The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1685: Come to the emperor again

Xu Ziyan said helplessly: "I suddenly fell into the epiphany, did not expect to wait for me to wake up from the epiphany, the surrounding is like this."

Wang Daoling looked seriously at the opposite side, and there was a trace of fear in his heart. If the other party is telling the truth, then the other party's repair is really amazing.

The other side is surrounded by hundreds of whirlpools, but obviously the other party has nothing to do now, and the other party can spread its own boundaries over the hundreds of vortexes. Has the other party cultivated the metal to the top of the road?

For these whirlpools, Wang Dao-ling has scruples, but he is already a fairy emperor. He naturally has some coping methods. He now has a slight fear of Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan has always shown a weak circle, he is allowed to Be more careful.

Wang Dao-ling began to slow down the attack on Xu Ziyan's realm and pushed forward little by little. The boundary of Xu Ziyan has been suppressed by more than half.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was anxious. It seems that even with his strongest metality, Wang Daoling did not have any resistance. His own world was in front of Wang Dao’s world as if the ice and snow met the flame and melted sharply. Is it necessary to release the realm of complete space? Can you resist even if you release the complete world?

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, here is the time and space, if you use the space attribute of the body will be what effect? Although the space attribute of oneself is only a small realm, but here is a long time and space, will it use the space attribute to borrow the energy of time and space?

At this time, the boundary of Xu Ziyan was being forced to collapse by Wang Daoling little by little. She had no choice.

Her own world was easily collapsed by the other side. This feeling made Xu Ziyan, who had just acquired the ability of this world, frustrated. The excitement and excitement of the ability to acquire the world has long since disappeared. I can only feel that the gap between myself and the other party is so great, a feeling of powerlessness spreads in my heart.

Xu Ziyan decided not to wait any longer, releasing the boundaries of spatial attributes from the body. It is integrated with the metality. At the moment when Xu Ziyan released the boundary of the space attribute, she immediately felt a kind of intimate idea in the vortex of more than one hundred of the hundreds of vortexes around.

Xu Ziyan tried to release the idea of ​​the energy she needed for the more than one hundred space vortex, but in an instant she felt that a huge amount of energy rushed from more than a hundred vortexes and shocked her body.

This is the energy of space, and this energy is too great. Just a moment, the purple smoke has a feeling of being blasted, as if a narrow river suddenly rushed into the vast sea, and Xu Ziyan felt that his body would collapse.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to hesitate to do so. He immediately released this power and released it into the realm of the space attribute of his own outside.

In an instant, the power in the realm of Xu Ziyan sharply increased, and the realm that did not have the slightest resistance in front of the kingdom of Wang Daoling suddenly swelled up, and in an instant forced the retreat of Wang Dao's boundaries dozens of meters.

The power of Xu Ziyan suddenly broke out. Instead, Wang Daoling’s heart was relieved. He has never understood why Xu Ziyan’s world is so fragile. Is there any conspiracy in the other side?

At this time, when his world suppressed the half of Xu Ziyan's world, Xu Ziyan suddenly broke out with amazing power, which made Wang Daoling feel that he wanted to understand the intention of Xu Ziyan.

This is Xu Ziyan's respect for his Wang Daoling and Xu Maiyan's pride. Xu Ziyan was not willing to take the slightest advantage of Wang Daoling. When Wang Daoling just started to attack, Xu Ziyan chose to retreat. Allowed half of the space, so that the two sides began to counterattack under the conditions of reciprocity.

Of course, all this is Wang Dao's own guess. In fact, it is not such a thing at all. But once he decided that this was the case, he left two choices, one is to immediately withdraw, the other is to accept the challenge. The dignity of a fairy emperor allowed him to immediately choose the challenge, to play his own sphere to the greatest power, and entangled with the boundary of Xu Ziyan.

For a time, the two people's circles were deadlocked in the collision and entanglement, and they were not divided.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was filled with surprises at this time. She just thought about using these whirlpools to defend. But did not expect to be able to use these space vortex to launch a counterattack. And the energy of this counterattack can be matched with a fairy emperor.

At this moment, Xu Ziyan, who borrowed the space vortex energy, felt that he was no longer a Xianjun, but a fairy emperor, a fairy emperor with Ma Dawei.

This feeling makes Xu Ziyan's mind have a moment of loss. He completely regarded himself as a fairy emperor, and his confidence sent a fierce attack to Wang Daoling.

