The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1700: Wu Zongdian

Over the sky above the mainland, the space fluctuated like a water pattern, and a small wooden wood was drilled from it, and a piece of mouth spit out Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately entered the purple smoke space with Xiaomumu, and let her return to the body. At the same time, she took a chaotic gas buried in the root of the building wood, which came out of the purple smoke space.

His eyes glanced down from the air, and his heart was inexplicably excited.

Xu family should develop well! Nowadays, the Xu family in the Zhongyuan Galaxy is taking off in the way of their own leadership. In the lower meta-galaxies, Xu Jia is getting stronger under the leadership of Xu Xingfan. In the vast mainland, Xu family should not have any problems!

Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was adjusted to the peak of the Mahayana period, and then the cloud flew toward the Lotus Peak, and the side of the road flew out to release his own knowledge. This way makes Xu Ziyan very satisfied, and the entire Cangwu continent is still a thriving color, and Very calm, after seeing from the opening of the three ancient ruins, the rejuvenation of the relics of the mainland, everyone focused on cultivation, indeed a lot less battle.

Unknowingly, Xu Ziyan has stood outside the Xu family, his body flashing, and has stood in the air above the main peak in the middle of the Lotus Peak, looking down to the bottom.

There are hundreds of three-year-old children standing neatly on the top of the mountain. A woman’s face is standing in front of these children, and she whispers:

"Today is the first day of your cultivation. You are the future of the family. According to the tradition of Xu family, on the first day of your family martial arts, you will visit the home of Xu Zi, the founder of our Xu family. You saw it. The bamboo building in front of us is the place where our founders lived and cultivated before. In this place, the founders of the Xu family broke through the peak of the late Mahayana period. Flying up the fairy world. You must remember that you are the descendants of Xu Ziyan, you are The strongest of Xu’s future..."

Xu Ziyan was hiding in the air and waited until the children dispersed. Xu Ziyan just dropped down and screamed:

"Clean snow!"

Xu Qingxue turned to the first place, and his look was sluggish there. For a long time, I wiped my eyes hard. This is surprisingly called:

"Ziyan sister, is it really you?"

"It's me!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile.

I got the approval of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qingxue rushed over, but flew to the front of Xu Ziyan, but stopped, the excitement, excitement and worship on his face. Intertwined. Xu Ziyan knows that Xu Qingxue is now the patriarch of the Xu family. He has been in a high position for a long time. The demise of the children has made her feel embarrassed.

Xu Ziyan opened his arms without hesitation and saw Xu Ziyan open his arms. Xu Qingxue’s face also showed a happy smile, and Hu Ziyan hugged tightly.

"Hello is okay!"

"Everything is fine!"

"I... parents are okay!"

"The parents...the body is not very good."

"Come and take me to see!"

Two figures flew down the mountain and soon fell into a small valley. The scenery of this valley is extremely beautiful. A bamboo building, next to a medicinal garden, is in front of the bamboo building, and two lounge chairs are discharged. Xu Haoguang and his wife are lying on the sun loungers and basking in the sun. Both of them are full of white hair. The face is full of wrinkles, and the body is not much angry.

"Hey, mother!" Xu Ziyan "噗通" screamed in front of the second old man.

Xu Haoguang’s eyes were a bit stunned and they slowly sat up. The eyes fell on the body of Xu Ziyan. The turbid eyelids gradually lit up, and the outstretched hands trembled, and the voice was still lingering:

"Is it a smoker?"

"Hey, mother. It's me." Xu Ziyan cried.

"Good! Good! The smoke is back!"

Xu Ziyan stepped forward to support two people, and looked at the bodies of two people. As expected, the parents’ body has reached the last minute.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out two Zengshou Dan, to the current home of Xu Ziyan, such as Zengshou Dan, this kind of immortality is not lacking, usually Dan Yi and Dan Er will also refine some.

After taking out two gourd fairy liquids, the parents and the two swallowed Zengshou Dan. After that, they held their parents' hands with their hands. Xianyuan force slowly projected into the parents' body, helping the parents slowly refine the body. Zeng Shou Dan.

Xu Ziyan's movements are very slow, and the parents' body has aged to the limit. If the strength is slightly stronger, it may ruin the life of the parents.

However, these are really not a problem for Xu Ziyan. One and a half steps of Xian Wang regulates the body of two old people who are almost mortal. There is no problem in controlling.

