The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1699: Is your leg sour? (three more pink)

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (400), Fuyang Feixing classmates (100), Dongfang Yi classmates (100), glittering glitt classmates (100), Xuezi 1225 classmates (100), Sky Flying Classmates (100) The reward!


The reason why Xu Ziyan can lead Xu family to prosper, this is inseparable from her amazing power, and her power is amazing because her body has its own space. The reason why Xu Qinyang is amazing is that he is the root of the five attributes. Now Xu Xing is another five-character root of the Xu family. It is obvious that the third generation leader who led Xu to move forward is only Xu Xingfan, unless Xu Jia I don't want to develop any more.

At this time, the device and the second two also made the seven-hole sword refining success. Xu Ziyan took the seven-hole sword to Xu Xingfan and looked at the dazzling seven-hole sword. Xu Xingfan loved it and looked up at Xu Ziyan for a long time:

"Aunt, is this a few items?"

"Nine products!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"Nine products!" Xu Xingfan looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement, and then his face was ecstatic. I looked at the seven-hole sword in my hand and looked at it for a long time. Suddenly, I looked at it:

"Aunt, when did you refine this sword?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Aunt is taking time to refine in the aunt's body world when you comprehend."

"Oh!" Xu Xing's eyes showed the color of envy.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I have left some medicinal herbs for Xu. I am leaving you some fairy charms and fairy wares, and I will distribute them to some discerning disciples."

The words fall. Xu Ziyan took out some of the more than five items of the fairy, and the six characters below the fairy to hand to Xu Xingfan, then extended his hand and took a shot of Xu Xing's shoulder:

"Xing Fan, with the Qiang Kun and the medicinal herbs that I have taught you. You will soon leave the lower galaxies and go to the Chinese galaxies. So, you have a mission during this time, that is It is necessary to cultivate a leading figure for the Xu family in the lower galaxies. To pick up the position of your Jade Emperor, you can't let the Xu family happen like the Yuanyuan Xianguo. If you have chosen the successor, then on the resources. Tilt him."

"Yes, aunt!" Xu Xingwen said respectfully.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand and put up the flag: "Aunt is gone!"

The words of Xu Ziyan have disappeared in the Lingxiao Hall.

"Aunt!" Xu Xingfan looked around and his eyes filled with disappointment: "Aunt..."

Qianyuan Xianguo.

Ling Xiao Temple.

The cold-blooded king sat on the throne of the Jade Emperor and asked: "Is everything defensive matters properly arranged?"

The first monk said: "Returning to Heaven, everything is properly arranged for the defense of Xujiaxian. And Luofu Xianguo is also ready at the border, as long as Xu Jiaxian has an unusual behavior, Luofuxian Congress and our Yuanyuan Xianguo At the same time, we will give pressure to Xujiaxian."

"Good! Good! Good!" Hahaha...

The cold-blooded king laughed loudly and walked down from the throne of the Jade Emperor, while laughing and walking towards the back garden.

No one dared to stop him, knowing that he had been walking to a small courtyard. Only a group of monks stopped in front of the door, and a headed Luo Tianshang early monk stepped forward and glared at him:

"Cold and blood king, what are you doing again?"

The cold-blooded king stunned him with a disdain: "Zong Liang, do you think that your father is more than the king of the king? Let me go."


"Zong Liang!" There was a tired voice in the small courtyard: "Let the cold-blooded king come in."

"Yes, Queen Mother." Zong Liang and other monks have retreated to one side.

"嗤~~" Cold-blooded Tianwang snorted and walked slowly into the small courtyard and walked into the house.

At this time, the house stood two women and one man. The two women were Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger. A young man was a section of water.

"I have seen the cold-blooded king!" Duan Xiangxiang. Tang Linger and Duan Shuiliu leaned over to pray.

The cold-blooded king is slightly foreheaded. Proudly went straight to the middle chair, sitting down in a big model, gazing at the three people in a majestic manner, said faintly:

"Segment of fragrance. Tang Linger, Duan Shuiliu. I am here today to tell you that the Yuanyuan Xianguo has not been surnamed since this moment. From this moment on, I am the Jade Emperor of the Yuanyuan Xianguo."

"You dare!" Duan Shui raised his chest, clenched his fists, and released hatred and unyielding in his eyes.

The cold-blooded king looked coldly on the body of the water, and said faintly: "I dare not say what you said, but how do you arrange it? Oh, I will kill you later." Let's go."

"You dare!" Duan Xiangxiang stepped forward and covered the water in the back: "You don't forget, Xu Jiaxian Congress is here to help us."

"Ha ha ha..." The cold-blooded king screamed and laughed: "Xu Jiaxianguo? Duanxiangxiang, Tang Linger, have you sent two people to Xu Xingfan for help in these two years?"

"You... all know?" Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger's face changed dramatically.

