The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1702: In the early days of Xianwang (one more pink)

Time is rushing, and ten years are passing.

The soil properties of Xu Ziyan have already reached the realm of Dacheng, and they have a solid foundation. Therefore, it is only less than half of the refinery of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan has broken the soil property into the realm of great perfection.

The breakthrough of this attribute is finally like the last straw on the camel. The original purple smoke has accumulated to the critical point of breakthrough. Now it is broken by the soil property. The barriers in the body are broken, and Xu Ziyan has broken through. The beginning of the fairy king.

The change of Xianyuan Li on the colorful island immediately alerted all the people, and they came out from the cave house and looked forward to it. It is those monks who were also retreating from the customs, because the movements of Xu Ziyan are too big and have affected the retreat of others.

"Ziyan is the breakthrough of the immortal king!" Xu Haotian said with delight.

"Yeah, this is the first fairy king of our family!" Xu Zhenshan said excitedly.

The gate of Dongfu was opened, and Xu Ziyan came out from the inside. The immortal king who couldn’t hide was inexhaustible, and all the Xu family’s monks were in vain.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape left the colorful island in an instant, and the Xu family’s monks felt that they had left the colorful islands and followed Xu Ziyan.

Watching a fairy king robbery, this is the first time for all the Xu family monks, who are not willing to give up this opportunity.

After Xu Ziyan chose a small island, he stopped and looked up at the robbery cloud that was accumulating in the sky. He sank into the purple smoke space and quickly swept through the purple smoke space. Then turned into a big hand and grabbed the Thunder giant sword from the endless void.

Seeing the appearance of the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan’s heart is a pain. At this time, the Thunder's Great Sword has been dull and the breath is extremely weak. Has fallen into a deep sleep.

Xu Ziyan took the Thunder giant sword out of the purple smoke space and inserted it on the ground around him. Stroking the hilt and saying softly:

"Thunder the Great Sword, give you lightning for a while!"

A giant sword was inserted on the ground, and Xu Ziyan sat next to his knees, waiting for the robbery to descend.

The air robbery condenses. A super large black robbery cloud vortex is being generated, shrouded in a few squares, slowly rotating, stacked layers of layers above the clouds, the golden snakes fluttering, the road lightning is faintly visible.

The waves whizzed over the cliffs, above the island.

A giant sword was inserted on the ground next to the giant sword. Xu Ziyan sat cross-legged and lowered his eyes slightly.

one person! A sword!

Just like the ancient existence!

However, as time went by, Xu Ziyan gradually felt uneasy because it had already passed three days and the day had not been lowered. After another three days, the robbery was still lowered. This shows that the day robbery is still brewing, but you can imagine the power of this day.

Another three days.

It’s been nine days, and the huge whirlpool that slowly rotates in the sky has finally opened a portal, and the dense thunder squadron has rushed out of the portal.

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at her face. Because she saw not only the Thunder fairy, but also the Thunder fairy in the Thunder. Although the number is small, there is only one. However, Xu Ziyan is very clear, as long as he has smashed this Thunder fairy crystal, he will immediately rush out a Thunder fairy from the robbery cloud.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan can not manage so much. Hold the handle of the Thunder's Great Sword in both hands. Struggling to hold the Thunder giant sword in his hands and whispered:

"Thunder the Great Sword, this time let you and me join forces!"


Xu Ziyan suddenly slammed the sword to the fairy, and the fairy would burst. At the same time, there were countless Thunder Xian soldiers, and the thunderous lightning that turned into a thigh was coming to the Xu Ziyan crit.

Xu Ziyan held the hilt in one hand. Pressing the blade with one hand, the Thunder giant sword was placed in front of the body and pushed toward the front.


Numerous lightning bombardment bombarded the Thunder giant sword, but at this time, after all, the Thunder giant sword fell into a deep sleep, not actively to absorb lightning, so there is still a small part of lightning bombarded on Xu Ziyan.

For the day robbery, this is only a small part of the lightning, but for Xu Ziyan it is already a lot. Xu Ziyan immediately felt that his body was filled with a lot of lightning power, did not dare to neglect, immediately run the sword to determine the power of these lightning, while quenching his skin, meat, tendons, bones, marrow, dirty, pulse……

At this time, from the sky in the robbery cloud portal, a Thunder fairy will lead a large number of Thunder Xian soldiers rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are sharp, and when the Thunder will be rushed to the front, with a wave of arms, a sword will smash the fairy again.


The two waves of annihilation attacks were superimposed, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan were lost in the eyes of everyone. The entire body shape of Xu Ziyan has been wrapped in lightning.

"The situation of purple smoke is very bad!" Xu Tianwo said worriedly.

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang also said with anxiety: "How do I feel that the purple smog is much better than before?"

