The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1686: Si Xiandi

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More than 5,000 vortexes gathered in one place, densely packed, and they have never seen this situation, as if a giant beast had a big mouth and was ready to choose someone.

The three emperors immediately converge on the momentum of their bodies, carefully looking around, fearing that they have been surrounded by a large number of vortexes.

Wang Dao-ling looked at the three emperors who had just arrived, and a heart was once again active. If you join forces with the three emperors, will you force the person in the whirlpool out?

The three emperors who had just arrived also knew that although there was no deep relationship, there was no hatred between them, but they could temporarily join forces.

Then, the three emperors saw Wang Daoling at this time. The two emperors flew toward Wang Daoling, and they greeted them enthusiastically:

"Wang Daoyou!"

"Yu Daoyou!"


"Zhang Daoyou!"

After greeting each other, Yu Jing asked: "Wang Daoyou, what happened here? I remember that I have been here a hundred years ago, and there were not so many whirlpools at that time!"

Wang Daoling did not hide at this time, Shen Sheng said: "There are a fairy emperor in those vortex centers."

"A fairy emperor? Then he is really unlucky." Yu Jinglei said with a smile.

Wang Dao-ling shook his head and sighed: "But she has a sigh of sorrow in her hand."

In the thunder and often do not change the look, what are they for staying in time and space? Isn't it just to catch a sigh of glory? Now Xianzun has appeared, but it is in a pile of whirlpools. This prevented them from frowning deeply.

The three emperors began to carefully look at the five thousand vortexes, which were measured in their hearts. They felt that they might not be able to force these vortexes and find the emperor who was hiding inside. but. The problem is not only to find the emperor in the whirlpool, but to seize the sage from the hands of the emperor. Three people are thinking about it, but they hear Wang Daoling say softly:

"Three friends, the Emperor in the whirlpool seems to be able to manipulate these whirlpools."

"What?" The three emperors were really shocked.

I saw Wang Daoling seriously nod. The three Emperors had to re-estimate each other's strengths at this time. Only in an instant they all understand, and relying on the strength of one's own person, they don't want to succeed in winning the sacred glory. It is impossible to force the emperor in the whirlpool.

So, only join hands! The four of them joined forces! It is possible to force the emperor in the whirlpool out! However, who will be forced to kill the emperor and who will win the sacred glory?

Four people looked up and looked at each other. Wang Daoling took the lead in breaking the silence:

"Yu Daoyou, Chang Daoyou. Zhang Daoyou, let's join forces! Kill the Emperor in the whirlpool."

"When the killing of the emperor, who is the sacred sage?" often asked not to condense. This is not because he does not understand the situation, but some words are better in front.

Wang Dao-ling said solemnly: "Whoever of us can give up the sacred sage. But now the situation is that each of us can take the empire in the whirlpool. There is no way. If we don’t join hands, we can only Lose the scent of the sage. If we join forces to kill the celestial emperor, all four of us will have a quarter chance to get the sage."

Slightly indulged for a while. Yu Jinglei, often do not go, Zhang differently nodded at the same time: "I agree."

Wang Daoling’s face showed a hint of joy: “Three friends, in fact, we are not worried about entering the depths of those whirlpools. Those vortexes are powerful, but for us, the threat is limited. As long as we support When we open our world, we can push those vortices away. What we are thinking about is that when we all rush to retreat those vortexes and finally face the fairy emperor inside, any one of us will not be that at that time. Emperor's opponent, so we need to join forces."

"Not bad!" Yu Jinglei and often do not nod and agree.

"So!" Wang Dao-ling's look became serious: "When we saw the Emperor, we would immediately join her to kill her, before she killed her. We can't rob the sacred thing. After her, we have to take the opportunity."

"Good!" Yu Lei and often do not go to seriously nod.

"That let us conclude a vow!"

Wang Dao-ling’s words fell, take out a fairy to cut his fingers and squeeze out a drop of blood. The mental power is transmitted from the eyebrows and wraps the blood that floats in the air. Control the blood. The drops of blood changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, first being pulled into silk. Then quickly formed a mysterious pattern, and then inwardly received, and changed back to a drop of blood, drifting toward the middle of the three emperors.

Yu Jinglei, often do not go with Zhang and then do the same thing as Wang Dao's, the last four drops of blood merged into one place, turned into a drop of blood, floating in the middle of the four emperors. At this time, the four Emperors issued a vow at the same time:

"My Wang Daoling!"