The cold-blooded king screamed disdainfully: "I certainly know, understand why I didn't stop you?"

“Why?” Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger asked involuntarily.

The cold-blooded king raised his hand and cried his heart: "In fact, I am also very worried about Xu Jiaxian. The reason why you are constantly asking for help from Xujiaxian is to see if Xujiaxian will help you. Now I see it. Xu Jiaxian will not help you at all. If they are willing to help you, they have already sent people.

And now I have reached an agreement with Luofu Xianguo some days ago. If Xujiaxianguo dares to do anything, our two immortals will fight with Xujiaxian at the same time. Presumably, Xujiaxianguo will help you, and will not dare to The slightest move. What's more, they didn't have the heart to help you. You said that in this situation, do I still need to keep the flow of water? ”

"No! No! It won't be like this." Duan Fangxiang shook his head hard and his face was pale.

"No! You can't kill the water!" Tang Linger "噗通" slammed on the ground and prayed: "Cold and blood king, beg you. Give the water a living path. We immediately leave the Yuanyuan Xianguo, eternal life will never come back, just ask you to put Pass us."

"This way!" Cold-blooded king raised his hand and touched his chin, his eyes falling on the beautiful face of Tang Linger. Said faintly:

"Hey, come here from Lingxiao Temple, the legs are a bit sour!"

"I... I will pinch you!" Tang Linger squatted and climbed his hands and gently kneaded his hands on the thigh of the cold-blooded king.

"Mixed!" Duan Shui screamed. The figure rushed toward the cold-blooded king. The cold-blooded king was only a wave of his sleeves, and he sealed the opportunity of the water flow, and let him stand there, only to be able to split his eyes.

"Don't!" Tang Linger cried.

The cold-blooded king reached out and gently patted Tang Linger’s head: "Pinch it well, um, go up, go up."

It was not until Tang Linger's two small hands approached his thigh root that he snorted comfortably. Turned to look at the section of the fragrance:

"Hey, my right leg is still sour."

The look of Duan Xiangxiang became paler and paler. Finally, he gritted his teeth to the right leg of the cold-blooded king, and his hands were gently kneaded on the right leg of the cold-blooded king.

"Well, go up..."

"噗~~" A stream of water spurted out.

At the entrance of Lingxiao Temple, Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and his look became iron. The body shape disappeared in the same place, and when he appeared again, he stood by the side of the water and looked at the cold-blooded king.

"Who are you? Big courage!" Suddenly saw Xu Ziyan, cold-blooded Tianwang was shocked, the woman in front of her face was familiar, but he could not remember.

Duan Fangxiang and Tang Linger are completely dreamlike, half-sounding, and Duan Xiangxiang said with a nightmare:

"Is that you?"

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and went back to the area. Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger were brought to her front. Looking coldly at the cold-blooded king sitting across the chair. Said coldly:

"Is your leg sour?"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger in the air and said coldly: "Is it sour now?"

The cold-blooded king looked at his own legs and was puzzled. Moved a little, and the two legs were disconnected from the thigh. Rolled to the ground.


At this time, the cold-blooded king screamed out.


Xu Ziyan snorted, his eyes showed annoying color, his palm turned over, and a large palm volleyed in the air, and the cold-blooded king had already been tied to the body. He could not move at all, only to show fear in his eyes. color.

The sound of "砰" was taken into a powder.

"Ziyan, is it really you?"

At this time, Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger finally woke up like a dream.

"It's me!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Ziyan, oh..." Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger hold Xu Ziyan and burst into tears.

At this time, there was such a big movement in the house, and the outside Zongliang finally couldn’t stay, and the body shape flashed in, and then he stayed there, and then he snarled and said:

"You... is the King of Lingbo?"

"Zong Liang, you are good!" Xu Ziyan said slightly.

"Heaven..." Zong Liang excitedly took the first two steps: "You are back!"

"Zong Liang, let people clean up here, we find another place."

Xu Ziyan stayed in Qianyuan Xianguo for a month, and he was asked to find Xu Xingfan, let him publicly announce that he was a brother. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya became sisters and sisters, so Xu Xingfan and Duan Shuiliu’s generations are the same. Finally, Xu Ziyan left the Duanxiangxiang, Tang Linger, Duan Shuiliu and Zongliang some Xiandan, and they resigned.

Standing in the void, Xu Ziyan's mood was a little excited, and she finally had to return to the mainland.

In a few months, Xiaomumu had recovered, and Xu Ziyan sent the message of the mainland to her. Soon she became a small tree and shouted with a mouth open:

"Master, come to my mouth."

Xu Ziyan shook his head in a speechless manner, and his body shape shrank in the air, turning into a streamer and drilling into the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu slammed into one direction, and the air fluctuated like a water pattern, and Xiaomumu disappeared.


Rolling, rolling back and forth, rolling back and asking for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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