"Qin Yang, that is because every sneak sneaked by the purple smoke now has a more powerful Thunder fairy." Xu Haotian frowned and said.

"There will be no problem!" Xu Zhenshan said with confidence: "Which day does the purple smoke not let us stunned?"

"That's also true!" The look on the faces of several people relaxed slightly.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan in the lightning center did not have a trace of relaxation, and there is a tendency to collapse. Nowadays, because of the thundering of the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan did not dare to open the purple smoke space to introduce lightning. Only relying on themselves and the Thunder giant sword to regenerate these lightning.

One day passed, Xu Ziyan did not know how many Thunder will have been smashed. At this time, she held the Thunder giant sword tightly, and the body quickly ran with the sword.

Her body is almost unable to stand up, but there is also good news, that is, her body is very close to the peak of the late eight-piece fairy, as long as it breaks through the peak of the eight-character ware, his body will be repaired immediately. And the resistance is immediately enhanced.


The momentum of Xu Ziyan suddenly broke out. This is the main body of Xu Ziyan breaking through to the peak of the eight-character fairy. The power between heaven and earth furiously poured into the body of Xu Ziyan, quickly repairing the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Tiantian, who has been worried about Xu Ziyan, and others have long breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Zhenshan said easily:

"How? I said nothing wrong? The body of Ziyan broke through again. Presumably this day robbery should be able to pass."

Xu Ziyan's body was quickly repaired, and there was a Thunder fairy rushing down. Xu Ziyan slammed again and slammed. The Thunder and the Thousand Thunder will be turned into lightning and shrouded to Xu Zi. The situation has entered a stalemate stage, and what Xu Ziyan has to do is to survive the time of the robbery.

Two days later, Xu Ziyan could not hold on, but Xu Ziyan was not very worried, because under the tempering of this Thunder fairy, her body strength was also rapidly increasing, and now she has reached the breakthrough of nine products. The critical point of the device.


The power between heaven and earth once again converge toward Xu Ziyan, that is, thousands of lightning can not stop. The body strength of Xu Ziyan broke through to the early stage of Jiu Pin Xian, and the various functions of the body damaged by the Thunder quickly recovered.

"This... the body of Ziyan broke through again..." Xu Qinyang said with a snarl.

The side of the Xu Tianlang is also a face of envy, people like him like the power of the body, so you can go crazy to fight.

This time, Xu Ziyan, who broke through to the early stage of Jiu Pin Xian, significantly enhanced his ability to resist the robbery.

After a full four days, Xu Ziyan’s body felt discomfort. But this is also a sign of the crisis, the strength of the body has continuously broken through a small order and a large order. If you want to make another breakthrough in this day, it will be more difficult. As time goes by, I am bound to be forced to the brink of collapse.


Xu Ziyan sighed softly. It seems that he has lost a lot of money in this robbery. Maybe he only used the fairy and the fairy to drag the time. I don’t know if it can be dragged over.

"do not worry!"

At this time, a voice came from the Thunder giant sword, which made Xu Ziyan feel excited:

"Thunder the Great Sword, have you recovered?"

There was a bitter smile from the Thunder giant sword in his ear: "There will be so fast, but just wake up."

at this time. The sound of the Thunder's Great Sword has a strange look: "You are really not a gimmick. Even the Thunder fairy will be brought out. This is just a slaying of the king. I really don't know if you will be a lord when you robbed the emperor." What is the situation? Leave it to me! This Thunder will be a threat to you, but it will be a big supplement for me."

The words fall. The Thunder giant sword broke free from the hands of Xu Ziyan and infinitely magnified in the air. When the volley is over, a Thunder fairy that has just flown out will be smashed, and then the enlarged sword body will completely absorb the thunder, and no trace falls on Xu Ziyan's body.

At this point, Xu Ziyan did not need lightning forging, she could not break through this day, and at this time she needs to restore her lost body.

I took out a piece of clothing and wore it outside, then I sat under the Thunder's sword with my knees, swallowed the medicine and began to repair the body, stabilizing the realm of the fairy king.

After another nine days, the thunderstorm in the sky finally dissipated, and the Thunder giant sword also hit a full return to the purple smoke space. In the sky, there is a cloud of clouds, and the sound of the celestial sounds, the colorful energy is poured from the sky into the body of Xu Ziyan.

So three days later, the colorful energy shrank back into the air until it disappeared. Xiangyun dissipated, the fairy sound disappeared, and everything was restored to calm.

Xu Ziyan looked up, she felt that she was now being squeezed out by this world, and she had a tendency to fly involuntarily to the void.

She knows that this is the world that reminds me that she should leave here and go to the upper galaxies. And she also felt that there is a passage in this hidden world.

勉 force suppressed this trend, Xu Ziyan smiled and flew toward Xu Haotian and others.


*(To be continued~^~)

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