The power of the Emperor was erupted between the two monks. The space vibration caused by this kind of engagement is amazing, and the vibration spreads around at an extremely fast speed.

In this area, not only Wang Dao Ling is a Xiandi, but there are not many, only three emperors. They are also the emperors who want to search for the sacred spirits who stayed here thousands of years ago.

At this time, the three emperors felt the battle volatility of the two Xiandi levels, and the three people’s hearts were simultaneously stunned and then ecstatic. There is only one reason for the two Confucian battles here.

That is the fairy sigh!

The three emperors Huo Huo stopped their bodies and then suddenly disappeared into the space and flew toward the center of the vibration.

All of Wang Daoling and Xu Ziyan did not know, and they could not take care of this. Xu Ziyan continuously draws the energy of the space vortex into his own world, and the pressure on Wang Dao Ling is getting stronger and stronger. This makes Wang Daoling very depressed.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was somewhat unpredictable for Wang Dao-ling, and he gave up half of the space to fight against him. This gentleman's practice won the respect of Wang Dao-ling, but it also made Wang Dao-ling feel fear. After all, only monks who have enough confidence in their own strength will do so. And the fact seems to be the same, the other side's power has been attacked by waves, never stopped, and never weakened.

The two men have been fighting here for three days. In the three days, Xu Ziyan’s world has always maintained an intensity, and has never weakened a trace. This has made Wang Daoling start to fear.

At this time, the boundaries of the two people have completely entangled in one place, even if Wang Daoling at this time wants to withdraw from the distance is not an easy task.

Wang Dao-ling feels that he can't drag on like this anymore. If he drags on like this, I am afraid that he will be dragged to death by the other party. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the power of the world was suddenly five times stronger.

Xu Ziyan’s heart glimpsed, knowing that this is the other side’s secret technique. But the energy of more than a hundred vortexes around her is obviously not enough to withstand each other.

Just in the moment when Xu Ziyan was surprised, the kingdom of Wang Daoling had already collapsed the part of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was only four hundred meters away.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and spread his own knowledge quickly, and began to summon the whirlpool in the mind.

The space has been intensively fluctuating, and countless vortexes have begun to converge toward Xu Ziyan. Miao Daomaan is approaching Xu Ziyan with joy and suddenly feels the fluctuation of space.

Quickly glanced at the direction of the volatility, the body was a stiff, I saw a myriad of dense swirls encircling him and the other side.

Wang Dao-ling’s heart was instantly felt, and he immediately pulled away and looked at the dense swirls that had not been completely enclosed, and escaped from the gaps in the vortex.


Wang Daoling finally breathed a long sigh of relief and escaped from the dense whirlpool. At this time, he was standing outside the thousands of vortices, looking at the whirlpools with horror.

Those vortices are changing the trajectory of the original operation. It seems that under the command of someone, each vortex will hover in place after reaching a position, while the other vortices will go to another place without any two whirlwinds colliding.

Wang Daoling’s gaze was a sigh, and he instantly realized that the opposite Emperor could control these vortexes!

At the thought of this, his heart is embarrassing, and a fairy emperor who can manipulate the vortex here fights here. Isn’t he looking for death?

Wang Daoling’s body couldn’t help but start to tremble, his body slowly receded, his eyes tightly locked in the dense whirlpool, as long as there was a mistake, he immediately looked away.

However, what surprised him was that the emperor opposite did not attack him, but he was still busy manipulating the whirlpools around him.

Xu Ziyan was very jealous of Wang Dao-ling’s sudden burst of power, and where did she dare to think of an attack on a fairy emperor? Her first thought was her own safety, so she saw Wang Daoling's vision, but did not dare to pursue it, but was busy there to strengthen the defense.

She constantly aligns nearly 6,000 vortices one by one, trying not to reveal a gap, so that Wang Dao Ling will rush in from the gap.

Wang Dao-ling, who has been paying attention to those whirlpools, suddenly has a feeling of crying and laughing. He has already seen it at this time. Xu Ziyan did not attack him at all, but was busy setting up defense there.

A fairy emperor!

A fairy with his Wang Daoling strength is not bad!

A fairy who can control the vortex in the long river of time and space!

But it is... such timid... Is this too funny?

Wang Dao-ling, who is crying and laughing, turned to the head. He saw three figures getting closer to the cathode.

As soon as these three figures appeared, the power of the Emperor of the Emperor was released without any disguise. But the spread of power suddenly stunned like being frozen, because at this time, the three newly arrived Xiandi were shocked by the sight.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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