"I am thundering!"

"I don't often go!"

"I am different!"

"Before killing the Emperor in the whirlpool, I would never give birth to a smattering of the sacred sacred spirit. If there is such a heart, I would like to succumb to the death of God."

The blood that floated in the air suddenly turned into a mysterious pattern and then dissipated in the air. The eyes of the four emperors retracted from the pattern disappearing in the air, looking at the five thousand vortex.

At the moment when the three emperors had just arrived, the heart of Xu Ziyan was shocked. A heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man. I was struggling with the last Xiandi. Now there are three emperors. If they are four?

Xu Ziyan quickly shrouded the past, and the four immortals here did not find her knowledge. Every word of theirs was clearly heard by her.

But after hearing it clearly, my heart became more nervous and fearful, because her most worried situation happened. The four emperors really joined forces, and they were looking at their side.

The four emperors moved.

Before Wang Dao-ling’s sudden, Yu Jinglei was on the left and often did not go to the right. After Zhang different temples, a diamond shape gradually approached the 5,000 vortex.

In the vicinity of the vortex approaching, the four people opened the boundary at the same time and shocked the whirlpool without hesitation.

The vortex was forced by the boundaries of four people. The heart of Xu Ziyan is a tight one. This power of the Emperor is not what she can understand, so she can really push the vortex away.

I watched it for a while and found that the four emperors were still afraid of the whirlpool. They did not dare to transmit their gods into the whirlpool. They just used their own circles to open the vortex and opened a way to themselves. aisle.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was pumping, and he became more and more nervous, looking at the four emperors who were approaching here. For a moment, I was at a loss.

If the four emperors were brought to her, she would not have the slightest effort to fight back. Will be easily killed by the other party. Xu Ziyan could not help but slowly retreat to the back.

I saw that the boundaries of the four emperors did not always maintain a shape, but frequently shrank one by one, and each time they shrank one by one, they would bounce off the surrounding vortex, which made Xu Zi’s heart move, without thinking It can also be used like this. Let her deeply admire the four emperors.

Soon, the layered vortex of the purple smoke was broken by one of the three emperors. At their current speed, Xu Ziyan could easily judge that as long as one hour, the three emperors would Break through to his front.

There is a hint of fear in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. No wonder these emperors dare to stay in the time and space for thousands of years. They originally had this way of avoiding the whirlpool. As long as they open the world, although they still can't control and peep the whirlpool, they will never be hurt by the vortex.

"How to do?"

Escape is sure to escape, how can a Xianjun escape the pursuit of the four Emperors?

Then only fight?

But how do you fight?

swirl! I can control the vortex!

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart and his body began to drift back. At the same time, the surrounding vortex is controlled to gather in front of oneself. Pulling the distance between the two sides again, while controlling the surrounding vortex to surround the four emperors.

The four emperors did not find this change, still posing a diamond shape, like a cone to cut in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

The time of an hour is in the four emperors constantly rushing in. And Xu Ziyan kept going back in the past. The four emperors finally found out that it was not right.

Before they started the assault, there was an estimate in the hearts of four people. When they counted, the time of an hour should definitely break through to the front of Xu Ziyan, but now an hour has passed, where is the shadow of Xu Ziyan?

Looking towards the front, Xu Ziyan's vague shadow is still far away from them, and there is still a layer of vortex between them and Xu Ziyan, as if they were just beginning to break through before an hour.

The four emperors were shocked, and Wang Daoling exclaimed: "No, the man is mobilizing the whirlpool."

They also changed color on the face of the thunder and often did not go to the face. They knew that the person in the middle of the whirlpool could mobilize the whirlpool, but did not expect that the speed of mobilizing the vortex would be so fast, even faster than they broke through. In this way, they will never break through that person.

The four men are silent, no longer break forward, but are thinking about ways. A few breaths of time, Wang Daoling sighed a long time:

"Let's go out and negotiate again!"

Yu Jinglei and often did not go to nod and immediately agreed, the three people turned around and broke through to the outside.

The mouth of Xu Ziyan in the center of the whirlpool passed a trace of sarcasm. If he wants to come in, he will come in and want to go out and go out.

She began to mobilize the vortex to surround the four emperors. The vortexes are swarming from all sides, layered on top of each other. A whirlpool around the four emperors formed a horrible super whirlpool.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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