The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1687: a group of emperors

The four Emperors felt the change just after a quarter of an hour, and immediately understood that it was the man who began to fight back and wanted to use these vortexes to keep them four forever.

The four emperors looked at each other and showed a nervous color on their faces. All the potentials broke out immediately. The boundaries of each emperor became more aggressive. The four emperors believed in themselves. The strength, but these 5,000 vortexes are absolutely unable to trap them, the breakthrough is only a matter of time.

The two sides entered a stage of intense strangulation, and the four emperors desperately broke out, while Xu Ziyan was desperately mobilizing the vortex to contain them. However, after another quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan knew that the current five thousand whirlpools could not trap the other four emperors. To trap and even kill the four emperors, they must summon more vortexes. .

Xu Ziyan madly spread his gods to the distance, and continually summoned the vortex within hundreds of thousands of miles. She extended her knowledge to the limit, and the sea began to feel a little bit faint.

However, the effect is indeed remarkable. The time and space vortex within a few hundred thousand miles began to gather toward Xu Ziyan, and the whole space began to fluctuate. Spread in a farther direction.

Gradually, the heart of the purple smoke is completely immersed in the call of time and space vortex, invisible vortex, time vortex, space vortex, and time and space vortex of time and space are beginning to slowly float toward Xu Ziyan.

Gradually she seems to have lost her self, as if she is the whirlpool at this time, the secret of time and space seems to be quietly opening in front of her.

At this time, she has forgotten to summon the whirlpool of time and space, and has forgotten that there are four emperors around her who want to find her. I am totally immersed in the understanding of time and space.

The fluctuations caused by Xu Ziyan's summoning vortex have spread farther and farther, and this area has already spread out, and this kind of volatility is still swaying toward the extreme, screaming those whirlpools. At the same time, it also alerted the Emperor of the Middle of the other regions.

More and more Xiandi feel this strange wave, and their hearts are also rising at the same time, so more and more Xiandi began to follow this wave, and gathered in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

Gradually, there have been tens of thousands of vortexes around Xu Ziyan. And these whirlpools don't know whether it is in Xu Ziyan's unconscious mind, the vortex of time and space begins to merge into a more powerful space-time vortex that swirls around Xu Ziyan, as if it is a sea composed entirely of eddies.

One by one, the emperor came to the ground and had more than ten emperors. At this time, they all stared blankly at the dense and innumerable vortex, one by one.

At this time, Xu Ziyan is stripping away the secrets of time and space. As her understanding of time and space deepens, the energy of time and space enters her body.

This silk energy is weak. However, it has been pouring into the body of Xu Ziyan. At first, Xu Ziyan has not reacted. Gradually, the accumulation of these energies is close to the critical point that Xu Ziyan can bear.

The severe pain made Xu Ziyan wake up. She immediately realized her current situation. If she continued to let these energies enter the body, she would be blasted and destroyed.

At this time, the skin of Xu Ziyan. Meat, ribs, bones, marrow, dirty, and veins are all this kind of energy. Xu Ziyan immediately began to lead these energies to his own Dantian.

The body of Xu Ziyan once again slackened. These energies seemed to have found the venting mouth and generally flowed along the path of Xu Ziyan to her Dantian.

Time flies quickly, only a month later, Xu Ziyan feels that his dantian is starting to swell. It is obvious that her Dantian has also entered saturation. No longer can you put in this kind of energy.

Xu Ziyan suddenly rotated three hundred and sixty-five points in the body. It turned out that the 365 points in her body were filled with Yuanli, but at this time, Xu Ziyan only further compressed them. I look forward to being able to reload some of the energy that comes in.

Xu Ziyan also tried to break the invasion of this energy. But found that there is nothing to do. These energies simply do not care about the feelings of Ziyan, but only constantly rushing into her body at a steady speed.

Xu Ziyan’s body began to tremble. Because the three hundred and sixty-five acupoints in her body also reached the point of collapse at this time, her body began to expand like a balloon, only to expand to the extreme, and the explosion of "砰".

