relieved. This shows that the other party has already thought of himself as the Emperor, and at least he has the qualification to negotiate with the other party. As long as the two sides do not do it, they are safe.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "Daoyou, we only meet each other occasionally, and then we go to things. This name is not acceptable."

The face of the emperor was gloomy, and the other party refused to report his name. It was clear that he had to possess the singer and the two sides had no possibility of negotiation. Only by killing each other can you get the scent of the sage.

Silence for a while, the fairy emperor said: "This Taoist friend, in the next day, the dynasty of the dynasty, as long as you are willing to give the sacred sacred glory, the conditions you can just mention, and owe you a favor. ”

It’s just that Xu Ziyan knows that he can’t promise the other party. Once he agrees to the other side, he will show weakness. I am afraid that the other party will not only take the scent of Xian Zun, but will take away his life directly.

Only strong at this time, may be able to let the other side have scruples and choose to leave. So Xu Ziyan immediately said in a tone:


The emperor was silent, Xu Ziyan could feel the other person hesitating, her heart lifted up, and a fairy emperor, she did not have the slightest grasp, although she used a vortex to set up a large array, but the gap in the ranks Her heart is full of fear.

The momentum of the emperor was looming, and the heart of Xu Ziyan was looming with the momentum of the other party, and the sweat on his forehead oozes unconsciously.


The emperor seemed to have finally made a decision. He must get the scent of the sage, and his world was released from his body and collided against the boundary of Xu Ziyan. His look is a glimpse. He doesn't understand why the opponent's world is still so fragile when he attacks himself, so that he can easily push his own world.

Where does he know that this is the true level of Xu Ziyan, how can a Xianjun period and a Xiandi period be comparable?

When Xu Ziyan released the circle of a thousand miles, he was forced to retreat by more than 500 meters, but at this time, his world began to touch the vortex around Xu Ziyan.

These vortexes formed a natural barrier that blocked the realm of the Emperor and made his world begin to advance.

Wang Daoling’s nerves immediately tightened up and carefully watched the vortexes around him. At this time, he was very close to Xu Ziyan. He was able to clearly observe the whirlpools. The more he saw the heart, the more shocked he was, and finally he cautiously asked:

"Daoyou, can you control these whirlpools?"

If the opponent can really control these whirlpools, Wang Daoling will immediately choose to escape from here. A monk who can control the vortex in the long river of time and space is undoubtedly the home game. He is not arrogant enough to fight with a fairy who can control the whirlpool. Of course, this is that he thinks that Xu Ziyan is a fairy emperor, if he knows Xu Ziyan is only A fairy, even if the purple smoke can control these whirlpools, he will also fight with Xu Ziyan.

How Xu Ziyan reveals his secrets and smiles faintly: "Wang Daoyou, you think too much. How to control the time and space of the vortex in the river? I am afraid I have never heard of it?"

Wang Dao-ling’s heart was moved, and he felt that Xu Ziyan was telling the truth. I have never heard of someone who can manipulate the vortex in the river of time and space, even the legend. However, as a disciple of the Emperor, he still carefully asked:

"How come you are surrounded by whirlpools?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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