Over time, the muscles of the Xu Haoguang couple's sagging muscles began to slowly tighten again, the wrinkles on the face gradually disappeared, the hair and eyebrows completely fell off, and then the black hair grew again. After that, the body began to discharge impurities, because Xu Ziyan's cautious, full use of five hours of time, Xu Ziyan will fully refine the life of Dan, since then Xu Haoguang couples have another millennium life. At this time, the Xu Haoguang couple is also like a middle-aged person.

Xu Ziyan lived in the lotus peak, chatting with his parents every day, personally licking his head and his father to open the medicinal garden, and cooking with his mother.

Xu Ziyan completely gave up the cultivation. In the vast mainland, where there is no fairy power, it is impossible to cultivate. However, what Xu Ziyan did not think is that this relaxation has further enhanced her mood.

After half a year, Xu Ziyan opened a dojo in the Lotus Peak. After three months of continuous sermons, he gave a large number of Xiandan Xianfu and fairy wares to the family. Finally, he rebuilt the family's guardian squad. The land and parents quit. She did not think that she would bring her parents to the fairyland, but the body of the parents and mortals could not withstand the nourishment of the fairy sect, and it would not only be of no benefit, but would explode the parents' bodies.

There is no mortal in the fairy world, but even if they are mortals, their physical qualifications must be stronger than those in the celestial world. Because after all, they are subjected to the nourishment of Xianyuan in the mid-term. People in the world can't match it.

Xu Ziyan left the Lotus Peak. First, he went to the north to destroy the thousand faces that had been sealed by him. Later, he came out to make trouble, and then went to the South.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing in the air, looking at the crack in the space that was constantly rotating in the sky. At this time, the space crack has become a little smaller. At the beginning, Yang Linglong went from here to the mainland of the warrior. Xu Ziyan is very curious, what kind of continent would it be?

In the light of today's Xu Ziyan's understanding of space, naturally, there is no fear of such a space crack, and when Yang Lingyi was safely worn in the past, he would have no problem. However, it is also a dangerous thing to have such a space crack. Although this space crack is almost a dead end for the monks in the Mahayana period, it is extremely dangerous for the Mahayana monks. However, once a monk came to the side of the mainland from the opposite side of the military, Yang Linglong was a problem. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is ready to look at the past and then seal the crack in this space.

Xu Ziyan’s figure flew into the crack of the slowly rotating space. The entire passage was filled with space debris. These space fragments circulated rapidly in the space cracks. Xu Ziyan released his own boundaries and blocked the space. Out of the way.

Xu Ziyan knows from the inductiveness in the world that it seems that after many years, the space debris in this space crack is more. In this case, let alone the monks of the Mahayana period, the monks in the late Mahayana may not be able to pass. . However, this spatial channel on this level of the mainland is still too weak for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's speed is very fast. After about two hours, there is a light spot in front. Xu Ziyan knows that the end of the light spot is the mainland of the warrior, and the body shape "嗖" is worn out, and then the blue sky is seen. Looking down to the bottom, it is the appearance of a town. Presumably, the crack in the space on their head has existed for a hundred years, and there should be many people coming in for exploration in this hundred years, but they will never go back. Therefore, no one is paying attention to this space crack in the air.

Xu Ziyan's body shape suddenly disappeared, and when it appeared again, it was already in a small forest on the side of the road.

Out of the grove, it is a small town in front of Xu Ziyan, a small river passing by in the middle of the town. When she heard that the town was called Tiandu Town, she couldn’t help but laugh. This is similar to the name of her hometown, but the scale is much worse.

The gods spread out, and there was a glimmer of light in the eyes. There was a temple at the foot of a mountain. Although it was small, it was an atmospheric structure. On the door of the hall is a plaque with three words:

Wu Zongdian.

The figure disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it was already standing inside the hall of Wu Zongdian. Looking up, there was a smile on his face. There is a statue in front of the main hall, which is like the appearance of Yang Linglong.

"Who are you? Even dare to privately sect Wu Zongdian!"

A voice came from behind the purple smoke, Xu Ziyan looked back and saw the three warrior-like people looking at her with a look of caution, the big sword in her hand has pointed to her.

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, and the cultivation of these three people was too low. Xu Ziyan raised his hand, and a banned cloth was set up, whispered:

"Come here, tell me about Yang Lingxi."

What is Xu Ziyan now?

That was the half-step Xian Wang's cultivation. At this time, the sound contained in the sound, so that the three people lost themselves at once, and went to the front of Xu Ziyan in confusion, and spoke up.

After three people spoke, Xu Ziyan soon understood. Yang Linglong has become a legend in this warrior continent and has become a godly existence.


Buy the bottom pink!


*(To be continued~^~)

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