Xu Ziyan opened the purple smoke space in desperation, she never wanted to open the purple smoke space. Because she didn't know what the energy she didn't know would enter the purple smoke space. However, today she has no way, only to open the purple smoke space to introduce this energy into the purple smoke space.

The moment when the full energy is turned on in the purple smoke space, it is like finding a venting mouth and slamming into the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan was concentrating on exploring the purple smoke space. She felt that the purple smoke space had changed, and her heart was shocked. However, the tension on her face gradually relaxed. Although she did not know what effect this energy had on the purple smoke space, she obviously felt that the purple smoke space became more stable.

This is definitely a good thing.

For the time being, there is no danger of explosion. Xu Ziyan is immersed in contemplation. She must figure out what causes this energy to be continuously sent into her body. If I don't understand, once the purple smoke space is saturated? Isn't it a dead end?

When did these changes begin?

I was indulged in the understanding of the nature of time and space.

Time and space!

Correct! These energies are attracted by their own understanding of time and space. If you want to stop this energy, you must have enough insight into the time and space attributes.

Xu Ziyan sinks her mind and feels it carefully. Sure enough, she feels familiar. This energy has her familiar space attributes, and another strange attribute she can now determine is the time attribute. Nowadays, she has realized the small realm of spatial attributes. If she wants to be able to block this kind of power, she must understand the worst of time attributes and realize the realm of Xiaocheng.

Xu Ziyan's spirit was alive, but then he worried. She found that the vortex around her was completely integrated, there was no time vortex, no space vortex, all of which were time and space vortexes. That is to say, Xu Ziyan must comprehend the time and space attributes together, and can't separate comprehension. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty. I don't know if her purple smoke space can reach that time.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan has no choice but to sink his mind into a huge whirlpool of time and space, once again indulging in the understanding of time and space attributes. Expect to understand the space and time attributes before your body is blasted.

Three years.

At this time, the vortex gathered around Xu Ziyan has exceeded 100,000, and the number of Xiandi outside the vortex has exceeded twenty.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s body burst into a kind of light, a strange light, which can not be seen, but can be felt, it is a colorless light. This kind of light spreads to the periphery with the purple smoke as the center at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, the dozens of emperors on the periphery felt this light. In their perception, this light has no power. At the beginning, their hearts were still amazed and full of tension. When this light rushed past them at a very fast speed, and went away in the distance, and they did not feel any discomfort, they relaxed.

After relaxing, they were curious about the origin of this light. They started looking for light sources, and soon they discovered that the light source came from the center of hundreds of thousands of vortices, which made them look down on them.

Today's Xu Ziyan time attribute is approaching the realm of Xiaocheng, and the spatial attributes are approaching the realm of Zhongcheng. It has been possible to slightly control the influx of energy in some time and space, and to be able to control the direction of movement of this energy in the body.

She began to control this energy to the impact of the barriers of the late Xianjun, again and again, anyway, there is no need to consider energy consumption, can be connected to constantly impact the barrier, this is something that can not be done outside.

Xu Ziyan constantly slammed the barriers of the late Xianjun in the center of the vortex, and the dozens of emperors outside the vortex were still thinking about ways to enter the center of the vortex. No one noticed that a change has taken place in this area. The inexplicable light spread out from Xu Ziyan, and after passing through the bodies of the emperors, they continued to spread to the outside, but when this light spread To a certain extent, it suddenly stopped, and then gradually formed a huge transparent mask to cover the area.

Five years.

In another five years, the twenty centuries still have no way to approach the center of the vortex. This made some Xiandi begin to lose interest. Wang Daoling, Yu Jinglei and often did not go to the time when Xu Ziyan was immersed in comprehension, the vortex stopped to contain them, and they immediately escaped, but then more and more vortexes made them dare not Easy to enter the whirlpool.

However, the four of them did not tell the other emperors about the sacred sacredness, so other sects did not know the sacredness.

At this time, there is nothing left here, only to be able to look at the ever-larger vortex of time and space, and finally some of the Emperor decided to leave. Watching these whirlpools without any effect here, it is better to go to other places to touch the edge.


*(To be continued~^~)

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